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-~"'- . . .. .... ~ ..... +~*"'· rv...;,,rr~,~tl~!l; YoJ.. ~L ; · : ··' - ·., : 1cA~~lZ(}i0. NEW M._ExtO'O! ·ll'lUl?~~.)tJN~ '14. 1929 · . :·· ·. . :,~ : . . , .. · · lilUM:a:ma ~~

t. , :. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ; . ; . . . . . . , .. !· ~·~··e.:.~·!.~. ~~.~~·~.!""!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~e ~~~~~~~'!!! . · . .· Pt; . . ·N~W$, ,? ·~ .· ~~~e?.lU, ·N~WIJ~ lt.em,:: ~ ; ' · •. bff for:.~utop~ .. ·aarak ·~$.~Js rar.ft~· :rl~ooo l(~:=~c~~ T.U J>~i;;;(}Na . W ~'t:Jj~v~~tl:f.m. '

' Mrs. c*'~~~-~;~, $r~. Mrt •. El· . Mi •• E. H.~~i;iQd~·-u:dd:i\Ug'h.. . Albert ~ic~te7 wui . ~-~i\VC 'tp.• . ~ <H~~oUdq~~ tn~9~,~~~N•wt~rti~ll) • ' j. Sttntt~o Fe, Juno !i.-Tllllt tile anttlto;. :tAC~$ J'~ ~().N~lt J . , C! U Jil ~cl b 'ldreu_ JU:U} llil ·~ ~ "d • rrr ,.. · • ·r m .. i · . . ' • . . . : · . · .:l)(li:Cil t:Jll; !lCnU~Ulllt la SWQQplnr( QVOl' . . • .

· ·. I'll '""e II .·• c. l · ~ .· · . ~ ter •pen~. ~utt.ay "* ,.,q lill'Q$:a, w ev.e.tttnQ! .· ot,.., ·~~ <;llgQ. · A.'$.$alhng tbe propu~ed nise llllt!Je lilt\ltf,l 'Ul'll a pralrlo fire tg indf-: t~~wtmdll~v~ln~o~fu~:~t~~~i~:n\~t~pact oon•tl'uc~ . J\~ Cn-a·qaugh, ~J~,; "!ent for· a .vi•itrur ~'r•. f+, A(fuitat~ .. · · ·lie , be..j~iiie<l1tuer~ by Mea. tbe t•uv•u dut..,on tbo. uroupds oflcn.t.:d by :petiUonQ tor "' rororondum "tl tt• '-re ~QntrtlJ•

.el11.!a tf d t 10: tbell r t:u:I, . ·· b hk b ll · b . ~ · . "' · ; • ~ .. . · on. U1ta tnx. ,,.,blcll fJd SWOlJO, o.t Al· " nG lito o(' tht


-- ·~ . · ·W. · · r. e .rei;· · ·. ·· ~ · ~ · . Mr. a oil Mr.. Uet,tty Saoe)tt21 . w. 0 s (leu v 11-ung ~r tls.c U1H(}\le rcJa.ttdnshtp e~r~hUlf buquQr~uo, .llocrott\l'Y qt tho Tobncco rop.~tt .tl!e ~·: a Ptp&rt•

O.ll l:!htPd!ly, June 8, i>UJ' ba!le• ........ 0 .. ..,A •o Tula .. osa Jast Sunday <t:uu~:4tet 111 StJI\ttlc. li'ro~. there betw(!o.n n~d !his country. neaiorQ, 11lll.l\ Jato Yoatordnl' wltb Mrl'f. m~ l • .o · ...... & ... ~" • tbe ". 1 'Il · d • · . · · • . ·. · . Ill. A. Perrnult, eo~::tet\U'y ot atnto. -... uo

J)a l team JOurg~.Je~· to fo'r a, dalt witt. ~J'Q, Sanche~'• ut~g .ers WI" prQcee ~0 · · nd of cconom•c tnliy •. the 'Na• ThQ pcUtlon, contnlns 1101181 slGM·I!~~il,!l · · " tb,et~ a~et t\le Ca,vemen ·aQIJ. Qur !l.i~• ... r,.ura. E.· ~Jrique Fl~res. . York, take a bQ<th »Pf!lt · ti>!J~l City Uauk (I( New York in turfls,tmld •1\rr. Swove. The tot;U num· 11.,.',j,tonfl •.

t h .t b b ..., ~- n "·· b b d • · · - . . · · bcr required Js SO,OQS. · · w• ' · e1UtJ: bro\lgbt •. ume .t e Jcon. . · · · · · . rll.,s~tge · as · eeu .s~curc ' au ltll b~Uetitt ~u. hustnes~ ~llpdl· See!<lns: to. ausvcntl tbo Of!llraUoll

:wil;lUirig irt one pf tbe most htt4lr~ .Mr. add 14r~. C. T,, Gylliugaua :cross. \be briny .cicep t~ ~er.many. uons,says, "U\~ propn$etl duty i!> ot tho ltl.W" tmtll t.llo · rctllrcndum r ... '\D . "ti a . t"' t h. b n 8· ee cblldrel1 l~ft Weclnesda.r for Saud rt·ev will "" t". Cobl"'"'"• ..," r· · . · · . be hold. the T<!'llaccp deatcro n!ntctl · ea t10 ·gamea. .ua illl ee n · ~ · . · · · Jlo , o"" .~. _, "'"'~!. "'" "' u.n atr to ,Cub" <~.nd wnnld deal nt .ll!i por cent otthu <Mctors·ln"'eacll 111x wm:o1~


1 •


in 'hi• ·part of the ccutntry. It Spnug11. Okl!ihoma, to vlslt Mts mcmb~rs of Mr •. Ztegler s t .. 11uch n fleadly. blow to a' people or tllrc\}oforthG or >tho co11nt1e~ ~td in ann . •~r· waa a t1ab. • ..... blbitiou o. f basebaJJ lug,'• pa.renta d\lriog the s"m• re!iide Mr Ziegler . who· was .. ( .. 1 .. ·' • ' \ . . t.ho unsr!l~llhl not lcs~J than llli vor f?'t"S tu wcnr nnd on tlle v .. c· 7

e ' ,... · b · · · · ' • . • . · · • ·. · • · w .. om nte .,.as p ace<~ Itt c qae r!.!• flf' tllo l.)fectorn o.t tho ulch•n, .Q.t) well no 111 tbl) c:ost or tntn .. all tb~ w.:;. Uiroit(fh, abd, :Wal i'.tl• Jllet mont •• . born lU Germany, came t()' Amcr• a tiona to. tbfs . i::oun try .. that ·we by. Ulo vote caot nt I'I(U'tn.Uon by 'l'l!llSOU ot th& larpr

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plet~~ib t.brilb, featuringJanfes Mr. and Mr!$, J. M. Pcnfit>ld ica in 1884, aoct to J,ineotq ·COunO: cannot forb·~ltr fur.thcr comment hn<mornbl otecllon. Tlleao ~o~~tlvu c}.llucf,}lt m:~y be carried on • aln· t i . 1su6 d b d, b' · . "" '· a.vo Qen mot, auld 11fr. Swovo. "' · "' o. , Cna!laugb't epeetacular·eat~b llt attended the N. M. 'M. l, Com• Y n "· • an us ma c t t&, u !lOll the stt Uottlon. 1• • nlp,ncra rcprcocnt moro tbo.u 2G por Ellpllrlonco llns !lbllWil that- tln•

fiCC:Pnd, and. OQt ntc:bet McO'Ilu• mencem~nt to witness tbe grad• home lrom tbat time, becoming 1'be: bull~tion recalls tbe tn•at" cent or tho ~otero or 27 countlca, ·he cru.e?}cd roelt o.~d· Sr!lVI)I roada. ot · \ • · f t. ~ , ~ · '· · . " mltlcd, nnd onolbDr, Tao11 •may bo wllu~ll tllcrl) ntc thouUllndt o~ mtlu In·

J\ld ,who acooped one out of the uatiou of their"solh Edwllrd. 0~_e.o t.,.e euuuty :t b~:t~t .,uo.wn b'ctwcen the two eountri11s by ndacd t? tbc.llat. · .tho W<!otprn Statco, worn don sk1• 'Tlle boys got quite •. hal.ld . Mlsa Ro-·n· as·' h~ok, dangbter catizens alfd one of· 1ts leadtne- which the Untied Stal~s rcscrvt•d '1\foro pcUtlona wero to be flied to•. a.t tflo tntc ot•a11 lucia o. year nnd mort~ f h C l d f b • "'"' .. b · Tb · ·u · b" hi · day, llo O!dd. Tbo accrctnry ot ntnto by trnfOc of Mo vchlctca o. dQ.y. u a

.. _ rom t e · ar sba ana to t e of llr. apd ·Mrt 0. B. Shook, of ustnes~ men. 1~ wt ". s a right of supcrviamu over Cuba'!~ nlrondy hn,Ll aomo p(ltltlonn- on filo. rol.lult of oxporlmonto comluelc\J by grand ttaud, .ad have nothing Alto, ·was th"'gu· est of·Mis• Julia first vhnt to his battve land stuce fiscal affairS h£>r intern 1 ·alf· irs thcao havtlfr; been ornt lllrceth· to bor t!1o lllsbwl.lY Dcp:utmont of Orecon c. i f " " c 1 t tb · t • · 4 u otflco, whon Mr. Swopo flllld llln. nllll <'oiJt(lrnto, and tho Bureau of

1 ulit tbe beat of tb ngs to 'Say or Penfield for tbe week•end. om ng ? ts,..couu ry. • . • case of cJjaorder, and a vc•o l\Iru. Jlol'l'nult aald .o\lo woul!l ebcclt I'UbU~ Ro:ldJJ, n method CJt trtlltlnl or the wonderful 'reatmeut accorded · \ Mrs. Z1cgler wns born 1n tbl' right upoll ulhl\nCl'B hetwel'n her tho namou dn tho p(>tit!ona .. ocralnot th<l "pro('cc::~lnf.l'' tbcoo rM:~lB by mlxtnt them by Carlsbad,. Here ia a Mr,'and Mrs M. acarlo Vagil. of eountrv is makin•• her first trin . • • poll bool1o ot tho lnnt otnto ·cloctlma of llallt aspllalUc olio with Ule •uz:..

• "' o , .. rw~ other count rats. Tbts treaty <~ • r,,r,, c.oul'oo In pla{:o on tlio ro:1d b•• tumtnary of lbe game: Riettardt~ott. .. "lstted Sunday at across the water nnd willuodoubt. lt is pointed out n•nn~·l the.> Is· a>m•AJLTMENT 18 l'REPAJliNG b<.'cn dovclopctl wldch pracUc:ally

• 1 1 a ' a a·' a , a n • (be bome of Mrs. Vigil's parents, d rive ucb le 11ur fr m 11 visit . . , ' r' · · , ' ' ,., 1 l.'lllulnotcll all w~r. doc' away wltb Oarlt!M4 O·l l o ·o () o o o I o ' Mr and Mrs Frank Salazar. e m P a e o .f land ln·a more. itJtllnat~ poaation 'IO BUY ·DilW SANC~UAW:t;S. •Ito d.uut nuloanco and forma aQ ln• J.'Ultutoa I o ' o o o o o o s I B ' • to the mulde nnd art centets 0 to us than to any (llht'r country .~~ ~ . q·mnpi\rably omootbor, bettor road. ' w F B d If f R Europe• for wlailc Cobl~u'"" i& ~ . · .. . • "To bo cot nohlo Corovor to .llorvo! Tho n<:~w mcUJocl o.C conat.fuctlo~ 11

.Batterl~l!;.Carlsbad-~loorc aod Mts. • • on • w co an· • .. '. ' . u l• urtbermurc, t 11e rl'l~htm~;~bip bu n~ luvtplnto onuctuarlco" Ill a. pbraOQ! now bclncr widely mtoplcd. · .Nyme1er: Fott St~&utoo-Flores ger Bond, lelt Monday for nn tbeno ObJCCtivl', Utcy wlll tra\>ers( particu!arlv ualidnctory to I nul u. Rctltncton, ot tho \!~ s. Do I Shnnnr motllmls tor tho treatment

D W t d d . • "tb b ts any parts • of". G('rJDntJy and . ' s . p~rtment ot AarlcuJturc. uoco In tiC!1•I of .oand·cl.ny nnd topsoil roads ln tbo and Mt onald. Home runs; elp· ex en c VISlt WI cr pa~eu ~ . f . tb~ Uottcd totn. for, ao stated ctlblncr tho loud to llo ncqutrcd toa1 Gunth, doV4!lovgd by oltpctlmllnt• con· ton aod O'Concor: Ooc base bits: in AlfJed Maluc. Wllltdso tr~tlVt>l 11 ll'lancc a 11 c1 by tbl' Bank, •·jn her ycor!l of mlcrotory•blrd rctunco under t!:o ml·! du"tcll bY tho burcnu In cooperatton W'rt'•ht, "Nt' .. kole, Prrker. Rlcac UJ·B~ Doro' lh" Wrt'abt lef' t ..... , Swlt~erlaud. In August, they rnc ...... Cub h b bt . &rntory18bllrfld"~OilOOirvntlon tl<11 Of Feb· I wllb tho lllshwny Dop;~hment ot s. "' '" ru 0 , ,. '"' lt , i z • (J ""puA•Y a 3.6 OUg Ul•·re ft~W'Y • ""• nut Jorlnlncr tho Ol:POil•• l'nrollnn. nro bc.lpg omplo)'t!\1 Oil M 2, alfd Sbipmau: Two .. aae hils; Thursday for East Las Vegan to W 1 rlltllrn to A mer co, Mr tcg of the pr<Jducta ,.f tlu' {hll'nl dl.uro ot ncarl>; GB,Ooo.Mo In tho nold Jarco ocl.\lo In tllnL aua with ibaUar Nuue&andCavanaugb, Sr. Struck attend· the Normal chtriug tbe ~cr ~in do bit f~ll nnd wutt<:r bu, .. States tl11111 Ita~• any othl'!r mi!ar• h~of~~~~al ~~~~~:t M~.t~rc~f~~~~;~ Y! :'t~~~oo!ul ro.:Julto ""4 lnt•e ee®o· · Ol1~ b7 Moore 6: by Flores 9.' . tweiYe weeks' term. 1U~f lD Now York and Chicago, bl•[ of tbt Pan•tt.mcrii!Ull Unton now tn~turlua plnno tor lnlUntlna- til~ '" ... ~· ~. ,-.~~= =-~::::::- .

• • • and tbey e:apect to be J1orue nbout 11 f b f 11 h Jtrocrrnm or lnnd purrbaoo roqulrcd A moit en1ot~able time was bad R d f T' • • · norma y one· nurt ·O a t e by tl10 uct. Tho Orot $1G,OOO will bo will otroogty tnnuonco anal cle<:talona.

~ , Mrs. Stephen . amon. t 0 Ill• s ... ptcmber 1. Friends Wllih thClU Uuht'd SlateR rcclu"'t!i sold in nvnllnblo ntlcr JUI)' 1. 10:!!>. 'rbo D!olo~lcnl ourvcr 'Would al•o lUte bJ ueroone at • part7 given at uie, who was liYiPi at tbe Dr. a plcaaaht vOJaae and an enjoy• L . A . ~ · Tho now tnw, Mr. ncdlnt:ton ox· to lltwo n& w!do a. varlott ot tlaturnl tbe Seatzlen's Charcq Institute L1.-1118 • place .,.dutiug tbc $c:bod able visit • attn mcraca. plntno, nut!lorllC!l tbc npproprtntlon contl.IUol!tl an l!oa!llbto on Ill• retuJo C()-mun't'1 Hout", in honor of lcr""' · ba• mov"d to Ros-ell ' Tbl' rcnl thri:'at to Cub~t. u1 tbe or monoy tnr tho oolcctlon. purchnao, nrcllO. , ... ,. • "' ... .. .. .. ' • nnd molntcnnnco ot mnrob on1l wntor 'i'ho unlto eolcctcd 'lor, mlrratory • .Mi&s Salina Kane, our. popular wher'e 1obn and Jauc will br , . dcnt11ntl of the sugar protccraoo• arena. Tbo flrot rcnr or worl1 to'\7ard btrd rctut:c!l munt prQt'O to bll cf ncb ;a ad •ell belo.ved ebief nurse. who .. e .. ior• .

