Optimise Your Videos: Bringing Valuable Content on the Web



It is a must for SEO marketing Sydney specialists to optimise the content of the websites they are working on for their clients. Types of content include articles, blog posts, images and videos. These content are very vital in optimisation processes because they help make a website make or break online. What’s more, without it, how can a business market its offering, introduce trends or share information without it?

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Optimise Your Videos: Bringing Valuable Content on the Web

It is a must for SEO marketing Sydney specialists to optimise the content of the websites they are working on for their clients. Types of content include articles, blog posts, images and videos. These content are very vital in optimisation processes because they help make a website make or break online. What’s more, without it, how can a business market its offering, introduce trends or share information without it?

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Why Video?

Video is one of the most important content a website should have. At times, you cannot bore your visitors to read your text to death. If your visitors are not in the mood to read, your articles or blog posts, not matter how well-written and optimised, will just be for nothing. But put in a video on your page, and you will have your videos coming back into your website for more.

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Video content is much more compelling than articles and blog posts. If a picture can say a thousand words, video indeed can speak thousands more. Most users seek out videos as you would love to rent movies from a video rental or download (il)legally. If you have been into YouTube regularly and have followed its success, you will know why.

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- 60 hours of video uploaded every minute in YouTube.

- At every second, one hour of video is uploaded.

- More than 800 million unique visits every month

- More than 3 billions hours of videos watched every month

- Last year, the world’s most popular video-sharing website recorded over a trillion views.

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These jaw-dropping statistics does not only prove the popularity of YouTube but the popularity of videos. But don’t be surprised yet. Expect these numbers to double by next year.

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It is more fun to watch than to read, and videos keep eyes on the site. It is an effective way to engage your users for interaction and helps visitors get to know more about you, your website and purposes. It can impact people more emotionally and spur their interest on subjects which they never knew about before. Remember Kony 2012?

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Optimising Your Video Content

For your videos to generate traffic and income for your business, you should use high ranking keywords in your titles, descriptions and tags. Make sure these keywords are prominent and highly competitive. They should be clear and concise, not resorting to craftiness and cleverness. Do not even forget to include store location and even a few teaser details of your products or services.

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You have two options for posting your videos: Post them on social media or sharing sites or host it from your website. These two options are advantageous on your part.

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If you post on YouTube, Facebook or any other social media and sharing websites, you do not have t worry about finding viewers. With YouTube and Facebook both having millions of millions of viewers worldwide, you have higher chances for higher viewership. Moreover, videos posted on such websites can rank higher in search engine results and achieve ‘viral’ status.

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By hosting your content from your own website, you can generate increased traffic to your website. This also helps to increase inbound links and get people to know more about you.

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Videos can present the exciting side of your business to your visitors, provided that your content is optimised according to ethical SEO marketing Sydney strategies. With such optimised content, you are in the position to provide valuable information to your target audience.