Learn to listen // Business tools at S4DS



Listening is very important: In the sales business, what your client says to you, can be the key to achieving. Learn more at www.s4ds.com

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Learn to listen:

The key to understanding a costumer


• Listening is very important:In the sales business, what your client says to you, can be the key to achieving .

• As humans, we all communicate in different ways: Through this course you will learn the different types or phases we use when we speak.


Different Meanings1. Content — the literal meaning of the words spoken.

Example: “I have a problem” means exactly that… that person has a problem.

2.  Phonetic — the enunciation and tone of the words spoken. Example: “Yes, we have a problem.” means something different form “YES! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!” We can speak louder, softer, faster or slower. And they all give a different meaning to the words spoken.

3. Purpose — the reason or point that is trying to be communicated. It is not the same if we ask for information about a service that in if we reclaim about a bad service.

4. Word Catalog — the emotional meaning a person associates with specific words. For example, when some once curses to express their anger or when someone uses this word on

a daily basis. 5. Internal Dialog — the thoughts in our minds.

When we say something, but we are thinking something else.

6. Physical — the manifestation of all of the above in expressions, breathing and gestures

Different Meanings


“In sales situations, as in most human interactions, what’s said (content) is often far less important than why it’s said (purpose), how it’s said (phonetic), how it’s heard (word catalog), when its said (relative to whatever is going on in the hearer’s internal dialog) and how it appears to the eye and feels to the gut (physical) when it’s said.”


Quiz1. Why should we aware of what and how are we saying things when doing business:a)It could help us improve our selling techniquesb)It really doesn't matter, most persons don´t realize who we say thingsc)In business, you should just say things how you think

2. What of the 6 items mentioned are the most important:a)Content and phoneticb)Word catalog and physicalc)All of them are important

3. What should you in order to fully understand what´s really going on in a conversation:a)a) Take in only what you see and not what you hearb)b) Open yourself up and take both what you see an hearc)c) What is being said is still more important than what your body communication reflects


1. A2. B3. C