©2010, TESCC. War for Independence “Gentlemen may cry peace, peace—but there is no peace. The...


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©2010, TESCC

Battles of Lexington and Concord

©2010, TESCC

War for Independence

“Gentlemen may cry peace, peace—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! … I know not what course others may take. But as for me, give me liberty or give me death.”

Patrick Henry

A Patriot who supportedindependence

American colonial militia members who were supposed to be ready to fight at a minute’s notice


Paul Revere

was a messenger who rode to the towns to warn colonists of British advance toward Concord.

Battle of Lexington“The shot heard round the world”

Battle of ConcordThe British retreated to Boston.

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Battles of Lexington & Concord

1775• 1st battles• British soldiers hoped to

capture Patriot weapons in Concord

• News of fighting angered and shocked the colonists

2nd Continental CongressThey reacted to news of fighting by deciding to create a Continental Army.

George Washington was appointed to command the army.

Battle of Bunker HillThe Patriots were defeated.

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Battle of Bunker Hill1775

• British victory• British suffered more than 1,000 casualties • Proved the Americans could

fight bravely

George WashingtonThe siege on Boston was successful because Washington used surrounding hills for attacksand for defense.

Some American military leaders wanted to invadeBritish Canada and make it the “14th colony.”

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” …..Nathan Hale

General Washington and 2,400 troops crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776.

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Battle of Trenton1776

• The Patriots captured 900 Hessian soldiers, foreign soldiers from Germany

• The victory boosted the Patriots spirits!


Battle of SaratogaBenedict Arnold led a bold charge forcing the British army to retreat.

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Battle of Saratoga1777

• Considered a “turning point” in the American Revolution• Was the greatest win yet for the Americans• Greatly boosted morale of the Patriots• Led to increased foreign support

for the Revolution

Foreign Support• America formed an alliance

with France for military support• America also received help

from Spain

Foreign Support

Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchman, foughtfor the Patriots because he believed in the Patriot’s cause.

Valley Forge – Winter of 1777-1778

The Patriots suffered from food and clothing shortages.More than one-fifth of the soldiers died.

Baron Friedrich von Steuben, A Prussian army officer, improved disciplinewithin the troops.

He assisted Washington in teaching the troops basic military skills.

Captain John Paul Jones was a successful Navy officer.

Francis Marion was called the “Swamp Fox” because of his hit and run attacks.


British General Cornwallis surrendered his troops at Yorktown, Virginia.

Battle of Yorktown

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Battle of Yorktown1781

• Last battle of the Revolution• American victory won by combined

French and American forces• General Cornwallis surrendered to

General Washington

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Treaty of Paris of 1783• Officially ended the American Revolution• Forced Britain to recognize

American independence• Established national

borders of the United States

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Why did America win?

• Americans fought on their own territory

• Americans got support and supplies from France and Spain

• Americans had a strong belief in the cause of independence

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Independence is Won!