1.,. 1 ... e Hi S"' .. h""'l a"d Var· Baptist Encampment i<~tll io ncen iu the iur.,nuon to tblo_ oJl.!ccttvo will coM!Ilt lll'lmntUr ot cturnttor 1111 wlll best terve the lJW'•

• " .. .. .. o ""' .. . • • · lnv<l'&unntlono, cxnmlnntlono, and np· PJ!Joo rontoml)ltittd unllet til• &ct. is.beibg trau1Cercd to tbc U. S. ginia win be hs tbt 8th gra.clt. - make IIUJ!ar tnr&IT rnagc!l pror,t~l'!l• x.rnl!lnlo or nrc::tn l! tor ncqul· Uouolly tbcY will be more or ltN tx• Mari~t: Jlotplta1~ Bo,.ton, . .

1.. . TbcRutd~ .. 110 .Baptist tdbernucle, siv.C1. nltimutdy ruining the tu• nitlou ns rcfur,oo. 'lllo rcmtlnr flol:l tcnolliO ar(:no tot• towiMd comprlJln&

... Mi a E tber Dow. a audun , _ , ,_.; · d · \'\'vrl.l or tho bureau llovolopo motly mmn!t nntl wood tnnd oonU&uw• to .- ~l~bl~f .mtrse: 'WtJ. are sOrrj to .. 1 11

, • . ... "' . . with a !ll."~tlflf! enpaCi()' uf •!;'Ul..l.DUU!il.t.f~'a __ \' . 1ll 0 tltntc Uuu roll nooi.!!L Jn llttno olud!c!l, or cmbtc.clllr, 'l:.'tltCr nrcu, or they IJavo Mtst Xttte lean us, ., bt~r o~ tbe Carraaoao lt1, returuM s (JOO. ha'l 11c£'n compl(ltt'd for the (Jf nrrvc!r"' de{\r\!!UUOtt. flo:ll aocJt!.Ulco .on. tbo cclctt!Ja o% ~():· b~ .. n;.n U:nt. U()t(l. tormerl.Y 'JI'ell

bome Monda" to spend tbc waco• · , If 1 .• , , ,, tltlila muot rtDt ou tbo do· llUilelJ ru: fQe<t:nu nncl n&:!tlnJ arounlh tS!>lteitude 1f(Jr tbc Plltients' wei· . ~ . ' M. nd mucampnumt. wbicb will b~ July tIC 111 '' rcnflc w~rc to be b:!l:lllclnr.r or tnvoroblo nn~ UO• '''" l:IIJ:rlltorv b:rds, but no.w Ulllllll 1uc. Walfap"prcct•ted by all, a net uon '!!tbC b

0et pareuts, r a to. 14. Tbc>re bug bcPn u splen• onh tl'mpnrnry.'' the lcuu 1\HII, rnvorablo f~nturco ot many pnonlblo by rcacon or clrnlnngc t'lavclopmentl

Mra >1:4 ow • •1 •. _.... · · 1 U art-ilD. or wavorntlou and subjcc! to r011to• lH!C' many kmd deeds at~d bet Url• · · • ' • dtd progrntu nrnngt'd for I big ' 0 proi('CrruC prtCl'!l 111 1 1" n• At lli·at, Mr. fu:dlnnton 11clhlv~o. tfm ration to lhl'lr notur11l condltlona. "tirlnlt dcvotidb to all siciC paUents Mrs. E. lJ, Miranda bll& rt• year. A uunlbcr of Sll1ilkN~ bove ileil Statn durtuu til<' •c•mtttmuy tlr4]ufrlltlon or rclntlvl'lli' loruo uo1111 RoHnt (!]!IJorlcmrc iln tbo Upper ·was tru1y marvelous. So we all cetved word tbat Miss Maria ~. b~eu llecured om •n~: whom orl.' drzpr~?&'~ton ju ~orllt priers tbe ~~bf:nt.l~~~:gr '0~;~a?ntlqJ~~~fu~~r~: ~i~1~~g 1~C~~~vgn~v1~0L1~1~~c1 ~~ witb ber God .speed and bon ~01• Sauchu, of Tulll.rosa, r.hed au Et Dr, W. J. Fr;(', of Simmons Urll• C:at1<' wr,u:d not be SIJ seri!JU<;. but Uon of n lnt'.t:O ·Unit nrc rC!laUvdy om.n Jcnrn t~'nt tlloy oro fl&fo from

d j I t) T • ft 1 •11 • b t d ""W VC'<JtN1 ttll<'rtnt" wa""l '•<' o"'alor than wboro t!Jo o:1mo area l!l "'''l"olntlon In n rcfugo orca Gild U1at · .age. an our but ,v shea go w tb ~ aso, t~as, a era otlg 1 ucn&. vcr!l\'tt, w o wil lecture 11th· l•tl '"' .. • ' dh'fdcil Into aovcrol tr.Jcto. L<lw prl· 'llo blra potJulntlon ot 4 pmtocte4 lter ltl ber new t}oaitiou; Mtss Sanchez taught one term Ill tlll' Bible. Dr r. :r. Cuo""· .. r ert'ntt'd frttru 111(' ·«hY tbr inctt>il'lt> ~ nnft thn exlntcocc or t;oml erop;; nrr.~ ts tllJOil much 1&tlster' than illl

r d b 0 .. IT 1 ot tho pluntll on wLlcll mturn!ory · •Jlmllur r:round1 wbore lltlooUn& (I Mit~!l Balmer bas rejtJined tbe 14lncoln school, alld unug l.'r envl'r, Colornclo, wbo ~iii bavc goes IIHo l' cct t.>V<.>ry new blrdo tocd-t7ll!l rloo, tilr cxomplo- pcrllllttcd.

nursing ~taft\ after a f}ctightftll &t~y made. ·a l~rge _.number ?' cbnrgl' of tbt> evnngt>lintu: '~t-rv• filctory bui~t wm tn11k" mort! lhf· __ 52 __ • 5 __ • L , __ ~ • __ . 1 __ ,_. __ ,_L,._,.___:.-~!!• :::: .. a~u •a cation: !!pent in California. frtcHd& wbo wlll· bold bet tu icendotty, Rt>t~mt>d mts!IJono~u·"; ficult ant 'lo~n wunl ft"Voolon, C . } Th.

. • grateful ntuembra.d~e. Sbc Wale\ ai!IO teachers m Sunda v g.;bnnl, "lfl nl! bl!ltorv tbt·rc 'b.JS bl'E'O rysta eater . Mr •. (<\ ~Valtcts, ~our pof!Ular •n IC:Cl.lWPli•btd sonng lady with n. y p u . w. M. 0. Wtlfk nml nu !\UCb •c)cslttlction or prop<'rty .tilhug tllattoo proprtetor. made a .a ebarmtug persouality and u Gospel mu.sic will hDve part on values or dt!lplac(!mcot. of ac IU• .J. (1, BlJ I~l{E'JVI'. l\:ING*R. ~Usiiiefitt ttiy to Ro!lwell. lovely di!iposihoo, <pbieh cmtle11red thl." pro~:~ rum Tbe n fternorms du!ltrial pnp•tlauou by h.'l! t~lauivr F 'd L Ch .. • l

· - ···· · •t1 ay. on . ancy in ''Laugh, C own, Laugh." Mr. Heodreu, our most popular bet-to aU with tibom s~-came in from 2 to 6 wttl he uiveo ovt>r tn decree ns wnued c~:au't' fmm furc•

'bueba.ll manager, arranged for a contact, aud her untimely deatb w:reauon or rest pPriod. There ing tilt' people uf Cuba to a baa· Saturday, and Sunday Matinee. Hin·Tin-Tin in 11The Land trgul:tr treat for tbe bauball lfas btollltbt sorrow to tbe heart' well be splendtd mugie includtotz sugnr produrt10n or even w of the Silver ll'ox," and seco.nd episode of ,.Tartan, the fa.nv, arradgiug 11 game witb Pa• of those w&o k1:1ew and ioved ber. a·n orchestra from RotJwcll. 'l'bts cut it one half. •• Mighty." . du¢tb. Tex~s. a semi•pro ream · Encumpmeot ia located ooly 40 ~, •--a~d although it being a losing - A .second Dance tntles 1!1Cf0!1S tbe. mouuuiog from il::tv Night, 9 o'clock, and Monday. {)roposhion due to not bein~ able _. Corriz<l~o and prmntses to attract Reuder your County ~ills Gaston Glass in '1The Re~ Mark."

Nena· Quartero and

t? adYettise the game iu du~ Ted Edelman'$ popular Ctlllt!gi· large crowds eacb ye:~r nince u 19 - Tuesday and Wednesday. Karl Dane and George K. Arthur t!mef tb"e b.ueball mauagt:meut .us. bOW lOUted -.t RliJdcso. Wtll permanellt io tlaturc ar.! repre· The l~'1scal Year ending June in "Babu Mine/'

. gladly.~1tzll1Jf fbu _(te~sury in (Jr• 1'iYe -~~cti•d dalic:• at the Com! ~etHs tbe entire smn!Jeastern das. 30, 1929, it V?ilf be muct1 apprect .1

der to ~·~ltbe patt~tits t~iudded munitt1l•H 'tM•tctu. J'utu; 18, tuct of New Mextco a ted tf auione I1avwg :1 cfahn Thursday and Friday. Ramon Novarro in ''FlYing Feet." •

, •ttra,etulU, ~!Jour team. t.s. not . a Tbis org,tJilation baa proven L ,_. • · against Lincoln county will reu , ~ == , . ~ .. ~ •.. ~ ~~-· . . "=·=~~ =--_. ~ ... ~ocermaktttg propo5at.tou •• but to be o"ne ot tbe'Qinatpopiilar Us~t Biggest Month in der a b1ll to tiiP County Cl~rk OllJn=:::::=~=::::::JL:::::::_::;.:~:::::::::::::=::3 :.&.: ~~ ~~ solely tll.e. befiefit t&e . pat tent$ bas tvet phyed at Catritoza. .- sa1i1 daf~. . ..... . ma}' tet:~1e frotJJ tbt!se gaml!taud Th. ~~·.,. m· . u•i•· 1.... e· .. ,. .. 11 .... 1, c·om· ,.. D i J 'T" M. b . · Hoatd- of County Commissioner!>, .. • .. " .. ... ... .., " .. , .. eu:o t, uue .- ay was t e s· •• G . C'f ,. t() e&as~ 1tt'ay «JT.dJD&ll ~loom. . au a 'b~at I lid ~ con•ittced. ~iggeal ~optb iu the bastory o ' ~· retaeu. era,

Ur. tad Mts, ltebert tebituea , tbe Cbevtotet Motor Company, . after 1r illOnth'~ 'Y.ltat.iou, ~~nt ·tbf'\ toads iu g.oochbape, but tb~1 Pt'oduttlou for tb~ mon~b totalled one was bttilt every 4 6 at Ne~w ()deantt, · ~i.tb Mr. He• ate ~latJ.~o ge\ ·back to New Melt• 161121-J eua 'and truck!!, breaking tecoot1sl

. - b,!lrt,.s par~uii Jimmie repot(!j ico"$" coot'mOIUIUiu!; ··. ' . . "'+•H reeotdl!t. / From pt~aeut iudi~atiorliil tbe · tltJder preiJSiil'e tir tbe greatest same rcla~ively ltigb level· of pro•

. ' f"'·'P, ~,.,;.,;;· ·rm.;m ':

F'irst:.Nati61.1al Bank


" '

' .

' '

CA.RRlZ'OZO. N. tot ..

W:otk lot tho ftolfllf;. ·. . Sit-.- tM ,.,. <t

• '"itt toe. inactive d.,. otrotit . life ..nn 1ind you • drifting

. .deteiict with few pci'rts· tbat . WiJl -~·you.~



dem.aud in Cbevorlet history, duetiort will .b~ maintaiued iu • 16gi<a11 fattorie,s in. May e~peti• Julie ~o keep pace Wtltt l11e d<c· t~ced the buSiest p~ttod the . watHI, · wb~t:b officialn t~(T~tt, cc;n· paoy bas ever t!nj,u,ted. lt'actots Ut'l!lbated. Dealer atock$ irbeels turnttf'Watb aJ1 th~ sveed . still b~J6W CIOrinal du~ to tfl~ 'oQ-siS"tttlt ..vitb CIH.!'Vt<>lu'a pre• neecssiPf of filling uttlctt'l us• fat\l

methods · •s cnt& at~ f(!tt:i'reil. , .ltdfi!lu1

that pouted irr 'ftom Maine to of tbi!f. petiod hat )'ear. "tt. wb Catif'brni-. Jlld ft<tiP" Wa!ibiogtolt . nvvuuced detitJit~l.t Jullfr to .Florida, 1 . : . · · · produ.c.tian would all ra-

M•t Wf.S. lbe lbitd1 -c:oriseeuti\*e cotdt for t&e bf<Jnth: montb to ie~ -. ne11' a.H<thn~ , The .si~tli.?' pt11nt' that .c(!nttl• monthly ptoductiUlJ' IUattc. U buted to tltt! .rttr:otd ~ll.f pttfot• J•t ai,rtpaned die !hrcht~.o·rd . trta.nce are I cell ted iJ! tbe Jollo

. 1.41~5ZZ, .11nitf. ·· · ttK ettU!s: Petro it. Flint. Mich ••. . To •UOJ:Dpfilb tb1• teeoid · per• .· City. Mie&., S~tgiu••• Mich

· . · ·. · ~tut¥(Olef pl1UUJ nn- · O&io. Atltttt~. Ga.t •ge&'?'.UOO-tltl-•nd tt"cltt dail;h N. ~·• · 'ratrJtow~~ ,N, 'Y ••. : •• uettge bf 1'1'1 eatt tu4 tt'uck~t . 0.:1 Xa.~u-. Ch.rj Mo.,' . · . · built t•tt1 Itmct l'G · · l.;ol.l{$, 'Mo•J Ju~niUe. 'WiiC•t ·

·xa tf~t•blfllt ~:ru1 ltitriute- ·. Oaklud Cat, -- " . ·---------

• '

' . •

Paden'sDru store ... , :t"l ;?taHI~'#"'=#• N¢#i:~: "1.1H~f' •• ) 141 ·s­


When in need of I)rug• .. or · a

• I' ·us a tria.

·· Phone 20. ·

• t

•• ' . I

• .. \

v •

~· '

. '.


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.~:lNfLUENCE .OF C()Lt>lt' ··~.· ; .. -.. ". ' 'Br t,. . .A. ~Wh-~R '. · ·. :.> ·.. ,,,,


ay VIola Brother~ lhore •


FOR nnt 00011!-

N OW ADA YS till!, hllrdeetthlnJ for a &lrl al11't pretendln' to kDOJf'

)lrllat abe don't, bot llecounUn' for .:~JIIaf ebll dOett. . . . ·

. Ln·, an rtgtat ~· 'baochty, It JQU Jo1 pJ.,.t•• 10Utnlre. ,

. . ' ' . . . . -~-. ; ..

