Strategies to get the most out of your business networking


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Strategies to Get the Most out of your Business

Networking/Referral Group

You have done your research and decided upon a

referral group that works for you. So now what?

How do you get value out of your membership?

Strategy One: Develop your 30 second to one

minute elevator pitch. Most groups will allow you

that much time to promote yourself. Practice saying

it out loud, even to family members or the family

pet if they will listen. The intent is that you become

comfortable saying it without getting nervous. This will go a long way in reducing the

performance anxiety that often accompanies shyness.

Strategy Two: Practice saying your name out loud and the name of your business. If you

haven’t developed your USP (Universal Sales Proposition) now is the time to do so.

Strategy Three: For your fellow group members to be able to promote your business you need

to teach them exactly what it is you do or have to offer. If the group offers a member showcase

as part of the meeting i.e. where members have an allotted amount of time to present to the

group, get yourself on the speaking schedule. Prepare and practice a presentation that

introduces yourself to the group. Subsequent presentations can allow you to demonstrate your

expertise or knowledge on a particular subject.

Strategy Four: Obtain a membership list for your group and send a postcard or thank you note

to all of the members of the group thanking them for allowing you to join them. It is a great

way to plug your business and offer your services to your fellow members.

Strategy Five: Develop a plan to go out for ‘coffee talk’ with each of your fellow members to

get to know them better and to share with them what your business is all about.

Strategy Six: If you are finding the networking in your club to be too challenging and out of

your comfort zone consider asking one of your fellow members to mentor you. Some people

seem to be natural networkers but in fact they are highly skilled. If they can do it, you can to.!

Strategy Seven: As a member you are expected to help build the club. Invite your fellow

business colleagues out to a meeting. If you are already a friend of theirs it can help leverage

your reach with your fellow members.

Strategy Eight: Some groups tend to sit down at tables as soon as they arrive in the meeting

room. Arrive five to ten minutes before the meeting starts and plan on staying an extra five or

so at the end. It can be a great way to have a quick conversation with a member that you

haven’t had the chance to get to know very well yet.

Strategy Nine: Try to sit across or beside someone different at each meeting. Again, a great way

to get to know your fellow members in a social setting.

Strategy Ten: Befriend a guest. This can be a good way to meet a potential business connection,

in a safe setting. Even if they don’t join your group you can still develop a relationship with


Strategy Eleven: Once you are comfortable with the group consider taking on a leadership role.

Serving as a ‘servant leader’ can help develop your influence which can help develop your

reputation as the ‘one to go to’ for help.

Probably one of the biggest challenges that members face is that they don’t see results as fast

as they would like to. It takes time to build relationships. People like to do business with people

that they trust. Learning to trust people and becoming a person that others trust may take a


“Each of us has a spark of life inside us, and our highest endeavor ought to be to set

off that spark in one another.” --- Kenny Ausubel

“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of

consistently applying basic fundamentals.” Jim Rohn

“You cannot succeed by yourself. It's hard to find a rich hermit.” Jim Rohn

Rae Stonehouse is the author of Power Networking For Shy People: Tips & Techniques to Move from Shy to Sly! Join our discussion on Facebook & LinkedIn. Just search for Power Networking for Shy People. Download as an e-book.

Copyright 2014 Rae Stonehouse, Live For Excellence Productions. The above document may be freely copied and distributed as long as the author’s name and contact info remain attached.

Top Photo Credit: Jodi Womack via Creative Commons at Flickr
