Power sector mis

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Power SectorPower SectorGroup -1 Group -1

Anima Roy Anima Roy N-11N-11J.K. VashishthJ.K. Vashishth N-29N-29Kapeesh RastogiKapeesh Rastogi N-31N-31Kavita SharmaKavita Sharma N-33N-33Kinshook ChaturvediKinshook Chaturvedi N-35N-35Mayank SwamiMayank Swami N-42N-42Nitin MarjaraNitin Marjara N-47N-47Zia Al Nasir KhanZia Al Nasir Khan N-86N-86

Power SectorPower Sector



GenerationPower Sourcing


TRANSCO – 220/66 kV Grid Station (G/Stn.)

Xpresss Consumer

NDPL –66/11 kV G/Stn.

NDPL –11kV/ 220V DT

CGHS(HCB Consumers)

NDPL –66/11 kV G/Stn.66/33 kV G/Stn.

HRB / HCB Consumers

NDPL –11kV/ 220 V11kV/ 440 V


KCG Consumer

NDPL – 11kV / 440V DT

HVDS Network 11 kV / 440 / 220


NDPL –33/11 kV G/Stn.

NDPL – 11kV/ 220 V Distribution Transformer

JJ Clusters -LT ABC Network


HRB / HCB Consumers

24 X 7 Service Delivery24 X 7 Service Delivery

Politically SensitivePolitically Sensitive

Theft Prone Theft Prone

Privatization acting as a barrier to the “Free Lunch”

Privatization acting as a barrier to the “Free Lunch”

Power GenerationPower GenerationIndia has fifth largest power

generation capacity in the world.Installed capacity of 162 GW (about

4% of global power generation).Per capita consumption 704 kWh

(world average at 2300 kWh)11th plan target of 1000 kWh per

capita consumption requires additional 100 GW power generation by 2012.

Power TransmissionPower TransmissionThe current installed transmission

facility is only 13% of total installed capacity.

Ministry of power plans to establish integrated National Power Grid by 2012 with 200,000 MW power generation and 37,700 MW (additional 20,750 MW planned during 11th plan) inter-regional power transfer capacity.

Power DistributionPower DistributionTransmission & Distribution losses

stand at 33% substantially higher than global benchmarks.

Reforms have been undertaken through unbundling State Electricity Boards into separate power generation, transmission & distribution units.

Privatization of power distribution initiated through outright privatization or franchisee route.

Power Distribution Power Distribution continuedcontinuedWhile there has been slow and

gradual improvement in metering, billing & collection efficiency, the current losses still pose a significant challenge for power distribution companies.

Generation HistoryGeneration HistoryFull scale asset management & mappingPredictive, preventive and routine

maintenance managementWork order generation, activity scheduling.Open system platform and database

managementEnterprise-wise documentation

managementManual logging of DataHuge Man power deployment.Vast count of instruments and data.Persons expertise required to run the


Generation History Generation History Cont….Cont….

Manual follow up for running equipment in sequence.

No automatic alarm generation in case of fault.

No analysis provision available in the case of fault.

Auto staring of stand by equipment in case of failure of one is not possible.

Remote monitoring and control not available.

ABB Automation System in power Plant

Gross Generation 2004-05

Hydro 84497 GWh

Nuclear 16638 GWh

Thermal and Wind 486031 GWh

No. Villages electrified 498286

Length of Transmission & Distristribution lines

6497727 Circuit km.

Per Capita consumption 606.2 kWh

Loss-- Transmission, Distribution,  Transformation and Unaccounted energy



Transmission HistoryTransmission HistoryAnalog meters need logging of data by

persons.Controlling of over drawl by utilities is not

possible.Lot of time is required to collect and

summerise data for transmission lines running in 100’s of KM.

No Grid discipline.Localised operation was possible. Quality parameters( Voltage, frequency

andPF) monitoring was missing Non availability of monitoring system was

one of the reason for not connecting different regional grids.


Was introduced in 2002

As the name SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) implies its functions are two fold:

Scans the monitored system, obtaining and deriving data about the state and operating behavior of devices

&Provides the capability to send

control signal out to those devices to modify their operation


Intra-state ABT is a techno-economic tool for bringing rational tariff structure for supply of electricity from State generators to the distribution Licensees.

It is a mechanism for enforcing discipline in the Grid.

Benefits of Intra – State ABTa) Benefits to the Power System

Brings about grid discipline by maintaining frequency in prescribed band (49.5 to 50.5 Hz).

Ensures optimum utilization of available generation capacities.

Enhances opportunities for Open access, and Trading of electricity.