~;9;8: ,patple •D«< aol4, 'ill• 10ult.- -ilpt to bt .;olor. "IXJle .,~!!'- bi"·Mif.l>l•~ tomr. lhat n II JPiprlaoll~ fn d~J· tor •ome mcMIOJfetl ~~ •~'*· d., · tll) It l.lnp ~tllent Jqi!P trom 4f.q to p..-.I~J; wWJe, 011 . .lJ!e 11UJer ~if.. tJJe -.ruabt. unmflldtlll ot cal'Urttt~ JD ·!Pdib ar~~ J!ld 1•U!'W1 lll'e c~do~o ·I~ dellsllttul ~'lrc>!l~t. .. · . ·"tal Uri«...- •••1 to h!1Pli1 ·~~ ~t~d

Whet! dpiJ. rea den -ctat• crfleP d~Jtghtflll Yfalo~W. . . . · · .:.:. .. · · . onr tM. •teel·!Jiu!!l. bill to~ alld . Pie. We 111( •now bclw 'ft. llN ttl~ to

· ('0111 wlgd.l · .-J:IIp !b.f 119!¥1 ~~" o~;~r lnmott ~ell!~ l!J ·J . .JlltceP~ ~~~· ot Wt tme. there. Ia m lllJ ot. u.e ·• ~. • ~e~ ·Of pe.uu~l bl01>~o1 . rlalut.l fneU!Iatfoll to beCome deJec:tid dowetll, or M orcbar4 wbou ltla fer­and •cJ·b.-ried. . . . . aur~ ·II' 11.e" llDd tbu n't~ ·atf, hi(f~!J-ne l'llll~is for tbfa mental ltatf !It· Wltl,l 'WaVfr;I,C plpk BDd Wblta bl~tJ!f; Ulat _we •ra unC<IJlaclol!'lr lnduen~~ an!l ,the )t.tnoepl!ere " Up•~ wlth

· . lubUt~ l!ueJI ot violet. · , · · · .. · . What t. lbe"' ·ta o'P,r 1Jfnter home

' .

.. G.\,8.\" :(lE"TiE

Ute tbat . lfvea ua ·.more •ce!llitable cheer t11an tbe klndiJ .blu, on ·:uw · olX!n he.llrth l · • · ·

Wbo doe.l not enJo7 tltlln1 ~r·ore the .o!'llnJe .aawea to give . or

• · be~lt up lO p!.eJ111ant . ,-....... -~~~"""'";!!"!!!" ..... _"\· tviJillnM lbldoWi pl!i7llTIT• a.ncT Rille

I upon the w!lla and tbe I!Jii.ow(llt,J(~ peJt the c:rtltltl tlllDo I · · · · ·

ft Ia not .0· :mucl! the aenlal w•rmtb · that w~;~ relltb lis the elulllvl c~lora. It you doubt tbll, bllndtolll :rour ere• ana oontliow quTcld:r ':rm Pf.eUlil'll atcala "awa1 Jnll teavH ,)'OU Jl'()PIDJ Ia a land ot JIQOm t ·· · . f«l •• II~CI•rtlf.wplJMI' 17Ddlt41e. l

I u JOu're atral4; autrer, J;OD 1utr~r -· r.roa bc!ln'..,.frald. -FOft THI QANDER-

U JOu're lllClrJ 100 have a lot ot rrtrod-. 1t too luck7, a lot of encrnlca. -

Yo.t llll&flt aurpr1Mt Jl WOIUIIIt wftJt J1.' Ida. but aner on the mouth. -

Rendering Very Good Servi.ce

T UR poiiUcal 1>&117 to wblcb the late ADtt!riCliD aiDbuiiii'JOr to

~raare oolonJ(ld Ia aow of lllt!e COil• ara, Tbe populac. Ill Wall aa lbOH .s. ltlall poUUcal II& ~~&111 boJnace to ltll aaae 111 1ratetul and end urlne ap:o JwedaUoa .r the •cnlll.tiJil aenlc. Jte 11!adere4.

What wu that HI1'1C41J Thoee eo. 'tC'IIIUI wutJ Ute dettallt or t~ ewba'io Q wet~ld doubtle.u aaawu b7 PIJIDI trtllute to Ute UllUrlnJ euer11 and Ill>


~ .,. o.~ M:~llutt ·

a1tetl .... ,.. tO.ortOW tlll)bt\ lit dtt•'teYtn walle lht babJ,

J'Nm the eotai!U7 ce th• Iowa lltSap a b11 .ot thlat,..._

IWra tle fOial la tbe prdtn. w~n. .. now. 1 bQ fOlll' par­

clea." m:H '" ..,.r lbe )IIOIIIe IQ •

•w~~t. IJle wt" lt a!('e tod:IJ l"

x-. tilt 'IJiad u rttllJ hut. 0.. liQ fllf. 1.11. tlf.le llat •••t.

O..Mtl'ltfa~tl•~ llH *'• IIUt aa awtut ~

IIMI!UIIH aln&lftJ, IOI)t!tlli:tal ~ .. Ill tiler .. urn~ or tomp~lltntnc. .

Atte llle ......, or .. tea a· CU.·• Vtq MiK'tl, latlc.W. tllre u.

ca. •••t. '*"** Mall~ll. t

Alpine Troops Awaiting Blessing· by tlte Pope

. . . 'h••• ........ , ... ' . ......................... .

,;. ' .. # .. ... . ...-

' ' • . i' ., ·, ..

. .. .. ••

"' •• l' .

. . . . . - ' ' ·-· -~ ' . '-~~-\4~:1~·; .. • ', '---~· ---~. ;

. . ,·, · __

... ''· - ·~--'

' ..


"l'wui)e-o~uUe~ ~Jona (Ueo -ol~Clxleo CJlf (left)< and DorOUQ- DIIJllt ~· belw; CJ!llf. (rt;:llU, were· tied Jn tbll Jote tor Ule honor ot being Queen Valencia at rhe nrnnr annual orance •bow. at A~helm.' S9 It :wu deereed that the,)' 1hoold ihare the throne,. ·


........ ~; __ -· -,1,,--__ _e__ - - - . ,jt . I -·-·--·-

•• • . t '

• . . . ,

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. " ~ ;'." • . . 11

' . '· . . .. ' 7• ' '

\• .


,. ·•

f . l

_ ... --


' . lmperati'QI t(l Keep t&~ H~•c1

. Down

f l

I i



·f'l' IS a 'cardl.nlll rule In colt Jo ~P j· ' the bead down In aU ahota. . lt 'la Almon ab~lutel7 lmpe,..tlte that one do thla Ill pl171nc " IDBil\ft plteh. Tbe main ~rl ot an approaeb abot If It JJ oYer ~ trap or water II that It soea high enough to clear ~Yt\1'1• tiling. It the bead Ia not kepr don there trlll be a tendenc1 to brtnJ the club up also. . Tbla must not be d,o~~e, 111 the club In order to make aure of picking up ~be ball moat 10 torwarcL Tbll permtq the lott 011 the dub to take care ot tlie bel&bt ot tbe C!IJht. One ma\i fiJie the e1e otr the !>aJl 10 long u tbe heitf l! beld In fiOtl· tton, but lt 1.1 not wl.le to attempt this. ~ • ••• • •

1 ..f~u~'t.IN6 THl:. BA/.1... , 1NYt:> 'rriE. CR.OUAID 7b 1/W:tt. cr /lUA/ Wffll IIIJCI: SPIN


i " .,


.. •




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'' ' bv\ 41~ __ . _ ~vflr pt ~~- W9t.t •t· Jt ~ _ B\lCb a. wq. Uult .1Q'IJ copld!i~~. collie . . . -~It-•·.• -J--'·-· ·1· --~--· ·· _. <, ba~~ at thl ·tltl\e. a~d. Y<lt :rou wq •• . _ -. eore; that 1ou ~oulcJ o' crle<ll .w~w

- • · - - · • · t~t wa' . II!e·" · · _ · . · · .. , . .-_ ,,'· ... _., ·,- · ·ur -· •Mil."

· ... ~H\u~1.1.~· ·-· \ · .~w.:~~:!irpl;''\v7, 1 ;we~t _ ~o •clll>!lt

• •

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• I , • . .

. ' ·- ' •'. '• --· -.. -

' '~"'~ · -· '!. • - .. · . . - .. - _- ._ 'll'ltb -U!_ a.t . .-u;r P\J~ op w.~ S!lllt_b_ ald!ll '. . . w.......... .. . . \. . .. ~ . · ·· - - WI'~!!\ .rtlf ol!J• .-~~- hll-1.! t 'Qu Ill 'th!t; • By GIO'-OIADI - - tou1111a at~.4 olu Watten~ w.-_-J!JS.t bo- ======fa;;:;;:

· · · · - · · • .. ~lll'- tQ. Jilt " , JJ~e !Jp_aJ~ IJ;he_ 1r:.,..";',..,.,;,...,... f11: .. ,o41~i0r · ·· · . . . . . : ~·mllJ dl®.'t put .on. llU~ ¢oJ·J~. t)lem · .... :, 1 ·

~e.~.t ~.t.·Jlij~."B._t .. -~ -~7~.t~~='u~~~of3:~~.~~ .- ·rb: , -__ ~#EM -Alt':l'll!l !lM J,llll..,_ .hat11oae w a a-. ~~~ocqlUli ~, P!lallut~~, @nd. <; ·1,\':~ .,.·~ ,-•f:,; -• · ma~ 6,;1 'B&Uir~ lttern()()ll,. aawe twD-IIPot'!l wot a lla~r tbJ~ · ;; ··' · · ., : ·, · m :

. ~eJaet.dom.,.dld ~,l!-at-·ttw" llave 'flll:'JS!Ia~ l!UhCHar.any .tbJit Onerrof _ Is~~Oyer .. cot¢ Jnd clou~ ~tl 'tl!'l WJP~~ W , ~mea .to;" - · .. '''f dhi - d: · . ~ ,.toP tblnktn~~;bQ~;~~: ~· li'Orl4 lD nl thO\ll:~t ~~~ feltoW .Wil8 o!l the : 08., · g .~~~er. l!VllJch the7 w~ .Uvln;. . · ·· . uP and: up. · l've kilo~ blrtl tQ Jpeak - • :. ·

After th~ ~ond act the:r · h!ld. to ever. .-I,Mt~ we learned, .w amil~e LQB$ea l!l,l$talneit JJY ~l~~



. , •





' "

..• ,Sc8BEN~GRID ' > •

. r:·

I . ~~ ~!!ttothe io.,br, whOre a• pale- . clJ&.~Ues tOJ-ther b~ck .o• th~ cnr ot the. Untted States ln 1aced JQUnJ ~ -In a unl,t!)mt lt~:t!Pa . b1U1111,'«~ not more'n ·~ months ;th\l~·IWSJ! .. · Dlln& "No ~Qlllnr. plealll."-and ev- ato lie eq~e. Into a Cllbm~ wber(l ff!-9 !![1nor.!1 . . . . . -. -erybQd:r !lllli!kea. · 1 w.u ~ttln'. Be was wlth • I;I!Qb of ;)'jl!II)J. · ~bls tt.emend11u• tWill~. ca!l - WbUe they were atandlnr there. tell.· . d~butanti. , anO purtT IIOQn llo comea be ~b!lr~ .directly to!.tll6 Ckleleamellll !De each other what wu lfl'OPI Wlth over cu1.' touches me for hal~ .Jt. :ard. IP~· lrll!Pil~ · and the · n~tll~~ of tho 4~:ama, · wbo ahonld come floating Now, J'O)l !>now you can't 10 up and. 't~·rtntlon ~ompnnlejf. fA. the Ion• !D but :Banci'ott W!lltera. . bone a atl'anger ·'tor that mucll, ca11 'IUII'tl" Qt tbe l}ny, "Someti\Jn~ (!Uj:llt to


Elf!dro• !JIJntfmic Spe~J-Ier . ~ \ : .

_· l.Jancrott Walter•la the: 9COnd .ap .. you? ille.lmew nu~ well ~DOU!Ih to ;et be \'IQI1edlb9Ut lt." - • : -. · ot Liiarim,e Wtlteri, who Jl)anutac-: the -atti.'~ · · "One Qt the bls;gest · tactqiJ l• ~ll*'

Power· ~ · Batteries - - . ...

·. ture4 a. JUP«!1.1Qr klnd of roollna .ani) , "Dill JJe [Ill)' It back'!" _ ;l{2J.,;t~ese heavy 19&1~ ts th~ ~yqtl~lld· lwl nevu .lmoWJl a losl~l ;rear. • _ "2or& )!e dhL I ain't uyln' lle'il JJ~ 9( <:&us, e1!.llile\a111 lJI bot '\ff!ltlier,~ Ban~ot~ coea-to a veat man;r par- CfOQked. .1'11 tel~ you when bQ t:fve n .,. E. li'i F.errtn qf the dlVIIIJOil of

·U.. and probablJ belonp t9 tllat 'UO" back to me. 11t waa one nl&ht out at animal husbnndey ofthe l]nlve'filltJ ot ' ' ·.Jul. cl1vJ8lol:l q.t -the humall race ~own Ule boat dub wlllm wo w~ MYm' · . ltlnncsota. "Thla tantt Ia chara:eable

u "\'lanclnc men.'' Be hal • 4e~ ln aome bouta tbere, 1 brought over a cbfeftJ to the · Cll.rrler which ccim~l• hll fJither'a omee &lid 1t ~' Jn~Jt aa hM<lY boy from the West il<le to put the shlpp~r to Pll1 freiGh* on a,gre.t• &ood Ue attende4 eollep tor hi Ill agalllst. a little fellow trom a er weight tban can loa lied wltbout two yeara, liDd then departell beca\Uie boxin' acboill, Whnt I wa1 goln' to rllllc. qars In need of repnlra c:nuse tba ft~culcy felt that~~-wun't an1 ue cet •t was th't nanny wu there." . crippling or dnmago to bogs In tralllitt'. · s.,., 0 ,.'"' ca .. ••• Cola


.._ln. •· · "Wbo'a Bannv ~" . Bolea ln ftOOI'If. Plllll, proJcctlnl:_ on · ... ~ - ~ .Short dressea worn b7 l(lme ot tbo When JJancrott aaw ,HlUer IJIO ArtJe "Tbat'• bls n11me. We naed to call the tnatdo ot cars, cleats on tfoots, ·ancl mnldC!lS of Buchan, C%ccbOilovalda,

he amtlecl benmll1& abd Hid.. "Bello. blm thaJI wben .be wu a kid. Well, UDllllfl!· doors. are all minor cnusea of were reaponsll}le for the aevcre cold Jat!ll." llt.)';lll out there that nl~ht bettln' all 10811' wht~h could till rcml!dlcd by tbe ..,. 6 •

"\Vhf, bow do 7011 40. Mr. Wal• · kinds ot talk, and vou'd tho.llght J WIUJ f&!lroad COJIIliiiDY• 'l'llo carrlel'l! ar.i! •:ap111,!!N111 eb~l~nr &..urope. 1-10 declared tho ' ~·-th 1· 1 ., ot the Buchan cbureb re-teral" repUed .Wlller. · billion~ .t01t brother. lle atood around ....... er at tau t ln dellverln~ tJDC: can ccntly, no announced .. rrom the pol·

.Artte lllld notbJnc but looked aome- the comer wbere 1 wu bandlln' m7 Cll(a tor reloading, althou&h ~ order pit tbnt a spirit appeared to blnt and thlnc. • mnn, and tt wat. •ArUe' thll and 'A~e' ot tbe Interatllte Commerce i}omm~

nancrott. bon~llt blleata and then U•llt. all the time. Ue loved me that lion exprc8111 provides that clira muat e:rplalncd about tho wel\ther aqd tl•o walki)d over to ArUe Qd alappe4 hlro nll:bt. Jlebbe that'a bccauae be bad bo cleaned. · • drc!lscs. nts pious consret:ntlon ne­on the b!lCk. . · a tew under bll belt, but tn)'WI'I It "But tho earrlcra cannot be held for cceted tbla Interpretation ot tile pbe-

"1 haven't aee.o-Jou tor.a tona Ume, went with me. J thought the boJ ali tbo lou 'l'he dlspoaiUon ot the =·=om=;;w:=o=n:::. ::=:=:::::::::===::::==:::;:::::.= Artie.''. waa all rlabtl' , _ 11hJpper to tote a chQnce lnQuces the

"J aeeu 10u atnee :olliMD me," no · AJ:tfo pqused (D bla ato17 •and put a Jll'llC:Uco or orerton.illng, Improper bed· plied ArtJ~ • cl11nrctte fJlto hit mouth. lllller 4lb~:·of elu-11, and u~t;lcct to remedJ

"Is tbat ItO!" , rtllcbed Into bll pocket tor a matc:b.. mJDor 'dc/cdl J.u ~rs clcllreredi to tbe

f'rtenc:b and .• American Citie• -Clotely Linke.d

An Amorlc:nn city wn~ olltclnlly rep. rosont~ at -tho lmPre"lv& ceremonies held ln Orhmna, France, m cclebra· Uon ot tho llve hunOredtl\ 11nnlveraary ot tho rolslns,r or tbo atc&:o ot Orlenll!l by Joan ot Arc. -

The city Ill U10t whlcb tho Frencll colonlaUI ot Lonlslnnn founded IJI 11l!l and cbrllltene<l Ln Noovcllo Urlcnna.

