Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions


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An excerpt from the bestseller

“ How to Completely Change Your Life in 30 Seconds ”

By Robert C. Worstell - edited from the talks of

Earl Nightingale

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Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions - 1

To spur your mind to new action, think combination,

adaptation, substitution, and rearrangement.

What are some of the best techniques for using our creative

faculties more effectively to solve problems, make decisions,

achieve goals, and better fulfill our ultimate human

responsibility, which is to think? Here are a few I have


Think Combination

Everything you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell during the

day offers you the opportunity to consider new

combinations. When you brush your teeth, you might think

of a toothbrush that contains the toothpaste in the handle.

You might combine your mirror with a motto reminding

you to start the day right. It might read, “How can I

increase my service today?” or “Have no small dreams!”

That's thinking combination. A simple pencil is a

combination of wood, carbon, rubber, paint, and metal.

You can come up with great ideas that can lead to profits,

patents, and even billion-dollar companies by finding new

combinations yourself. Here are a few ways entrepreneurs

have profited from thinking combination.

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Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions - 2

Think Adaptation

Velcro was created through adaptation. In 1948, George de

Mestral, a Swiss engineer, returned from a walk through a

field of weeds one day and found some cockleburs [burrs]

clinging to his cloth jacket. After studying one of the

cockleburs under a microscope, he noticed it was a maze of

thin strands with burrs (or hooks) on the ends that cling to

fabrics or animal fur. He then recognized the potential for a

practical new fastener. It took eight years to experiment,

develop, and perfect the invention, but now Velcro is a well-

known, incredibly useful product. Velcro has even been

further adapted for making all kinds of products better -

from shoes that use Velcro instead of laces, to adjustable

Velcro wrist straps on boxing gloves.

During the next year you are going to see the result of

people thinking adaptation and coming up with ideas worth

millions of dollars. Why couldn't one of these people be

you? The only limit to what you can achieve by adapting old

products to new uses - old methods to new applications - is

the limit of your own creativity.

Report excerpted from How to Completely Change

Your Life in 30 Seconds

Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions - 3

Think Substitution

When you think substitution, ask yourself how you might

substitute a different idea, product, or material for the one

now used. For example, soy burgers are the vegetarian's

substitute for meat products.

You can also take an existing product and make it better

through thinking substitution. Take, for instance, luggage

with wheels. This was a wonderful invention because it

eliminated the need to carry luggage. But, for years the

wheels were made of cheap plastic, often only a step better

than dragging your luggage on the ground. It wasn't until

recently that someone decided to replace these cheap plastic

wheels with the high-speed ball-bearing efficient wheels

from Roller skates. This substitution created a better

wheeled suitcase and made for happier travelers.

In short, don't assume because a particular thing has always

been used in the past, that you have to use it now.

Perhaps there's a substitution that will work better or last

longer, or cost less, or be lighter, or more colorful, and so

forth. Think substitution.

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Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions - 4

Think rearrangement

How about turning something upside down? What's the

problem with typical ketchup, mustard, and salad dressing

bottles? It's hard to get the contents out, especially when

the contents are running low. The solution? Manufacturers

are now creating the bottles to stand upside down so the

contents are always easy to get out.

What do you work with that can benefit from this kind of

thinking? What can you turn around ... revolutionize?

Rearrange things, change pace, alter sequence, start from

scratch. This type of thinking works for everyone. For

instance, salespeople can use these creative techniques to

discover new applications for products or services, new

ways to emphasize customer benefits, new ideas or product

combinations to solve customer problems, better ways to

organize their time and effort.

If you want to spur your mind to new action, think

combination, adaptation, substitution, and rearrangement.

You'll be amazed with the ideas you'll develop. Before long,

you'll be thinking in each of these ways as a matter of daily

course. This kind of thinking increases the scope of your

Report excerpted from How to Completely Change

Your Life in 30 Seconds

Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions - 5

mind power and enables you to achieve fuller use of your

mental capabilities. Let your mind work for you. Take

nothing for granted. Everything can be changed, improved.

The only thing you can count on for certain is change. Don't

wait for it - be an agent of change. Help bring change about.

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Four Techniques for Creative Revolutions - 6


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Report excerpted from How to Completely Change

Your Life in 30 Seconds