Tweets, Blogs And Widgets, Oh My


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Tweets, Blogs and Widgets, Oh My!

Web 2.0 for RecruitersNov. 12 2008

Carmen HudsonSenior Manager, Talent Acquisition,


Yadda, Yadda, Yadda

…she’ll talk to us about Web 2.0 and describe emerging trends in web technology that aim to enhance creativity, information sharing and collaboration. This fun, interactive session will go beyond LinkedIn to explore the world of social media, “cloud recruiting”, blogs, widgets and avatars. What is Web 2.0 and why should recruiters plug in? Do sites such as Twitter, YouTube and Second Life yield real-world hires? Carmen Hudson, Senior Manager of Talent Acquisition at Yahoo!, will share her experiences, wins and pitfalls of leveraging Web 2.0 to attract talent, as well as discuss exciting new tools on the horizon. Bring your questions and observations to prepare for this lively exchange!

At least you get lunch.

• What is Social Media?• What is Web 2.0?• Why should I bother?• So, where are the results?• What should I do?

Your concerns.

• Takes too much time• How to incorporate into recruiting• Will quickly be outdated• Not relevant for my candidate pool• I can’t get access to these tools at work• I’m not a techie – I don’t understand how to

use the tools• Legal obstacles• Cost• Concern about personal data• ROI - metrics

Where do you stand on stickers?

“Companies resist social media engagement for the same reason people resist authentic, loving

relationships — a fear of intimacy. “

-- Shannon Paul, Blogger, New Media PR Consultant

You’ve got to put yourself out there.

• What is Social Media?• What is Web 2.0?• Why should I bother?• So, where are the results?• What should I do?

Social Media

IS• Access on Demand• Dialogue• Transparent• Inclusive• Authentic• Vibrant, dynamic and

mobile• Candidate-driven

content• Listening device• To be EMBRACED

IS NOT• Regularly scheduled

updates• Monologue• Controlled• Exclusive• Product Driven• “On message”, static ,

dependent on one device

• Corporate messaging vehicle

• To be USED

Social. Media.

The future of LinkedIn

Social. Media.

It’s about the conversation.

Enhance Productivity Enhance Communication

Employer BrandingAdvertise and Market

Research/Competitive IntelligencePost or Broadcast OpportunitiesSearch for leads or candidatesEnhance Candidate Experience

Continuous Learning

Twitter: conversation on steroids

Twitter: The Remix

Or, Try Yammer

Case Study: E&Y

But wait, there’s more!

• What is Social Media?• What is Web 2.0?• Why should I bother?• So, where are the results?• What should I do?

What is this stuff about “clown recruiting”

That’s C-L-O-U-D, not Clown!


It is a style of computing in which IT-related capabilities are provided as a service, allowing users to access technology-enabled services from the Interwebs ("in the cloud") without knowledge of, expertise with, or control over the technology infrastructure that supports them

Let’s Make a Blog.

Right now.

Very simply, you don’t have to be a developer to create a rich online experience. It’s easy, fast and cheap – often free.

• What is Social Media?• What is Web 2.0?• Why should I bother?• So, where are the results?• What should I do?

There is only one good answer.


Engage when it makes sense.

Ability to find top candidates



Enhance Productivity

Employer Branding

Advertise Positions


Search for leads

• What is Social Media?• What is Web 2.0?• Why should I bother?• So, show me the results!• What should I do?

How do you define success?

Enhance Productivity Enhance Communication

Employer BrandingAdvertise and Market

Research/Competitive IntelligencePost or Broadcast OpportunitiesSearch for leads or candidatesEnhance Candidate Experience

Continuous Learning

Social Media is a foundation for building

rich relationships.

• Combine tools – no silversilver bullets

•Measure what you typically measure• Find what works for you

• Remember, you’re looking for leads and

you’re going to have to pick up the phone• Opportunity for you to become the expert

You’re going to have to get out there.

I am not a lawyer.

• What is Social Media?• What is Web 2.0?• Why should I bother?• So, show me the results!• What should I do?

Get out there. Connect.

How to spend Friday afternoon

1. Set up a LinkedIn or Plaxo account or group• Invite 20 people

2. Set up a Facebook or Myspace profile or group• Make 20 friends

3. Get a Twitter Account• Follow 20 tweeple, including peopleshark

4. Find 3 Blogs about social media/web 2.0• Subscribe via RSS feed

5. Set up a social bookmarking or document sharing account; explore links or presos about social media/web 2.o

6. Live with these accounts for a week – think creatively and evaluate how you might incorporate into your process – or not!

Be a leader. Be Creative.

• Join the conversation• Receive – and give• Sit back and watch• Lead the charge – put a sticker on your

computer• Start small, have fun• Find like-minded folks in your org• Experiment and abandon and return as needed• Be product- or vendor- agnostic until you find

something that works for you

Social Networks

Blogging, RSS Feeds

Microblogging, lifestreaming, mobile


Social bookmarking, social content, reputation


Chat, instant messaging

Audio, Video, Photo and Podcasting