


Our central communications piece informing all members and community participants of ongoing events, opinions and matters at Holy Blossom Temple.

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w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | �

D a i ly S e r v i c e SMon. to Fri. 7.30a.m. Shacharit 6p.m. MinchaSun. 9a.m. Shacharit

S h a b b at N a S oFri. May �5 6p.m. Kabbalat ShabbatServiceFri. May �5 6.30p.m. ShabbatFusion(for20and30somethings)Sat. May �6 10.30a.m. ShabbatMorningServiceSat. May �6 10.30a.m. FamilyShabbatService

S h a b b at b e h a’ a lo t e c h aFri. June 1 6p.m. Kabbalat ShabbatServiceFri. June 1 6p.m. TotShabbatandDinnerSat. June � 10.30a.m. ShabbatMorningServiceSat. June � 10.30a.m. FamilyShabbatService

S h a b b at S h e l a c h - l e c h aFri. June 8 6p.m. Kabbalat ShabbatServiceSat. June 9 10.30a.m. ShabbatMorningServiceSat. June 9 10.30a.m. FamilyShabbatService

S h a b b at K o r a c hFri. June 15 6p.m. Kabbalat ShabbatServiceFri. June 15 6p.m. TotShabbatSat. June 16 10.30a.m. Congregation-wideShabbatMorningServiceandkiddushlunchin honourofRabbiJasonRosenberg(Pleaseseepage3fordetails.)

S h a b b at c h u K atFri. June �� 6p.m. Kabbalat ShabbatServiceSat. June �3 10.30a.m. ShabbatMorningServiceSat. June �3 10.30a.m. FamilyShabbatService

S h a b b at b a l a KFri. June �9 6p.m. Kabbalat ShabbatServiceFri. June �9 6.30p.m. ShabbatFusion(for20and30somethings)Sat. June 30 10.30a.m. Congregation-wideShabbatMorningService

Daily/shabbat Worship

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In P



ehonouring rabbi Jason rosenbergb y r a b b i J o h n M o S c o w i t z

rabbi Jason rosenbergisoneofthemostinterestingpeopleIknow.Heneveropenshismouthwithoutsay-ingsomethingonewantstohear;heisrarelywithouttellinginsight;hedoesn’thaveabadboneinhisbody.



W o r t h l i S t e N i N g t oHeisintellectuallycapableandgifted—andwewhohavelistenedtohimovertheyearsarethebeneficiariesofhiswisdom.







J o i N u S t o S ay fa r e W e l lAndsoHolyBlossom’slossisCongre-gationBethAm’sgain.Wewon’tholdthemoveagainstthem,evenaswewillholdtheRosenbergsclosetoourheartsformanyyearstocome.



Rabbi Rosenberg is always worth

listening to, whether speaking to

our young families and children in

the Religious school, preaching to

and teaching adults, or visiting the

sick at home or in hospital.

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | �


b e l i e v i N g i N t h e b e S tAsyourBoardofDirectors,ourdutyistovoteforwhatwebelieveisbestforthefutureofthecongregation.We,thevotingmembersoftheBoard,havedonesobyvotingtoapprovethisproposal.Weurgeyoutodothesame.




Ovote yes for our future

on apr. 26, 2007,afterapassionateandverycandiddiscussion,wevotedtosupporttheDiamondandSchmittplanfortherenewalofHolyBlossomTemple.Wedidsobecausewebelieveitwillensurethefuturevibrancyandsuccessofourcongregation.Nothinglessisatstake.

a c o u r a g e o u S m o v eWe,asacongregation,haveanextraor-dinaryopportunitytodosomethingexceptionalrightnow—forthegoodofthiscongregation,forourchildrenandourchildren’schildren.




yo u r S u p p o r tWearenotgoingtoaskyounowtoconfirmafinancialplanthatwecannotyetproduce—rather,wewillgiveyouachancetoreviewthatplanandvoteonitonceitiscompleteinninemonthstoayearfromtoday.Wearesimplyaskingyouforyoursupport;wehope,overwhelmingly,toproceedtothatstep.Pleasevote“yes”forourfuture.

