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  • 1. Presentation Prykinoy Darya 6 - 4 class On the theme of "William Shakespeare"


  • SHAKESPEARE (Shakespeare) William (1564-1616), English playwright, poet, was an actor of the royal troupe. Poem "Venus and Adonis" (1593) - on the mythological story, "Lucretia" (1594) - from Roman history. "Shakespeare's canon" (no doubt belonging to him play), includes 37 plays. Early pieces are imbued with reassuring beginning: The comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" (1593), 'Midsummer Night's Dream "(1596)," Much Ado About Nothing "(1598). The tragedy of love and fidelity at the cost of living "Romeo and Juliet" (1595). In the historical chronicles ( "Richard III, 1593, "Henry IV, 1597-98), tragedies (Hamlet, 1601, "Othello", 1604, "King Lear", 1605, "Macbeth", 1606), in "Roman tragedies" (political - "Julius Caesar", 1599, "Antony and Cleopatra, 1607," Coriolanus ", 1607), lyrical-philosophical" sonnets "(1592-1600, published in 1609), moral, social and political conflicts era comprehended as eternal, Unavoidable, as the laws of the world order in which the highest human values - kindness, dignity, honor, justice - inevitably distorted and suffer a tragic defeat. Create bright, endowed with a powerful will and strong passions of the characters, capable of both the heroic confrontation with fate and circumstances, self-sacrifice, the experience of responsibility for disorder of the world ( "broken chain of times")And ready to transgress the moral "law" and to die for the sake of absorbing their ideas and passion (ambition, power, love). The search for an optimistic conflict resolution led to the creation of the romantic drama "Winter's Tale" (1611), "The Tempest" (1612). Shakespeare - the greatest examples of tragedy in world literature.

3. Stratford. Leaving for London

  • Born in a family of merchant and respected citizen of John Shakespeare. Shakespeare's ancestors for several centuries were engaged in arable farming in the vicinity of Stratford. 1568-69 - the years of greatest prosperity of the family, followed by the slow ruin. Around 1580, William had to leave school, which was abolished in Stratford, and start working. It is believed that leaving school, Shakespeare for some time as an apprentice to help his father. In November 1582 he married Anne Heteuey. Perhaps the marriage was forced: in May the following year their first born child - a daughter, Susan. In February 1585 came to light twins - son and daughter, Judith Gamneta. In the second half of 1580-ies. Shakespeare leaves Stratford. Are entering the so-called "lost" or "dark years", about which nothing is known.

4. Stratford. Leaving for London

  • At the turn of 1590-ies. Shakespeare arrives in London. During these years, was established by its first play - chronicle of Henry VI . Having become quite a prominent figure, Shakespeare, once received a jealous outburst from one of then reigned on the stage of Playwrights Group university minds "Robert Greene, who called him" tremor of the scene "(punning play on the name of Shakespeare: Shake-speare, that is' tremor spear ") and black, which" ryaditsya in our feathers "(tampered with a quote from" Henry VI). This was the first surviving tip.

5. The emergence of a new playwright

  • In 1592-94 the London theaters are closed because of plague. During involuntary pauses Shakespeare creates a few pieces: A chronicle of "Richard III, The Comedy of Errors" and "The Taming of the Shrew", his first tragedy (more the consistency of every day life-style "massacre") "Titus Andronicus" and are released for the first time under your name poem "Venus and Adonis "and" Lucretia ". In 1594 after the opening of theaters Shakespeare joins the new composition of the troupe Lord Chamberlain, is named after its patron Hansdona posts. From the stage came down (dead or have ceased to write for the theater) "university minds. It starts with Shakespeare's. Here's what he wrote one of his contemporaries F. Merez in 1597: "Just as Plautus and Seneca were considered among the Romans to the best of comedy and tragedy, as Shakespeare is the British naiprevoshodneyshim in both types of plays intended for the stage.

6. Creative takeoff. Globus

  • In 1590-ies. (period, which is considered to be the first in Shakespeare's works), Shakespeare creates all its major chronicles and most comedies. In 1595-96 years written a tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", after her - "The Merchant of Venice" - the first comedy that will later be called "serious".
  • In autumn 1599 the theater was called "Globe". Above the entrance - the winged words: "The whole world - theater ( Totus mundis agit histrionem). Shakespeare in one of his co-owners, the company and the main actor playwright. In the year of the opening of the Globe, he wrote the Roman tragedy "Julius Caesar" and the comedy "As You Like It" that the development of melancholy characters open the way to created a year later "Hamlet". Since his appearance begins a period of "great tragedies" (1601-1606). They belong to "Othello" (1604), "King Lear" (1605), "Macbeth" (1606). Tone comedies now became serious, and sometimes becomes completely dark in such works as "Troilus and Cressida" (1601-1602), "All's well that ends well" (1603-1603), "Measure for Measure" (1604).