' • . .


. '

. I • ••

• . '

'4 '.

.. . . • - '

,' ) ' ' ~

' •

"Y~ and J watlrto ten 10u aome- but Artre abook hlB bed. 1Ptl4lltr, etillOJ:I. J11 $lllpmenta of • thla', Dann7. You're uolhln' but a '"J:blit J.a bow J found tlle 1trcatc o' Jllxe4 c:a111 ot cattle IUld ·bObflt dliDIIJ

two-s(lclt. \'Qu'ro tho amnllcat tJlln~: s-ellow In blm.'' l!lld b~ .. One after. putltiOlllJ wbteb 'brt!.'lk .town retolt In

1\KJ) 411k.k rdlcf elliot. tJmt, n ~Wnt. ~ rtt:t .a..q ADell'• Woot•x-. tM Mtletp\Scl . IM.U.C potr;kr,lato )'IIIII' Mon. It ... tiM 4ktloa floa tiM thocti

'l'ho two cltle:s of Orleans. old nml now, h[J\'O long mntntnlnctl frhmdl.)' rclnUonS. On tbo h'o hundredth nn· lllvorsary ot die fll'llodln; ot Ne\' Or­len04 J)cr &Inter 1t1 1-'runco tools vart In fmpres.~h·o ceremonies. nhll In tho following ,-e:lr rerclrc\'1 trom No\V Of. Icons a bron~ZC medal nnd later. tha em· broidered ellll tins of tho ('ltJ'. Tllo IIIII' now hnnt."ll In tho llolt>l .do Vlllo nt OrleanrJ. On ttnnlvoronriN of tho battle or New Orleans, ol(J OrtennJ tali~ tll!l tlar; out and filra It troru tho rooftop.


. •J*"• Ott a lJo.tMt to Qlvt You a a....t In tht NOM.• •

. -

• '

Uutl>. Proper beclllhl;: of c:llra wUl snvo mucll loll& tn bot weather noll aoall~ wttfr :r;nt~r Js;'tl) tl\r tllo llelt liltltl'rl!'-11. 1D \'llrJ colil we:1ther loue. col.lld bo t,~rotentet) by tn~klng one wMtb .of bulhllni .1111per alone ono at de ot tb' (;ll' po:~r tl}tt noor. T~J.a protec­tion fA t:l!cen:lr1 oo11 on tho 11lde of tho ell" wbleb will be toward tho nortb oa tho car Ia moved to 111nrkd. l\tort of our Uvo 1t~k t:OM to wstltet In an ~twant or mtW'ard dlrcdlon.

Render Assistance to Sow When Farrowing

At 1arrowlnr Hmo berc!amlitl' ahoaJd.lHt on IlaneS to m~du aullt-1 anee It ne:cflflllrr, but abould otber­'Wllo not dlatnrb tho aow. · Ill large hcrdl U llq been found IJI eJ:CCC!d· lngl7 profttabte plon to bnTo IJI t\IPO' t1enced man nurb1 durlnr the nfgbt at tbls Umo to hurpcd tile fil'IVJ evcey three honra. Tho farmer wJtll oniJ a fe'fl' 1ows will Ond that a few nl&bt trlE* to tbe bog ho111e at fa1'1'011'lmt tlmt wilt 1111te man,y a . Jitter, anll provo a most profll!tble lnrl:$tment of bll ttme and Mer~.

Jn tho nse ot broV)'. cluma:v 1()11'1. cr tbO!Ie whtcb aro TcrJ «!atleu ct 'fntrowtng lime. It IIi a good plan to IC!Pal'llte tho. pigs from tho· dam by ptadn: them In a worm box or hatt bamJ u tbe7 are farrowed. S11ws properu bruulled betoro fanowlllt: wfll not ti!!Uilll7 ment &ncb aep!'lrn• Uon. \VMD tbc £OW baa bl>come quiet. tlld u qo.lekl1 os (IMSible otter tar­rowing fa orer, the lllg& shcmtd be. one a., or.~ cardully l't'JIIo('ed nt. n ntpple and watched nnUI thclr t:lfety 18 aunred. tt tho sow ll \'ery c:rusa IUld lrrUab!e. It may be r.e«n:Jry to keep· the pip away tram her tor a tonlO(!r tJme. ~tnrnlng tllcm to nun:e fi~ mo or thrne brrors. A chilled pig moy be n?Vlved by lmmettlni: It tp to the llead In wnter rut wnrt:J u U:_i! bruld will bet~r. .

..-4 ...-,. waUciiJI cr dMdq • ckllpt.-lc44ctU7dll ..


'Ease - -

Mtaterlna J-et,. • Little nctty waa TOI'J fond of rtnp.

11nd her Jlnil!rt were olwa111 bctlcclco!l with au soru ot them. One dn7 atter abe bad Tlallod hc:r aunt liho told tlor -m<~ther that abe wanted n rlnt: Jllllt tlko auotle'l. Wlltll aJkotl wllnt 1d.nd of a Jin; nuntJe WO«!, abo l't!VIIciJ, "a mu­alcal rlnt:l'

"A mtlllca1 ring,'' lnqolrtd the mot.b· er, "and what kind or a rtnt: 11 tbatT'

After tumlnl thla over In ber mini! without a sototfon, mother got tll• aunt en the wll'Vbone, and murb to bcr amulN:m(lnt learned thnt atmtle wna weadn; a "band" ring.

J'rMb, aweet. whl~, dainty dolhtl lor btlbJ, u 1ou tJJe ned erou Ball Blue. Nnet ~m or tnJnru them. AU 1004 rrocera aelllt.-Adt.

Alwa,-e Wera O~tt, Toe · Teacher-Now gl•e me tho uamu

ot eomo ptc:tt.t or dotbln~:o Clllldren-Co:Jt. bat, lh(l{_>IJ. lllou~ . Teocher-Now a piece ut dotblng

for tbe banda:. Frltz-Trounr po<1t~t&=Ful1111 VJ.




. .

. TralGc Rill" .. !llu, mn7 I llavo )'oUr nome and

eddrta'l "Jnll't ~t cnousb to bulllp toto mo on

a ballroom lloor'i" "Jl'l tho custom to ueba{ll:o nrunta

In C11SO of a coUIIIIon." c::::.: ~------:;--· ---- ....._.__ ---.--·- ·--:· : ; ,. W. N. U., DENVER, NO, 23-w1121.

lhit Ate Silo-Isn't tho moon lo\'el1 tonight'/ A IJOt'U. Jn the mtncS ••a IUlatprjt- •

Do Jou know It aiWaJa 11111 mo with .It It la kept tl•er~ litJDf;Ct for IODIC!thlng. -

Ue Cbutli:J-Lt:t'• danec.-Tit· nit&

· llany hnblltl tl1nt aNt not rood 6lr mrn do not kill them.

ewlifefor old leather


. .

' .

0:0. -(Q#· ... , ..... ................... ...,._ ................... u...-... 'al.tetant •t M1DWJII'1" hODVCH. n..-... • .,.,_ w .. f 4nfn ...,. ,..,..

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F~llJAY, JUJ\E 14. l'J29c·.

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tlt~J ' .

• Qu:u·tl3r ot_ SectJou. TAree

Septlon (10) soutb ot ' ~1:110

EIQVCil . . M. .H. -Notlcc ·turltber · ·· that tJie

llnfOUiltQ to bD . Sl}ld 11-.Jt aN:ordlng ~o lll., . aald decree are llfil follows.:


J.D. FRENCH Spccfal MAner.

JQno U-21·2&-JuJy li,

• •

• . ""' ,,._ ' ,41 t

~ _,_

I ' .,. .. ,' -

~ '·

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• • H VERY CA.'R . -' . ~ . i.

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...:l •. S---A:: bp~-_:/.;r·, r"A:Q.,..;.. Wl"fli'


fti•JI.'I"l' •· ~.4.!:- • o •' I , ' ' , •, . ' \ .. . '. ) ' .

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. . '

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• r . . ' ' .• .. 'fl' ;.

STANDARD~-· . . . (· ' . .,__ '.

·ETHYL .. ,. . ' '

. The finrit ga:solint we have· ever offered'

to the o(14o'toring Pu~li&

• •

• I •

• • •


' .


• •

Clean- COmfort~ble and '

Rates Reasonable ...... •



Patronize the ·


t. I. SW&Ef, .... ,.

. Open .bay and Night. · •

• . '

B_tlliDets ~en's · L1Dlch, 11.4.5 . to 2.00 o•dock. Fifty C:ents; .


• •

- ' ·-

' v,' ,• .·

.. . -

FO~ \'

---P"f"-·· --_

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u'k ··s- i . .,., ... ,.,.l'i ,..-. !t..!O..- iiolli _. - - - -- ' } . ~

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. · . . . .... . . ~ · . LJI'QQUfQQQN~J lflllW3· • ' • ·~·

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• · : '· '· . ' . . ".. " ; · !.~, : : ;,:! .!f~! I! !! !! :I ; I~:;~~ ! , 1 • L: u.l · .. AODlTJONAl.. LOCAL Notic:11 ofSp~ci~ l!fut•~·· s.r,. . FrPtn '.(Q.~Jtg ..

'"' ..... ' ,. . .~: . . ~ \ \.. .

· Mts. Jt~ .Qtcet mail~ "' t.,.Jp to. · NC!ticll is .hllrebr. giveat th;at . . · ' ·- · , · El -P~sofbil! w.,eJi,, . · • llQdr:r and I'IH'&~il,llt .to a d(:cree'of 'l'he'Stri\'<:y'l'lome at, tu.'tl!lwas

· . · .Mrs •. •Geor~~·~ :4. Strapa~. · .and :lll4l P'str.j~tC~»rt of . t,tu: .·• · . · .. tbe.s<:etJ~l?f'.~ .h·~J!.()t·. ~;~.therllJ!h cbll~tett. (ir-o.y~ . ·t,«> li)l Paso ldt +. J'~.~ 1~1al D.'~tJ:Ic! o~ .the. Slate .. · Thur(lda~ l?H~ •. Qat.c.msl bly:; l ,re• 6atJ.m\av;. . · . , , . . ~~w M!'l~lco: for . . . . ... · b"sinesfi m;~~Jn~ of ·th~

• • •. • I o. ,m, 1'b<~_rllfqu, · for~er.ty ~·· COJlnt-J,e! .Ln.t7olt11 lJ1 T11,?( ·Su1t . . .· Aid~ b.ut ~n r~Phty.a. t~~r· , . . . . ~~t~sldeu~. ()t "CMii~o2;~, li.!liJie in No. J6.·wltj?fe~n !b~ ~.tat~ nf,Ne~ pn~~. §bower. 111 t1oPo.r . ot , M tSl!

. :. · ... • . tM.s :wee.k:. fr~m .flre~lci}1ri4ge', . Me:XI!:~ IS .Pii!l!l.~ltT. ,lind. a~rJttll~. ~lJ.\'!:)Da Pri(~l~f WbQ w,tll• ?e .. m~.r· .

. · .··· :. rre.xalll •, .. · .· . · . . · · Oousbrucb, · e.t. ~I., · Pef~pf.l;~.uts1, dcd JIUi' lS.tb ID Mr. Pru;~ M1lr . · .. , .. · • · . .J .. ··· · . , . , , ,. wl'ncb sa'.~ l'lecrc.e wns rendere<l ler o( ti_.~lilr Anello~ .Pressefl ~s 3 f .. ... Mrt~. ,:A<e~!*all 'rln!:'.0'.' retu. ne!l . tbe 21st d<Jy. ot J u,ue,. J . .. . . . Ju lt.nur .(lltle(l coat and .. · ·Mondll1 to b~e~ ~t>tt.l~ ~n ~l . . adju!lie!·•tbe ~t,twptH of ·~a?~es · t(lpper little Tomtu)" :Knight

. I • ;lfter Jij.4eek a v:s~t wlt.ll, .fri~n4s du~ Q_!l ~~e {lrQpE;rty ·ll~h:i.d d~· ?1ld s~.r~ .t\II~A Silver& wltb tru i 1· .• ~ere::· · · • ,. ·. ~crlbed a'Ud orderrng \be Bille of 1ng: brtdill Vl)lli d.rovc ill n tPitlia.'·

• . . Mr. and Mtlil• :Slater llugl~es said prophty, l wilt l)n. lbc 12tb tute a lito laden lieuvily wlUt.gHtt~, ~ltv~ goniHQ ~lilmogordo, wbete {lii,Y uf July, 1929, at tli~Ji'Our of t.cnutifu,l nod·~: om i c: Wbile St!'<~.ter will rutl for a month .on 9o'cloclt in Lbe rl.1)or~tin~ of· said ~:r.accruily making at:knowledge· ' the Cloutlcrpft branch, d1.1y, aU be front rllloi'Pf t~e Coqrt rnent, Mtss Drake wa.s .handed a.

Mrs. Callie Kabler~ ope of the , !It;, 111 CHnz 1zn, N. M.,' off1•r marvelous bridal cAke, contain·

' I

. . . ' . .,

' '

' .

. ' . I!!; ! . . ;I .

• • • • •

' : . . ' ' . '

.. o .. •('s .. . . . . es· . ._ . ' _-. . ' . ' ' . . ', ' • \ •• . ~- ' "-,. . : . ' . ' ~ '; J

,~·. tka·ta$sure,DEPENI1Anu· · ~ . . ,. . . -. ' . .

~S:POitt;i'.fl()N/ ~ ............ ..: . . •.

• ·.·

• •

. . .•


• •




olcl resrden ts of Carrizo:co. now for 1:1<1 le at public VI nduc and sell in g. fortune t~lling tokens wb ich ' __ __:_.._futiug:...ialnu=~~HDe-P..p--M~tJt~o~~.!U!}!!LJL!!!~~L_-c;Cl!@4Rrru'<!l)ma_m!l.&h· ~rriul.ettJLl:~fl4--~---~-:::- .~ -.- ·--··· - . .

subjrct to lht· apprtJval and coup ibots of the tiny "bride 11.,nd



. '



tlay Ior a visit witl1 frieQds,

· Mr. l!.Od Mrs. L B. Crawford <lro\'e to Tucumcari \Vednesd<t,y. L!:n. !~ ilt~Otber Qf the boys· w·b.o tUn into C~rrizozo now, wben"~'he· form'<rly ran.otlt of it.

Rev. T.· V. Ludlow went this •· .

week to meet his daugbtcr, Mtss Mny.Elma, and·briu~r her home, Mas& Muy Elma has been attend• ing College at Abilene, Tcxes.

