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ilil1iflu1duqua:'lrs1fin.rfiorn?tn o.rrSudrrru

n.qua:rtoril 34190


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Project proposal

The 1't International Conference 2014 on Social and Economic prospects in

southern Mekong sub-Region of southeast Asia (sEpsA)

July gh-1 1'n,2014


In 2015, Thailand will participate in the newly-established ASEAN Economic Community

(AEC) along with the other member countries, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,

Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. This organization will lead to important

changes in the economy and culture of the region. The public and private sectors in Thailand

have been urged tc prepare themselves for and seek new opportunities from the upcoming

ASEAN integration that will involve the free flow of labor, foreign investment relocation to

countries with readily-available resources, and knowledge exchanges in economy and society.

The Faculty of Management Science at Ubon Ratchathani University is an educational

institution which produces graduates and conducts research regarding business management

to prepare for the upcoming ASEAN. -The

Faculty is aware of the changes, opportunities,

impacts, and directions of becoming part of the ASEAN community. In order to better develop

the economy and society of the member nations, conferences, which can trade ideas and tools

for development, are inCispensable to the greater growth of the region, as well as create new

means of networking for scholars and businesspeople. Such conferences will provide new

avenues of knowledge regarding economy and society, which will prepare us for changes in the

future. Therefore, it is a great opportunity, and a big step fonrrard, for the Faculty of

Management Science, Ubon Ratchathani University, to organize The 1d lnternational

Conference on Socialand Economic Prospecfs in the Southem Mekong Sub-tegion of Soutfreast

Asra. This will be a place where researchers, scholars, and graduate stuoents can disseminate

and exchange knowledge and research, thus leading to constructive collaboration between

institutions in preparation for the ASEAN community.


This conference has three aims:

1. To provide a forum at which researchers,

research concerning economy and society in


scholars, and graduate students can present

the Southern Mekong Sub-region of Southeast

2' To create a researchers' and scholars' network at domestic and international levels;

3' To celebrate the Candle Festival of Ubon Ratchathani Province and the 16th anniversary of

the formation of the Faculty of Management Science, Ubon Ratchathani University.


Qualifications of the participants

Researchers, schorars, students, and Interested Individuars.

Number of participants: 100


Ubon Ratchathani University, Burapha University, Far East University, Hawaii University,

Khon Khen University, Mahasarakham University,The University of Battambang,MeanChey

University, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University


SEPSA looks fonruard to the submissions we will receive, under the following criteria:

(1) The SEPSA Conference invites submission of academic and professional research

papers/abstracts from the full range of business and economics disciplines in the Southem

Mekong Sub-Region of Southeast Asia, including Economics, Finance Economics, Accounting,

Organizational Behaviors, Marketing, Business Ethics, General Management, Strategic

Management, Operations Management, Management Information System, Public Sector

Management, Logistic, lT. Other related topics are also welcome.

(2) The SEPSA Conference encourages discussion of the latest research-in-progress. Authors

who cannot submit full papers can present their latest findings at the SEPSA Conference if their

abstracts are accepted. ln these cases, only the peer reviewed abstracts will be included in the

conference proceedings.

(3) Interested parties without papers/abstracts for presentation are also invited to participate as

attendees at the SEPSA Conference,

CONFERENCE DATE: July 9'n -i1tn,2014


(1) Submit full paper/abstract (in MS Word) via www.sepsa.in.th.

(2) Full papers/abstracts received by the deadline will be (double-blind) peer-reviewed

by an internal panel on a rolling basis, with the notification of acceptance/rejection being issued

within 15 days of receiving the submission.

(3) In case your paper/abstract is multi-authored, the submitting author will serve as the

corresponding author, who has the responsibility to forurard all correspondences to his/her co-

authors (e.9., acceptance/rejection emails),


Publication at SEPSA Conference Proceedings:

Full papers/abstracts accepted for the SEPSA Conference will be published at the SEPSA

Conference Proceedings.


