20121125 the end pt 3 (ps. timothy loh)-chin


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圣经看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

圣经看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

• 末日时间 - 末后的日子 The End time – the last days

圣经看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

• 末日时间 - 末后的日子 The End time – the last days

• 末日事迹 - 基督第二次降临 The End Event – the 2nd Coming of Christ

圣经看待末日的方式 The way Bible wrap around THE END:

• 末日时间 - 末后的日子 The End time – the last days

• 末日事迹 - 基督第二次降临 The End Event – the 2nd Coming of Christ

• 末日审判 The End Judgment

末日审判The End Judgment

希伯来书 Heb 9:2727 按着定命 , 人人都有一死 , 死後且有审判 . Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

我们必须回答的问题 :Questions that we need to answer:

我们必须回答的问题 :Questions that we need to answer:

1. 死后还有生命吗 ? Is there Life after Death?

我们必须回答的问题 :Questions that we need to answer:

1. 死后还有生命吗 ? Is there Life after Death?

2. 有天堂吗 ? 它是怎样的 ? 我们要怎样才可以上天堂呢 ? Is there Heaven? What is it like? How do we get there?

我们必须回答的问题 :Questions that we need to answer:

1. 死后还有生命吗 ? Is there Life after Death?

2. 有天堂吗 ? 它是怎样的 ? 我们要怎样才可以上天堂呢 ? Is there Heaven? What is it like? How do we get there?

3. 有地狱吗 ? 它是怎样的 ? 谁会下地狱呢 ? Is there Hell? What is it like? Who ends up there?

关于地狱的一些有趣资料Interesting Facts on Hell

关于地狱的一些有趣资料Interesting Facts on Hell

• 60% 的人相信有天堂和地狱 ; 但是只有 4% 的人相信他们可能会到那里去 !60% believe in Heaven and Hell; but only 4% believes that they might go there!

关于地狱的一些有趣资料Interesting Facts on Hell

• 60% 的人相信有天堂和地狱 ; 但是只有 4% 的人相信他们可能会到那里去 !60% believe in Heaven and Hell; but only 4% believes that they might go there!

• 大多数人相信只有真正坏的人才会下地狱 , 像希特勒 , 史达林 , 沙旦胡新…等等这样的人 .Most people believe that only real BAD people go to Hell, people like Hitler, Stalin, Saddam…etc.

关于地狱的一些有趣资料Interesting Facts on Hell

• 60% 的人相信有天堂和地狱 ; 但是只有 4% 的人相信他们可能会到那里去 !60% believe in Heaven and Hell; but only 4% believes that they might go there!

• 大多数人相信只有真正坏的人才会下地狱 , 像希特勒 , 史达林 , 沙旦胡新…等等这样的人 .Most people believe that only real BAD people go to Hell, people like Hitler, Stalin, Saddam…etc.

• 圣经谈到有关地狱的事还多过天堂 The Bible talks more about Hell than Heaven

对于地狱的一些错误观念Faulty Views On Hell

对于地狱的一些错误观念Faulty Views On Hell

1. 一个很酷的地方 - 在那里所有的罪人聚集 , 充满情色 , 欢愉 ! A cool place – where all sinners hang out, sensual, full of pleasure!

对于地狱的一些错误观念Faulty Views On Hell

1. 一个很酷的地方 - 在那里所有的罪人聚集 , 充满情色 , 欢愉 ! A cool place – where all sinners hang out, sensual, full of pleasure!

2. 一个传说 - “ 地狱已失去客流 !” 没有人会到那里去 ! 当我们死去后 , 我们就烟消云散 ! A myth – “Hell is loosing its business!” no one will go there! Once we die, we vanish!

对于地狱的一些错误观念Faulty Views On Hell

3. 一个只是为真正的罪人而设的地方 A place only for the real sinners

对于地狱的一些错误观念Faulty Views On Hell

3. 一个只是为真正的罪人而设的地方 A place only for the real sinners

4. 在抵达地狱之前还有涤罪所 !– 我还有第 2 次的机会 ! There is Purgatory before Hell! – I still have 2nd chance!

启 Rev 20:12-15 1 2   我又看见死了的人 , 无论大小 , 都站在宝座前。案卷展开了 , 并且另有一卷展开 , 就是生命册。死了的人都凭着这些案卷所记载的 , 照他们所行的受审判。1 3   於是海交出其中的死人 ; 死亡和阴间也交出其中的死人 ; 他们都照各人所行的受审判。 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. 13The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works.

启 Rev 20:12-15 1 4   死亡和阴间也被扔在火湖里 ; 这火湖就是第二次的死。 1 5   若有人名字没记在生命册上 , 他就被扔在火湖里。 14Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

1. 死后还有生命 There is Life after Death

1. 死后还有生命 There is Life after Death

2. 每个人都要面对审判日 There is a Judgment Day for everyone

1. 死后还有生命 There is Life after Death

2. 每个人都要面对审判日 There is a Judgment Day for everyone

3. 有地狱 ( 阴间 ) 和火湖 ( 永恒的 )- 那是一个真实的地方 ! There is a Hell (Hades / Sheol) and Lake of Fire (eternal state) – it’s a real place!