1\1r. and. l\1rs, A. W. Varney came down from Corona Sundav

' and drova over to Ruuloso th!lt da'y. Rev. and Mr4. F. C Row• hnd n~companied t~H:rp to. the tn()Un~atns. .


firmation of the Court, tbe tol· groom" in their auto· 1111d of tbe lowtn-g de&cribed property, t·o·wit: ~uesls hi were taken, re·

Beginning rna point known as freshment$ of h:e•cret\m .and an· tM¥g,~JttJr section c'Or·ner-on the l{CI f~?od ca!(e were served, a nil west bintuda.ry of St•cit•JU 12,1'wp. lbe gursts <leparted with hearty 10 S Rg~. 1~ E., and running !!OOd,wishea fm the happiness of thence 1320 ft. E.; tbrnct> 932 h. the bride to he. N.~ tbetfc~ ZS H. s., 70 °· 30 • g,i thence 516 ft. N , lS o 30' E., tbenCl' 235 tt. W.; thence .458 ft, S •• 10 o W.; thence 36~ ft N.,

Card of Thanks ..... 0

74° 30' W.; .thence 350 ft N,.; We wi&h to thank our many tbencl' 250 ft. W.; tbeuce 125 rt fri~!n<J:~ for tllt•ir kind assist<\'ltl e, N ; thence 350 ,ft. W.; tbrnce '185 words of SHnl)lltby, nnd lhl' beau•

. \

ft. S.; thence 200 h. W.; tbl'nce tiful thrill 1•fferin~rs durt'ng the f160 ft. S to J•lace 01 be{finn'liig, rPcent illne11 .. a.nd d<•ath of ··our con tat nJU~ 35U ncrl's, m,pre H brloved' da uc hter. si'>tl r. urano

• •

• J

• •

The Chevrolet Red "0. K. That·· Cqunts" Tag Protects Your Used Car Purchase. . ~

Every·recondl~oned cat we offer for.snle Is ldentlfled'by means of the Chevrolet red "O.K. that Comns" tnJl. This tall ls the .,urcbnscr's assurance that the car to which

· lt Is attached has· been gone over carefully by expert mecbnntcs-thnt It has been thoroughly rccondltlon~d-and that · the prJco Is based on the cnr'e actual nb111ty to render service •

" ' Due to the overwhelming popularlnr of tho

LO·OK at these Outatandlnat Used

· CarValu~

Late 1928 Coach ·

•• ~ • • '

.. This car is practically new; has ·many extras; looks new $450 ·

Chevr-olet Sedan

J.•s!l. V drta.tlt•ns 111 nJI .courses dau::btcr, uud niece. Rncb.el. Moruatt Reih•y 11nd Emil An· 13 0 30, E• t~st. ' !\f d , I s C •

'"~raon, both fortuer Carrizozo . · • 1:. nn ·• rs • aturruno hnvt>s new Chevrolet Six, we have on hn.nd nt thla time nn unusually large Qt"oup of these . 1928' ..

) • '

burs, now on tbl.' rnad 88 tl•bacco • Noucc I!> furUin J:tveo that the 'lnd c.bildren · salesman out of El ·Paso, wrre aanu~Jol!! to be tealt~wd from suid Mrs Manuel Gonza'es.

tHlc accordtn!! 10 the term~ of Mr. noel Mrs. Jo,·Cbaves here this week; putting up ad• · f Mr. an .... lrd. Alnck Ctaov"n 11a id dl.'crcc .arc au ollows: u •• ~ ~ "" vcrtlsemcnts aud calling on deaf• era • Jud~:mcnt of the State

• of New Me~tco, wttlt Mrs. Rufus Hu~~C!I and ebild· intcrct>t to dntc of sale

Lincoln County Bap-

rcn B(ll'nt the first tlart of the · week iu Ei Puo. They make an

addition to the families who left here, or arc preparing to lean, bl'cause of the it)C<~nveoic~t lny· ovl't!l at t!tis eud ur,tbc liue.

Supt J. · M. Helm and H J. (huar«l Jdt yesterday for Ele• plt•nt Butte, to return ~uuday. lliraau will, no doubt, regale Ull

with eotue big 6sb stories, when they rcturo, but it's d•fficult to tbillk of Supt Helm as an en\hu• alttstic disciple of lzaac \Vnltou.

Mrs). T. Dolan, of, Omaha, Ncbra-ka, and Mts. J. A. Put• mam, Columbus, Nebraska, arriv· d tb!s weC'k; The former ill P11l D.>lan's mother, and &be may re• main throughout the tiUmtuer. Tile latter is Pat's niece who wdl be here n period, how long sbe bas not deumuined.

• Alice Roberts and dau!lht

ter. Mrs Anon Roberts, i e f t 'rou,~ay moruitlg of lnst Wet>k for Oakland, C111iforuia, to be witb two of the boys. Bert and Ptilk Roberts The elder Mrs Roberts expects to rernaiu ou tbe .coast during tbt suottuer. while iler daugbtet9s stay i~ indefinite.

Mt. and Mr• Frank J • .Sager drote tu'Rosw.ell attd back Tues· day. 'tbey left agaili yesterday~·

· coittg t() Sota Fe to meet their daughter~ Miss turena, . w b o COIUI!!I ftolii l)~nver 10 spetld her 't'acdiou wit& bomdolks. The Spet~ce cliildreu. V'itgitda and Cliatlle. will also .r~lltftt with theit grandpa~ent!t

$46.20 Spe~tal Muters'g ll'ep . $2.SO a.ud tbc cost of• publishing tbla notice.

J. B. French, . St'C'cia I Master.

June 14 21·28·July 5 •



Fourth Mondav and Tuesday of Each Month at UH.' offic(' or

• Services -

Rev. rr. C. Rowland, Putor -Coronn-Ftrst Sunday,

Carrizozo-Second nod Fourth Sundays •

• Preaching service 11:0() a. m. Evening ucrvic:e 7: 3() p. m. ' Everybodv \Yeleo~l'.


-DR. ·sn AVER

Ptactice Liaited to tittiq Glauea AH persons wbo driv.c automo•

biles within the limits of Carrizo• --·~·,-===·=~-----=~~---~~--"-=Jzn are wnrn<'d against ~lola'tion

or trnffie ordinance, violnten of ;::=-o_--=""""' -=- ===·"'--- ----~~.- -~--~--

.------....,;·..;,·-----. tbisordinanc:e will be prosl.'cuted · Vtlloge Clerlf

The.Greatest •

Tire Batgains . In ·30 Years

Cntholfc Church -SUNDAYS

1J:30 a.m.-First' \!as!> (Sermon

in Edt: liob ).

10:00 a.m.-Second I\Jas9

wo~ in Spanish). • Chur~h -• l!et", '.1'. V • ksii!O'it'o l'Minr

Sunday School 9:45 a.m •. -· . ·Preacbivg li:OO n.w. J.:pwotth

League 6;jO p.m. Eveninr? set· vic:e 1:4:;. ·

Fog SAl.:I{-S')tnE! long vcarlil;~g

-· • Judge Hewitt. men tiort o( ·w· b·, oae irijt1t1 tlm~e w~11b ago wa~taadt'.

A •tftmlt •lizl•m•nt • • • • • • . .. • :but lttte

The ·New, Bigt Oversize

a~rdord Bullg, · · · The Titsworth C11 •• tne.,-

345 Cnpita.b, N. M. • .... · o· ··t- d by many·· friends wbo. b t1!P r e • . . . . . . ·hut! vi!lited him at Whit~ '().ik!l, • ' '\. . • '

• •

FRAN{{ J. SAGER . . . U. I. COMMlSilGHEI\· ·

· ll~Htte5t~tl FUtng$ and t)rooft

· uo.K.'d" cars. COmo lnl You nrc certain to find the cnr you WIJllt-at a price that wtu save you money. Make a small dowD:

Mechanically tis good as ne\v; tires are A·l and finish first class; bas 1929 License $490 PJ.vnent and drlvcyour car awa)."l ,



• 0 • •

"- -'" """'" Oh-~ --' -- ~~ _:; ~ .::---=.=:;: 1"~::::.:- 00-::-~= _::;_:;;=-

stantoll Ball Oame •'EED TJJE J.IVE"TOrK I t;> I'LENTr OJ? liiiNEIULS i ... OR HuNT: Ucd room11, wttb

- • ., H "'ffln 1 n 1-1""tl I bath-bot and cold water- ratc1 T · d s J· 1 '"· "' r= dlO on u o n: om or row an . um .,~ t wre Thoro .:Jro only n tow mlnornls that" a~uonable at tbc l>uag wall Place.

will bl' play(·d two ~am"" ut b.~e· %ll'CJ1 lo bn Gh'cu to Uvootoclt to aup. I · --•~-b II t lr t.!t 1 'l'l , .... cl Pk·t:lCtlt lhnt whleb lil prceurcd In · ~ a on o o~n ou. I( o~oli ttwir f<'.:•l. a:l~'tl J. L. L:mtow of tho' NOTICE QJ? Sl'E('IAL JCAST.t ..

Fteld Arttfll'f}' "' J.'.nt H iq~o ~··t7 Ml'ltifo Antkullllrnl C'ollcr:o.1 , S.U.E hO(II?D to rout .the (i',1rt s1, 111,m II' .u1::~ ft·.,a.g t'nntnin t'nough ot tllo dlt~.. NdoUco lA lleroby giYcn that unlit&>

· rrrcnt rmtJrr.:~ln, co 'ttlnt no tbounbt an putounnt to n decree of the Dll-botb game'l, but · tbe l•'urt b••} • nn-J arlo(\ fonrmnlnc tbcm. Jlow- trlct ('aurL ot tho Tlllrd Judicial Dltl• say ua"' {! <~hnuld hr.' 11 fine u l'·'.<r, n~·,..t• oiJOuld olt-;nya bo cupi)Jlcd ~let or· tho Staro ot Now Multo

. . "' t~ It' Dille. 'i'!Jo JJMt of tho snit that wlUllll and for tho County or Lllt• lubsuou and ttllllf, no lluuht, \HI , o-. L'N!l!hl ht1!l been proved to bo coin, In To.x ~ull No. ::n. Wboreltl. witncs!lthe contest r, o tlJit,r!Jw. In nomo nt('llO Utero Ia~ tho Stnto or N,ow Moxie{) 11 PJalnwr

Mrs. A C Hines und . .;ball1rt.l' returned to Ei P.tso 1'ucsday !Hill

took their huu'lrlmld f!11.1d9 watb • tbetu. Mr. Hu1rs wh•J 19 nn rn•

gincer on the I~· Pa'io dav;iL•o finds it verv inr•UJV<'nll'ot to tnOJke CarrtZOifl lug hi•Ulc, l:lt.<nU!l~ ttJe bin lltf•CtV<'r t'l tn E1 P<tso, uod be had httlc uwe wtth Ius fam· ily here. We regret verr mu..:h to see this ratntiV le.tVl', :tlld llllpC eoaditions wittl so ailjugt Uu tn• selves that they wiiJ ag.uu tna lte Cartizoz~ tbetr bome.


'1 tl• !If lnu·y of l1>1llno In tlto water, · and l\ C. Morcbant a~e1I It 1 ~ oro lo II ttl<> or non0 In tho' Dcrcndtmt. w!Jich Stlld decree 'WU Kd, nm 11 n co mill ion brillCil nbout ~ rendered on tho 8th day ot Au1111t. , n und"v<'lor1cd or Improperly do- · lD::s, odjudlcaUng tho amnunt of

w•luJ;rd to:)tutl. !tuca duo on · tho provortr bneln \bny rrovlo hnvo obnorvcd cnttlo" dcocrlbcd Md ordatlng, lbo aaJo ot

;1!'\":fnr. bvncn, . nn lndimtlon ot n nnld t~roporty, I will on tho•lllUt day • mullt:rm that m:ty 1lovctop Into wbnt or July 1929, at tho hour ot e o'c:lock o !momn t111 loin dlr.l'nao Thin dla• In tho mornJog of said day. nt the JqP lo o~INt called crrl'pn. trhleb Is" r~ont door • or tbo Court ltout., Ia

· :m~<'d larr,rly by o lnclt or no11-oa- •· 'nrrJrow, Now Mexico, oUot t'Ot ole o,'::m!nt'on or p!map!loroun. Vitamin nt public vcllduo aod soU to th•hlah• n, or ounllr.iJt. heltl!l In tho motabol· 'I ent bidder for cnab, sublctt to thf ·~ Inn ot c.Jidnm ont1 vllooprous. ThereJ ul nnd con1IrmaU011 of th• Court.. r.•:w bo ~ 131'£! or pbonp!lorou1 &ll1 I tim following described JltQPttlT to• · C'Jicom c;v(ln thoncb no outward •P-i· wit.: . . opprmnnw lndlcnto lt. A number of . Sout!J llatr of the Southtut Quar• 1fJc:3 mseo wilt ho pro!lont wborovor I t(lr of Scdfon Twentr•Two (~I) E&lt Q!!lSC11 Clttremoty fncfdng In thl!18! Hair or tho Northeast Quarter ()f Bte-o min~:rnl~ oc~·ut on tl1o rnnt;c. Itllu1 Uon 27, Northwest ·Quartet or· B«· rt('oO ndvlnnblo fn auciJ roues to plaeo t!ou 21, Towt~sbJp Eight. (8) SOuth bctoro tbo eJttlo a mfxturo conaw .. ,, of U4n&o Fourteen {14),. N. 11'. -in~.r or ttrco tlltl!l of bllno men1 1\lld ' P. &L two pnrtn llnlt. Tilla milture w1U bt 11

. !'Ootlr:c fD furtbot tlvcu tblt. thet catr:n qollo rcotl!ly. i nmounhl to bo relllted from ••Itt lale

It fa ttoucbt tbnt vOtalbly there fa; nrcortllng to tho totmll or aa14 dtctee r!pt to bo moro ot a t:llllorni dollcfen•li nrc f!g to1Jo1r11: ev on tbo ranrro ~ben tho foraat .,. Judl;lllcnt or the State ot llr.ll Unn wbNt lt ta In a ottc!culent Now MoilclO with tn. ' .. rH11tlon. Wlmrovor lL dcflelcney tX• · .. . ' · . . . ::~!g t!Jo :utdUfon of bono menl will In• · torllllt to date ot sale fllt.70 n'NlM t:illn!l In botlt dam and )'ottn(', . svcdal 1\Jasi(Jr'& l!'e& t.IG rntso tho . alillo or. hettltb, prennt o.tut tluJ cost or publ( tbra · ;1~t~~gfi ~~~~ lucro:lSo tho s;"rcl!ntise .. .. notl~o.. . . ' ... · · . . . ..

lt n11Gllt bo nusumed thnt the anl•l . 3. n, FnENClt . m:~l'u n&~vNito for any mlnor&l 11 att BJ)eclat Walter. lnd:cator ot tho need of u. I June 14·U·~8·J'oly 1.. -

· t~> be hnproving. Alm,ost · dafl,Y . friends trom bet~ dtive up to flpw tbe ()}d veteran is gt!lting .-•··· a 'a~il briu~>' ·tbe cbeertn ... ~ 4£1,. •. •• .. . ,., . .. · HOYJU\Y .I'UISUC liiel'i;t tbat he ls 'wa.kiug. a wlii"

..out soo•· .. wm G. T&otut,oto •ttd)lon SUP!IIWI5t (6fd'lires

brus clu:i:te:·ift la$t •~ldtoid G!Uj• , to12, lUinoilf, aud ate loeatd tor · Goadyeilf vuta .· equally 1i .good put 0( the 8Uttinie~i . $etls·ati<lnal v.IU~!J ht flfl!

~-· =· ·~· u~t, iu N<Jgil .. Ci\lyoif. Bttlla .new P<tthflutler, !l'ubes ~'i.r net!b· · bobbing.,....Yet .we•ct ........ ...,.,. ·"' ·· ·. ~·!!!!'!' ~~ ~.

'r· ·' ,, .