7. The sudden departure in Stratford

  • March 28, 1603 Queen Elizabeth dies. English throne passes to James I, son of Mary Stuart was executed, to inherit the crown of Scotland. The new king signed a patent, which takes under its highest patronage troupe of actors of Lord Chamberlain. Henceforth they will be referred to as "servants to His Majesty the King". After 1606 started the last period of Shakespeare's works, which ended in 1613 he left his native Stratford. At the same time creating a tragedy of classical subjects ( "Antony and Cleopatra" "Coriolanus," "Timon of Athens, 1607-08). It was followed later "romantic" plays, including "Winter's Tale" and "Storm" (1610-12).
  • The reason for the sudden termination of a successful career as a playwright and his departure from the capital was likely the disease. In March 1616 Shakespeare is and sign the will, which subsequently causes so many misunderstandings about his identity, authorship, and will rise to what would be called "Shakespearean question". It is believed that Shakespeare died on the same day that was born - on April 23. Two days later, followed by burial at the altar of Holy Trinity Church on the outskirts of Stratford, in the register of which about this recording was made.

8. The sudden departure in Stratford

  • SHAKESPEARE (Shakespeare) William (1564-1616), English playwright, poet, was an actor of the royal troupe. Poem "Venus and Adonis" (1593) - on the mythological story, "Lucretia" (1594) - from Roman history. "Shakespeare's canon" (no doubt belonging to him play), includes 37 plays. Early pieces are imbued with reassuring beginning: The comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" (1593), 'Midsummer Night's Dream "(1596)," Much Ado About Nothing "(1598). The tragedy of love and fidelity at the cost of living "Romeo and Juliet" (1595). In the historical chronicles ( "Richard III, 1593, "Henry IV, 1597-98), tragedies (Hamlet, 1601, "Othello", 1604, "King Lear", 1605, "Macbeth", 1606), in "Roman tragedies" (political - "Julius Caesar", 1599, "Antony and Cleopatra, 1607," Coriolanus ", 1607), lyrical-philosophical" sonnets "(1592-1600, published in 1609), moral, social and political conflicts era comprehended as eternal, Unavoidable, as the laws of the world order in which the highest human values - kindness, dignity, honor, justice - inevitably distorted and suffer a tragic defeat. Create bright, endowed with a powerful will and strong passions of the characters, capable of both the heroic confrontation with fate and circumstances, self-sacrifice, the experience of responsibility for disorder of the world ( "broken chain of times")And ready to transgress the moral "law" and to die for the sake of absorbing their ideas and passion (ambition, power, love). The search for an optimistic conflict resolution led to the creation of the romantic drama "Winter's Tale" (1611), "The Tempest" (1612). Shakespeare - the greatest examples of tragedy in world literature.

9. Stratford. Leaving for London

  • Born in a family of merchant and respected citizen of John Shakespeare. Shakespeare's ancestors for several centuries were engaged in arable farming in the vicinity of Stratford. 1568-69 - the years of greatest prosperity of the family, followed by the slow ruin. Around 1580, William had to leave school, which was abolished in Stratford, and start working. It is believed that leaving school, Shakespeare for some time as an apprentice to help his father. In November 1582 he married Anne Heteuey. Perhaps the marriage was forced: in May the following year their first born child - a daughter, Susan. In February 1585 came to light twins - son and daughter, Judith Gamneta. In the second half of 1580-ies. Shakespeare leaves Stratford. Are entering the so-called "lost" or "dark years", about which nothing is known.
  • At the turn of 1590-ies. Shakespeare arrives in London. During these years, was established by its first play - chronicle of Henry VI . Having become quite a prominent figure, Shakespeare, once received a jealous outburst from one of then reigned on the stage of Playwrights Group university minds "Robert Greene, who called him" tremor of the scene "(punning play on the name of Shakespeare: Shake-speare, that is' tremor spear ") and black, which" ryaditsya in our feathers "(tampered with a quote from" Henry VI). This was the first surviving tip.

