Website Design Tips - Codeaweb

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Website Design Tips

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Grabbing Attention

Creating Interest

Creating Desire

Taking Action

Grabbing Attention A well designed website should attract the attention of


This principle is similar to a store trying to attract the attention of passing customers.

What is the best and the worst / web sites, has attracted the attention?

Creating Interest Once the site has the attention of a visitor, you need to

keep visitors interested.

This can be done

Ask questions

Use of interactive web

Prompting further investigation.

What are some ways that are suggested to maintain interest?

Creating Desire Once you have an interested party, you must create a

need or desire.

If the site design is correct, it should be clear that the product / service is promoted to satisfy the need / desire.

What are some ways a website can make a desirable product or service?

Taking Action The visitor must present some form of action.

This could be in the form of

The purchase of a product / service

Providing contact details

Participate in a contest

Get a freebee / trial

What are some experiences you have had in which companies have tried to get into acting?