' . ' .

hlfe w turgen it •. Tl'c! .. c·.-·.,:.1· 'T''' .·v ... ·.· n .. -I • A··· .. ~"~ ... A ... GE·· ... · ... · of aetettf· wiliten o~~t his · . ~~ . , . laowe9'etjf ••• .fl'tattd BiWa. lOCltll

lJ."*t' uut-. •a4'•ftilt for tbe- ·tDu.t whO ila lt1e~ . 11i@tftmlhlf JdUII(< . #ito~ t1tc flttli~l" •ttfat ~ Uhi Jilt -.colt ldilftlf~

• • •


Carrizazo,. N.··M •. •

· Ofliee. u Residence . • •· · N M . ~·

For Sat·· .... e '

Some Good long · H~r~:ford Blllls. at Qbfe prl.~•· ·

. . ne llt$wort•. (O. In<,, · ... · <•-tB~. ftew Meli«J.· ·

• '



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• '. -~ .,. ,

. ·The Mystery· of. a Haunted ·Mansion . ~ . I - . ~ . . . " • • r . . , · ..

' . . .


• W. H. V. IJenlea ·

Conrllllt .bY. W:VII•h•m Jlartyn . ..... ~_...._ ... .:......... . -~~ ...... ~~~--~-~,··

~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;~~ · . Smuck• · cJem~cJed . to. . ~ Mr• YtlrJ mo~Jr. • 'lit clgc;k~ 'l;lroke t .. aunbf, ' . llolcl, an!! dlllll~ired lrito tbct ~Q!rtt.l

The omce bOJ, who bact tUtrerl!d . l~ •II bappea® •• t)lf «~111Cer l!a4 QIJto•·•ff•nby 11•• 1111 rc:ba~ec1 a mucb In the put at SDUJcker'• blltii!B, ·e~ed, ~d lle wept abl)q~. bla 4uJJ;

eountt:v .plar:-tht oray b011u. Uckod bLI Up wbeiJ bO. .aw Iilii l!flellly; but Ule. epftocJe mMo 'lln · ellormpu• neal' Pin• ~!!llna. ..... 84J411l0 •· "Do'• out of town,'' old the bo:t'· d,ltrereuc:e lp .4(JQ!t SmUCkel'. a. WQ a former «•t.a•ll'- warne blm tllat "ancJ be woul4u't ·~e rou 'lt bioi wu uow • llunted llliiJL • 'rbl! pqll~ w!U)t. tbt !lou•• . t• tllldtr a cur••· 1 · · 1.. ll'urll•n al!lrmt•• datana 8,. lm• here." • · , ed !lim. He wa. ~capln& from tu• pre .. e4 upon ,\dolt IJmuck" "I'll walt," lllld Smueker loftliJ. u•.ranny ot capital. 'Ilia homo would fla11~7'•1ocretyy, by a m"n wbo. ~"We have no alceplng llllcomrn11da· alreadf be marked. Bet waa llD O!lt• elalm• to bave te.n clJauttellr tor tlons.~ uld tlle boJ. ".De won't be callt. • ·

·THI! ITORY..-" • -

• a~., B~1• H••~ T-.k.~n· ' ~ .· · . · ·· 1>n .lnt~re•tbt~t Sf..-,p~•

· .Q!!~o ..~JJI(III a UIJI!I b.eM · bap 1're.-e • roi:Jn!J e~r SQiill"'. ll!lif lllllt. w~ alllbere. W!lll f~ u:, · ·'.:t!>cla.r, bO,I!V!!r>. tJ!l!' )lav~ take11. !!JJ 11ll .~Qrt• qll!lt~!;~tll!$ .UttJ• llbiiPIIJ w.lll«:4 llM: nt1et7· IU~I) Jpl~!! to.

· · · .· ·· · • . t,h!f; ~Ve~'>favotlt.~;t .. PDI"' · ~111rune!J DaPJe li'UhJQD ·WM JoQkl~&. ~dlta- ancl· Pll'll "~tJ,. ·ar., (!IIJY' t1fo qf the

Uvely (i!ll@. at A PJrU.cniJ,arlJ. t~u~Ol' ~blllU~ .. . . ·· · . . .. .

Grac• J, ~UIItlrt. just llll\t 111anv' pl~JrnP rll.lJipaJ

i, ij~~~ e I JJ J t! ~· . ~~~;:liJ:~ "~~~~~itou:t~:fr"~~~~:;~ . bll~e4 · t!~.,. ~11 . ~o"' ·a •e• ·~pt.' -.:h.· "'o remove tl\e be{lp,¢d' .UP WI~ ~· • . +: ,~ .... '"' · . "" . · ' . UD1." t6n1!~ ·kott· ·· .. ~~®~~.~ ~e b·u~~L,lt Wll'li 't . prel:Jii.!lJ the color .moW

• tlJ't a, to mlli'er c I! w n. perhapt, but. ~II, ·boW lot!llY erich a r~

· cftess wouJJJ lie, c:ombineJJ w t tli

shade of the ~tUe

1IUII U 11• U • al• Ul a It\ 11. 'U tl I. II 11•11 & \I . ' J ··'

" '


1(1. '

81t llo~J!~~:~· former on• · • 'J'be nan· IInck for weeks, ani! rou'd bo In Ule Do cUved Juto Ule 1UtiW8t7 ltaU~•ts;-;w;e~;-la~l~~ailr;•-_a~ll~a~~~"·-;,allldd~e~lt~U~n~g~o~n~a~~;u:Cc:b~n~e:n~r~G~~~nt~~~to=m~b~.iJo~a~m~•~·~~iaa~·b~lo:n~w;a~uw~t~o~t~e~U.~1~P~ulw~a~ttl~~--~ botnsa.'b: :::'•nka%.~' Ker·r. Smucker. . . A .wQm!ID wltll • bab1 carrJII.JB moved llle IIIli! benrd that many blgliiJ llllll-


i I i I

' ' ' I j


l I . l,

'' ' 'I . '

• J

4 f1 . '



) . \' ~·

!<- •

boon myltctrloua!y "And you were aiWIIJt a ~\l,lt~t,• bqrrle411 awn)'. ·whep tit auddelllt ceaatul fiJIIblon!! .lll.ln lnsplrAtlon from ll~>nlrJ' cvnoulla bt• frterd Pel· shoutcl! Uao. otherJ "l've cot • JOUr burat into merriment. Smucker ba4, obJecw tar dlll'erent trorn the result• ham. Tho ramti1 atarla tor. tho number 1 . l've acen y0u plnchlnl tOJ'I:Ottcn all about Ida tatber1a Uta ·Ins Dne& 'l:llcre moDBtrOIItles "'" home. Appleton, • 'clerk ' 1 · atampe, atul J •()t th" blarn. e ror·lt I" ••e boarc) ot .. sa"ln.,;e-tfilrt .. T dol.lap.,_ around .att· present ll"e. the bu. w of t>ouuln. and Umllh, -tbo a~rontll " " "' • " • ,. from whom nan by IJIJUB'bt I he ·"You are the eert of a cnprtatfat.'' ~bleb fie f\ad taken aa the old JllQ severaJ BUQ!mera ago, · whl.!lb looked or .. ,. houao, ur""" l'olhllm to 41•· enlcl smu11ker, ,.)'ou .. are lickspittle· 1111 aiSicep lltter, bfl olgbt'• worlt at like Inverted peach b~akete, but there IUD4o IJanby from occUPJ'II'IIr lho Of thO forcetl Utat h<JicJ Ul aown. '\Vf) the clock.. Ill RD eXceedJngl1 IJ'a(eftll bat tO be ~:':!be~qu:~· r;!1111hou~:~:~~~ : shall have UIQB for fOUr kllld Wb~n · A traiQ nolallj pumn~: along 01\ UJe found this year with aQ uneven brim rbo11e call from " ma.n who d'l• tho day comes I" ' rlver bank.gine bllll a new Idea. fle ending In a deep fold (IQ tile rlgllt be Ia an old I>CQUAintanct "Y<'iiFira • .-~cr.;;d"'cnarchl•tl" crlec! would lind Hanby, Mild wo~ld pul;lfab illrle. Where !lave J0u teen It b& ot llanb7'1• urKu blrn to Prt· tho boJ, bill) u tho author ~Jt aU hla mLifOJ'o. roro7 'fhlnk bard and r•ck "Nour mcm· llr\'1 A Jll>ft Cf lho &rOUft4.1 1111 & ! aA h 0:. b bird •oA~Iunr1. Tbo uanbro taka Here be wu Interrupt.,.. by t e tun~ Cordons ot pollee were pro!J. ory. Oo JOU' kvow the batt wlllc tbe poueaalon ot the ora1 hnuoo A omco manaccr, who looked ·over .hi• ably waltlna tor him at tbe ferrte~~> aqflora wenr along the bleak New· Eni· otr&•ncrer lnlro4uetn~r hlmanlt "" Glnue• ut Sroucker aua h'olmot!; Ue but U1e7 ·would not be watcbln&: tl;lt &alld coast ond c:nU "Nor'eaatera"7 Vredorlek Applewn, enua • 1 the listened to Smncker'a request tor a rttllr.e>od ttatlon• ·~ De remem• 'l'll~J' are quite llltnllar to the haw of Orav hou .. and Ia welcomed bD• " cau•• of bla lntoreat In trlrd uta. recommendation. hcr11d thnt l~lno Plalna wu the lit&• nlbbllr that Central statta luhobltanta nan!'' anus•• AI•Pioton aa hi• ''Not with mr c:onient.'' be an. .Uoo, and tbnt ,It wu ~~ened by Ule aasoc:lntc wllh firemen-hat, tbllt )'OU •••nt. The Uoleoo• mra1u1 '" nounrel!. "Oon~t make a ICcno." liP Newburgh, OutcbeN and Columbia have aeca all atrcamlng with wu· ~zplaln•d. uddcd, •harpiJ, "You wore laz)' and railroad. tcr trom tho rnercltul boS(loplpet.


CIJOllldor lor a mumrnt tho CillO ol tho uolurrunnle Adolf t!tnucker, IJ'-' rutl of a Job and IWUrcd bJ U1u diiD· <'UIIJ or Dndlug nrwUUJr, Outll t1e u·u• dllll'IIDr&ttd f1o bod not known thai lila lllllltJI lllllllllll fila IIOIJlhfl(lrtl \YD8 whull1 4luo lo II~·IJ'.l%Jii'lnkt•n t»• thnnlv at tlw hnttnrlnnl'o of lllll ftO> allh•n .. tilt> uflku of Jillion llonby, of 1.-<'<1110 rtl 111 rut•t, trooh•n Ul()rt•IJtmt. '.fbc oliiJ Jnh• OflCil 10 hlru \\'(!fO of a 11ort Umt wuuld lln HI lowt>rl.!d blm to U1o v) ,,. or 11111 frhmdu, 1111 fnm· lly, and Ute )·ouna men paJin~: ct1u11 to bl1 dnuglllcrl.

Nur \Hill lhla oiL l.lko lllllll7 ID· olll~t C:JifOfUI lllDII, be ltod tloodi:d bill propcn7 to W• wJt•, to Ond, too ltllo, thnt auc-h 1 ~Oeflcla17 n~,;nrtlt tho &Itt u entJnl7 Iter own. no wu to learn lin. Srnocllct ht1d lona known ot tali luttncltndl!l a1 • l'!rG­Yidcr. After tltrll fatetul l(ltlttnre, "Doll, 7ou'we Ort!IJ JOUfl.lllf, h aho know lh• 11111 ()f looktna 1trer lbln~ Will hera, tibe bRd lana WOII derctl at llr, U1111b1'1 onUIUIII for­llc:arance,

Smuclcet wu c:cculoua that be bod fallro trom tile domuuc pt:dl'ltal. Ue L:IW IJICII bo WCII . DO lqllllfF of prlmo lrnf!VruD~'9- Ula meal• weN DOW no Ill! Iter thaD Uuno air in tlltae. IDIDJ JCars CO bit nhl falfwr; lind U1o old mnu datt!d to Jeer at'lllm, tu qucatlon bit lntllJ'Ill'lllntlon of poilU <'Ill CIYl'Dta, and to tlcnonnre him u .. lloiJIJOYIJII "

Tbo wild look tn Sruuclu:r'a e;e be mme wlldC't. llo woa no ton~:cr c:opt Pflllt4 to lhtnll ercfi daJ. llrt. Smu~llor IIlli .Jhe stlrta ptt>aaod bhr paola oo more. Ito trcqucntoo more lattnaoiJ those lltUo ctube or mal ,«latent• Wb11141 members 1polle bt­'hJnd •lllt'krd dMra of tile tlhlO comltl& wbm Ule lalld woohJ bo Bi ud •• anr Rc•la wat rod. 'rbt<7 dld llol eapodllllt welromt smuc:ktr, tln('fl tlll'J nre malott ot fordgn btrtb and Jpt«ll 1 but the cbltt fltii\Diura. wbo kllew llltll, trJitltd hltn down •• one who could be worlctd upon It n~ed.

Tbere ruaat IIWBJI be aoma llrtt ce to burl a bomb or throw JJbot­pboroa nit~ lmotla rlpcolna nop.

· The but we~ tbo.u like ~m~)u, wbtl had llonect ll'lc.l\'tncu e~tatutt rlcbtr allO mol'l! t'8pable mtn tilllll bafffd ilalllt"d •P at • word tlf & coorapu:cnl, and wbo 1111d no exact uowtt4p of the delallt ot the mov• tntat. or ot tbe e&II'IC'I ot tht actiYt conapln~tot& 8mucke:t dime to M­pead a~ tiMM haters or rote, these eoeOllea lb IOC.Iety, tor abe dloap d:l• amt.a be amolted. Ut poeed u a• booat maD wboea capital had tbro•a. broken, tAto 1116'* pu~. 'ltle1 at. tttted to ~""' lltm. fit wea a tool t. ba Qed at atid. .. .

Ou djJ tilt llullckert. Ia tall\UJ to•tU• fed~ that Adolllb ahoold ut Yr. Uub1 m told 11c:b letter .t ft~l'lllliMdatloll ll ltllll\ .t«Jlblt lal• te ret * dtrft:al (1011U~ bt tDf let ,.tile Wetbawltto fal!torl8. Dla tlouJtrl weq 11~ tn4 till .tlloM ahlbed. and Itt tame-d ttb"tr•nt Dt dtd Mt like tile ~·at all. but the 8m~kwr 111 f!C!QdJ lla4 • ~~~~ Jll1iebDII~· J1 1thtdl ••tt~ IU ttl~

< .

• !

