2014-2015. You will complete a research based project over the


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WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rqcg7BJ


You will complete a research based project over the next 3 months. This project will require you to follow the steps of the scientific method in order to find the answer to a question that you develop over the next few weeks.

Where to start: determine a topic you are interested in, go out and look for current research on this topic. The more research you can find the easier it will be to develop your experiment.

WHEN IS IT DUE? The final paper is due in mid-November

and the display board in December however there are many other checks along the way to be aware of.

Keep a copy of the science fair timeline in you notebook and at home

LOGBOOKS SKIP the first 2 pages (front and back),

these will be filled out last. The third page will begin with your

research, from here you can see a general outline of topics in your SF packet

Use blue or black ink ONLY, no 1st person, no white out and please do not rip out pages

Date every page

TOPIC SELECTION: Forbidden Topics

Anything involving animalsProjects involving moldBrand comparison projectsProjects using MentosProjects involving fire Projects that involve human subjects

Topics involving plants mustHave teacher approvalMeasure the plant growth a minimum of every third day for at least 5 weeks

MORE ON TOPIC SELECTION Remember, this is the most important

decision you will make. The more the topic interests you the more you will enjoy the process.

Have an idea but not sure how to form a question around it? Come and talk with me and we can discuss some options.

Here is one boys story of how his interest became a science fair project:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l80bxaFr


BACKGROUND INFORMATION You will have one day in the media

center to begin research. All other research will be completed on your own.

3 sources are required for individual projects, 6 for group.

Expect to have at least 4-6 pages of research in your logbook (in note form). This will be used to help create your experimental design and write the background piece in your final paper.

All citations and work cited will be done in MLA format…more guidance on this later.

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN This includes the variables, materials

and procedures. Make sure to read the details about

each piece in your SF packet. You will develop these and record them

first on the experimental design worksheet included in this packet. AFTER this is approved by your teacher you will copy the information into your logbook.

LOGBOOK CHECKS There will be 2 total to help prepare you

for the final paper. The deadlines in your packet are just

guidelines, you will sign up for some of these checks and you may complete it before the actual deadline.


Question Purpose Background Information Hypothesis

Check #2 Experimental Design worksheet due

Variables Identified Material List Procedures


You will receive a group grade It will require a parent signature

See partner sign off page

ANY QUESTIONS?? What is due first? When? How many logbook checks are there? How many sources do you need? Name 2 forbidden topics. What must be completed BEFORE you

begin your experiment?



Remember, this is a journey we will all take together. Make use of all of your resources

and don’t fall behind!

DATA TABLES AND GRAPHS Data tables must be hand drawn. Graphs can be computer generated and

glued into the logbook. You must include average or overall results

from all trials.

PICTURES This is your time to show off. Take pictures as you experiment (at

least 5-6) and include them with captions in your logbook AND display board

Make sure you have written approval if you have pictures of people other than yourself

DATA ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION These sections will appear in your logbook

and final paper. This is the time to analyze your results in

words. See sections in SF packet for guidance.

RUBRICS The rubrics for the final paper and

display board will be given to you once log book check . Make sure you look at them now so you know what is expected!

If all logbook checks are completed and you edit as we go, your final paper should just be a formal write up of what should be generated in your logbook.
