13502 -...


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11111111111I11111111111111111111111 13502

V Semester B.Com.N. Examination, November/December 2014(Revised New Scheme)

COMMERCEPaper - 5.2 : Law and Practice of Banking

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Instruction: Answer should be written completely either in Englishor in Kannada.


1. Answer any 10 of the following. Each question carries 2 marks. (10x2=20)

a) Who is a customer of a bank?

b) What is meant by Bankers Lien?

c) Who is a Collecting Banker?

d) Give the meaning of standing instruction.

e) Expand:

i) ATM

ii) 00.

f) What are the Negotiable instruments?

g) What do you mean by NPA?

h) Give the meaning of Teller system.

i) What is meant by material alterations in the cheque?


j) What is meant by dishonouring of cheque?

k) What is unsecured loan?

I) Name all the parties of a cheque.


Answer any three questions. Each question carries five marks. (3x5=15)

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2. Distinguish between Debit Card and Credit Card.

3. What are the consequences of wrongful dishonouring of cheque?

4. In what circumstances can a banker exercise his right of setoff?

5. Explain the meaning and uses of Letters of Credit.

6. Comment on the bankers obligation to maintain the secrecy of his customersaccount.


Answer any three questions. Each question carries 15 marks. (3x15=45)

7. Explain the general and special relationship between a banker and customer.

8. Explain the procedure and precautions to be followed by a banker in case ofaccounts ofa) Minorsb) Joint Account Holdersc) Joint Stock Company.

9. What are the duties of a paying banker? Discuss the statutory protection givento a paying banker.

10. Analyse the various principles of sound lending by banks.

11. What are the services by bank to customers?


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i) ATM

ii) 00.

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