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前置き:IT/ICTで重要なのは,”デザイン”と”実験”である. スタートアップ文化を具現化した組織・経営管理をどのように実現するか. API産業間連携,プラットフォーマーとスタートアップの連携をどのように実現するか.これからは疎結合がキーワード. 一例として みらい翻訳 設立。

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  • 1. Minoru Etoh, Ph.D.SVPNTT DOCOMO1 @mickbeanNov.28th,2014

2. Pre-Summary IT/ICT API 2 3. Connecting the dots.3 4. What is Innovation?Joseph Schumpetersneuer Kombinationen(Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung)4 5. All technologies are combinations oftechnologies that already exist. Combinatorial Explosion Creates EconomyW. Brian Arthur5 6. 2014/1/25 7:00http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXNZO65754400T20C14A1X22000/6 7. 7 8. 1999 8 9. v.s. 9 10. 11. AWSEC2 RDS S3VPC EMR DynamoDB 12. Want to increaseinnovation?Lower the cost offailure. 13. 1. 2. 3. 13 14. 1. 15. URL:http://www.39works.net15 16. http://matome.naver.jp/odai/213277257074882570116 17. HustlerHacker Designer17 18. (PDCA)18 19. 39 WORKS 19 20. Fail Fast, Fail Cheap 21. EIR)ServiceBrushup Investment 21 22. 22 23. POC(JointVenture MVP23 24. 24 25. 25 26. 39works 3a. b.PoC PoC39works AWSPFPF c. B2B B2B B2CB2B)26 27. URL:http://www.39works.net27 28. IT28 29. 29E-commerceIoTetc.UX over Legacy AssetsITAPIBB 30. Summary of Silicon Valley 2014Enterprise AppPaymentMobile CloudWeb / Internetof ThingsBig data3D printingE-commerceDrone, RobotsAIRecent investment from top VCs Trend from recent eventsFinancialSmart homeWearableLast Second EconomySecurity HealthcareEducationBitcoinSocialSharing Economy Media 31. IT Uber, AirBnBBC B2014 NTT DOCOMO. All Rights Reserved.C BIT()C BDISRUPT12Startup 32. (MVNO) ()C B C B2014 NTT DOCOMO. All Rights Reserved.UIUX()DISRUPT(Sier) ()APIStartup 33. APIECONOMY33 34. UX over Legacy Assets: Consumer+APISimple34 35. APIBBBC35 36. B2BRise of Cloud(i.e., AWS) API StartupsLocation Billing Analytics Communication AuthenticationBanking Shipment Print Healthcare Translation36 37. TAAQo::: u cI3Wth, 7wh t6eaihl6ntle m hi isCso! o tlhhdnoe cil nidhe ie2rn.i0g2h 0st.c ohfe Mdut.l eF uojfi ?the Tokyo Olympic Games? 38. API as Catalysts+ Character Recognition,Environment Sensor,Data Storage BOX,LocationInformation, Mobile Payment, and more. 39. Knight Rider Proj. in progress 40. API ECONOMMY 41. 41 42. (EIR)ServiceBrushup Investment 42 43. 43 44. JVCons:JVPros: 44 45. ASEANAPI 46. 47. TAKEAWAYS: KEYWORDSWorks, API
