Funding for Innovation for Creative Enterprises


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Funding for Innovation for Creative Enterprises

11 September 2015


Jenni YoungMarketing and Centre DirectorDigital Catapult



Patrick Towell, Chief ExecutiveGolant Media Ventures


Who we are

An innovation agency for creative, cultural and digital sectors

• Coaching & mentoring • Training & development• Advice & support • Commercial & public benefit• Funding • Business models • Intellectual property• Service & experience design • Data exploitation• Organisational change • Content distribution


Who we work for, with, funded by

Agenda9.30 Welcome – Jenni Young (Digital Catapult)9.40 Introduction – Patrick Towell (GMV)9.55 Innovation and IP in the UK economy – Rosa Wilkinson (The IPO)10.20 Growth Accelerator: Business Growth and Access to Finance – Aziz Rahman (Grant Thornton)10:35 Growth Accelerator: Growth Through Innovation – Patrick Towell (GMV)10:50 Coffee break11.00 Creative KTN – Mitra Memarzia (Creative KTN)11.15 Horizon 2020 – Callum Lee (BOP Consulting)11.30 R&D tax credits – Patrick Towell 11.45 Introduction to working session – Patrick Towell 11.55 Working session 12.40 Feedback from working session12.55 Case study: Cinegi – Mandy Berry1.10 Case study: Mint Digital – Tim Morgan

Funding landscape

• UK & EU• Public & private• Equity, debt, crowd, P2P…• Understand media/creative/entertainment or…


What innovation funding needs• Compelling market opportunity

– Market dynamics, focus, segmentation– Sizing, growth justification– Competitor analysis and positioning

• Clear portfolio of products, services, content, experiences…• Identifiable and defensible IP (and other intangibles)• Business models

– Revenue models, pricing, profitability– Delivery models, partnering, costs– Channel/distribution strategy


Rosa Wilkinson, Innovation DirectorIntellectual Property Office


Aziz RahmanOn behalf of GrowthAccelerator Now part of the Business Growth Service


Introducing the Business Growth Service

Name: Aziz RahmanJob Title: Business Growth Manager

Email: 07500882027

What is the Business Growth Service?

Business Growth Service

Measures of Success

GrowthAccelerator KPIs

• £2.8 billion GVA (£108k GVA per participant)

• 70,000 new jobs (2.7 new jobs per participant)

• Target to recruit 26,000 participants nationally

• £200 million of finance to be raised

How will the Business Growth Service be measured?

• Realised Gross Value Add (GVA) • Realised Job Creation• Forecast GVA and Jobs• Participant Satisfaction across

every aspect of the participant journey

• Stakeholder Recommendation

Business Eligibility & Suitability

SMEs< 250 employees

Max balance sheet 43m Euro(includes group assets)

Any sector

Any age

Registered in England


Ambition, Capacity andOpportunityto grow

How does it work?

Access to Finance

• Bespoke support through the finance raising process• Access to specialist finance coach to support investment readiness• Assistance with funding options including debt and/or equity funding• Introduction to appropriate funders • Access to GrowthAccelerator's Investor Relations team

Complemented by a series of up to three full day Finance specific Masterclasses

Business Development

• Business planning• Strategic planning• Marketing strategy• Organisational change• Improving performance and efficiencies• Recruitment and people management

Complemented by a number of free workshops

Growth Through Innovation

• New product/service development• Increase competitiveness • Research and development grant funding application support• Patents

Complemented by a number of full day masterclasses

Leadership & Management – all service streams

Up to £2k grant per eligible senior manager

• Self select training for business leaders to improve skills, knowledge & expertise,

• Match funding – company must contribute 50% towards the costs,• Statutory/operational training not eligible - must be focused on

improving leadership and management skills,• Training must be for senior management that are directly involved in

the strategic direction of the business.

Participant Feedback so far

98% report that they are on track to achieve the key milestones set out in their action plan

97% believe that GrowthAccelerator has been 'important' in increasing their ability to achieve these milestones

Understanding of your business

Business experience

Technical Skills






Participant Satisfaction with Coach Qualities

What is your investment?