10. Creative takeoff. Globus

  • March 28, 1603 Queen Elizabeth dies. English throne passes to James I, son of Mary Stuart was executed, to inherit the crown of Scotland. The new king signed a patent, which takes under its highest patronage troupe of actors, Lord Chamberlain. Henceforth they will be referred to as "servants of His Majesty the King." After 1606 started the last period of Shakespeare's works, which ended in 1613 he left his native Stratford. At the same time creating a tragedy of classical subjects ( "Antony and Cleopatra" "Coriolanus," "Timon of Athens, 1607-08). It was followed later "romantic" plays, including "Winter's Tale" and "Storm" (1610-12).
  • The reason for the sudden termination of a successful career as a playwright and his departure from the capital was, apparently, the disease. In March 1616 Shakespeare is and sign the will, which subsequently causes so many misunderstandings about his identity, authorship, and will rise to what would be called "Shakespearean question". It is believed that Shakespeare died on the same day that was born - April 23. Two days later, followed by burial at the altar of Holy Trinity Church on the outskirts of Stratford, in the register of which about this recording was made.

11. Creative takeoff. Globus

  • In Shakespeare's lifetime his works were not collected. Separately published poems, a collection of sonnets. Plays originally appeared in the so-called "pirated editions" with a broken text, for which in the form of rebuttal should, as a rule, the publication, prepared by the author. The format of these publications are known quarto (quarto). After the death of Shakespeare, the efforts of his actor friends and Heminga Kondella was prepared the first complete edition of his works include 36 plays, the so-called First Folio (The First Folio). Eighteen of them had never been printed.

12. Chronicles

  • Shakespeare began to chronicle - a play about the events of national history, the law which marked his short time. Key Shakespearean chronicle form two series of four plays (tetralogy). The first - "Henry VI (three parts) and "Richard III. Second - "Richard II (1595), "Henry IV (two parts, 1596-1598) and "Henry V (1599).
  • In the first tetralogy of chaos, confusion is a strong historical identity, seeking to subdue the fate and time - Richard III. The power can provide the throne, but it can not keep him, if the sovereign violates the laws of morality and turns the story into a political spectacle.
  • Theme of the second tetralogy - the formation of a national state. Chronicle of Henry IV tells about the seizure of power by King Henry IV, the founder of the dynasty of Lancaster, and the youth of the future ideal of King Henry V. Under the supervision of Sir John Falstaff in taverns and on the road goes through the school life of Prince Henry. Prince draws strength from the earth, with all that physically and financially, and that embodies Falstaff, joker Time. Under the laughter of Falstaff from the scene descends from its medieval knight's liberty, as embodied in the form of Harry Gotspera, a rival prince. His ideal monarch Shakespeare considers it necessary to hold a popular comic background. However, in the finale, when the crowned prince, Falstaff is banished, not because the laws of the state of nature there is order. In their conflict - the source of Shakespeare's tragedy.


  • (Shakespeare) (1564-1616), , ; . (1593) , (1594) . ( ) 37 . : (1593), (1596), (1598). (1595). ( III, 1593; IV, 1597-98), (, 1601; , 1604; , 1605; , 1606), ( , 1599; , 1607; , 1607), - (1592-1600, 1609) , , , , , , , . , , , , ( ), (, , ). (1611), (1612). .

14. .

  • . . 1568-69 , . 1580 , , . , , , - . 1582 . , : . 1585 . 1580- . . , .
  • 1590- . . VI. , , ( : Shake-speare, ) , ( VI). .


  • 1592-94 - . : III, , ( ) , . 1594 -, . ( ) . . . 1597: , , , .

16. .

  • 1590- . (, ) . 1595-96 , , .
  • 1599 . : (Totus mundis agit histrionem). , . , . (1601-1606). (1604), (1605), (1606). , , (1601-1602), , (1603-1603), (1604).


  • 28 1603 . I, , . , -. . 1606 , 1613 . ( , , , 1607-08). , (1610-12).
  • , , . 1616 , , , . , , 23 . , .
  • . , . , , , , . (quarto). - , 36 , (The First Folio). .


  • , . (). VI ( ) III. II (1595), IV ( ; 1596-1598) V (1599).
  • , , III. , , .
  • . IV IV, , V. . , , , . , , . . , , , . .

