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The West

Next Round

Industry Gilded Age

Reform People

This was small-level mining using picks & shovels, and


Placer Mining

These were towns that grew very quickly around areas where gold and silver were


Boom Towns

This type of mining was run by corporations and were dug

deep underground

Quartz Mining

Using government-owned grasslands to feed cattle was a feature of this type of ranching

Open-Range Ranching

Joseph Glidden’s invention changed ranching and

farming in the West forever

Barbed Wire

This replaced whale oil as the principal fuel for lighting


The belief that business works best when government keeps out of the way is known

as this


People that risk capital (money) in seeking profits

are called this


He invented the telephone

Alexander Graham Bell

These were the two railroads which combined

to create the first transcontinental railroad in

the US

The Union Pacific and the Central Pacific

Immigrants to the US in the latter half of the 1800’s mostly

came from these two European regions

Southern and Eastern Europe

Immigrants to the American East Coast were processed here

Ellis Island, New York

Immigrants to the American West Coast, mainly single

Asian males, were processed here

Angel Island, San Francisco, California

They were Americans who disliked immigrants and

wanted immigration curtailed or prohibited


His book, How the Other Half Lives, exposed the harsh living conditions of New

York’s immigrant population

Jacob Riis

This law attempted to reform the US Civil Service

The Pendleton Act

This governmental body was established in 1887 to regulate

railroad rates and other commerce issues

The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)

Although it lacked “teeth,” this law was the first to act

against trusts

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act

The decision by the US government to stop minting

silver coins in 1873 was decried by the Populists as


The Crime of ‘73

First established in Lampasas, these organizations of farmers

later came together as the People’s Party (Populists)

The Alliance Movement

He dominated the oil industry

John D. Rockefeller

He was the most infamous of the city bosses

Boss Tweed

(William Marcy Tweed)

He dominated the steel industry

Andrew Carnegie

Her settlement house, Hull House, became the model

for others

Jane Addams

His stories were based on the formula of the good man who strikes it rich

due to hard work and good character

Horatio Alger

The West

People Politics of 1800s

Imperialism Progressive Movement

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The US government encouraged settlement in the West with this 1862 law that offered free land

The Homestead Act

These were large, corporate owned and run, Western farms

Bonanza Farms

This was the worst massacre of Indians by whites in the

American West

The Sand Creek Massacre

This was vital to the Indian way of life

The Buffalo

This law broke up reservations into individual farming plots and expected Indians to become farmers

What it did was destroy Indian culture

The 1887 Dawes Act

A Socialist and leader of the American Railway Union, he

was imprisoned after the violent Pullman Strike

He was also jailed during WWI for violation the Sedition


He also ran for President several times as a Socialist

Eugene V. Debs

African-American woman who wrote about, and fought against,

the lynching of blacks in the South

Ida B. Wells

They were wealthy businessmen who, it is

believed, gained their wealth through scams, bribes, and


The Robber Barons

He spread the Gospel of Wealth, the belief that the

wealthy had the responsibility of philanthropy (giving their

money away for good causes)

Andrew Carnegie

An architect, he was a force behind the movement to

build skyscrapers

Louis Sullivan

This was the major issue in the elections of 1892 and


Gold and silver

In 1896, he was the presidential nominee for both the

Democratic and Populist Parties

William Jennings Bryan

He won in 1896 using his “Front Porch” campaign

William McKinley

These were the first organizations that farmers

established, hoping to secure cheaper seed prices and

railroad rates through cooperatives


A firm believer in the Spoils System, New York Senator Conkling led this group of


The Stalwarts

In 1852, Commodore Perry used force to open this country

for trade


When she threatened the plantations of American settlers, this queen was


Queen Liliuokalani

His book, The Influence of Sea Power on History, argued that for a nation to be great it had to have a powerful navy and

overseas supply bases

Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan

The 1898 Spanish-American War was sparked by this

The explosion and sinking of the USS Maine

As a result of Spain’s defeat in 1898, the US acquired

these three territories

Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

They were journalists who wrote articles exposing social

and political problems


This state was the model for Progressive reform


Passed in 1920, this Constitutional Amendment was

the last of the Progressive campaigns

The 19th Amendment

The right of women to vote

His book, The Jungle, exposing the meatpacking

industry, helped spur Congress to pass the Pure

Food and Drug Act

Upton Sinclair

He was the last of the “Progressive Presidents”

