Regional Land Use Planning Progress Update Tac 071907

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Update of the Regional Land Use Planning process.

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Regional Land Use Planning Initiative

Progress Update

Technical Advisory Committee

July 19, 2007

Summary of Project Preparation

Develop Project Identity Develop Project Action Strategy

Discussed project purpose and work scope Identified project deliverables Discussed stakeholder outreach/engagement strategies Discussed project marketing strategies

Conduct Various Studies Conduct preliminary research and data acquisition/development Develop Committee Structure Proposal

Project Identity Development

Project Name: Going Places: An Integrated Land Use Vision for the Miami Valley Region

Project Main Logo and Sub-logos

Project Purpose and Work scope

Project Purpose Develop a shared land use

vision for the future Provide a resource to local

jurisdictions for their land use plans

Work scope Project Area: MVRPC MPO

Planning Boundary Project Timeline: July 2007 -

June 2011 Project Cost: $1 million

Project Deliverables

Every study conducted as part of the Regional Land Use Planning Initiative will have a separate study report. Examples include the Miami Valley Housing Assessment Study report and the Miami Valley Land Suitability Assessment – Natural Environmental Factors report

At the conclusion of each phase, an executive summary report highlighting findings from all the study reports will be assembled

All of the data generated as part of the study will be made available using: MVRPC Website GIS Online Planning Support System

Stakeholder Outreach/Engagement Strategies

Make presentations to share the 4-year process with various organizations Government and Non-Government agencies

Provide an E-Forum on the web site Design and host stakeholder engagement workshops during

Phases I and II Workshops will be topic-based and the preferred format is similar to the

safety and open space workshops, where a formal presentation is given by staff and is followed by an interactive session

Host public participation meetings during Phase II Upon completion of each phase, staff will make presentations to

various organizations and seek endorsements Further stakeholder outreach/engagement strategies need to be


Sharing Planning Process

Presentations on 4-year process outlined in the proposal were made to: Dayton Regional Network Dayton Area Home Builders Association Montgomery County Board of Commissioners City of Xenia Planning and Zoning Commission Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority City of Riverside City Council Miami Conservancy District City of Piqua Planning Commission Village of Yellow Spring Planning Commission City of Beavercreek Planning Commission Dayton Daily News Editorial Board

Sharing Planning Process

Presentations are scheduled with following organizations City of West Carrollton Planning Commission City of Oakwood Planning Commission and Council Miami County Board of Commissioners City of Dayton Plan Board City of Tipp City Planning Commission City of Miamisburg Planning Commission

Staff will be contacting more organizations to continue this outreach efforts

Project Marketing Strategies

Web site – Regional Land Use Planning web page under MVRPC web site

Project Business Card Further Marketing Strategies need to be developed

Update on Various Studies

Finalizing two studies under Phase I Existing Condition Assessment Miami Valley Housing Assessment Study Miami Valley Land Suitability Assessment - Natural Environment


The final report will be made available on the website by end of July

Presentation will be made at the next August/September TAC/Board meeting

Preliminary Research and Database Development

Conduct preliminary research for Phase I Commercial Market Assessment Study and Miami Valley Land Suitability

Assessment – Built Environment Factors

Conduct a local jurisdiction comprehensive planning survey Obtain the most current planning related documents and data to

incorporate individual community’s recent efforts and vision May 18 2007 – June 15, 2007 75% response rate (62 out of 83 jurisdictions)

Developing and/or acquiring various datasets including GIS data Acquired Water and Sewer GIS data Adopted Land Use maps and GIS

data from local jurisdictions In the process of developing regional dataset for water and sewer In the process of updating MVRPC Adopted Land Use GIS dataset based

on local jurisdictions data

For More Information

Visit MVRPC’s Regional Land Use Planning website at

Contact Donald R. Spang, Executive Director, at Martin Kim, Director of Regional Planning, at