Total package of support valued at £3,500 + VATIncludes coaching, GROWTHMapper, access to Leadership & Management training grants, Workshops or Masterclasses and Growth Community

To access the service, you pay:Employees (FTE) Cost to join + VAT *

1- 4 £600 (you receive a subsidy of £2,900) £700

5 - 49 £1,500 (you receive a subsidy of £2,000) £700

50 - 249 £3,000 (you receive a subsidy of £500) £700* VAT calculated against total package of support cost

ThanksName: Aziz RahmanJob Title: Business Growth Manager


Mobile: 07500882027

What is ‘Growth Through Innovation?


Slides used by permission ofYvonne Grady

Growth through innovation journey….

• Customised innovation coaching assignment• Innovation masterclasses• Leadership & Management development funding• Access to funded £3k IP Audit• Bespoke ‘design mentoring’ • Design workshop and masterclass


Customised Innovation Coaching

Bespoke ‘Scope of Innovative Support’ for the Company, including deliverables, timescales, roles and responsibilities

• Transfers skills and knowledge from the coach into the company – in order to change behaviours and improve company performance. Safe pair of hands

• Focus on:• Developing and commercialising innovation• Creating and building a culture of innovation• Building organisational capacity for innovation

Innovation Masterclasses

1. Creating Competitive Products & Services2. Understanding unmet Customer Needs3. How to Generate New Ideas4. Collaboration & Partnering for Innovation5. Developing an Innovative Organisation6. Understanding, Protecting & Exploiting my IP7. Finding & Winning Grants for Innovation

Growth Accelerator Customers can access up to two Masterclasses per Company

Intellectual Property Audit

• Accessed only via ‘Growth Through Innovation’• Objective – SME to gain a clear picture of their intellectual

property assets• Evidence that IP strategy and audit would add value to

growth ambitions of the business• £3000 IP audit with small contribution from business £400• Carried out by IP Attorney or Practitioner – client choice• IP audits - monthly competition


IP Audit ReportIncludes action points for how to best leverage value out of and how to manage IP and is tailored to the specific needs of the business/project. Audit covers some of the following;• Patents - identify pending applications, granted patents, potential patentable technology

and potential patent infringements • Trade Marks - identify registered and unregistered trade marks, searching procedures

prior to introduction of trade mark• Designs - identify registered and unregistered rights, possible protection through Design

Right/Community Design Right, possible infringements• Copyright – identify copyright (databases, websites, photography, film

marketing/promotional material) and ownership/assignment of copyright • IP Management - to include confidentiality (or non-disclosure) agreements, trade

secrets, technical know-how, employee agreements and dissemination of IP policy throughout the company#createinnovfund

Design Mentoring Offer…

• Accessed only via ‘Growth Through Innovation’• Bespoke design coaching for SMEs• Design mentoring supports the transfer of skills and

knowledge e.g. project management, outsourcing, project brief/specification (key SME weakness)

• 50% grant funded support for ‘Design Coach’ not implementation

• Grants range from £800 minimum to £3000 maximum

Design Mentoring/Coaching

• Experienced Coach facilitating transfer of knowledge/skills to support SMEs with; Branding designProduct designProcess designService design

• Access to design workshop and masterclass


How do we support SMEs?

Setting a plan for growth and developing scalable innovative solutions Identifying new market opportunities/new routes to market Developing competitive products/services Understanding customers needs Identifying IP and understanding how to protect it Developing leadership capability, building a future team, attracting and

retaining talent… Design Mentoring Developing the organisational culture

Why innovation is important to growth….

New product/process/service development Attraction and retention of new customers Standing out from the competition Using design as a strategic tool is powerful differentiator Improving quality Reducing costs Conserving the environment

#createinnovfund @KTNUK

Dr. Mitra Memarzia @mitra_m 11 Sep 2015

Golant Media Ventures: Funding for Innovation for Creative EnterprisesThe Knowledge Transfer Network


What we do— KTN is the UK’s innovation network. It brings together businesses, entrepreneurs, academics and funders to develop new products, processes and services— We help business to grow the economy and improve people’s lives by capturing maximum value from innovative ideas, scientific research and creativity

The Knowledge Transfer Network @KTNUK @KTN_Creative

The Knowledge Transfer Network

Connecting people to accelerate innovation

InterdisciplinaryBringing together businesses and researchers from different sectors.