Signed,officers: BarrySilver, President;PamAlbert,Treasurer;MarkS.Anshan,Officer at Large;LarryBabins,Vice President; TomEhrlich,Financial Secretary;andCarySolomon,Recording SecretaryDepartment chairs:MichelleKatzBlumenthal,Education;TomFriedland,Membership;RandiGarfinkel,Worship;andAlisonSchwartz,Jewish LivingDirectors:TerryAxelrod,JaniceBabins,DavidBlinick,MichaelDavis,DavidGreenberg,GillianHelfield,PaulHellen,MelanieNesbitt,ErinO’Connor,AlbertoQuiroz,FredSaundersandMichaelSherman,JeffLevy,Brotherhood President, GailGoodman,Sisterhood President,MarvinTile,Chair, Holy Blossom Temple Foundation, AlanGarfinkel, Immediate Past President,andJackGeller, Honorary President

H o l y B l o s s o m T e m P l e R e N e W A l

a message from the board of Directors

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H o l y B l o s s o m T e m P l e R e N e W A l

Reminder — meeting of members of Holy Blossom Temple

AmeetingoftheMembersofHolyBlossomTemple(the“Congregation”)willtakeplaceonThur. June �1, �007, at 7.30 p.m.,inthePhilipSmithCongregationalHall,HolyBlossomTemple,1950BathurstStreet,Toronto,Ont.,forthefollowingpurpose:Toconsider,andifthoughtadvisable,approvethefollowingresolution:

“Beitresolvedthat:(a) TheBoardofDirectorsofHolyBlossomTempleisauthorizedto:

(i) proceedwiththedetaileddesignspecificationsphaseoftheTemplerenewalproject,onthebasisofthedesignproposalthathasbeendevelopedbyDiamondandSchmittArchitects(includingtheconstructionofanewschoolbuildingandanewcongrega-tionalhall,thereorientationoftheMainSanctuaryandthecreationofanewcentralcommunitygatheringspace),submittedtotheMembersofHolyBlossomTempleforreviewinDecember2006andapprovedbytheBoardofDirectorsonApr.26,2007;and

(ii) proceedwithconstructionoftheTemplerenewalprojectonabasisconsistentwiththeDiamondandSchmittdesignproposal,providedthatafinancialplanisfirstapproved,asdescribedinparagraph(b),below;and

(b) TheBoardofDirectorsofHolyBlossomTempleisdirected,duringthecourseofthedetaileddesignspecificationsphaseoftheprojectandpriortothecommencementofconstructionoftheproject,tosubmitacomprehensivefinancialplanfortheprojecttotheMembersofHolyBlossomTemplefortheirapprovalbyvote,providedthatthefinancialplanhasfirstbeenapprovedbytheBoardofDirectors.”

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | 6



FtSo honours holy blossom temple

fifty yearsago,ontheoccasionofHolyBlossom’s100thAnniversary,theTorontoSymphonyOrchestrahonouredtheTemplewithaspecialconcert.InOctober1956,underthedirectionofWalterSusskind,theopeningconcertoftheseasonfeaturedpianistGlennGould.Ahalfcenturylater,theTSOisonceagainhonouringtheTemple.


C e l e B R A T e W I T H u s A s H o l y B l o s s o m T e m P l e T u R N s 1 5 0 y e A R s o l d

b y h E n r i E t ta c h E S n i E , C h a i r, 1 5 0 t h A n n i v e r s a r y C o m m i t t e e





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our I



reflecting on israelb y J E F F D E n a b u r g , C o - c h a i r, I s r a e l C o m m i t t e e

israelis reflectontheircountrymorethanotherpeople.Theyanalyzeanddevelopopinions—andtheywanteveryonetoknowthem.OnepopularplaceforIsraelistoexpressopinionsisontheircarbumpers.

t h e S t i c K e r S o N gThreeyearsago,IsraeliwriterDavidGrossmanobservedthatthemultitudeofbumperstickerspresentsapictureofIsraelisociety.Hestartedwritingthemdownandthuscreatedthelyricsof“TheStickerSong.”










v i S i o N o f i S r a e lWhiledescribinghimselfas“totallysecular,”hedescribedtheStateofIsraelasa“political,nationalandhumanmiracle,”andofferedhisvisionofIsraelas“notonlyasafehaven”forJews,butacountrythat“abidesbyJewishanduniversalvalues”that“offersnewmeaningtoJewishexis-tence”and“fullequalityandrespectforitsnon-Jewishcitizens.”


