Participatory design and older people

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Talk given to Edinburgh College of Art Design Informatics group on 7th November 2013. The talk focused on giving a very brief intro to participatory design, and then talked through three case studies of participatory design with older citizens.

Citation preview John Vines 1

Participatory Design with Older People

John Vines John Vines 2

What is meant by participatory and experience-centered design?

Case study 1: Banking for Eighty Somethings

Case study 2: Discovering assistive technology

Case study 3: NetCarers

Method reflections

outline of talk John Vines 3

what do I mean by participatory and experience-centred design? John Vines 4

a simple definition

‘Participatory Design (PD) represents [an] approach towards computer systems design in which the people destined to use the system play a critical role in designing it.’

- Schuler & Namioka, 1993, p.xi

… but it is often a lot more complicated than this! John Vines 5

warning: terminological overload!

co-operative design Participatory design (with a big P)

participatory design (with a little p)

co-design (collaborative design)  


The original term for Participatory Design use in Scandinavia in the 1970s-late 1980s

A view of end-user involvement in design to destabilise power structures and empower workers/users A view of end-user involvement in design to inform more approximately designed systems and provide grounded insight

A balanced and integrative approach to broad stakeholder and user involvement in design   As per co-design, but with core principle that all people (and not just designers) are creative and create their own systems John Vines 6

one time, in Scandinavia…

Participatory Design

Co-Operative Design a concern with the politics of system design

no technology is ‘neutral’

dislocation and deskilling of workers

exertion of the management's control over their workforce

- Kensing & Blomberg, 1998 John Vines 7 John Vines 8

questioning and alternatives

‘we must use our curiosity and creativity to question solutions […] we must use the insight to help ordinary users raise similar questions to the specific technologies proposed to them. This is an agenda that has many levels – from questioning well-established human-computer interaction paradigms, via questioning IT strategies on a societal level, to helping users in particular organisations participate in technological development. The latter is what we often call participatory design, but I would claim that it does not come without the former.’

- Bødker, 2003, p.88 John Vines 9

traditions and transcendence

a fundamental tension in all ‘user-focused’ systems design is balancing an understanding and incorporation of existing traditions with providing opportunities for individuals to transcend and break existing boundaries

- Ehn, 1989 John Vines 10

Participatory Design

Co-Operative Design

Experience-Centered Design

more terms… John Vines 11

experience-centered design John Vines 12

experience-centered design

sharing control John Vines 13

experience-centered design

lived experience John Vines 14

experience-centered design

sharing expertise John Vines 15

experience-centered design

dialogue John Vines 16

experience-centered design

boundary objects John Vines 17

older citizens: barriers and burdens John Vines 18

ageing populations

Ageing demographics - ‘Very’ old fastest growing age group worldwide

By 2050, over 65s will outnumber all children under the age of 14 worldwide

1/7th of all UK government public spending is on pensions John Vines 19

the challenge for interaction and service design Most human-computer interaction and interaction design research on the topic of ageing focuses on age-related functional decline, OR on negative perceptions of ageing:

-  Memory -  Attention -  Visual acuity -  Dexterity -  Hearing

See: See: Vines et al. (in press – but I can send you an unpublished copy)

-  Social Isolation -  Safety -  Risks -  Disease and

Health Conditions

-  Fun -  Enjoyment -  Pleasure -  Valuing Expertise -  ? John Vines 20

case study 1

banking for eighty somethings John Vines 21 John Vines 22

Materiality of finances; record keeping; localism; sharing with those they trust...

… pretty much all banking and payments policy

in the UK goes against these values John Vines 23

questionable concepts a collection of cards provided to

participants in a pack to take home with them after a workshop

each card has a pictorial illustration

of an idea – the idea relates to insights from the biographies or

invisible design discussions

the idea is ‘questionable’ – i.e., not entirely practical, feasible, and may in some respects go against the

values of participants

The card also includes a set of questions related to the ideas for

participants to answer John Vines 24

questionable concepts John Vines 25

questionable concepts John Vines 26

questionable concepts John Vines 27

questionable concepts John Vines 28

questionable concepts “If this actually came to pass it would

be just a way for the banks and financial institutions to make more money for the “fatcats” and the

shareholders and to exploit the man in the street”- Rita, 83

““hide it in code among telephone

numbers in my diary.” - Agatha, 81

“I like the idea on the front of an iPad type wallet … But you could also, I feel, have a card that you could put into a computer or a screen and you would call up your accounts, and see them.”

