2009 International Honors Institute




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2009 International Honors InstituteRichmond, VA

Rhonda Arthur, Doug Foster, Allison Johnson, Joyce Kelly,

And Charlotte McConaha

International Honors Institute• The International Honors Institute provides

approximately 400 participants with a week of intensive study of the Honors Study Topic. Members, advisors and alumni will hear presentations by experts on various aspects of the Honors Study Topic, learn about Honors in Action, and enjoy time to discuss and reflect upon what they have learned in a small group setting.

Speaker Presentations• Throughout the week,

internationally and regionally recognized scholars will address the Honors Study Topic from various interdisciplinary perspectives.

Seminar MeetingsEach speaker’s presentation will be followed by a Seminar Meeting, which is an intimate small-group discussion led byan experienced facilitator, or Faculty Scholar.

Network with Scholars•The Honors Institute draws participants from across the nation and abroad. The Honors Institute offers several opportunities to get acquainted with your fellow Phi Theta Kappamembers.

SpeakersDr. Liesl Ward Prof. Rob Carey Stephen Schroeder

Dr. Douglas Foard- Civil War and the Paradox of Virginia

Davar Ardalan- Between Two Worlds: Iran , the United States, and the Paradox of Affluence

Dr. Michael Galaty Why Do We Fight? Affluence and the Origins of Violence and Warfare

Dr. Randall Kennedy- Sell Out: Race and the Paradox of Affluence

Paul Loeb- Soul of a Citizen: Living with Conviction in a Challenging Time

Honors Institute Reader’s Theatre- Choice, Challenging, and Consequential: The Paradox of Affluence Dramatized

Reader’s TheatreJoyce Kelly

Seminar Group 10 Allison Johnson

Seminar Group 15Rhonda Arthur and Charlotte McConaha

Reader’s Theatre

R & R Day

A Changing of the awards

• Honors in Action Project

• College Project

• Distinguished Chapter Award

The Honors in Action Project

• Instead of working on 3 different (Hallmarks) papers. The Chapter only has to work on 1 paper (The Honors in Action Project).

• The Honors in Action Project will be a project that includes or is based on the Honors in Action Topic.

What your Honors Project needs to include• Provide a brief summary of the project.• What issue from current Honors Program

Guide did you choose?• Why did you choose that issue?• Briefly describe the resources used to

research the issue. • Do interviews, these weight heavy.

• What conclusions did your Chapter reach based on your research?

• Summarize your objectives for this Project and the process by which your Chapter set these objectives.

• With whom did you collaborate with?• Describe the Leadership of the Chapter and

what members that contributed to the development and implementation of the Project.

• Describe specific action taken that helped Chapter members be more effective leaders for this Project

• What were the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of your Project? Including lessons learned by your Chapter members and any others?

• What is left undone or what opportunities remain for the issue. “ What will future members need to complete?”

The College Project

• The College Project will need to be a project that is associated with the college.

2010 Honors Institute

• Chapman UniversityOrange, CaliforniaJune 14-18, 2010

• For updated information visit: http://www.ptk.org/honors/institute/

• Rhonda Arthur: RARTHUR0003@KCTCS.EDU • Doug Foster: DFOSTER0024@KCTCS.EDU • Allison Johnson: AJOHNSON0239@KCTCS.EDU • Joyce Kelly: JKELLY0042@KCTCS.EDU • Charlotte McConaha: CMCCONAHA0001@KCTCS.EDU