To learn more about David and the sticker song, please visit www.richardsilverstein.com/tikun_olam/2004/08/16/david-grossmans/.

T Foun



building the foundation for our futureb y c h E ry l z E l D i n , D i r e c t o r o f D e v e l o p m e n t , H o l y B l o s s o m Te m p l e F o u n d a t i o n

this past march,HolyBlossomTemplerenewedawonderfultradition,asmembersofthe2007ConfirmationclasstraveledtoIsrael.Thiswasthefirsttripofitskindin25years.ThestudentsexperiencedtheexcitementandhistoryofIsrael,andrealizedtheimpactthatIsraelhasonthemasyoungJews.







How much evil can you swallow?Father have mercy, Father have mercyThey call me Nachman and I stammerHow much evil can you swallow?Father have mercy, Father have mercyThank God I’m breathing

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | 8

Shabbat Morning Torah Study:From Universalism to Particularism — As We Become a Peoplerabbi John MoscowitzSaturdays at 9 a.m.

Sisterhood Torah Studyrabbi Edward goldfarb

wednesdays at 9.30 a.m.Thisclass,whichcontinuesthroughoutthesummer,delvesintothepassionatewritingsofourprophets.Newstudentsarealwayswelcome.

Our New Siddurrabbi yael Splanskywednesdays at 7.30 p.m.May 30 to June 13, �007 Everysiddur,ineverytimeandplace,


Odd Couples in the Biblerabbi Dow Marmur wednesdays at 8 p.m.May 30 to June �7, �007TheHebrewBiblehaslittletosayaboutGod,butmuchabouthumanbeings.Sexiscentralinhumanlife—andscriptureisconcernedwithit.Inaddi-tiontoaccountsofunionsthatcouldbedescribedasconventional,thereare

g e R A l d s C H W A R T z / H e A T H e R R e I s m A N C e N T R e F o R j e W I s H l e A R N I N g A T H o ly B l o s s o m T e m P l e

spring studyFordetailsonalllecturesandprograms,pleasecalltheSchooloffice(ext.256),attheTemple,orvisitourWebsiteatwww.holyblossom.org.Allprogramsandlecturesareopentothecommunity,unlessotherwisestated.Foryourconvenience,ourdaytimeprogramsaremarkedwiththissymbol:


Book Talks: Heart Mattersadrienne clarksonThur. May 31, �007, at 7.30 p.m.Heart Matters chroniclesanastonishingjourney.LearnaboutformerGovernorGeneralofCanadaAdrienneClarkson’sexperiencesasshesharessomeaspectsofherlife.

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P educ


n m


rsblessings and a few scraped knees b y D E b o r a h k . S p i E g E l , D i r e c t o r o f E d u c a t i o n

pre-school happenings from pam hamovitch, principal:HowfortunatewearetospendourdayssurroundedbyyoungchildrenatHolyBlossomTemple’sPre-School.Theirvoices,theirgigglesandtheirdiscoveriesbringjoytoallwhoareblessedbytheircom-panyeachday.Weareoftenaskedbyprospectiveparentswhatexactlywe‘teach’thechildren.Ihaveansweredthatquestionhundredsoftimesduringmy30-yearcareer.Rarely,though,haveIbeenaskedtodescribewhatIhavegleanedfromthehundredsofchildrenwhohavebeenmystudents.Theselifelessonsarefargreaterthanthespacepa-rameterswillallowintheBulletin,buttherehavebeenmany.Thechildren’scuriosity,honesty,infectiousgigglesandbearhugsareconstantremindersofhowimportantthe‘smallstuff ’is.Theoverwhelmingsenseoffulfillmentandgratificationwefeelbyourworkof‘heart’isapricelessgift.Andso,whilewemaysayl’hitraotattheendofJune,wewillalsosaytodah rabahforthemanyblessingswehavebeengivenandtheopportunitytokissevenafewscrapedknees.

t h e N e W N e W S i N

r e l i g i o u S S c h o o lWhat’snewandim-provedinHolyBlossomTemple’sReligiousSchool?




