Tucson AZ Appliance Repair - What To Do When Your Washer Breaks


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Tucson AZ Appliance

Repair- What To Do When

Your Washer Breaks

Try A Few Things Before Contacting Appliance Repair Tucson

The mere thought of a broken washer is enough to make

anyone sweat. Imagine the piles of laundry which would

accumulate or worse still what if you have to wash stuff by

hand. Sounds unpleasant? Don’t worry; Tucson Appliance

Repair has laid up a few tips and tricks to diagnose problems

with your washer.

1. Make sure that the washer is plugged in correctly, a loose

wiring might often cause no current to flow and the

washer might not respond.

2. Take a look at the fuse box or your circuit breaker.

3. If your machine isn’t filling with water take a look at the

water valves, chances are they might be closed.

4. Take a look at the filter. If too much dirt or debris has

accumulated over it you might need to give it a thorough


5. Make sure you aren’t putting a great deal of load on the

machine. Getting your machine overloaded can burn the

motor by exhausting it.

6. Sometimes the fault lies with the timer only. If the washing

machine starts and water fills up but the cycle doesn’t

progress chances are that the timer is faulty. This means

you might have to replace it. For any replacement or

repair make sure you call in the services of Tucson

Appliance Repair.

Tips For Maintaining Your Washing Machine

Always check the hose of your washing machine for wear

and tear. Timely replacement can help save you trouble of

a clogged pipe which won’t allow any water inside.

Prevent the washing machine from vibrating by keeping it

on a leveled floor. A vibrating machine is not quite normal

and chances are it’s probably kept at an incline.

Clean the inside of the washing machine drum at least

once a month. The buildup due to detergent can cause

your laundry to come out smelling funny.

Prevent the machine from rusting by keeping paint sprays

handy. This will ensure the longevity of your machine and

prevent it from breaking down.

Despite taking care and following maintenance your washing

machine might break down. In that case be sure to call in the

services of Tucson Appliance Repair by visiting