• U wna dark wbeA Smucker l!kulko4 lt a tuttton gulcJo po1t coula be act

• · along U1e road ttoJ;n Pine Plnlna to up jUllt now. wltl1 C~ne ot those old·

tho Gr;:J)' bolllle, It wu. a lonr. wearr faahlonc'l pointing llugcra that u.eed walt, nnd Smucker ueuallr tlrec! ea• to be plcnUful' at cre•aroruls, miS{bt' 117, but toniJOht he walked on air,. na.. point to a elgu, "Thle protnlrcs to be tnlkcd ni!)Dd. De dcnouuc~ J.lla e~ a comtorfUl1lo a urn mer for women." mlu and"c:tulted In tbelr doom. Of ill tho (Jinna .for wbmen•a wear,

RciiJWn and mpdneaa we~ tlcbtlnl that will ault noon>da1 beat wtth tor tllo llOIISC8Sion of biJJ rnlnd. P(!r- rnomlnc and oveu plcsucnt coolncu

~~~~·. bop• Smucl:cr bad novcr been who)• equnlly well, tho cmcmble, wltb J:~rk· 11 onn~. . ft oecdccl eome aueb pre- et ov~r alcevclcsa cown. 11 the on~> dpltnUng cnu11o na tbll to lfve the that mnkcs. comfort doubly eurc. bnttle to tho dnrll~r toffi!l. W11eEt Dnnhct·Wovcn shol!a &lve an nllltcl! biQ motor dlrs lliiUcd ,blrn, be spat tourh to aucb _. ecatum~. and ll:lt:JJ of at tbrnt. · b:uJ11ot weM·o IIU!f 'match tho abnet

It woa almOOJt ten when be reache4 If dr.,;Jirro. Unnby'll tatote. Sll~ltorln,; twblni'J a D:tmo Faablon hod •a rclaUvo who .:ront eltn. bo 1111w two people canter- woa fond ot bolllrt1og or her ''blue ln.-: touard hltn. Tbe brtcht caoon- cnt... and who W'-Uid look t10 tad tt light rcve:~lc(l nllton Danby and bit anrono enid: ~~ can't •co wlicro tbo wife. lfrw. Uanb1 wore a ll.&bt' 11Dea blue comllll ln." Now a "blue tos" tur bnblt. arnrt fJ l.'lld to be a bl&bly tlattcrln)

.. ---

1fle me111ce ot pllopmt One or addiUon to • wardrobe-Indeed, so Smul:ker'a e~rator frfeDtla baO ctt. amart aD aullltll o tbe tox would not acrlbet'l bow .he bad beeA rlMta ·®h allow Wmult J<l " unbecomiPJ, lu by tht> ttt~r'a Coi!M.c!lcl, UanbJ aDCI any abado of liiJn,. !lut Dl\me FaahJoo hll wife bad necrn ridden lrnlcktr felt u tbouala btr blue lktptlcJ•m flad dotm. 10me yfodlcaUOG when abe read tb•

'l'Jin the Intruder c~ DPO'I the .word• of o ftl't'llt turrler: .. Blue tox 1a awJrnmln1 pool by tlle boutt. De reo- rea111 not blue at all, but IJJ a slorfou o&nlud th IJanbJ children and Pel- mauve br!IWn." ••

Wltb • krtteb tbrdly Hum1n, lmuck., Dlvif Into the Nearut lh1dowa and ••••n • ftm ,., Llfl,

barn. Tbe bllf nol11 rn1111 wu BropbJ, 'l'wo ao~I~Cwhat lncoocrnoua thlnp the banker. There wera batt·• 4QUA COmt\ to mJua. whlcb are both aooa, othera, laoatllnt. dlvh1t. ' Other dyU,. lo fuhlon'a llUlDdate. tbfJ sum~Uer. tnUont bolt wantooe<J tllM on the 'l'fle llrtt fJ the fatil «<WtJ. so unlrer­

lnsubor41nale, alld tou pad.ted out U• e•e ot 111Mlter. smucker atoatect .. 111 becornlnl ana ao 11nmLtwtabl1 pcult'.. 1'11 put Uuu 111 U;a letkr, tt Thft JIO!JOd Of mueJ~ led hint ftKm' lemlnlnt. Jn thls Jmr ot &rare them u bc:lva rou. )'oo are taklna up omra the brlshUJ Ugbted matUIOfl. Ue th6 lnJunrtJon. "tlo womanlyr t«')nl tJme. Oet out I" ,, ""rtlS tbMtl~!l a rear window, _.4 to btl llatened to wlth more rnpett.

..Nererl" llll4 Smuclctl', tnartlna. **w tblit here eTel'J the lltrftnta te'f• '.l'be HCODd Ja U:e nearJy.aJwaJ:J-wltha "I'll walt till tJrtnb)' comet.'' otc4. tre IK'Owll'd u be ~OIIIlzed u I!Oika,4oUro d~ The old,tlrn&

'Ibe omct 001 oPI)nt!d U.e door In tbe tnJpu.,cmt lfrl wbo bad let btm folk lll Bobem(LJ who ln\'tnttd tho the ralllnp and fO{Ik Stnucker bJ lbe tnto tbl! l'luplu apartmMt. 6.1le wu pot~a pot a blithe gayetY ot aptrU abouldor. u1 waa 11 atrotia bo1• and dancln* wttb 11 manseHatst. So the tnto It, and a 'tltti~J ot thiJJ BPirlt lf!eme lie aehed to un bl• miUtltt 00 tfle nanb11 1111/t ftun1clea to watt Cll them· to abide to the dot. At 1101 rato. It 1111n tle &teat~ - · ·,, • now I J'CIU want • f~o and eny, happr dreu

Ia tile corridor, outside. Smucker l!lmucter had not detennJned 01t hla. Itt wblch roo c11n be at cuM~ U1111 aurn· telL nt. tieal! atroek a aleallllniC ~It• manMr ot t'tYenge. Ue rtallu<J tlllt mer, that •Ill not worry you for fear 1 .. _ la ....... tonuoltfttlJ bJ the el& he rnu1t emptor cunuln~tt not forte. It m17 &!!t apottett •by, jiiSt llltm

~ato~ ~0 "~&>t tbe promlaCUtltlt ex· Ue wu -a faae man amon1 m~n~. De to tbe be.:koulns call or tho polka dota. """'*o-t""' ae.-. fie .... ""reamltlJ ~ui'Md hl~m~tlt tot nof bllJIIII Ill reo Ite-am .. WNttn ...... ,.,.ra:..., ~~· ... v.. · · """' .... •cllfu. Ue tad not eYcn a tmfta. truprecatJOG.. llert~, tte &M:Llred. be Wb\114 '«&It 1l.ntll a C>Oilttlr.IQ tame ne wttbdrcw UOIIl the llottte. ult ~ _. tow lit bait befn unulted Mtilt toto the ahactow.. tta wotlld

The olltt bof, teeUnJ • little ~~ ::_n tOmewhue and pln 'Whit «artd, wlthcltew. Oltc!n. tbe eluatot tld. btlptored bl nla. A certOtJJ A eound u or tbe elleldriJ 01 a ceolit ttfflllloatd tor tbe pollc.. rUle trfner made btm turt . hta

111 mt&bt. '*'e I!Hn well tor frtibfei\td lH«d. ne milled fl2 that !nnrc:ket', and k mtibf li!ifl' wiib bl- =:~.~= :reel!ili~r!:rfot=. 't: pwpoetd tult for dllm!IIH tn•d ant ~~~ · · 1 1 f tilade tbt mtJtake .of dfnounctna tltv w .. eontctona or · ts mm ~~tneti. oftlctt •• fouUt If h!l C>Olltlral aMo- Ott l UtUe il1otlll4 llft7 fet<t 41f• .:tate~ deftottnttcl tliDtt .,_ ~t:hu&e of tint. bfa t>M1 lllhouettett ~- tbe Ole tii.Uou'a dfttiiiJ; · · · brfallt rpoouUI.flt. atood a MU.. with

• lih 1111tlaa ~ the crook (If ... lett •rill • 111011 ted U~DtStnet wetrfal( elbow. !10 oo • hllil~ted .ftllta •t ftlra the llweJ1 et. <lft!dll ~dt01)11. illll hliNJiilutHt ~ wa~ tad Jtdt• ar •••wed tttt 1)011~ Ulutroalt. li!fll _.and. waiUnx te tm ~ b•nd hlt.CMied Cbielt aboilt 8111ttr~ert• prf•n .u be! to.ke4.. the .,.. nedc tlld )a•t!4 bflll to lal1 frif. ...... w· ... ....... ··~A· .. ,,. rl"- ,. t .............. "-. "'1'~·· •• ., ~~·· ...... I'll·. """ .. ~ ........ " .... - .... tat th!'Mt wllllle m.ll t»re't Coq t':' . ...!.~~.i .. 1~h tlltt tt:-o.· · ·· -l)ela~ tn4 tell t"Nt t• tltt Mreta•t at u.. ............ , .... • "w ·· dee1tl• " .. : WU.II a .~II. ba~. • ..... . ·OM.·· ..a~r ....... · ·a····.' ..... _ . •.. ................ !ni'11tktr clltid tato'" Hi*'"" wa.

:&a ............. .._... ... ..... r. irtfti aa4 ~·. net t.t ute. a. · ~ Rf kaf a hlt•UH or JakiN .... _ .... -""'.· · .... .............. lit -· " ...... ,. u "''* ~-. ... w..t· "' ~M• 1" Mtffl . .~.·· ..... .;r'!. .. ~r.;.;1D4 '=--. · · 'l:htN ,....,. ••1 attlt ..-u-cr.it4 we· ·U\6· wbtte -;ttl moc:klaa '; ..a I• Na1t'-ttaJL Di weit14 -tltmr n1&t. ~f "- wu t~clllaa t1Mt a kate ~tto tltt- tellow-•ll4 h• dlct, ~t· u""' ;;. .. 4\t"' · .... aot•- · ·u· ........ ·

*'-tc~tl' litW. "" tliU Mtll>f Wilt U0ah""'t-:. -;11\4~.:"'~..,...~~ ~ 't.. ........ .

·W. tuaiA w.!tet Ill Ute. lli ..,..,,ed: · · """ · · '·""""' · ~ thjf ·tilt pOilceiltal\._ arlp wa• llot , ;tqp. · t-ro· •• CQk'>,).

• .. --"-- -~ --..L- -~. "- .

Comfortable Tie-About Hu Sporb Smartness

- .:.._..!.._.


...................................... B•an Baga l!n.d Taroati Mad• ·From.

Empty Flour 811g.,

alnlna. DBe j11¥clle water or corer the Inked places wlttJ kcl'OIIf!no nr luril .for n tow. flour~ ·and' then wnsb ln luke­warm wutcr •

No (Jattcm• are l!f!,(!dcd for milldn& t bcae ba~:~. · '.:tho tuqn.y tnri'.JJ Clln be drnwu In ~Jt!ncJI bJ even IJJO nmateqr, and tbe7 aro workeiJ- In blut'k or col· orcd outline· atltcb. The Cbltlamnn'a qucuo la modo of brnldcd cmhrohlerJ Cbreal!. Fill tile baga wllb r\nv7 twons. or rlee. A tarscl tor tile bng c:nn bo mncJo out ot the a:fmc material. a 11lngle ltoul'-bas tnnklns: tlio tnr~ter tltld tlve bo£,.., 'L'hl• f1VIl of tn r~:ct fa ea­peclnll7 uectul 111 U ron be tolcJcd up aDd tnl!cn along t11r use at plculc."ll when tho ddldron Qrc opt to s:et tired IIU!I wour a dlvomlon. Tho ellllea and openlnga are oountl with blo• tn[M.'. Tho IIUillCrllla Ctlll lie m:1110 of tho rape or worJr,td tn outline alllch. nllllllJ are· aown at U1e tot• comert~. tor proppln~: up tile tariCI uu atfcU.

Brief Faahion Flashes of Interest to Women

'Xbe aunbum craze 1t 11ow tJ~e W.Ch tiJIIl of taahfoo. ' ·

Cape• are the outatlJldfPJ llllpor. wee 19 tlle •PrftlJ mode. ', ' · · ,, ·

VauUa lltld till ahade tlota are ap. Ptarlnr tn a11111rt Unterle.~ .. ·~ ;;·: . l•olka dots wlll G~t~re. promlnmtiJ

ta ever)' IJIOde 'tor the ata.att. Summer dotbta wtll be cui low hi

tbe bae\ to permit acJCfltiiile ,uoulnJ. 'l'he n:oat poputar c:oatame JtwC!lrJ

b "hcltlo'om" type ol · Anscrltan and lluMtan !le;~liDJ. .,

No\'tltt atore. tn pad• are featvr­lnJ bnllllbap mad" 'fro111 IJIC~CU of ceuutno ta~trltll.

Stotklnga aro to bo darker, and aun• burn. add •artoo1 ihatfet of tau will repllct the U&htu htll!IL

A bn(JP1 compromiM on aklrt lengthll tC!eltUJ to biTe bttn IU<!he4 -ilhort tot tl!irtlmu and long lot eYe-. nlng.

A ihU.r-t!ttll54!d lOillC·trruM bend 11 a lute tublou In balrdi'(IQ!ng. Though wldo marcel wa\'e au!!ttt!dl!d the IIJirtOW tt.rle. '

Umbreltu are more colu.rtnt tbfa ,-ear thaa ever, IUCll Jlhalles •• bright rtt2. brlcht b'ae. uf1 and cmn bdll~: espec1all1 amart.

Fun Enter Dye Pot to Add Seuonahte Chic

Color luu oot ()vetlooll:ed ftltt 1n lr. eitort to mate II bd&llt .. ott ~ tul. IJittll,; ••tdtobe. Fox acam tte llOW .dfM 1ft III!W be~ bfi;lel. ubt'il. of l'OJtt aM t~!aUnurn tones. N'ntotal ted rox •ntt natural ~ lt'i' ~~ afJ!o poputat •

Laplu totlta to sports •fJiet-manJ


Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh ....,. .... ,., '""lot!lle .... JlllSt4. .AI~

PILES .co •

----- - "

o..•tr•t Pr.t .. 81tlger-Di4 JOa note bow well 1117

~ce lllled the crtat llallt • Ft%end-XH. people were tin&

etlCIUCb to lean. liO as to llllte rooat for lt.

ot tbetll wfth theabort)ltket-.te111ao _ ldOPt.IJl& ~ JleW ~orw. A recetlt colledtou ftidudtd otller abide.;. ~b a. parchm~t aad iltltrla Jhttdf!l;,. -.lth ~lthet Johnat or d1lY!If .collar&.

Cwldenbt• Interest ia Uti~ -~ . Uleit tons. b. aole *trectarUtt rut,_· fttlfou are eipteted to lea" tbt. art ·~ itonttt., ,ttpm~ •• at:c:Ol'deif l'llr ~m of•lll Ul*.:-.4

' ..

. Acidity

it .. reporte4 Uatt ~tol rtllllta' . llita beell ~eucM< ;-twq. _, .. ·. ~ ~ C!&U& ~·dfPtitta.dlti- ·· e.l>rM ·•nr ,~ ·~ ~· · Wltlel & ex... acl4. f!oda· tUDot tteallnt b1 batemt. · · · · :wer iW. HIIIU~· w It bum. ~ .

.... , . . . l.; .' ~ !OsHthltir ~at. will n.u. · Hu~ Are Uaecl '' . ·traliie m !ldcUtt u lk iieliltm

Wngtt ~ath':wltt pllfaicl._ to trit:tt Soii1e Felt H•lta· c.uu.. to·• l.>lltilt~ IIDk ot:

' • <

• . .




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Slie~l- N~c~•itr FP.-c:~• 91i~· · . ·. Jawq of S"le. ~ · ·

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l.b;:::;·::x;~~~~~. . "·--~. ' . ·, .... · . ·'·'~tiN ~1114' h.,_ lleon .. s.~· .... ·•:·.Ira ~ry '"--

. . M9$eow.-in · iht S!)~et c~~Jltl\1. . "~ Pflni;lpal. ~( tJie DQJJJJu, AJ>Jz., · . . . . . ·. : · I:~~Jld . . . 1!)11$t, . !!)Qtb4!a dn pqt Dlltk, t tht m~ ;- ll<ll:\901, "'«411id~r (lbarltfll w. aru~ . J"'. . . ·. · • · .L,., L. 1.. · \I£ •tt[e · · t tJ1 t tte~ SQlt e ei!tped · · · . . •n 'tm; : J/f~ QJ ;.l . [,A '!lit:' • , . f.O~::D~C)~~n,a::;QD:t~:·,.lJ~Ul'(leoll" ;~ ~~~tlll ~hl;montll ~rom th~ 'atatJ ot