Our Tanach Tourna-ment winning team: (left to right, front row) Jacob Dicker and Michael Rosenberg; and (back row) Jonathon Gordon-Chow, Happy Iscove (coach) and Emily AlbertPh





bie S







ThabSty — another successful yearthis year’sBagelBoxfundraiserwasahugesuccess,thankstoallofourvolun-teers,includingtheHABSTYmemberswhophonedourHolyBlossomcongre-gants,aswellaspackedanddeliveredhundredsofboxes.IwouldalsoliketothankBrotherhoodforitscontinuedsupport.





—Zach Paul, Youth Director

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | 10

For more information, or to leave a message, please call the Seniors’ hotline (ext. 517), at the Temple.

M o n d ays @ the Temple



May �8 Siddur pirchei kodesh|rabbi yael SplanskyJoinusforasneakpeakatournewprayerbook,whichhasbeendesignedtoinspirethespiritualaspirationsofthenextgeneration.WewillalsowelcomesomeoftheTemple’sPre-Schoolchildren,whowillentertainuswithsomesongs.

June � becoming a reform Mohel|Dr. barry bordenHearofDr.Borden’sinterestingjourneytobecomeaMohel.

June 11 attitude is Everything|Dr. harvey Silver, Psychologist


June 18 old time Sing Song|helen Stewart, Muscician and Song LeaderAfterthislastprogramoftheyear,wewilltakeabreakforthesummerandresumeonOct.1,2007.

s u M M e r GatheringSat. July 1�, �007, 10.30 a.m.Youareinvitedtojoinotherse-niorsduringtheregularShabbatServicetoreconnectwithyourlong-timefriends.AftertheService,enjoyalightlunch.ThisSummerGatheringisforallTemplemembers,withaspecialin-vitationtoourseniorcongregants.Co-sponsored by the Connecting Team of the Caring Community and Sisterhood.

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Readers’ Theatre: Kindertransport, by Diane Samuelswed. June 6, �007, at 7.30 p.m.Anyoneinterestedinreadinganddiscuss-ingplaysrelatedtotheHolocaustisinvitedtoattend.Wewillalsoexplorewaystoenhanceourskillsasdramaticreaders.

Library Hours for Spring 2007Mon. May �8 to wed. May 30—

10a.m.to1p.m.Mon. June � to wed. June 6 —


Monday to wednesday — 10a.m.to1p.m.,and2p.m.to6p.m.

Beit HalochemThur. June 7, �007, at 9 a.m.TheHolyBlossomTempleBeitHalo-chemCommitteeissponsoringanall-dayoutingtoStratford,Ont.,witha


12th Annual Israel Day Festival Sun. June 3, �007, at 11 a.m.Earl bales park, north yorkComecelebratethesights,sounds,tastesandspiritofIsrael,underthepatronageoftheConsulateofIsrael.Formoredetails,pleasecallBarbaraPeters,at(416)633-3988.Sponsored by the Canadian Zionist Federation. Zareinu MoveathonSun. June 10, �007, at 11 a.m.JointheHolyBlossomfamilyinsupport-ingchildrenwithspecialneedsatthe10thAnnualZareinuMoveathon.Formoredetails,pleasevisitwww.moveathon.com.


Installation and Dinnertue. June 5, �007, at 6.30 p.m.PleasejoinusforourInstallationDinnerwithguestspeakerSueBader,President,WRJ,District3.RSVPtoElanaFehler(ext.0),attheTemple.Judaica ShopDidyouknowthatallproceedsfromtheJudaicaShophelpsupportTempleactivities,aswellastheReligiousSchool,theLibrary,Confirmands,OutoftheCold,PlautManor,campscholar-ships,theTempleSingersandHABTSY.Whynotstopbyandvisittheshop?VolunteerhoursareMondaytoFriday10a.m.to12.30p.m.,andSunday9.30a.mto12.15p.m.Tomakean

events and Announcements

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | 1�


amy Miller & David rozin

rabbi John Moscowitzandrabbi Edward goldfarb,onreceivingAlumniHonoraryDoctoratesfromHebrewUnionCollege-JewishInstituteofReligioninhonouroftheir25yearsasrabbis.

b i r t h SJennifer&JayBrownonthebirthoftheir

daughter,Ella bailey brown.Proudgrand-parentsareMelBrownandSharon&LorneTarshis.Proudgreat-grandparentsareYetta&SamBrown,Betty&MurrayMindenandRoseTarshis.

