Case Study: SocialCops + Oxfam India


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Right to Education

Aggregating, analyzing, and mapping data from 1.4 million schools across India


| case study

The Problem1

6 million students in India are out of school, despite the Right to Education Act

In 2009, India passed the Right to Education (RTE) Act.

The act guarantees that every child from ages 6-14 has the right to free and compulsory education.

It also sets certain norms and rules to fulfill this right to education for every child.

Creation of barrier-free classrooms for students with special needs

25% reservation of seats in all private schools for students from economically disadvantaged communities

No more than 30 students per teacher

At least 1 classroom per student

However, as of 2015,

only 8% of schools in India complied with all RTE norms,

and 6 million children are still out of school.

“Inequality in India is rising at an alarming rate, putting the future of our country at stake. Education is the greatest

equalizer against inequality. By ensuring full implementation of RTE Act, we can achieve two things — quality education

for all children and reduction in inequality.”

Deepak XavierHead of Haq Banta Hai campaign

Oxfam India

Our Solution2

Creating an interactive scorecard on RTE implementation across the country

Oxfam partnered with SocialCops to build awareness around RTE gaps and show Members of Parliament where their districts were falling short. Our data intelligence platform was used to create an interactive scorecard with each district’s performance on key RTE indicators.


1. The absence of unintended changes or errors in some data. Integrity implies that the data is an exact copy of some original version, e.g. that it has not been corrupted in the process of being written to, and read back from, a hard disk or during transmission via some communications channel.

data jack (ˈdadǝ jak) n.

1. A wall-mounted or desk-mounted connector (frequently a wide telephone-style 8-pin RJ-45 ) for connecting to data cabling in a building.

Data Intelligence

data intelligence (ˈdadǝ inˈtelǝjǝns) n.

1. The process of transforming all available data — collected from the ground up, sourced from external data sets, and extracted from elaborate internal systems — into intelligent insights that make the best decision crystal clear.

2. The only logical way to make a decision in the twenty-first century.

data link layer (ˈdadǝ lingk ˈlāər) n.

1. Layer two, the second lowest layer in the OSI seven layer model. The data link layer splits data into frames (see fragmentation ) for sending on the physical layer and receives acknowledgement frames. It performs error checking and re-transmits frames not received correctly. It provides an error-free virtual channel to the network layer. The data link layer is split into an upper sublayer, Logical Link Control (LLC), and a lower sublayer, Media Access Control (MAC). one-

Our Platform

brings the entire decision-making process to one place. It makes even the toughest decision faster and easier.

Access external data

Collect data from the ground up

Connect your internal data

Visualize data and find insights

Transform and clean data

• Geospatial analysis • KPI tracking • Geoquerying • Strategic planning

Our Platform

Data about 1.4 million schools — including 150 data points on each school’s infrastructure, classroom-teacher ratio, pupil-teacher

ratio, and other RTE parameters — was sourced from Access.

Transform aggregated school-level data at a district level, then assigned weights to each parameter to create an overall RTE-

compliance score for each of India’s 640 districts.

The RTE-compliance score was visualized on an interactive map-based dashboard. This made it easy for government officials

and the public to find places with poor RTE compliance and understand where each district was falling short.




Our Process

1 2 3 4

Data cleaning

Data aggregation

Score creation

Data visualization

Data points mined and processed

430,000+Signatures on Oxfam’s campaign

348 million

2015Year of deployment

240Data points per school

philanthropysector involved

The Story3

Making sense of 348 million data points across 1.4 million schools

Data Aggregation1 2 3 4

Data from DISE (the District Information System for Education) was pulled from Access. The data covered 240 indicators, including…

Student-teacher ratio

Student-classroom ratio

Toilet facilities for boys and girls

Library facilities

Ramp facilities


Drinking water


Data Aggregation1 2 3 4


Our data goes through extensive verification and cleaning before being added to Access.

Data from everywhereData was sourced from PDF files, web pages, text files, images, and Excel files in the most obscure corners of the internet.

Data triangulationComplex algorithms were used to match data across many disparate, inconsistent data sets, all to zoom in on the right data points.

Trustworthy dataEvery data set was cleaned, checked for completeness and accuracy, and prioritized based on its relevance.

Data Cleaning1 2 3 4

After all the data was aggregated, it was cleaned and verified on Transform.


Consistency checksIncludes intra-variable checks (checking each variable for incorrect values) and inter-variable checks (ensuring that data across variables and geographies is consistent).

Data quality assuranceAll other checks needed to ensure complete accuracy, including vertical aggregations, missing value checks, and external validations.

Geographic aggregationEach data point needed to be matched with the correct district (using a master list of geographic standards), then all the data for each district had to be merged into a single data set.

Score Creation1 2 3 4

For easier insights, a single score was calculated for each district, and the districts were ranked by score.

The score provides a simple, quick way to…

assess the status of RTE implementation in a given district

understand how each district compares to other districts in the state or the entire country


Data Visualization1 2 3 4


Using Visualize, all of the cleaned, verified data was visualized in an interactive dashboard with…

district comparisons

interactive scorecard

search capabilities

Data VisualizationExamine data for each districtVisualize

1 2 3 4

Data VisualizationIdentify high and low-performing districtsVisualize

1 2 3 4

Data VisualizationFind the relevant Ministers of ParliamentVisualize

1 2 3 4

The Results4

Using data to raise awareness on critical education gaps

In March 2015, Oxfam India launched the dashboard as part of its Haq Banta Hai (Even It Up) campaign. The campaign has

collected over 430,000 signatures since then.

The dashboard was covered in the media and earned fans and

praise on social media.

“SocialCops is great at sourcing and visualizing data, but what is even more helpful was their immense support as a

thought partner while designing our campaign!”

Tamseel HussainDigital Communications

Oxfam India

About SocialCops5

Recognition We’ve garnered widespread support since our start in 2013.

2015 and 2016 “40 Under 40” list

- Forbes India: 2015 “30 Under 30” list - Forbes Asia: 2016 “30 Under 30” list

- Recognized as one of the top 10 emerging startups by Prime Minister Modi

- Selected as one of the 35 startups to visit Silicon Valley with Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the India-U.S. Startup Konnect in 2015

and more…- United Nations World Youth Summit Award - Global Social Entrepreneurship Competition - IBM/IEEE Smart Planet Challenge - Singapore International Foundation - Young Social Entrepreneurs - Aseanpreneurs Idea Canvas

Press and Media We’ve garnered widespread support since our start in 2013.

Data intelligence can be used to confront the world’s most critical problems and make a truly data-driven decision.Indian Management

Tracking data that solves problems is their mission.Economic Times

I am thrilled with the pioneering work that SocialCops is doing. We are limited only by our imagination in terms of how technology can address the challenges facing humanity.Manoj Menon, managing director (Southeast Asia) of Frost & Sullivan

SocialCops is taking big data in a direction that very few companies have been able to do: providing data and insights that can help solve real problems for most of the planet.Pankaj Jain, Partner at 500 Startups

Thank You!For more information or to request a demo of our platform, check out @Social_Cops
