Knowledge Management




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Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) program for the company to •Systematically and formally share and transfer learning concepts, best practices and other implicit knowledge.

•Organize and transform the captured knowledge•Facilitate its usage at right place and in right time.

The essence of this program is to capture the available abundant knowledge assets in form of tacit (experience, thumb rules, etc.) and explicit (literature, reports, failure analysis etc.)

Knowledge Management

"KM Index“Measurement of performance of KM system

Guidelines for Contribution Points (50 Max.)

1 Not relevant to Tata Steel ORIt is purely a suggestion ORNot referable, not usable ORAlready in the KM database

2-3 Basic/ Old article, standard procedures & Referable

4-5 Take from a new Research Paper, article, etc. & May not have been tested in Tata Steel but tested successfully elsewhere & can give benefits

6-7 On the job experience, not a commonly known knowledge &Tested successfully/ unsuccessfully in Tata Steel &If successfully tested, is repeatable to give benefits

8-10 New experience, not a commonly known knowledge &Tested successfully in Tata Steel &Deployable/ Adaptable in other areas to give tangible gains

"KM index“Break up

FY 02 FY 03

Contribution & Royalty

70 50

Community/ Feedback

30 (All through


40 (30 through


Usage NIL 10

Increase in collaboration, conversation amongst the

employeesMaking the experts expertise available throughout the

organization.Reduce loss of intellectual capital from people leaving the

company.Reduce cost by decreasing and achieving economies of

scale.Minimize redundancy of knowledge-based activitiesIncrease productivity by making knowledge available

more quickly and easily

Benefits from Knowledge Management system

Promote innovationsGive equal opportunities to all the individuals to express

and share their knowledge.

Above all, the best reason for Tata Steel to embrace

knowledge management is strategic; to gain a competitive

edge in the marketplace by turning intellectual assets into

value through innovation.

Benefits from Knowledge Management system