TemmaGentlesandRuthGelberonthebirthoftheirgranddaughtersandgreat-grand-daughters,Mahalia Ellison,daughterofMelanieGentles&CarlosLanfranco,andabigail Mackenzie,daughterofNaomiGentles&AnandMaharaj.

Whitney&MichaelGnatonthebirthoftheirdaughter,teagan Joan gnat,sistertoKendallandColton.ProudgrandparentsareHowardFreedman,andGayle&WillyGnat.Proudgreat-grandmothersareSylviaGrossmanandElseLandauer.

JudithLarenbaum,onthebirthofhergreat-grandson,Samuel Mogil,sonofRobyn&EliMogil.

Jenifer-Lyn&RoniTurneronthebirthoftheirson,zachary harold turner,brothertoMax.ProudgrandparentsareCarolTanenbaumandEmmy&ChaimTurner.Proudgreat-grandparentsareAnneTanenbaumandZahava&MordechaiTurnerofIsrael.

our Congregational Family


Edward isadore charney,husbandofEstherCharney,fatherofRickCharneyandStevenCharney

Martin keshen,husbandofRiviKeshen,fatherofEllen-AnnKeshen,LarryKeshenandStuartKeshen,brotherofSybilHarris

belle keystone,wifeofHarryKeystone,motherofCarolynKeystone,


name DateLouisKrakauer May27LeopoldStossel 27MargaretFarber 28SaulHarryGreenwood 28HaroldHands 28NettieLandau 28PeggyLaskin 28SigmundLubelsky 28FrederickBurton 29MaxGold 29FredaLevine 29GertrudeStitt 29JennieWolfe 29BessieYolleck 29JosephBlumenthal 30ZeldaKaplan 30PearlKates 30LouisKurshner 30SydneyRosen 30

�3 Sivan 5767/June 9, �007 Shawna allen,daughterofBonnie&MichaelAllen

�3 Sivan 5767/June 9, �007 Joey lieberman,sonofLori&DavidLieberman

30 Sivan 5767/June 16, �007 rebecca lash,daughterofDr.ElizabethTarshis&Dr.RickLash

7 tammuz 5767/June �3, �007 oona nadler,daughterofPatricia&JamesNadler

7 tammuz 5767/June �3, �007 Dean rosen,sonofLisa&PaulRosen

b ’ N e i m i t z v a h

16 Sivan 5767/June �, �007 charles godfrey,sonofBeth&WilliamGodfrey

16 Sivan 5767/June �, �007ali persiko,daughterofSusan&RobPersiko


anna lurie,motherofJoavPrivesandUrielPriwes,sisterofEricPoznanskyandJackPoznansky

David Miller,husbandofSylviaMiller,fatherofAnthonyMiller,PamelaMillerandSeanMiller

harry rasky,husbandofRuth(Arlene)Rasky,fatherofAdamRaskyandHollyRasky,brotherofEddieRaskyandSamRasky

Dr. Saul Sidlofsky,husbandofBeatriceSidlofsky,fatherofMichaelSidlofsky,RabbiPaulSidlofskyandRichardSidlofsky,brotherofSamSidlofsky

gordon (gordy) wolfe,husbandofLindaWolfe,fatherofCarrieWolfe,DeborahWolfeandMichaelWolfe

