Life Of Mumbai, People Of Mumbai - Humansofmumbai


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People Of Mumbai

The Perfect Pose | Humans Of Mumbai

Seen at Mumbai Metro - waiting patiently to be clicked.

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Perseverance | People Of Mumbai

What is the one thing that keeps you motivated?"


When was the time when you felt most persistent?

Every day, actually. I initiated a project named Nayantara during which I faced many rejections and negative responses. But that did not stop me. I overlooked it and it did work well over time.

What is Nayantara? Could you please tell us something about it?

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Innocence is one of the most exciting

things in the world

Seen at Marine Lines

There is an innocence in admiration:

It occurs in the one who has not yet

realized that they might one day be


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Daughters Are My World

I am selling Kulfi since 37 years now

Is that your full time job?

No - I sell kulfi in summer season and

get back to farming in rainy season.

Do you enjoy this work?

Yes - it is very nice feeling to serve

people authentic kulfi. There's no

struggle, with this job or in life. What's

not to like about my work?"

What about your family?

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Do Your Duty, and Leave The Rest to


It is not easy to be work at Salt Pan's

What is the difficult part of working at a Salt Pan?

I have to manage a big setup. I have 35 workers with me to manage this big place. Everything has a time. It is a process which needs to be followed.

If i understand right, this is not your JOB for whole year, what do you do during rains?

I am also a farmer and that is our main occupation since decades. I work at farms during rains and after rainy season is over we come here.

Do you earn enough in these 7-8 months of working here at the Salt Pans?

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