Further research into trailers


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  1. 1. Further Research into Trailers
  2. 2. Blood Diamond Trailer
  3. 3. Analysis This Blood diamond trailer has follows the common elements of a typical trailer. At the beginning of the trailer it starts of slow with slow music and with a voice over introducing the film. This is common in a lot of trailers. The pace then picks up as the trailer moves on in the middle. This effect is given through using short cuts from the film and adding them together. Then towards the end of the trailer the pace slows down to bring the trailer to an end. The sound also plays a major role in this trailer as it does in all other trailers. It adds context to the images on screen and tells the audience how to feel about what is occurring in the trailer at the time. It follows the same structure as the images, as at the beginning of the trailer the pace of music is slow and then picks up in pace in the middle of the trailer then towards the end it slows down. The use of dialogue in this this trailer is very effective in the way that that the clips used are meaningful and will help to capture the audience. This trailer works well as an advert as the way that is structured has a massive affect on the audience. The idea of using dramatic dialogue will help to entice the audience to encourage them to watch the film.
  4. 4. Taken 2 Trailer
  5. 5. Analysis The Taken 2 trailer follows the same sort of pattern as any other typical trailer. However I have noticed that when the pace picks up in the middle there is a point in the middle where it slows back down and uses dramatic dialogue to create emotion to engage the audience. The general structure of the trailer works really well as an advert especially as this film is a sequel to Taken. Surprisingly in this Taken trailer there isnt any voice over used like in most other trailers. All that is used is dramatic dialogue that is taken from the film and some of which is used to make it seem as though it is a voice over.