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1 5 0 t h a N N i v e r S a r y f u N D

gail Eisen, in Memory:HenriettaChesnie

Judge Sam Filer, in Memory:HenriettaChesnie

ann & gary posen, Mazal tov:Sheila&BobSmolkin

blanche posen, in Memory:HenriettaChesnie


c o o p e r fa m i ly a N N i v e r S a r y f u N D

Sami & James cooper, happy anniversary:Jaimie


f lo r a l f u N D

Shawna allen, bat Mitzvah:Bonnie&MichaelAllen

charles godfrey, bar Mitzvah:Beth&William


rebecca lash, bat Mitzvah:Dr.ElizabethTarshis


Joey lieberman, bar Mitzvah:Lori&DavidLieberman

oona nadler, bat Mitzvah:Patricia&JamesNadler

ali persiko, bat Mitzvah:Susan&RobPersiko

Dean rosen, bar Mitzvah:Lisa&PaulRosen

h o ly b lo S S o m t e m p l e f o u N D at i o N

gail Eisen, in Memory:Daisy&SydJacobs;Mary


howard garfield, in Memory:Esther&CyrilHersh

Dr. reva gerstein, happy birthday:NancyRuth

David hart, Speedy recovery:Clare&Monte


Joe Jonatan, in Memory:Esther&CyrilHersh

David Miller, in Memory:ErnieLegiehn;JonPereira

Esther Shub, in Memory:Freda&AllanPaull

MorrisSmith May30MosesToker 30EstherFichman 31IrvingHalperin 31GoldaKaplan 31FeliciaKnaul 31HenryShapiro 31PaulineEdytheSinger 31LeonE.Weinstein 31FayeGoldman June1NathanKerdman 1BerthaParks 1LouisJ.Perlman 1BessieSchipper 1BenjaminSeligDoll 2RoyFrankfurter 2ElizabethLeahGoldberg 2ElliottCollins 3EarlAlanFarber 3LarryGrossman 3JulesMendelsohn 3SadieWise 3BettyCohen 4LouisDennis 4PhyllisFeigenbaum 4SzulimFrisz 4LenoraRitterman 4HarrySchwartz 4SamSiskind 4LeahNankin 5MorrisWatkin 5HarryGreenberg 6MartinHyman 6JosephKaufman 6EstherTeper 6NormanFremes 7NathanGotfrid 7PearlCooperKremer 7BernardLaski 7AbbeyMuter 7PercyPenturn 7MarshaPezim 7MiloRittner 7JudithTeller 7GloriaBaskin 8EttaBrookstein 8GussieKaplan 8ReginaWarschauer 8PhilipGoldman 9AllenLouisGreenberg 9EliasGuttmann 9

BarbaraSavein June9RoseStarkman 9BorisCymbal 10LouisCharlesFeldstein 10BenjaminMannis 10MollyCohen 11MaxKurtz 11GertrudeAnnaLederman 11GeraldineRubinoff 11SarahGlazier 12MinnieSapera 12SamuelWeiser 12DanaShendroffBruhand 13RoseCohen 13LeahGold 13PhilipRosenberg 13JennieCrangle 14LouisGoldstein 14FannyHanick 14NoahLieberman 14KatherinePless 14RoseSherkin 14GertrudeEngel 15MollyFeldstein 15AbeGarson 15MorrisKanoff 15EttaG.Levin 15JennieAmsterdam 16MaxBlum 16DavidEisen 16MartinBernardFremont 16JudiDuckman 17MollyRossman 17KarlBald 18RoydenCowan 18StanleyScottFreeman 18HermanItkoff 18DavidMoscovitz 18ClaraPollock 18MathildaBald 19JenniferBorinsSutton 19MarkCohen 19HarryFirestone 19IrvingHandelman 19HarryManson 19RebeccaPersiko 19BessieSwartz 19SamuelApplebaum 20CarolBraun 20SamKay 20AnnaPaulin 20

MinnaTepper June20JackHenryMeltz 21HarryDavidBurston 22JeanetteFreeman 22RuthGoodman 22LarryGrossman 22ArthurJosephMessinger 22BeatriceSmith 22PaulBell 23RalphBregman 23HarryGreen 23PhilipHenry 23DianaMorgulis 23PearlSigal 23

name Date name Date name Date

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | 1�

contacts for Donations

To make a donation to any of our existing funds, to learn more about how you can support the Holy Blossom Temple Foundation, or to establish a new fund, please call the Foundation Office, at (416) 789-3291, ext. 265.

To make a donation to One Family Fund (Aid to Survivors of Terror), please call (416) 644-4955.