Deadline for Full Paper submission

Deadline for early-bird registration

Notifi cation of acceptance/rejection

Deadline for registration

Deadline for Poster Submission

Conference date

May 31st, 2014

May 31st,2014

June 20th, 2014

June 30th, 2014

June 30th,2014

July 9th- 11th,2014


All conference participants must pay the registration fee. For each paper/abstract, at least one

author must attend and pay the registration fee. For all participants with or without

papers/abstracts for presentation at the SEPSA Conference, the registration fee is:




Thai Authors /

Foreign Students

Undergraduate /

Graduate Thai

Students / Audiences

UBU Graduate


Early-bird usD 100 1,300 BAHT

(usD 45)


(usD 30)


(No breaks, meals,

and proceeding)Regular usD 150 1,BOO BAHT

(usD 60)

1,300 BAHT

(usD 45)

' These prices are included a lunch, a dinner and the conference's documents, but exclude for

travelling program expense. For more information please contact us at Email: info@sepsa.in.th or

penpheu@hotmail.com, Tel. t-66-9101-6;072 and +66-45353919


Time Activity

July 9, 2014

08.00-08.45 Registration

08.45-09.1 5 Opening Ceremony - President of Ubon Ratchathani University

09.15-1C.00 Presentation - Future Directions of Society and Economy in the

Southern Mekong Sub-region of Southeast Asia

10.00-10.15 Moming Break

1 0.1 5-1 2.00 Presentation

12.00-13.00 Lunch

1 3.00-1 4.30 Presentation/Poster Session

14.30-14.45 Afternoon Break

14.45-16.30 Presentation/Poster Session

16.30-'18.00 Evening Break

18.00-19.30 Welcome Dinner

19.30-20.00 Closing Ceremony

. lt l,

Jufy 10-l 1, 2014

Inbound City Tour in Ubon Ratchathani

Natural -Sang Chan Waterfall

-Cliff Point National Park

-Kang Sapue

-Organic Farmer Village

One DayTrip

July 10h,2014

2,199 Baht.

Or USD 80

Cultural -Nong Pah Pong Temple

-The Bresswork of Ban Pa -Ao-Candle carving art at Nong Buo Temple

-Textile processing at Bancompoon

-OTOP Ubon Ratchathani Center Products

One Day Trip

Friday July 11"t ,2014

1,699 Baht.

Or USD 60

Select Two Trip

10-'11 July 2014

3,500 Baht.

Or USD 120


Laos Tour

-Liphi Cascade

-Khone Phapeng Cascade

-Vat Phou Temple

1 night 2 days 5,199 Baht.

Or USD 180

Note: This tour requires a minimum of 10 people and payment for it is the responsrbility of

the participants.

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F:nr rlirr nfI uuLrrL) vl Managenrent Science, Ubon Ratchathatni


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Universrty, Thailand




... . ,,.1 .. . .. ..-: ,r-rjitr,:ri:at:


Tlre 1" lnternational Conferen ce 2014 on'Social and Economic;Prospdii;;i,

In'Southern Mekong Sub-Region of Southeast ASj"a_,(Sf eSg;g;,




Proudlv invites scholars and students to

At "U Place", Ubon Ratchathani University' .rS'





General N4anaclenreni

Strateqic N4anactenrent

Opreralrons Mer n aglerttenl

Orqanizational Llehrviorsr

lviar kclttnt; lJitsittess; l' tltir;s

Public Scctor fu4attriirlt:tttttnI

Man,rc-lerrrcttI Ittior ntittiotr s)rsient

lT, Ioqisiic :rrtcj Otirer tt:lirted

topics are also welcotne.


lrirportant Dates.

Notification of acceptance/rejectiorr

Deadline for FLrll Paper subrrission

Deadline lor early-bird reqistratrorr

Deerdlrrre for registration

Conference dilte

( )orr1:lc1 l:'er s;ons.

Dr" Pr,:rrp;'rl< I)lreunph;.r. N4iss Sup:rnit l(f rarrrseli

FitcLtlty ol I\4ztrragenrer-rt Scierrr;t-r. Ulron R:rlclrzrth.rni Univelsity,

B5 Sathorrllrnrark ilo;rd. Warirr Chanrr.lrJr,

Llbon Riltt:itertlr:rni 34 1 90, Thitil;rncl.

E-rrruil. ir ifo6i)st;psa. ir r.tlr or pcnpl rerr(g)l rotrrtail.c;clrrr

Tel. (ln Hrrglislr) +ij6-9.1 01 67072. t-(16-8870-811891, +66-4535-3827

(ln Thai) 0!) 1016-/07'2. 0-45:\5-it8 1 9. 0-4535-3t127

June 20'", 2014

May 31", 2014

May 3'1''. 2014

June 30"', 2014

.JLrly 9"'-l 1t".2014