TED/Tedxkhartoum presentation in sudan_uni-22-2-2011

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What's TED/TEDxKhartoum ?Presented in Sudan University for Science and Technology and live broadcast (Video conference) with other 15 terminals including 13 universities across Sudan in addition to Sudan Ministry of Information and communication and the Sudan Ministry of higher Education. February 22nd,2011. Dr. Anwar Dafa-Alla TEDxKhartoum Licensee. SudanTED organization. List of universities: جامعة الإمام المهدي جامعة بخت الرضا جامعة شندي جامعة كردفان جامعة الفاشر جامعة البحر الأحمر جامعة أفريقيا العالمية جامعة نيالا جامعة النيلين جامعة الخرطوم جامعة دنقلا جامعة الجزيرة جامعة امدرمان الإسلامية وزارة التعليم العالي وزارة المعلومات و الإتصالات

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What’s TED/TEDx Khartoum?

Prepared by: Dr. Anwar F.A. Dafa-AllaTED Volunteer translator, TED2010 Attendee,

TED Associate, TEDxSeoul 2010 Speaker, TEDxYonsei 2010 Speaker, TEDxYonsei 2010 Advisor, TEDxArabia Team, Translation Project Volunteer

Administrator, TEDx Mentor

TEDx Khartoum licensee, organizeranwarking@{tedxkhartoum.com, gmail.com}

Sudan University for Science and Technology22-2-2011



nt Design

TED Evolution (Video, June Cohen, Director, TED Media)

TED biggest Moves• Non Profit• Talks available Online for free( TED.com)• TED Open Translation Project• TEDx events• TED prize• TED Fellows program• TED TV

TED Blog

• Soft Crowed…• Life changing experience…• Think Big…• Dream Big…

TED culture & atmosphere

John UnderkofflerInterface Designer (Minority Report)

Linda Ashworth, Human Genome Project


Meet great TEDsters

Subtitle Technology

TED: Meet Remarkable people (TEDsters)

TED Volunteer Translators/TEDsters

Why do you translate TED Talks?

Ideas worth spreading Care taking

For my daughter…your daughter…our daughters.

For my daughter’s friends

Promote mutual respect between different cultures, people, religions, etc. Translation is a way to exchange ideas among us as humans.

Personal passion…etc… …Countless

Educating my self!

It’s a Thank you message to the speaker.

Promoting My country Sudan, my continent, my world.

For Arabic language speakers

For My friends


Kevin Kelly on the next 5,000 days of the web

Chip Conley

Birth of big solutions for Education and poverty eradication, etc…

One Laptop Per Child:

Negroponte takes OLPC to Colombia

Life saving invention : األرواح ينقذ دافئ حضن تشين جين

Meet great TEDxers

Mr. Kyungsang Yu, is the Product marketing Manager of Google..he co-founded the Business Innovation track @ Yonsei University (the organizers of TEDxYonsei)

Meet great TEDxers

3rd TEDxYonsei Speaker, Mr. Young Gil Song started his vision: affordable computer for everyone in the world" after a year in USA, in 1998. he launched a brand of ultra-low cost computer eMachines successfully in Silicon Valley. This company listed on NASDAQ within 2 years and received the 3rd largest market share through selling millions of its products in 2003....

Meet great TEDx Speakers

TEDxSeoul, 27-11-2010

Meet great TEDx Speakers

TEDxYonsei, 23-1-2010

Pyo Chul-Min(27 yrs), In 2006, Pyo first introduced widget into Koreaprovides 20 million widgets per day to major portal sites both inside and outside Korea. received a Proud Manager Award from the Herald Business Newspaper and was nominated one of the Top 25 Young Entrepreneurs in Asia by the BusinessWeek in 2009.An owner of four (4) companies and consultant to many firms & Govt’s.


X=independently organized TED events


….is helping introduce some of the most fascinating thinkers and doers in Sudan to a world stage.

TED is a global platform devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. TEDx is a locally organized event that focuses on individuals and innovation in various cities.

The individuals involved with TEDxKhartoum have a passion for TED. We believe in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world.


Every week, in multiple cities, people are coming together to pursue ideas worth spreading.

230 TEDx Events have happened in 200925 Languages80 CountriesJanuary 2011…80 TEDx events took place in 34 countries

TEDx is part of a revolution in global education made possible by local organizers wanting to engage their communities.

It’s all about the passion for ideas…...

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx - local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience.

At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group.

These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

What is TEDx?

What is TEDxKhartoum?

Community based event.

TEDxKhartoum 1st event: • Theme "Who Are We?" •Organized by “SudanTED” (Non-Profit)

•Suggested Speakers:•1- 2- 3- 4- 5- ….Sessions:Tell me about me..History Genetics Literature Success stories* :how i made it?

TEDxKhartoum Speakers cont'

What We Need now?Microfinance . Co-existence. Education.

Innovation. Self Healing . Time Management. Mentors

Sudan Through Lens: Photographers.

Size of the event (Large Size 1000+ Attendees)• Audience Profile (Soft crowed)•Schedule of the event (Saturday April 30th 10:00 AM~6:00 PM)


Building the TEDxKhartoum Community

Include things like: •Website: TEDxKhartoum.com• Twitter: @TEDxKhartoum•Facebook: TEDxKhartoum •Live streaming our TEDxKhartoum through: http://www.livestream.com/ or


…you believe in bringing together corporations and individuals who want to be change agents surrounding remarkable thinking and ideas.

…you want to leverage ideas, technologies, design, and education to help create a better future.

… it is social responsibilty toward your local city, state, etc..

…it is important to invest in your local community to support innovation and the power of “ideas”.


Why Sponsor TEDxKhartoum

We invite you to

Participate Engage


Ideas Worth Spreading

We look forward Community engagement for : Ideas Worth Spreading

Thank you!

Contact: info@tedxkhartoum.com

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