To make a donation to MAZON Canada, please call (416) 783-7554.

To make a donation to the Toronto Community Forest Fund, please call Sybil Gordon at (416) 489-5709.

We appreciate your supportHoly Blossom Temple appreciates all donations to our funds; however due to rising costs, cards will only be sent for donations of $20 or more. We will continue to recognize all donations in the Bulletin.

We apologize but due to space constraints, not all donations will appear in the Bulletin issue closest to the date on which the contribution was made. Donations in this issue were received by Apr. 10, 2007.

J o a N K e r b e l l e a D e r S h i p D e v e lo p m e N t

f u N D

gail Eisen, in Memory:HolyBlossomTemple


holy blossom temple brotherhood, Mazal tov:


blanche posen, in Memory:HolyBlossomTemple


gordon wolfe, in Memory:HolyBlossomTemple


D o W & f r e D z i a m a r m u r p r o g r a m f o r

e D u c at i o N a l e x c e l l e N c e

cynthia good & Dan aronchick, Mazal tov:


David Miller, in Memory:Phyllis&MannySpivak

linda Shain, in Memory:Honey&NormanSchipper

l e S l e y & r o N m i l l e r f u N D

lesley Miller, happy birthday:Dena&JayArback




m u S i c a l l e g a c y f u N D

David hart, best wishes:AliceWaldmanLewis

Mari lynn rusak, Mazal tov:EllenKarabanow

gordon wolfe, in Memory:HolyBlossomTemple


b a r b a r a a N D S a m f r u m o ’ b r i e N

b ’ N e i m i t z v a h f u N D

barbara & Sam Frum o’brien, Mazal tov:Susan&




o u t o f t h e c o l D f u N D

gail Eisen, in Memory: Ann&GaryPosen;Bonnie


harry hands, yahrzeit: EstherHands,Children,


Morris kott, in Memory:Kathy&MauriceGreen

gertrude long, in Memory:Annalee&BrianSchnurr

gordon wolfe, in Memory:Heidi&NeilPoch

general: MelamedFamilyandFriendsSederGroup

h a r r y & b l a N c h e p o S e N e N D o W m e N t f u N D

blanche posen, in Memory:Sharon&Gordon






















r a b b i S ’ a N D c a N t o r S ’ D i S c r e t i o N a r y

f u N D S

rabbi John Moscowitz, in appreciation:Mona&


rabbi Edward goldfarb, in appreciation:Gila


cantor benjamin z. Maissner, in appreciation:



N a N c y r u t h e D u c at i o N a l f u N D

lillian Dine, in Memory:EllenKarabanow

gail Eisen, in Memory:NancyRuth

lo r r a i N e S a N D l e r t r i b u t e f u N D

aaron krandel, Mazal tov:Brenda&ColinBaskind

S h a c h a r i t f u N D

karl bald, yarzheit:Burtha&HenryLiss

Mathilda bald, yarzheit: Burtha&HenryLiss


william Frohman, yahrzeit:AmandaFrohman

Morris granatstein, yahrzeit:Joan&DonGranatstein

Selma Millman, yahrzeit:RuthRosen

Dr. henry Sager, yahrzeit: AdeleSager

Max Shrier, yahrzeit: JoniEisenberg

laura Schipper, yahrzeit: Michelle&RobertSchipper

Sidney Schipper, yahrzeit:Michelle&RobertSchipper

g o r D o N W o l f e m e m o r i a l f u N D

gordon wolfe, in Memory:Dorothy&BobAaron;
































yo u t h a W a r D S

Jennifer borins Sutton, yahrzeit:BorinsFamily

gail Eisen, in Memory: Clare&MonteDenaburg;


zita gardner, Mazal tov: Diana&MarvinGoodman

J U N e 2 0 0 7 | s i v a n / Ta m m u z 5 7 6 7 w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g15

Sat. June 2 9 a.m. Torah Study

Sun. June 3 10 a.m. Annual Father Son Day at Toronto Island

mon. June 4 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple, with Dr. Barry Borden 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program

tue. June 5 11 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar 6.45 p.m. Sisterhood Board Installation and Dinner

