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How To Get A Girlfriend by Stephen Nash

© Cutting Edge Image Consulting, 2015


The following resources are suggested to further your learning with each primary topic covered in “How to Get a Girlfriend”, 5th ed.

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Recommended Resources On Finding Your Purpose, Chapter I

Way Of The Superior Man by David Deida

This remarkably clear and extraordinarily inspiring book has

helped me tremendously. I highly recommend. It’s a MUST read

for all men. When I work 1-1 with a guy, I walk them to a

bookstore and make them buy this book. This should be the

next book you read.

Way Of The Superior Man: The Teaching Sessions

by David Deida

In these audio sessions, David Deida riffs on the various themes

in his seminal work by the same name. He elaborates

considerably on purpose, masculinity, femininity, and female


The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield

An important book. If you have ever started something, with zeal

and passion, only to find your interest wane and eventually

cease altogether – this is a ‘must read’. Also, it is great for

people who have always wanted to take on a creative project of

some sort, but were too afraid to do so.




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Recommended Resources On Finding Your Purpose, Chapter I (cont’d)

Linchpin by Seth Godin

This book has helped me both overcome my ‘resistance’ and do

the thing (things) I’ve always wanted in life. He talks a lot about

“shipping” as the critical act of giving ones unique gift or talent to

the world. Very interesting and imminently useful.

Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage

by Alfred Lansing

Men need role models. When I became interested in improving

my dating and relationship life, I also got interested in learning

more about what it means to be a man. This book was

recommended to me as it shows exactly what it means to be a

man on a mission, to be a guy who truly knows and owns his

purpose and mission in life. These things are critical to handle if

you want to be more attractive to women.

The Fountainhead

by Ayn Rand

The story of Howard Roark is a startling example of a man

devoted to his purpose. His uncompromising focus on his aim

and his utter unwillingness to bend from this in anyway is a

stunning portrayal of the ideal man.

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Recommended Resources On Lifestyle Design, Chapter II

Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

A book which will force you to rethink how you spend your time

trading hours for dollars. It has spawned a revolution of world

travelers and internet entrepreneurs. There are dozens of

amazing productivity tips in here as well. Worth reading even if

you are not an entrepreneur.

Dressing The Man: Mastering The Art Of Permanent Fashion

by Alan Flusser

Alan Flusser’s timeless book breaks down the classic nature of

men’s fashion and teaches you the basics of all things clothing

for guys. It will also teach you the finer art of tying a bow tie

(amongst many other things).

Details Men’s Style Manual: The Ultimate Guide For Making Your Clothes Work For You

Details Magazine

Simple, clear breakdown of what to wear, and why. Very

comprehensive. I love this one.




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Recommended Resources On Lifestyle Design, Chapter II (cont’d)

Money Master The Game by Tony Robbins

The best book in investing I have ever read. Prior to this, I was

completely baffled about where, how and how much of my

money to invest. I am now complete clear on this and owe much

of that Tony Robbins’ excellent (and thorough) book.


The single best online resource for men’s clothing. An awesome

place to find overstock merchandise, as well as smaller, indy-

labels selling their wares. A must!

Recommended Resources On Meeting Women, Chapter III

Natural Attraction

by Stephen Nash

My 7-day social training program which has a ton of “how to

meet women” strategies and techniques. I focus on approaching

and meeting women for over an hour, providing specific

examples and exact phrases to use to begin. The focus is on

skill development, not routine/gimmick dependence.




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Recommended Resources On Meeting Women, Chapter III (cont’d)

Fearless The Social Man

My friend Christian Hudson at The Social Man has this brilliantly

simple program designed to help you be “Fearless” when

approaching and attracting women. I have met and know

Christian very well and strongly recommend all of his programs.

Adam Lyons

If you want to learn how to approach a woman by a true expert

pick-up artist, who is ethical, smooth and an awesome overall

guy, I highly recommend Adam Lyons and his team. He runs

most of his programs out of Los Angeles and will run you

through the basics over a weekend. He’s the world’s number 1

“Pick-Up Artist” and has a style that will literally work for anyone.

If live training is your thing, Adam is your guy.

Recommended Resources On Attracting Women, Chapter IV

Natural Attraction

by Stephen Nash

My 7-day social training program which has a ton of “how to

meet women” strategies and techniques. I focus on approaching

and meeting women for over an hour, providing specific

examples and exact phrases to use to get you started. The

focus is on skill development and not on routine/gimmick



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Recommended Resources On Attracting Women, Chapter IV (cont’d)

Girlfriend Activation System by The Social Man

Christian Hudson’s system to trigger a woman’s “obsession

story” and cause her to be intensely attracted to you. He

provides a step-by-step blueprint as well as some killer bonuses

too. Sounds a little “dark arts”, but I know Christian and he’s an

awesome guy with an amazing girlfriend. Someone you should

definitely follow.

Recommended Resources On Connecting With Women, Chapter V

How to Instantly Connect with Anyone: 96 All-New Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships

by Leil Lowndes

Simple, short, easy to digest techniques for making connections

with people. Applies across the board: meeting women, work

relationships, dating, family, friends. Very useful, and simple to




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Recommended Resources On Connecting With Women, Chapter V (cont’d)

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

A must read for all men. It doesn’t directly relate to connecting

with women, in that it doesn’t provide precise techniques for

doing so. But, the lessons and philosophy it espouses goes a

long way towards enhancing your capacity for connecting with

women, and other men too.

Recommended Resources On Growing Your Social Circle, Chapter VI

Haute ‘n the Kitchenby Heather Antonelli

Heather is a high school friend, and has an amazing book on

throwing dinner parties. She gives you 10 ready made party

ideas, recipes, wine and music choices. Dinner parties are an

awesome way to galvanize your social circle. Heather’s book

makes this easy and fun.

Tribes by Seth Godin

In this fascinating book, Seth Godin argues that now, for the first

time, everyone has an opportunity to start a movement - to bring

together a tribe of like-minded people and do amazing things.

There are tribes everywhere, all of them hungry for connection,

meaning and change.




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Recommended Resources On Growing Your Social Circle, Chapter VI (cont’d)

How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the first best-

selling self-help books ever published. I have read this book at

least three times and always learn something new. The “Six

Ways To Make People Like You” will change your life forever - I

assure you.

Recommended Resources On Dating & Relationships, Chapter VII

HOW2TXTHER The Social Man

You’ve got her number – now what?  That’s where HOW2TXTHER comes in. In this course, you learn everything there is to know about how to flirt, ask her out, and make her smile – all over text messaging.

The Game by Neil Strauss

It’s a fun read. It’s a wild read. And it correctly illustrates the

pitfalls to picking-up women if you aren’t careful and slip out of

balance in your life. Overall, it’s VERY entertaining and well

written. (PS – I am “Playboy” in the book)



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Recommended Resources On Dating & Relationships, Chapter VII (cont’d)

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley

Ever read “Genome”? Well, if you have, then you know how

excellent Matt Ridley’s work is. His research into the biological

differences between men and women will astound you. He truly

clarifies the nature of attraction, and why certain things are more

interesting to women than others – and WHY this is so baffling

to men. Also, his insight into the sexual mating patterns of

humans will blow you away. This is a MUST read for sure. �

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