W·;..· _p_.;· ·:._ __ ~,_ __ .;....-.,.;·~· -~..:.-...... ....;~4.-~~7~"""".;...~'";'--=::_! - • POtlO!!lJ ~r'9Wil mtn dllca~ bl thO Ntlf:.llli!JlCo ror. ,A.prtUota)tl\ •t·~=·~ r· . ...... ; ~pll!bevU~. t'l)tolgtloll. . ·. ·.· · . . . .. ll~td!Jlr to'fljUl:fll. br:iK; G.•K'OIIW!.o

. h -· - . · Sl)eer nece~~st~Y"':"'lh~ Ja~. of toxttre• te!lN~rr ~( N4t" )l.l!~tloo cattle.· ·~l-· . llDil or e«llh ..... Juulwort tq do Tiltll o~t~ tart bollrd. . ..


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lliwlnr style than did COmml1Jllat lJrln~. · .At tll.~ lllll\Dal ~:omm!lllCO!Il(lnt ot Ul• · !:IPies. ·In tile bitter Ylllli'IJ ot 4'JYU Unlver•lty or .Al'Jzon~ S~t 'l'llcllo.n, hl!ld

atrlte llD4. famine .veople we.N 4•PPT tllil evep!J.)r ot JWt,·G, wa11 fP'ant­enough ·t!l ,have thelr · bo!\l~,s c:ov~~ ed u a!\v"~tld d~$i'eee and :!40 bach-wltbout bot)lerlng about. th~ <:ut dl~>rtlc:ol• t.IOJ:Il de.~''' · :

' ... or ot the covering. Whlle: con .· o~a Tllomt:• Jdon~ ••• ah~t · lll\d 1n· are ln!::ompl!r&blt better, tllobe. whq etantJr kJIIed •t'~"ti'; San Loren•o •tore


Something to Look Forward to



cnn atrord to worry about the bnng ot: on the .Mimbrll• ;JUnr near Silver their troust!ra or theJJ:'"1a~lrta are 'still . Cit~··· George Karr 11 ~harg:ed wlth'tlie · ' !l smnU minority, lhollUng, Ho claims llolf-detenso.

· · lllanr men. ot course, threw ott tho 1 . of a tailored Jacket ,tllr the tre~ Condomnlng mlxod bathing pnff, cs

'&lld lrl'gl11g a drCJ18 reform, . t)le . .t\rt. · · ot o pensnnt blouse out ot. rev~ · Ia 1

) 1 Jutlonm:t nrdor~ but tl•e overwhelming xonn DnpUot A•soc t on ~a llnllu.n mi(Jorlty c,lld 811 because tlJ!llr juc~ets C(IDVontlon fn Globe uqnnlmously hull tulhm to pleccil and . they coul4 adopted a l'(lport dealinG with present not buy ·11 nPw one. day ntor41 c:ondlttonu,

Tilt. R!.~Mll!n. Fl!I-P~J'. Tho famous Smokl coremontals were ' A licncrutlou ot RU$Sin2 •lrla adollt· hold tri .Preaoott, June s. These dtlnCIIII cd rough boyl.sll atllr.e ~~d acotre«t at IU'Il conatllercd among tbe .Jnoat piC. tcmnlo Oncry, Ono ma)' bo.pardon~d turesque and odUCtltlonal ot th!!lr kind, tor guessing, howe,·er, thnt many ot and ovor 30~ poraons assisted In·~~~ tlu.tru were mailing a virtue of ~cces· corQmonlnla t41s year. · atty. Certainly til~ fii'IJt alp ot eosle• JUciJc OrJo. Phllllpa ha.fl appolntrc1 economic condltlona bere, aa In tb~> ?>Uss Jennlo John1on ot I..u11 Ve;aa lUI rest of tho world, wu tho better-. his eccrotnry m his now capacity 1111 drt>ssed young wumnn, Tl1o nussla.n judgo ot tho tohl.h circuit ot tho Unit· "tlnppcr''-a bo)"s cop pulled rakish· cd Stares <'lrcult 'court ot appcnl11, bf ly over her closc-croppro ~end nnd a announced In Albuquorquo rccenU.v. mnn's ·overcoat over her nondl.'scrlpt oround wUI be brolcon aM construe-dress-Is dcQnltely on tbo decline. ttou on a proposed U.GOO,OOO platlt for

Dl.'.tween poverty nnd principle, hOw· gellOmtlng elcdrlclt:r will bo 1tlu'tctl eveft atylo has tared badly enough, In Phoonlx Tllthln CO dtlyll, ·It le *

• Anything 'bllt atark nnkednee (and ported at tllo otflccs ot tho Central tlu! rigors of RU111Jinn -cflrnnJo lllscour- Arfzonn li!cht ,all4 Pow<lr Compnnr. nr.o tlult) pn11ses muster. l'lloscow uo· Tho 'plan~ will bo built lust outllldo the doubtt?dly· holds tho world r.ccord tor city limits., __ "' .:..;;... . _ dlv(>rtllty or Nstume. The qucemt Dr)·11nt Wlillnm•. obeeJlmnn ot Uopr, sr~rtorlnl c:omblnatlons will at.trort not }i, lf., rcecutly huur up wbr~t ho be­tho slightest attention on Moll('()w troves to bo a record tor f:f'OWlnr: blr atrectB. Tbe most grotCIIIJUO ·patch· Jninba. Wll.llam11 Joaclc-d 274 Jambs tor ·wor~ paMI.'II uunoUccd, market w)ilcb weighed ..23,fJ20 liOUodll,

·Can't Judge by Cloth.11. or an avorago ot .8!~~ vounda cncb • - Anolllel'> result ot tbo diBcardlng Clf Tho Jnmbl wore botwwn tour and atrlo Is thBt ono ron no longer Jodgo rout and ,ono·bnlt months old • anrooo'a soc:Jnl stntue from hl.l or llcr T)lo Artzonn State no:m! ot Educa• (lotha. Tho fellow J'OU bump Into Uon hila .awarded tho eoutrut for on tho etnirw!IJ' mny bO tho comml• nrlthmotlca tor eto.lo grommnr achool.l

or tho'llumbluat of 11111 de.rkt-you to Scott. J..'orman and Company. Tbo can't tt>ll trom hie apparel. lodec4 It bonrd hna ndopted "Our Arl:onn," by be ehow11 a tendency townrcls C!h:>):ant l.ltta. Ill& Fioyd Dodco ot Turaon, u J~uro[le!ln dreu he 11 moat likely to tbo auppiClmontart hlatoey of tho elate bo tho dcrlt. . , ·'I 1 th .. rnunmar Forelgncra who hue visited Mosco" for reau nc n o up .. J!r

f gradoz. , over a IJ(!rlod of Jenra arrce lllat n Ch"tl"• J'oater, whoso home Is In lt!ncra• IJ(!ople here are enormou117 .. " better dr~d than a uw 1cara agn, CiayeYIIIo, l'a., 'WU toand l{UIIty of althou;b U1o ataodarcl lJ ellll fttr be- the murder or Marttn Parlw. b7 • low wealem Europe. or eveft a eliJ Jtu'T In Tombatonu, Arh:ona, whle!i dP. llktt Wol'l'aw~ SmartiJ drtUcd women liberated ·1cu than ball an hour ant! are moi'Q tn cvllll!nct! and tho popular- ttcommondec1 tbtlt tbe clotcndant be ItT of "'lot nil I'll," a pitiful llttJo mara• banged,. JoaYtng q_ptr tho formal aon· J!ne dCYotl'd to tho Porta tuhloot, toncln~t and nxlut: ot the cxert~tlon may be a elan ot Ute UmeL d&t.e to be carded out.

,. ' • Jlomon TafO)'a 11'&1 Yfndlcatcd ot a G P fit tlrlt doc.n:e murder r:hsrto on an In·

roWetl rrpt llrut'tcd YCrdfct ln Dlatrlct. Court at From Eurolpe'a Winter Las vora•, N. lf, Tato:ra wu chnrJt·

Llnd!nJ, Cftllt-'l'he "lt'e an Sll ell wltb tllo murder or Ml'll. LonKIIla wlnd-'' alla~;o wna bOrne oat lltera1l7 'llontana do 'I'nUIIIo, wltola mutllat9d lii Eurove this rear, wltb Calltotnll romalna wero tcrund tarly on tho oran;o growera reaping the bal!!llt ot l..n•orralng ot July Gt~. 19l!1, buldo tho the •uttering or Et,~rovenn ttroWI!l'lL Santa Fo mllto:td traclca lcutdlng Into

The most I(!Vt>re EuroiJ(>oo wlnter Lae Vop11. • lii ~ 1eara ~uaed IN!Ot dniDIII:O to Tho acrfdontol dltcofcr1 of a aotlee the Sp:mlnh cltrua crop, next laraut ot nat ca.t"crne, ~· atcnt ot whh'h lii tho world to tbnt of California. 11 unknown nt })resent. located 40

·ono mull u-as that tho California mlloe f!'Qm Olobc, Arl&ona, on . the Fruit Growers' aehnnge bas alrn111l1 Mammolli Illgbwar, wu announced ln flliiTed Ita Orllt ahlplo:Jd ot o~(!B to Olobo rcMnUy by A. L. Lo~tan, who Europt>, docking ln l.onllon tho latter dltcOYord tho e&T<ll, JolntJt wltll part ot April. Othera · are · belna Fred nllodet. A. ll'lDd oponlns for lo.ded. and 6et11re the at'IIOD ends lt the general 'ublle 'WUl bO held on Ia t;tllll!ltcd <"nlttornln citrus r;rowel'li J1111o :, Lopn llilld.

---~--~ ..... ---~-·------=-------~~~-- ----~ • "•ac1u!lina" l1 the Word "It~g~;Jo hns nothln" to tulk about

U:CQJlt blmaolf," o · "\VIl1 the .. XC\!ptloa?"-t>etrolt


*cAlbany Da. ..... , Cat..aD_,_,.Jietel

fli RwWII•W. a.w l"l -• a. ~>•••• • NMt~a .... •lrr

will hue benelllEd to the extent ot Tho Chamber of Coll1fllet~o ot Altt!c, tnarl:etlm: 2.000 asrloade ot their N. lll,. Jttdotlltd lho sm Jaan c:o•nty prod'tlct that iiever \vould llave been tdr to be held at J'atDilndcin, N. 11 .. abfe to ~~Dpete with European 1row· this fall at a rccen~ rneeUn~r, at whlth -:=::._:._ __ ..._ ________________________ ..... _________ ett nnder ordlnaey clrtanateo~ reph:tcntaUYM ot tle Farmllldon

• The C%tra maitet prov~ extremelt Chamber ot OJmme«• attended. 'l'lle • " · A Businets Proposal ~~~~H~•r~u~ •• ~.~~tl~.~.~.~.~.~~.~-



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fortulwtll to Callfotnls JtOwen. flar- Anec ('hambor ot Con:tmere• wllllencS dened wltb an ontmllllll lafl(! Vaten- eT~ry ualstane!'e fn the JltoJec;t md clll .ctnp. ft II estimated IISOM thln wUI help Ill uery 'lr&J pqSilbJe to t.OOO.NJO boses of oranre- will 10 to fllaltt the fair .- ncceu. Europe tbll RUOD at prlees that wUI 1. A. lAwrence llt tu Crueq, M'. rtet tbe JtOWt!r from U to J4 • box. 'M'., recentt1 founct an old SprlJiattet4

rille on bli nnds 85 mllel wert of New Hainpa.hire Man Hu Socorro, N. lt., whteJJ !!act Wen leau-

w. 11~ Y Old fn~t In the- tork ot • ui!ar tr-ee tot ao &IOQ ., 0&1'1 to• that the tlH lla4 tnntn around

!'~nldln, N. U.-l'dnk U. Oerlarh tJ&rt ot the blrrel ot the rltt&, The MJ'If hB o'Wtls a waiOn Me hlitti!J'i!d old rlfle 11 of .th& ''eal! and ball:' ., .. and thlrtel!n rtal'f old ,lind fn perfect rt11 ty · and bellr.a the atamp ot. the rnanlnlt eondll.tot4 ft ilaaJ ,orlgfniil United States ot the )'cit' 1848. fn tiM and paint. be 111111i and ·hlt h•a aplte ot u1 toniC' .exposure to Ytrled' •bl!olufe PrOOf !ill to ftK acto. 'Weather 1h41 Tftl• u wttll Itt ,orkflll' n· 111 111ld to be" oiltt at the •ery order. • .

1 ftrif wtttona tflo.t AbbOtt l>OwnlnJ', tile 'Thit Demlnr afeam lattllc1ry and a fatnntl!l hullder Of the Ccib~rd COildt, ttluh~ htJtlll& Wl!re ae.tto.fed bt flte «»nstructed. It' haii no .Prlllp 111"'.- In Demtnr wJtb • total1o•ll ot $1,tiOG • llat to the teat l!Ptln;s In UN· Qtl :Twentr. ~~;partment bl)a!lll, entfll• waltrinll aM lutol'rii'Jbtru todll)', but It oottl and ft!chlllelt Jl1~11 lit the emploJ neYerHtell.'ll rid~ like a cradfe. fn pltie& of ilflrln~t jheri!l ~ril leather ot the Ai'liona hfJliwa)' departmilllt lltta.iMI rnnnlli~ from the front to the. tr!U rccclte •aliLl'T bodeta toWfnz;

'" b .. ~.. r ... 't1,1M ~4lllt ·ll) •ctfon l'Hr ulet iili" t e .vvut o v•l! wa,on ot flit!! sut4J ... CommUi•lo• alf•

...... - ""' ... n. ,. t-•cf.ed. · . J--+~"---1'---;-·:.:;ts·· · th~::et:m~ll~ltt:. ~f.OJ!~~~~~~:!J~ ""At (k'~ ·.,i~CH l>tt' t.., re.tHer Wl1eH 'tfnL tmomt ert•1cU•re

~-- " · the ttont whi!tla tilt w~ thti wagoa "lien tb new ldrhw~y.!tet Ia turn~ tllti'e fJJ ·•• PI'Otktlon to the ife•• '' •



ll~pe of at!el t,jlat~ t11. Pft!Tetit the A . {i'IUUI!!O~lfuental air ttanl!~rt. tJr~ trom wl!ai'trtg t.~at the r.eatber. .. ·llieleotolocflt ~· tompf6i!!t\ lrtitalfa•

.... - - .. tlon ot Ji. mfl0t!ifo&lc&1. lfiU~ .. Ill

· ii"'L.· · .•. · ·.t - 1· .D· r· .-.._ ·.··., · ~--M .. ·. · •t·d· · Prescott tor •u Jll iul'jlfefalfiC" weat~f :y.n&ua - ,v.- • lritortnaUtm to pl&tltt tb4t "Wtll bt{ Oil Tu'• Arm ue\'ld;Ja ,eonnettl(fll 'Wltl \he )tO~ t1na, lla...-ot~rdou lmitb ~•~Jfed :talUir l11L88'ebteto .-.rvkf ij)()il to lit

,to Jcf.:w tlli!l naf1•. n, ·~liiled · lnauc1u1itoct .bf(w•· N•w York' :pi · IMiiftf ahd .Pbtet~J: ~•m~P•Utt!ii, bn thrs Pad(Ie eout. . ·. ·, · d1tt1•1 the; . fattet iJ~ Al'fz()la itJU ltllli4 ttr• mltll!iii clot. ·OIIkm. dfk0tffl4 tU. a.attooea latf.ll'll ,,.,*' tJar. tat. tr6Wtt11 itrJt• ....,, ....... At •ozup ..,.·hr. •tnt ~•I J ·· urou tht ·sue. JMt. tw ·un ~ .. _ '::": ., . . . . •• . . . UL,. •.

JpPI'OYinl bit. 'et!lt.l.flfttlt. . . . pVn tltltl()it do~m m .Prom. w._ dii f.rM hi• t• lll\'e • ct~. tl. u~~ m•~• A Jia.a..o. .. l'ltita. ** ·tiM . ....... Off~·~· . JA.T!Ntllif.t.. ,·

I .

< •

"'HunJ tho newa? Llf1 11 thlnkt.r about cettlng married."

"Newjf When wasn't. a'hef'-ltray. !tor!~ ..., -----•o WPP1 Dat" tur the Jailll4tetl u abe huq the lllOWJ' wuJ&. oa U.. llne. It wu a "ltappr dlt" WdllM tile 11*1 :~ltd CrOIIJ Ball Blae.• J.4t.

!:no people who borrow troabte . ha"re It to lend. --:..---

lfit17 a •nnnr·halrud J{rJ .. hu • cloudy di.II)Ollltfon.

. Mr.. se..t. S.,. of L,&a& l'Wc<~ tMm•• v .. ....w.· Compoil.d'

•• •


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