Wed. June 6 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 7.30 p.m. Our New Siddur, with Rabbi Yael Splansky 7.30 p.m. Reader’s Theatre: “Kindertransport,” with Diane Samuels 8 p.m. Odd Couples in the Bible, with Rabbi Dow Marmur

Sat. June 9 9 a.m. Torah Study

mon. June 11 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple, with Dr. Harvey Silver 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program tue. June 12 11 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar Wed. June 13 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 10.30 a.m. Lunch and Learn in Retirement: The Full Monty (Stage West) 7.30 p.m. Our New Siddur, with Rabbi Yael Splansky 8 p.m. Odd Couples in the Bible, with Rabbi Dow Marmur

fri. June 15 6 p.m. Tot Shabbat Service and Dinner

Sat. June 16 9 a.m. Torah Study

Sun. June 17 7.30 p.m. 150th Anniversary Closing Event: TSO Concert and Gala

mon. June 18 10 a.m. Mondays @ the Temple, with Helen Stewart 7.30 p.m. Adult B’nei Mitzvah Program

tue. June 19 11 a.m. Advanced Hebrew Grammar 7.30 p.m. Liberating Vision for the Jewish People, with Bonna Devora Haberman

Wed. June 20 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 8 p.m. Odd Couples in the Bible, with Rabbi Dow Marmur

thur. June 21 7.30 pm. Congregational Vote

Sat. June 23 9 a.m. Torah Study

Wed. June 27 9.30 a.m. Sisterhood Torah Study 8 p.m. Odd Couples in the Bible, with Rabbi Dow Marmur

fri. June 29 6.30 p.m. Shabbat Fusion (for 20 and 30 somethings)

Sat. June 30 9 a.m. Torah Study

this month @ holy bloSSom June 2007Sivan/Tammuz 5767

For Worship Services, please see page 2. As dates and times may change without notice, please confirm all information by calling the Temple – at any time – to access our This Week @ Holy Blossom recording.

The Bulletin is published 11 times a year by Holy Blossom Temple, 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9. Telephone: (416) 789-3291; Fax: (416) 789-9697; e-mail: templemail@holyblossom.org; Web site: www.holyblossom.org. Honorary President: John A. Geller; President: Barry Silver; Senior Rabbi: John Moscowitz; Associate Rabbi: Yael Splansky; Associate Rabbi: Jason Rosenberg; Rabbi: Edward Goldfarb; Cantor: Benjamin Z. Maissner; Cantorial Soloist: Lindi Rivers; Director of Education: Deborah K. Spiegel; Rabbi Emeritus: Dow Marmur; Senior Scholar: W. Gunther Plaut; Executive Director: Benjamin Applebaum; Holy Blossom Temple Foundation Chair: Marvin Tile; Director of Development: Cheryl Zeldin; Bulletin Editor: Judy Nyman; Design and Production:

Holy Blossom Temple was founded in 1856 and is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Canadian Council for Reform Judaism.

w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g H o ly B lo s s o m T e m p l e | 16


he l

ast W

ord a temple that makes me proud

b y r a b b i J a S o n r o S E n b E r g

as was recentlyannounced,IwillbeleavingHolyBlossomTempleattheendofJune.MyfamilyandIwillbemovingtoTampa,Fla.,whereIwillbetheRabbiofCongregationBethAm,ayoungandgrowingcongregation.Thecity,thesynagogueanditspotentialalloffersomuchthatexcitesme,andweareverymuchlookingforwardtothisnewphaseinourlives.

a r e m a r K a b l e c o N g r e g at i o NBut,leavingHolyBlossomTemplealsofillsmewithaprofoundsenseofregret.Ihavespentnearlyeveryday,sincedecidingtotakeapositionelsewhere,acutelyawareofwhatIwillbeleavingbehind.HolyBlossomtrulyisaremarkablecongregation,onewhichhascapturedmyhearteversinceIfirstcamehereasaninternsevenyearsago.






S h a r e W i t h yo u r f r i e N D SOurMembershipDepartmentisunveil-inga“MemberGetMember”initiative,inwhichweaskyoutorecruitpeopleyouknow(peoplewhoneedasyna-gogue)toHolyBlossomTemple.



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