Hello Engagement

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Ramblings on engagement and its implication on strategy. Short, simple. Food for thoughts.

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Hello, Engagement!

by @tobiaswacker

Hello Engagement! by @tobiaswacker

All about planning

Some thoughts on engagement and its strategic implications

Engagement seems to be one salvation for challenges marketers face, at least for the

moment. Engagement is much bigger as we believe, and a marketing term which deserves

the hype and buzz it enjoys.

However, just to ’engage’ is not enough. We need to know more, to systematise

the process.

All about planning

The engagement ecosystem



Social media 


Crowd sourcing 

Swarm intelligence 


All about planning

Old school: 4 P’s of Marketing, Communication strategy

P P P P Product Promotion Placement Price

[ [ [ Communication strategy

Which messages should be communicated in which

style to whom via which channels with which objectives?

All about planning

New school: 4 E’s of Marketing, Engagement strategy

E E E E Experience Evangelism Everyplace Exchange

[ [ [ Engagement strategy

Which topics and subjects should be discussed and exchanged

with which cultural groups with which objectives?

Source: http://www.ogilvy.com/On-Our-Minds/Articles/the_4E_-are_in.aspx

All about planning

New school COMPLEMENTS old school

The recent shift in marketing theory is fundamental. 4Ps, introduced in the 60ies

of last century, are complemented by the 4E’s, especially in the digital world.

All about planning

Engagement strategy Communication strategy

Brand strategy


Bringing a brand from A to B. Defining WHAT the brand is/should stand for.

Defining HOW the brand will brought from A to B.


