Wk 9 follow policies and procedures


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Recap Week 8 5/09/2013

As previously discussed the child care industry is bound by may laws, regulations, standards and codes of practice.

There are also standards that are developed by particular groups within the industry and are meant to regulate the work behaviour of all people working in this industry

As previously discussed the child care industry is bound by may laws, regulations, standards and codes of practice.

There are also standards that are developed by particular groups within the industry and are meant to regulate the work behaviour of all people working in this industry

National Quality Framework Standards usually set out “best practice” standards for services and aim to ensure that organisations continually maintain a high standard of service delivery.

Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework is a federally endorsed framework to guide quality practice in early childhood services

Codes of Ethics usually set out obligations, guidelines and responsibilities of those working within the community services sector

These relate to service users, fellow workers, the community and the overall profession

What does the word “Ethics” mean?The moral principles by which a person is

guidedThe rules of conduct recognised in certain

association. Ethics is concerned with morals and

more specifically with how we go about or work in regard to our professional morals

Give me some examples of what your think working ethically means.

There are some important documents that will assist you in understanding more specifically how ethics works within community service organisations.

2 of these documents specific to children’s services are:

www.acecqa.gov.au – Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority. This is specific to the National Quality Framework – regulations, law, standards, assessment processes, ratings EYLF and MTMP.

aeca.org.au/code.html - The Australian Early Childhood Associations’ Code of Ethics.

Policies/procedures relating to Ethical behaviour

• Some policies or procedures that child care centres may have in relation to ethical behaviour of staff could be on;▫Fairness to all▫Merit selection in recruitment/employment▫Purchasing of resources▫Reporting of suspected wrong doing▫Observing codes of conduct▫Clear & respectful communication▫Honesty within the workplace▫Confidentiality▫Duty of care

Although there are many policies, procedures, standards and regulations to follow in the children’s services industry, workers must constantly make ethical decisions about their actions and professional behaviour that is in the best interest of their clients, co-workers and the organisation

When making decisions, a worker should not consider their private or personal interests

All decisions that are made should have the following qualities;

Integrity Truthful Honourable Reliable Moral

Openness/transparency Giving reasons for decisions Revealing all avenues available to the client Offering all information Communicating clearly

Honesty Obeying the law Following the letter and spirit of policies and

procedures Observing codes of conduct Fully disclosing any possible conflicts between

public and private interest

Accountability Recording reasons for decisions Submitting to scrutiny Keeping proper accessible records Establishing audit trails

Objectivity Fairness to all Impartial assessment Merit selection in recruitment and purchase of

resources Considering only relevant matters

Courage Giving advice fearlessly and frankly when required Doing the right thing even in difficult situations Reporting and dealing with suspected wrong doing Acting in the public interest above loyalty to

colleagues or supervisors

Information from the Independent Commission against Corruption www.icac.nsw.gov.au

Week 9 12/09/2013




There will be times when there is a situation that requires a difficult choice and there may be a conflict between core values

These are referred to as Ethical Dilemmas

FOR EXAMPLE A parent has asked you to provide phone numbers of other clients in the service because they would like to organise a social gathering

In this situation you know the parent is new to the area and is genuine in their request. However if you gave out the phone numbers, you would be breaching other client’s confidentiality

A solution could be for the parent to put up a sign about the social gathering on the notice board or you could ask permission from clients if they would like to give out their phone number

Determining what to do in difficult situations may involve balancing the needs of various parties

It may mean questioning what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour

In difficult situations we also need to think about all the possible consequences or outcomes of our decisions

You should always consult with your supervisor before making a decision on what to do

You may be faced with similar situations to these in any child care centre

It is important to think about what is the right thing to do before you have to make a decision.

Ethical decision making is not clear cut. Sometimes it may be about “following the rules” but often we have to decide what will have the best outcome for most of the people involved

You may need to consider how the relationships of those involved will be affected

Read the document..... Ethical Decision Making Model and look at the attached diagram.




A Code of Ethics will not necessarily provide you with a solution, but it can guide your decision making.

Don’t rush into a decision – be reflective

Wherever possible consult with a supervisor



You need to consider what may happen if this unethical conduct continues

A vulnerable person inadvertently may be put at risk

In this circumstance you must act and make a report

It is important that unethical behaviour is reported

You may need to decide whether to challenge the person directly or report the incident to management

The centre will have a policy/procedure for you to follow

Refer to the relevant Code of Ethics