CommercialIntroducing innovators to public and private funders and investors.

StrategicConnecting people who wouldn’t usually meet to solve innovation challenges.

EntrepreneurialLinking people with new ideas and technologies to partners and customers. @KTNUK

Clustered communities, groups and business programmes

Focus is on bringing together groups that would not normally meet @KTNUK

MaterialsChemistryEnvironmental Services


ICTElectronics, Sensors & PhototonicsDefence & SecuritySpace

Built EnvironmentTransportEnergy

Creative IndustriesDigital EconomyDesign

Sustainability, H2020, International, Access to Finance, Design

Clustered communities, groups and business programmes @KTNUK

Business programmes— Sustainability— Design— Horizon 2020— International— Access to funding & finance

National and local @KTNUK



• Collaborative Research & Development (CR&D)• Feasibility Study• Innovation Contests• Launchpad• Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI)• Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP)


INNOVATION VOUCHERS- Designed to help businesses gain the knowledge they need to

innovate and grow.- An Innovation Voucher can help your business to work with an external

expert for the first time by paying towards the cost of their services. - £5k for SMEs to work with ‘Knowledge suppliers’ to help their

businesses address a real challenge, not just a small improvement or change to what they currently do.

- 4 rounds of funding every 3 months. Over 100 vouchers are issued each round.


SMART GRANTS• Proof of Market

- This grant enables companies to assess commercial viability.- Max. Grant £25k. Up to 6 months. 60% of total project costs

• Proof of Concept- A grant to explore technical feasibility .- Max. Grant £100k. Up to 18 months. 60% of total project costs

• Development of Prototype- To develop a technologically innovative product or service. - Max. Grant £250k. Up to 2 yrs months. - 35% of total project costs (Medium), 45% for small & micro.

Digital Innovation Contest: TV & Film – Rovi Corp Winner: Portal Entertainment

Digital Innovation Contest: Fashion – HolitionWinner: The Unseen

Digital Innovation Contest: Clinical Excellence – BupaWinner: Genix

Monthly Business Drop-in sessions

16 Sept Digital Catapult Centre, London:

17 Sept, Tech Hub, Swansea:

Thank you

Callum LeeDirector, BOP Consulting



Funding for innovation for creative enterprisesOpportunities in Horizon 2020




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Musikalsk -MEDEA @ Malmo University

New ways to experience classical music

Horizon 2020

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Waag Society, Brunel University, Stromatolite

Connecting ICT and Art

Horizon 2020

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The four types of “action” in Horizon 2020



Some calls of relevance – Leadership in Emerging Technologies

Call Aims Likely contribution

ICT20 – 2017: Tools for smart digital content in the creative industries

To maximise the potential for re-use and re-purposing of all types of digital content

EUR 0.5 – 1m

ICT21 – 2016: Support technology transfer to the creative industries

Support creative industries SMEs in leveraging emerging ICT technologies for the development of innovative products, tools, applications and services with high commercial potential.

EUR 2m

ICT22 – 2016: Technologies for Learning and Skills

Innovation in digital learning EUR 2m

ICT19 – 2017: Media and content convergence

Make the best use of technology for reaching out to new audiences, adapting to the digital era and thriving in the connected Digital Single Market

EUR 2 – 4m



More calls of relevance – Societal Challenges

Theme Likely areas of interest

Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

ICT-enabled public sector innovation

Digital cultural Heritage

Dynamic urban futures

CO-CREATION-2016/2017-6: Understanding co-creation in the public sector



EUR 50k6 months

EUR 1 – 2.5m1 – 2 years



FP7 Winning proposals (2007 – 13)

Your chances

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Find me at


Patrick Towell, Chief ExecutiveGolant Media Ventures


R&D tax credits

Have you ever…

• Solved complex technical or scientific challenges even though at the beginning you weren’t certain how?

• Dealt with unexpected problems along the way?

• Spent more time and money on it than you intended?

• Needed to put in more effort and money to exploit what you learnt and get a return on investment?


R&D tax credits

What do you need to do?