- Dolores, 81 John Vines 29

provotypes John Vines 30

case study 2

discovering assistive living technology John Vines 31

Great changes to healthcare provision in the United Kingdom and access to adaptations and aids:

-  including the way in which people can access information -  and how people ‘pay’ for these devices and technologies John Vines 32

lived experience of pre assistive living

A website that archives assistive products, gadgets and services for consumers to search and subsequently rate on predetermined scales, provide reviews and allow manufacturers and retailers to respond.respond.

consumer generated review site John Vines 33

invisible design short films, usually a dialogue

between two characters, about a new technology one of the

characters is using

used in group workshops to prompt discussion

the technology is in the scene but

never ‘seen’ (hence invisible)

created to promote discussion about the experiences and context of use of the technology, and not

physical qualities of the interface or system John Vines 34

invisible design John Vines 35

invisible design cards John Vines 36

lived experiences of discovering ALT

mixed perceptions of where professional expertise lies

resentment of advice

using peers as sources of expertise

dealing with a crisis of a body in transition – discovering what is out there to help you is also self-discovery John Vines 37

identifying needs, barriers and opportunities

Pre-paid postcards packaged with products and services that ask owners to respond to a series of simple questions after a set period of time using their new purchase.

product postcards

Small simple recording devices to share spontaneous tips and recommendations occurring from word of mouth and fleeting conversations with friends and strangers.

vica voce John Vines 38

case study 3

netcarers John Vines 39

Reduction in state funding for professional carers to visit peoples homes:

-  greater emphasis on “rewarding” volunteer carers who help people living in their community

-  how people ‘pay’ for these will also be changing – spending credits for care John Vines 40 John Vines 41

Phase 1: Defining the ‘starting scenes’

Phase 2: Rehearsal workshops

Phase 3: Performance development

Phase 4: Voice validation workshop

Phase 5: Public voice workshop

experience design theatre John Vines 42

experience design theatre John Vines 43

experience design theatre John Vines 44 John Vines 45

some references

Bødker, S. 2003. A for Alternatives. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems . 15, 1, 87-89.   Briggs, P., Mark Blythe, John Vines, Stephen Lindsay, Paul Dunphy, James Nicholson, David Green, Jim Kitson, Andrew Monk, and Patrick Olivier. 2012. Invisible design: exploring insights and ideas through ambiguous film scenarios. In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 534-543.   Ehn, P. 1989. Work oriented design of computer artefacts. Stockholm, Arbetslivscentrum.   Ehn, P., and Kyng, M. 1992. Cardboard Computers: Mocking-it-up or Hands-on the Future. In: Design at Work . Lawrence Erlbaum, 169-196.   Gaver, W., Mark Blythe, Andy Boucher, Nadine Jarvis, John Bowers, and Peter Wright. 2010. The prayer companion: openness and specificity, materiality and spirituality. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2055-2064.   Gaver, W., Andy Boucher, John Bowers, Mark Blythe, Nadine Jarvis, David Cameron, Tobie Kerridge, Alex Wilkie, Robert Phillips, and Peter Wright. 2011. The photostroller: supporting diverse care home residents in engaging with the world. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1757-1766. John Vines 46

some references Lindsay, S., Katie Brittain, Daniel Jackson, Cassim Ladha, Karim Ladha, and Patrick Olivier. 2012. Empathy, participatory design and people with dementia. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 521-530. Lindsay, S., Daniel Jackson, Guy Schofield, and Patrick Olivier. 2012. Engaging older people using participatory design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). Kensing, F., and Madsen, K.H. 1991. Generating visions: Future workshops and metaphorical design. In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (eds.), Design at work: Cooperative design of computer systems. Hillsdale NJ US: Erlbaum Kensing, F., and Blomberg, J. 1998. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 7 (3-4), 167-185. Muller, M. J. 1991. PICTIVE—an exploration in participatory design. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '91), Scott P. Robertson, Gary M. Olson, and Judith S. Olson (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 225-231. Muller, M J. 2002. Participatory design: the third space in HCI. In The human-computer interaction handbook, Julie A. Jacko and Andrew Sears (Eds.). L. Erlbaum Associates Inc., Hillsdale, NJ, USA 1051-1068.   Schuler, D., and Namioka, A. 1993. Participatory design: Principles and practices. Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey, USA. John Vines 47

some references

Vines, J., Mark Blythe, Stephen Lindsay, Paul Dunphy, Andrew Monk, and Patrick Olivier. 2012. Questionable concepts: critique as resource for designing with eighty somethings. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1169-1178.   Vines, J., Mark Blythe, Paul Dunphy, Vasillis Vlachokyriakos, Isaac Teece, Andrew Monk, and Patrick Olivier. 2012. Cheque mates: participatory design of digital payments with eighty somethings. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1189-1198. Vines, J., Mark Blythe, Paul Dunphy, and Andrew Monk. 2011. Eighty something: banking for the older old. In Proceedings of the 25th BCS Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (BCS-HCI '11). British Computer Society, Swinton, UK, UK, 64-73.   Wallace, J., Wright, P., McCarthy, J., Green, D., Thomas, J., and Olivier, P. A design-led inquiry into Personhood in Dementia. 2013. In proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’13), ACM, New York, NY, USA. 