Scope for encouraging competition among generators.

SCHEDULINGFollowing processes of Scheduling has been automatized:

Declared Capacity (Input) Entitlement Generation Discom’s requirement (Input) Open Access Transactions Inter Discom Transfer (Output) Drawl Schedule Generation Injections Schedule Generation Unrequisitioned surplus Generation Schedule generation on the basis of generation back-down. Printouts of the schedules on the intranet portal of SLDC. Automatic uploading of schedules on SLDC website on the

lines of WRLDC. Automatic calculation of Inter-discom Transfer of surplus


Distribution HistoryDistribution History Power cuts

◦ Poor network.◦ Long distribution lines.◦ Outdated equipment.◦ No Preventive maintenance

No power in most of the villages even cities face the same problem.◦ Low level of Generation◦ Lack of Transmission network.◦ Power to all by 2012.

Loss level of Rs 26000 Crore. National Level of Loss 55%. High T&D Losses. No MIS Generation.

Distribution HistoryDistribution History Commercial losses.

◦ Theft of Electricity◦ Non Payment of Bills◦ Faulty meters◦ No proper reading of meters◦ Long processing time for Bills◦ Manual bill preparation for energy consumed.◦ No tracking of non payments.◦ Loop poles in the billing system and high level of

erroneous bills.◦ Free power to vote banks.

No asset management No balance sheets. IT implementation in piece meal basis. Core business operation having no IT


Parameters for MonitoringParameters for MonitoringRevenue EnhancementCost ReductionShorten consumption to collection

timeOutage time / PLFUnits GeneratedQuality

◦Stable Voltage and Frequency.◦Enhanced customer Experience.

Loss level monitoring( Energy Audit)

Best In Class Companies

(i)Generation ◦ Ontario Power Generation◦ National Thermal Power Corporation

(ii)Transmission◦ Power Grid Corporation


◦ Baltimore Gas and Electric Company◦ Torrent Power

Generation: Ontario Power GenerationGeneration: Ontario Power Generation OPG's generating portfolio has a total capacity of over 21,000 megawatts

(MW)Operates 65 hydroelectric, 5 thermal, 3 nuclear power stations 2009 generation mix consisted of 51% nuclear, 39% hydroelectric and 10%

thermal electricity Nuclear Fleet

(i) Generating Capacity :- 6606 MW

(ii) 2009 Output :- 46.8 TWh

(iii) Currently generating :- 5167 MW Hydroelectric Fleet

(i) Generating Capacity :- 6963 MW

(ii) 2009 Output :- 36.2 TWh

(iii) Currently generating :- 2042 MW Thermal Fleet

(i) Generating Capacity :- 8177 MW

(ii) 2009 Output :- 9.5 TWh

(iii) Currently generating :- 3424 MW Throughout 2009, the availability of our hydroelectric stations remained at

consistently high levels, finishing the year at 94.8 per cent. The nuclear stations achieved a capability factor of 84.0 per cent in 2009

Generation: National Thermal Power Generation: National Thermal Power CorporationCorporation Installed Capacity - 28840 MW Generation - 218840 Mus PLF - 90.81 % Availability Factor - 91.76 %

Transmission: Power Grid Corporation of Transmission: Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.India Ltd.

POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country, is responsible for providing matching transmission network for generation capacity programme under Central Sector, implementation of various system strengthening schemes, load dispatch & communication schemes and inter-regional link s

Company Performance (figure in crores) Turn over : 4082 ( 66% Growth ) Net Profit : 1229 ( 78% Growth) Gross Asset Base : 29015 (111% Growth) Net Worth : 10668 ( 58% Growth)

Distribution: Baltimore Gas & Electric Distribution: Baltimore Gas & Electric Supply Co.Supply Co.

For nearly 200 years, the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE) has met the energy needs of central Maryland.

 Customer Base is spread across approximately 2,300 sq. miles, including Baltimore City and all or part of 8 Maryland counties in central Maryland

More than 1.2 million electric customers

Residential - approximately 1.1 million

Commercial and Industrial - approximately 122,100 Total Revenue : $2,680 million (63% Residential, 22%

Commercial, 2% Industrial) Average use per residential customer: 13,020 kWh annually

Distribution: Torrent PowerDistribution: Torrent Power

Torrent Power distributes over 10 billion units of power to annually Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and Surat – the industrial and commercial hubs of Gujarat.

 Over 1.9 million customers spread over an area of 408 Sq Kms in these cities are served

AT&C Loss level : Torrent Power Ahmedabad : 8.9% (FY 2008-2009) Torrent Power Surat : 7% (FY 2008-2009)