• Have activities that are liable to corporation tax

• Work out which costs you can legitimately claim – what HMRC will consider ‘proper’ R&D

• Have your accountant submit each R&D tax claim as part of an annual return

• Consider consulting lawyers if you have had other public funds or aid, such as SEIS or Innovate UK funding.

Working session

• Type of enterprise– Film/TV production– Digital production (games/TV/mobile)– Publishing (books/mags)– Major arts, culture, heritage– Smaller arts, culture, heritage– Ad/marketing agency– Food, fashion, or design– Public body

• Target demographic– Children– Young people– Middle age– Older people

• Market– UK– International

• Type of content/data/technology• Revenue model• Current revenue• Stage of growth

– Concept– Prototype– Early stage– Growth– Expansion

• Funding already acquired

Mandy BerryChief Executive, CinegiFounder Director, Golant Media Ventures



HOW IT WORKS• Filmed media rights management

• Secure distribution

• Web-based platform and desktop app

• Download over public internet using standard broadband

• No proprietary kit

• Screening in full HD

…“as easy as home entertainment”


Film societies Village halls Arts centres


Touring circuits Theatres Independent cinemas

Colleges Community centres


WorkplacesTourist attractionsHigh street pop-upsFestivalsOutdoor public spacesSports & leisure venuesSocial clubs, church halls



Catalogue – packaging, programming & booking

Paperless box office & admissions reporting


Download Manager

In-venue Playout

• As easy to use as a catch-upTV service

• No special training required





re d






Web application design &







Media, metadata

& collateral


Player design

& software



Public funding & corporate support 2011-12

VC Investment 2014

- Research into audiences and alternative venues

- Business modelling for alternative content

Public funding 2013

- Gap finance

- Market analysis, product strategy, business planning

- Management & administration resources

- Platform & player built

- Team in place

- Initial content secured

- Private beta in South West

- Funding from public funders and commercial partners

(no equity/rights taken)

- Proof of concept – created technical, commercial &

legal blueprintInnovation support all stages 2010-14

Digital R&D Fund for the Arts

• Keep it simple

• Be open

• Partnerships

• Leverage your funding

• Tenacity83


Tim MorganCEO, Mint DigitalCreative Europe Desk UK


Mint DigitalThe Funding Journey

One : About Mint

Two : The Funding Journey

Four : What didn’t work

Three : What worked

Five : Lessons Learned

OneAbout Mint

• Tesco• Goldman Sachs • Channel 4• Benetton• Agatha Christie• Ipsos Mori• Speedo• BBC• About 100 others!• Fox

• About 100 others!

• Sticky9• Boomf• DeskBeers• The Bathory• deskcamping• Projecteo• Picklive• TubeSocks• About 30 others!

Client Services Ventures

Crystallise learnings and insights


Meet users, show ideas, experiment

Immersion1 Cycle

Create ideas and prototype them


Make a simple, seamless experience that people love, use and share

Digital Product Development

TwoThe Funding Journey

Putting food on the table

Digital Product Development


Mini Instagram projector. $18,000 goal, $87,000 hit on Kickstarter.

MintDigital Product Development Studio

Sold to Sports Millions June 2012

Techcrunch Europas: Highly Commended

Sold to PhotoBox June 2013

Webby Honoree

ThreeWhat worked


Mini Instagram projector. $18,000 goal, $87,000 hit on Kickstarter.

FourWhat didn’t work


Mini Instagram projector. $18,000 goal, $87,000 hit on Kickstarter.

FiveLessons learned

• Funding is not a business goal in itself.• You need room to make mistakes.• Great propositions get funded.• Crowdfunding is great but there are caveats.• Successful funding is a combination of great

concepts, proofs and hard work.• It is fair.

Lessons learned

• “If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Get in touch!Building resilience and agility

• Innovation and realising opportunities from digital• Making new revenues, reaching new customers• Distribution strategy and organisational change

Designing new products and services• Realising the full value of content & data• Devising new entertainment, cultural & information propositions• Developing creative, technical and business solutions

Getting value from data• Making data a strategic asset• Using data to realise your creative and commercial ambitions

Public funding and private financing• Securing funding from a mix of funders• Being investment ready – proposition & business modelPatrick Towell patrick.towell@golantmediaventures @golantmedia

Thank you for attending!
