Managing Time


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46-75 Congratulations! You are managing your time very effectively!


You are good at some things, but there are room for improvement elsewhere. Focus on how you improve yourself in different areas and you will most likely find that work becomes much less stressful


Ouch! The good news is that you've got a great opportunity to improve your effectiveness at work and your long term success. However, to realize this, you've got to fundamentally improve your time management skills

Item Analysis

Skills Questions

Goal Setting 6, 10, 14, 15

Prioritization 1, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15

Managing Interruption 5, 9, 11, 12

Procrastination 2, 10, 12

Scheduling 3, 7, 12


Ms. Maria Fe B.

TIME MANAGEMENTWorking Smarter to Enhancing Productivity

Contents and Overview

Definition and Importance

Skills for Effective Time Management

Other Important Tips

Common Management Mistakes4




Did you know?

• About 56% of those started in college in 2007 have

finished their coursework in their campus in

Washington based on the study on students’

enrolment and graduate studies

• 75% of high school students in Kidapawan National

High School attends late to their respective classes

(Action Research conducted in KNHS in 2011)

• According to Cebu City Vice Mayor Joy Young, “High

teachers have been late for class 56 tomes, others

40-47 times within three (3) months.”


It is the act of planning and exercising

conscious control over the amount of time

spent on specific activities especially to

increase effectiveness, efficiency and

productivity (

It is the process of organizing and planning

how much time you spend on certain activities

It refers to the way that you organize and plan

how long you spend on specific activities


√ Get organized—the triage of

paperwork and tasks

√ Protecting one’s time by insulation,

isolation and delegation

√ Achievement through goal-

management and through goal-


√ Recovering from bad habits (e.g.



Greater productivity and efficiency

A better professional reputation

Less stress

Increased opportunities for advancement

Greater opportunities to achieve important life and career goals


To-Do List

help you stay on top of important

projects and piles of undone tasks or



o Write down all of the tasks that you need

to complete. If they're large tasks, break

out the first action step, and write this

down with the larger task

o Run through these tasks allocating

priorities from A (very important, or very

urgent) to F (unimportant, or not at all


Key Points

To be well-organized in the workplace, you need to

practice making To-Do Lists or Action Programs.

This ensures the following:

o You remember to carry out all necessary tasks

o You tackle the most important jobs first, and don't

waste time on trivial tasks

o You don't get stressed by a large number of

unimportant jobs

Activity Logs

Also known as activity diaries or Job

Activity Logs

It is a written record on how you spend

your time

They are useful for helping you identify

non-core activities that do not help you

meet important objectives.

How to Keep an Activity Log

o Set your activity log with the Date/Time,

Activity Description, Duration and


o Note down everything that you do at

work as you do it

o Write down the duration of each activity

and whether it is high, medium, low or no

value task

Learning from Activity Logs

To boost your productivity in work, analyze

your activity log through the following


– Eliminate or delegate jobs that aren't part

of your role, or that don't help you meet

your objectives

– Schedule your most challenging tasks for

the times of day when your energy levels

are highest.

– Minimize the number of times you switch

between types of task

– Reduce the amount of time you spend on

legitimate personal activities such as

making drinks

Key Notes

• Activity Logs help you track changes in

your energy, alertness and effectiveness

throughout the day, and they help you

eliminate time wasting activities, so that

you can be more productive

Effective Scheduling

It is the art of planning your activities so

that you can achieve your goals and

priorities in the time you have available


o Understand what you can realistically

achieve with your time

o Make sure you have enough time for

essential tasks

o Add contingency time for "the


o Avoid taking on more than you can


o Work steadily toward your personal and

career goals

o Have enough time for family and friends,

exercise and hobbies

o Achieve a good work-life balance


o Identify Available Time

o Schedule Essential Actions

o Schedule High-Priority Activities

o Schedule Contingency Time

o Schedule Discretionary Time

o Analyze Your Activities


It is the essential skill that you need to

make the very best use of your own

efforts and those of your team.

It is also the skill that you need to create

calmness and space in your life so that

you can focus your energy and attention

on the things that really matter.


It is a powerful process for thinking about

your ideal future, and for motivating

yourself to turn your vision of this future

into reality


o Setting Lifetime Goals

o Setting Smaller Goals

o Start Working on Them

Other Important Tips

Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations and

activities for a week

Any activity or conversation that's important to your success

should have a time assigned to it. To-do List and Appointment

Books work

Plan to spend at least 50 percent of your time engaged in the

thoughts, activities and conversations that produce most of your


Schedule time for interruptions

Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day

Other Important Tips

Take five minutes before every call and task to decide

what result you want to attain

Put up a ‘Do not disturb’ sign when you absolutely have to

get work done

Block out other distractions

Remember that it's impossible to get everything done

Common Time Management Mistakes

Failing to Keep a To-Do List

Not Setting Personal Goals

Not Prioritizing

Failing to Manage Distractions

Procrastination Taking on too Much

Thriving on "Busy"


Not Taking Breaks

Ineffectively Scheduling Tasks

How Good is your Time Management?

IntroductionVideo 1

Effective Time Management

IntroductionVideo 2

Tips on Time Management

Facebook GroupQuestions?

Anything you’d like to add?


Ms. Maria Fe B.

TIME MANAGEMENTWorking Smarter to Enhancing Productivity