耶稣用来形容地狱的喻言The Parable that Jesus used to illustrate Hell

耶稣用来形容地狱的喻言The Parable that Jesus used to illustrate Hell

地狱的喻言 Parable About Hell 19 有一个财主穿着紫色袍和细麻布衣服 , 天天奢华宴乐. 20 又有一个讨饭的 , 名叫拉撒路 , 浑身生疮 , 被人放在财主门口 ,21 要得财主桌子上掉下来的零碎充饥 ; 并且狗来 ? 他的疮 . 19"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.

耶稣用来形容地狱的喻言The Parable that Jesus used to illustrate Hell

22 後来那讨饭的死了 , 被天使带去放在亚伯拉罕的怀里 . 财主也死了 , 并且埋葬了 . 23 他在阴间受痛苦 ,举目远远的望见亚伯拉罕 , 又望见拉撒路在他怀里 ,

22 "The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23

In hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side.

耶稣用来形容地狱的喻言The Parable that Jesus used to illustrate Hell

24 就喊着说 :我祖亚伯拉罕哪 , 可怜我罢!打发拉撒路来 , 用指头尖蘸点水 ,凉凉我的舌头 ;因为我在这火焰里 ,极其痛苦。 25 亚伯拉罕说 : 儿阿 ,你该回想你生前享过福 , 拉撒路也受过苦 ;如今他在这里得安慰 ,你倒受痛苦 .24So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.' 25"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.

26不但这样 , 并且在你我之间 , 有深渊限定 , 以致人要从这边过到你们那边是不能的 ; 要从那边过到我们这边也是不能的。 27 财主说 :我祖阿 !既是这样 ,求你打发拉撒路到我父家去 ;28因为我还有五个弟兄 , 他可以对他们作见证 ,免得他们也来到这痛苦的地方。 26And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.' 27"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'

耶稣用来形容地狱的喻言The Parable that Jesus used to illustrate Hell

29 亚伯拉罕说 :他们有摩西和先知的话可以听从 .30 他说 :我祖亚伯拉罕哪 ,不是的 , 若有一个从死里复活的 , 到他们那里去的 , 他们必要悔改 .31 亚伯拉罕说 :若不听从摩西和先知的话 , 就是有一个从死里复活的 , 他们也是不听劝 .

29 "Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' 30" 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' 31"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "

耶稣用来形容地狱的喻言The Parable that Jesus used to illustrate Hell

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

2. 一个痛苦的地方 A Place of Torment

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

2. 一个痛苦的地方 A Place of Torment

a. 肉体的折磨 Physical Torment

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

2. 一个痛苦的地方 A Place of Torment

a. 肉体的折磨 Physical Torment

b. 感情的折磨 Emotional Torment

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

2. 一个痛苦的地方 A Place of Torment

a. 肉体的折磨 Physical Torment

b. 感情的折磨 Emotional Torment

c. 心灵的折磨 Spiritual Torment

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

2. 一个痛苦的地方 A Place of Torment

a. 肉体的折磨 Physical Torment

b. 感情的折磨 Emotional Torment

c. 心灵的折磨 Spiritual Torment

3. 一个永恒状态的地方 A Place of Eternal State

关于地狱的真理 The Truth About Hell

1. 一个极度邪恶的地方 , 没有约束的 A Place of Maximum Evil and it has no constraint

2. 一个痛苦的地方 A Place of Torment

a. 肉体的折磨 Physical Torment

b. 感情的折磨 Emotional Torment

c. 心灵的折磨 Spiritual Torment

3. 一个永恒状态的地方 A Place of Eternal State

4. 一个有知觉的地方 A Place of Conscious

神的心意 God’s Heart:

• 神要所有的人都得救 God desires ALL men to be saved

提后 1Ti 2:3-4 3你要和我同受苦难 ,好像基督耶稣的精兵。 4凡在军中当兵的 ,不将世务缠身 ,好叫那招他当兵的人喜悦。 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

• 神对我们是恒久忍耐的 God is longsuffering towards us

彼后 2Pe 3:9 主所应许的尚未成就 , 有人以为他是耽延 ,其实不是耽延 ,乃是宽容你们 ,不愿有一人沉沦 ,乃愿人人都悔改。 The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness, but is long-suffering toward us, not purposing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

神的心意 God’s Heart:

• 神透过主耶稣基督成就了救恩 God has made salvation possible through Jesus Christ

帖前 1Th 5:9 因为神不是预定我们受刑 ,乃是预定我们藉着我们主耶稣基督得救。 For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

神的心意 God’s Heart:

神已经做了他的选择 , 他需要你也做出你的选择 !!



