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Reading for Meaning

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Reading for meaning

Select a book to read.

This presentation will help you:

practise identifying and sequencing (putting in the right order) the main events in a story.to engage with a story.

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Here are some guidelines :

Select a book you haven’t read before.

Choose carefully: once you start you must stick with it.

It will help if it has plenty of characters, dialogue and action.

It needs chapters which are not too long. Sometimes you will need to be able to read one and write about it in one lesson.

Choosing a book

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You will also need to keep a reading log.

You should record your thoughts, feelings, questions, speculations etc. in this log as you read each chapter of your book.

The record should reflect your emerging understanding of the book you are reading.

Reading log

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Chapter one

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Reading on

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Is your book written by a character in the story (the 1st person: “I thought this. I did that.”)?

Or is it written by a narrator (the 3rd person “He thought this. She did that.”)?

Narrative perspective

Decide on the narrative perspective of these two extracts:

I find people confusing.This is for two main reasons.

The first main reason is that people do a lot of talking without using any words. From the curious incident of the dog in the night-time © Mark Haddon, 2003

George’s hand remained outstretched imperiously. Slowly, like a terrier who doesn’t want to bring a ball back to his master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again.From Of Mice and Men © John Steinbeck, 1965



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Narrative perspective

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As we become more mature in our reading we begin to judge the characters and the person telling the story.

You don’t have to agree with what a character thinks, feels or does.

Even if they did, that wouldn’t mean that YOU had to.Not everything in a book is a fact. They are full of people’s opinions. You must be prepared for these.

Narrators don’t have to agree with everything the characters they are writing about, feel or think.

Judging what we read

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Sometimes authors don’t mean what they say. In fact, sometimes they mean the exact opposite. A crude form of this is sarcasm. Irony is the same type of thing but much subtler. It is often rather funny.

A really famous example is the opening line of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. This is what she says:


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a

single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in

want of a wife.

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She appears to be saying that everybody knows that any bachelor who has a lot of money MUST be looking for a woman to marry.

But, as we read the story we learn that these words are spoken ironically.

They aren’t really Austen’s opinions. She is paraphrasing the thought processes of a rather silly woman who has several daughters she would like to marry off to a rather rich man who is visiting her neighbourhood!


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Stories tell us of events that happen, usually to people but sometimes to animals.

Often they have a message or something they want to explore or think about.

We call this the theme.


What do you think the theme of the book you’re reading is?

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Remember the story of the race between the hare and the tortoise?


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The hare became over-confident because he thought he would win easily. So, he kept stopping. In the end, the tortoise won.

The story has a theme.

What do you think it was?

It is that perseverance can lead to success.


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Love is a popular theme. Writers often try to show different types of love.

Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird shows the love that can exist between parents and children.

Barry Hines’ Kes examines the love that a person can feel for an animal.

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet looks at love between young people.

In Antony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare looks at love between two people approaching middle age.


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As a class you will now need to find out what the themes, ideas and values are in each other’s books.

Then form a group with others whose books dealt with similar themes. For example, those whose theme is love should work together. As a group compare the different ways different writers have dealt with the theme.

Prepare a statement from your group about the different things different writers have said and thought about your theme.

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Careful readers do not just sit back and let the story flow over them.

They:think about what they are readingmake deductionsconsider the attitudes expressed by the author and the characterswatch out for irony compare how different writers approach the same themes and subjects.

To sum up
