10 Reasons to Accept the Counter-Offer

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Congratulations! You’ve finally been offered that new job you’ve been working toward. So you put in your two weeks – causing outright panic in your organization. They’re thinking: “We are already stretched to the max. It will take months to find, hire, and train a new employee. Not only will that affect productivity, but it will cost us money.” So they slap you in the face with the counter-offer, and things start to feel a bit topsy-turvy: That raise you’ve been waiting for? It’s yours. The big promotion that never happened? Suddenly, you’re the gal for the job. The cubicle you were destined to inhabit for all eternity? Welcome to your new office! Suddenly, your decision to leave doesn’t seem so clear. Fortunately, there is help. Check out our "10 Reasons to Accept the Counter-Offer."

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