不信者在临死之前 Unbelievers Prior Death

不信者在临死之前 Unbelievers Prior Death

• 伏尔泰在咽下最后一口气前喊叫 “我被上帝和世人遗弃 , 我将要下地狱” Voltaire cried out his last breath “I am abandoned by God and man, I shall go to Hell”

不信者在临死之前 Unbelievers Prior Death

• 伏尔泰在咽下最后一口气前喊叫 “我被上帝和世人遗弃 , 我将要下地狱” Voltaire cried out his last breath “I am abandoned by God and man, I shall go to Hell”

• 查尔士九世 , 法国君王 “鲜血 , 杀戮 ; 我听从了邪恶的献计 . 我迷失了 ! 我看清楚了 !” Charles IX, King of France “what blood, what murders; what evil counsels I have followed. I am LOST! I see it well!”

不信者在临死之前 Unbelievers Prior Death

• 伏尔泰在咽下最后一口气前喊叫 “我被上帝和世人遗弃 , 我将要下地狱” Voltaire cried out his last breath “I am abandoned by God and man, I shall go to Hell”

• 查尔士九世 , 法国君王 “鲜血 , 杀戮 ; 我听从了邪恶的献计 . 我迷失了 ! 我看清楚了 !” Charles IX, King of France “what blood, what murders; what evil counsels I have followed. I am LOST! I see it well!”

• 荷伯斯 , 一个无神论者 “我正跳入可怕的黑暗 !” Hobbes, an atheist “I am taking a fearful leap in the dark!”

不信者在临死之前 Unbelievers Prior Death

• 史克汤姆爵士 “直到这一刻 , 我以为没有神或地狱 , 现在我知道也感觉到这两者都存在 , 我将受到全能者的公义审判面对灭亡” Sir Thomas Scott “Until this moment, I thought there was neither God nor Hell, now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty”

对于史达林的死 , 他的女儿这样说”我的父亲死得很痛苦和可怕 !” 她叙述当时的情景 .. “ 他躺在床上… 他突然坐起来 ; 看着每个人 , 提起他的左手 .. 指着某些东西 .. 表情痛苦 .. 肉体 , 灵魂离开 , 他就死了 ! On Stalin’s death, the daughter made this statement “My father died a difficult and horrible death!” She described what happened .. “he has been lying on his bed … suddenly he sat up; he glanced at everyone, lifted his left hand .. pointing towards something .. wrenched in emotion .. body, spirit left and he is dead! 在他离开这个世界到另一个世界去时 , 他到底看见了什么 ..What did he see passing from one world to another…

不信者在临死之前 Unbelievers Prior Death

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

• Abbott “荣耀归与神 !! 我看见天堂的门为我亲密地打开!” “Glory to God!! I see Heaven sweetly opened to me!”

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

• Abbott “荣耀归与神 !! 我看见天堂的门为我亲密地打开!” “Glory to God!! I see Heaven sweetly opened to me!”

• DL Moody “ 这是荣耀的 ! 世界退去 , 天堂打开 ! 神在呼唤我 , 我必须要去 !” “This is glorious! Earth receding, Heaven opening! God is calling me and I must go!”

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

• Abbott “荣耀归与神 !! 我看见天堂的门为我亲密地打开!” “Glory to God!! I see Heaven sweetly opened to me!”

• DL Moody “ 这是荣耀的 ! 世界退去 , 天堂打开 ! 神在呼唤我 , 我必须要去 !” “This is glorious! Earth receding, Heaven opening! God is calling me and I must go!”

• John Antler “ 那马车已来到 , 我已经准备好要上车了 ..” “The chariot has come, and I am ready to step in..”

• John A Lyth“这会是死亡吗 ? 为什么它比活着还要好 !” “Can this be death? Why is it better than living!”

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

• John A Lyth“这会是死亡吗 ? 为什么它比活着还要好 !” “Can this be death? Why is it better than living!”

• Martha McCrackin“ 房间是那么的明亮 , 充满了天使” “How bright the room, how full of angels”

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

• John A Lyth“这会是死亡吗 ? 为什么它比活着还要好 !” “Can this be death? Why is it better than living!”

• Martha McCrackin“ 房间是那么的明亮 , 充满了天使” “How bright the room, how full of angels”

• Philip Heeks“多么美丽啊 ! 在我四周敞开的天堂发着光彩… !”“How beautiful! The opening Heavens around me shine …!”

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death

• “ 耶稣是否与你在阴暗的幽谷同在呢”一个母亲轻柔地问她垂死的儿子 , 他细声回答 “阴暗的幽谷 ? 妈妈 , 它并不黑暗 ! 它越来越明亮 . 现在它是那么的明亮 , 我必须闭上眼睛 !” 他就这样离去了 . “Is Jesus with you in the dark valley?” tenderly asked a mother of her dying boy, “Dark Valley?” he whispered …”Why mother, it’s not dark! It is getting brighter and brighter. Oh, it’s so bright now that I have to shut my eyes!” With that he passed away.

信徒在临死前 Believers Prior Death