Woodrow Wilson

US Society in the 1920s

US Politics in the 1920s

Great Depression






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WWI People

His assassination sparked WWI

The Archduke FerdinandHeir to the Austro-Hungarian throne

This German Plan, tweaked over several years, was put into place to prevent a two-

front war

Schlieffen Plan

These were the Triple EntenteDuring the war they were known as the Allies

France, Great Britain, and Russia

List four reasons why the United States entered the

war on the side of the Allies

Unrestricted submarine warfare

The Zimmerman telegram

British propaganda

Strong economic ties to the Allies

Very quickly the war in Western Europe became

stagnant and the armies dug in and fought hard for mere


This type of warfare was called this

Trench Warfare

Many thought that these two Italian immigrant anarchists

were “railroaded” for the crime of murder

Sacco & Vanzetti

Increased religious fundamentalism and

Nativism caused the rise of this organization mainly in

the Mid-West


These young women dressed provocatively and rebelled against accepted behavior

The Flapper

In this famous trial, the issue was whether the subject of evolution

should be taught in schools

The Scopes “Monkey” Trial

Progressives achieved a victory through this

Constitutional Amendment and the accompanying

Volstead Act

The 18th Amendment

Prohibition of Alcohol

Tired of Progressivism and war, people voted for

Warren G. Harding for President based on his

campaign slogan


Though Harding had died before it became public, this

is considered on of the worst US Presidential


The Teapot Dome Scandal

This group of Americans did not find prosperity during

the 1920s


Hoping to help Germany who was unfairly treated in the Versailles Treaty, the US

adopted this plan which reduced and restructured Germany’s

reparations payments

The Dawes Plan

The Washington Conference was the only serious inter-war

attempt at arms limitations.

This was the treaty produced by the conference that set quotas

and ratios on battleship production in the Pacific

The Five-Power Treaty

October 29, 1929

“Black Tuesday”

Stock Market Crash

This high tariff hurt European economies and is considered a contributing

factor to the Great Depression

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Drought and high winds combined to create a

disaster in states like Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas

The Dust Bowl

Wanting money promised to them in 1945, they

marched on Washington DC where they were

attacked by government troops

The Bonus Army

He was president as the Great Depression began

Herbert Hoover

He wrote Grapes of Wrath which told the story of a family migrating from the Depression-era Dust Bowl

John Steinbeck

An innovator in airplane design, he is considered the father of American

naval aviation

Glenn Curtiss

He was the Democratic nominee for president twice

and led the prosecution in the Scopes Trial

William Jennings Bryan

She was the first female pilot to attempt to fly around the world

Amelia Earhart

He made history when he flew solo non-stop from St.

Louis to Paris, France in 1927 in his plane, The Spirit

of St. Louis

Charles Lindbergh

Acronyms WWII WWII Presidents Mix






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During the Great Depression this program hired young males

to work in National Parks


Civilian Conservation Corps

This program paid farmers NOT to grow food and killed

livestock so that prices would rise


Agricultural Adjustment Administration

This program constructed several dams along the

Tennessee River to provide electricity to rural Americans


Tennessee Valley Authority

This guaranteed that bank depositors’ money was safe

even if the bank failed


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

This union was established by John L. Lewis after the AFL

ousted several groups


Congress of Industrial Organizations

The sinking of this passenger liner in 1915 by the Germans

shocked America

The Lusitania

This governmental body was established to

coordinate the production of war materiel

The War Industries Board (WIB)

Blacks migrated from the South to Northern cities to

work in war industries

The Great Migration

He headed the American propaganda effort in the

Committee on Public Information

George Creel

This was WWI’s greatest battle for the US

Battle of the Argonne Forest

The fight for victory over our enemies but also

over racism was embodied by this


The Double V Program

FDR signed Executive Order 8802 which stated there would be no discrimination in hiring

in war industries after he threatened to organize a march

on Washington DC by the black Sleeping Car Porters


A. Philip Randolph

Mexicans were encouraged to migrate to the US in this

program established to provide adequate labor on American


The Bracero Program

Ethnic tensions turned to violence in Los Angeles

between white servicemen and young Latino men

Zoot Suit Riots

He led the US Navy and he led the US Army in the two-pronged Island-Hopping campaign against Japan

US Navy – Admiral Chester Nimitz

US Army – General Douglas MacArthur

Bay of Pigs

Cuban Missile Crisis

President John F. Kennedy

A one-time Collector of the Port of New York, he signed into law the Pendleton Act which ended

the spoils system and established the US Civil Service

President Chester A. Arthur

His assassination thrust Theodore Roosevelt into the presidency

which alarmed many Republicans at the time

President William McKinley

His second term was marred by the economic depression which followed the Panic of 1893

During that depression he stated that it was the peoples’

responsibility to support the government but that it was not the

government’s responsibility to support the people

President Grover Cleveland

Presided over the US war against Spain in 1898

President William McKinley

This technological innovation allowed the middle class to

escape the inner cities and move to suburbs

Electric trolleys

He led efforts to get rid of socialist and anarchist

immigrant radicals during the Red Scare following


US Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer

A type of journalism that is biased, and often based on false information and sensationalism for the sake of attracting readers

Yellow Journalism

This program allowed the US to supply Great Britain and later the USSR and China

during WWII


The guilt of the Rosenbergs for passing nuclear secrets and

other Americans spying for the Communists were confirmed

by this

Project Venona
