2005 Division Orals


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7/23/2019 2005 Division Orals

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2005 division orals

7/23/2019 2005 Division Orals

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  __________1. What is ¾ of


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 __________ 2. The diameter

of a circular garden is 12meters. Give its radius incentimeters.

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 __________3. is eual to ho!

man" #ercent?


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 __________%. Write 0.&'5 as

a fraction in lo!est terms.

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 __________5. Write 105 ( 103 

as one num)er. 

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 __________*.Which fraction is

greater+ or


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 __________'. , rectangle is

1& cm long and 1% cm !ide.What is its #erimeter?

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 __________&.-o! much more

is 5 than % 1/3

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 __________. ne num)er is

t!ice another and their sumis 0. What is the )iggernum)er?

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 __________10. What is the

greatest common factor of32 and %&?

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 __________11. What is 300

of *00?

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 __________1. The 4oo has 5

deer for ever" ' mone"s.-o! man" deer are there ifthere are 21 mone"s in the4oo?

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 __________2. What is the

circumference of a circle ifits radius is %2 cm? 6Use π

= 22/77


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 __________3. ne side of a

suare is 12 cm. -o! much)igger is the area of asuare !hose side is 5 cmlonger?

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 __________ %. 8f % #a#a"as

cost 110+ ho! man"#a#a"as can "ou )u" !ith


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 __________5. , cae is %5 cm

)" 30 cm. 8f 3 eual slicesare cut from one end of thecae+ the remaining #art isa suare. -o! !ide is eachslice?

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 __________*. 9ie got &0

on a %5 item 9ath test. -o!man" items did he miss?

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 __________1. 8f the #roduct of

2 num)ers is 2% and onenum)er is 5 + !hat is the

other num)er?


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  __________2. Tom got &5+

&0+ '*+ &%+ and 0on :ve 9ath tests. Whatmust he

get on the ne;t test to havean average of &5? <ess )"

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 __________3. , 300 #air of

#ants !as increased )"25. =uring a sale later+the ne! #rice !as reduced)" 25. Was the sale #ricemore or less than 300 and

)" ho! much?

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 __________%. 9ar )ought

t!ice as man" note)oos as=ennis. 8f the t!o #aid 3'5in all+ ho! much did 9ar#a"?

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 __________5. , #late >ust :ts

into a suare )o;. 8f thecircumference of the #late is'&.5 cm+ !hat is the inside#erimeter of the )o;?

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 __________*. 20 of 3.'3 is

!hat #ercent of '5+ to thenearest !hole #ercent?

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 __________1.What is •  

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 __________2. , laundr"

!oman charges 150 for %hours of !or. ,t the samerate+

 ho! much !ill she chargefor * hours of !or?

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 __________3. @lanca had

25 in the )an. n9onda"+ she !ithdre!350.n Thursda"+ shede#osited t!ice !hat she!ithdre! on 9onda". -o!

much mone" had she thenin the )an?

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  __________1. The three

angles of a triangle areconsecutive multi#les of 5.What is the measure of thelargest angle?