2014 Prayer Book




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‘The Father and I are One.” John 10:30

As a young woman I felt drawn to live my life as Jesus did, with my actions reflecting God’s love for the sick, the poor, the sinner, the outcasts of society. This led me to become a Sister of Bon Secours where for the last sixty-eight years I have lived a life rich in God’s love, caring for the health and well being of others. I have gone wherever I was needed fulfilling Jesus’ mission, holding his words: “As often as you did it for one of the least of mine, you did it for me” close to my heart.


“Hidden Gifts” © Doris Klein, CSA, used with permission

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Throughout the Bible, women found themselves

in circumstances where their gifts were called upon to benefit others. Their faith and openness to God guided them to respond to these often delicate and precarious situations. Because of their God-given strength, they were able to take action, bringing resolution to their circumstances.

As we read about these women in the Bible, we realize that we are also called to use our gifts for others. Our faith helps us to respond. The Holy Spirit enables us to rely on the strengths that God has given us. We are guided in taking action to ultimately benefit all of God’s creation. What a life-giving experience! It’s so comforting to know that we can depend on God’s guidance to lead us, no matter what we encounter.

Revealing your gifts within


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Gracious God,

We are so grateful

for the amazing

examples of women

of the past, as well

as today. May their

stories inspire us to

uncover our hidden

gifts. Give us the

courage to use

these precious gifts

in helping those

in need. May our

actions glorify

your name.

— Amen

As you read these inspirational reflections, we invite you to consider the possibilities in your own life. Do you sometimes feel as if God is revealing a special gift deep inside that you’ve been ignoring? Is God nudging you to act on this hidden gift? Maybe now is the time to find the courage to use your gifts to better our world.

Sister Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS Leader, Sisters of Bon Secours, USA

“Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because of it the ancients were well attested.”

Heb. 11:1-2

Revealing your gifts within


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The women of the Bible who we’ve chosen to reflect

upon each bring a gift that is uniquely theirs. They are not just figures from ancient history. Their stories are our stories! Stories that we can delve into, learn from and use to help us respond when faced with challenges.

In this Prayer Booklet, Sisters of Bon Secours share reflections about how women of the past are an inspiration to them. They use this inspiration when seeking to help others who they encounter today. The impact that each woman’s gift has on history is amazing: Mary’s humility, Abigail’s insight, Deborah’s wisdom, Esther’s liberation, Jochebed and Miriam’s courage, the

Faith, Hope and Love


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If we want it to have real meaning and fulfillment…‘put on

faith’ and your life will take on a new flavor, it will have a

compass to show you the way; ‘put on hope’ and every one of

your days will be enlightened and your horizon will no longer

be dark, but luminous; ‘put on love’, and your life will be like

a house built on rock, your journey will be joyful, because you

will find many friends to journey with you.

— Pope Francis, WYD Rio 2013

Hemorrhaging woman’s healing and Dorcas’ compassion. These gifts were not boastful qualities, but hidden gifts that they nurtured and used to help others.

As you reflect on these stories, we invite you to visit our Facebook prayer page to pray with

us and share your story: www.facebook.com/PrayerWithBonSecours. We pray that your faith reveals the special gifts that God has given you. May you find hope in new places each day. Let us ‘put on love’ and help others as Jesus did.

Sister Patricia Dowling, CBS Vocations Director

Sisters of Bon Secours, USA

Faith, Hope and Love


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It is fascinating to contemplate God’s call to three members of one family in providing safe passage for God’s people as they were led out of Egypt. It all began when courageous Jochebed, mother of Moses, saved his life by placing him in a basket in the reeds on a river bank. Pharaoh’s daughter discovered the basket and then raised Moses as her own. This ultimate letting go and trust in God enabled Moses to lead God’s people to freedom. Years later Miriam stepped up to help her brother Moses

“My people, what have I done to you? How have I wearied you? Answer me! I brought you up from the land of Egypt, from the place of slavery

I ransomed you; and I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.” Micah 6:3-4



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—Sister Mary Regina Flatley, CBS

Spirit of the living

God, make your

presence known

to us as you did

to Jochebed and

Miriam. Thank

you for the gifts

you give us

daily. May we

always listen and

respond with

courage and love

to your wishes,

fueled by the gift

of faith you have

given us.


on their perilous journey by taking charge of all the women and leading them to safety.

Jochebed relied upon her total trust in God. Miriam was inspired to use her ingenuity. Because they were open to God’s spirit they took enormous risks through their love and action. These two women offer us a chance to contemplate God’s plan for each of us.


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Deborah’s faithfulness to God raised her up as a judge to lead the Israelites. She gave good counsel, dispensed justice, promoted liberation, and the spirit of God rested upon her. She settled disputes with justice and equity that speaks of a Spirit-filled wise leader. She possessed the spiritual gift of inner peace, earning the respect of many.

I am reminded of a friend’s quiet leadership and wisdom as I read Deborah’s story.

“When I, Deborah, rose, when I arose, a mother in Israel. ...then war was at the gates. ...My heart is with the leaders of Israel, nobles of the people

who bless the Lord.” Judges 5:7-9



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—Sister Chris Webb, CBS

Good and loving

God, thank you

for the gifts you

have given us.

Help us to use

them wisely. Help

us to hear your


and trust the path

you have for our

lives, granting us

peace. We ask

that you help us

recognize and

embrace the gifts

of wisdom and

leadership, within

ourselves and

in others, that is

needed for our

world today.


My softball teammate was battling breast cancer. I watched her through times of hope and then times of disappointment, yet she was always at peace and secure in her faith that God was in charge. We prayed the rosary before practice with players from all walks of faith and the strength that she shared was a precious gift. In the end, it was her trust in God that inspired and led us.


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Abigail knew her husband Nabal’s life was in danger due to refusing David’s aid. She appealed to David’s love of God through humility and respect. She humbly reminded him that when the heat of his anger passed, he would regret his actions that should be left to God. Abigail’s kindness and wisdom saved Nabal’s life.

In my hospice ministry, I have been in the midst of many tense situations. Just as Abigail approached David with respect and love, it

“David said to Abigail, ‘Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, who sent you to meet me today! Blessed be your good sense, and blessed be you, who have

kept me today from shedding blood and avenging myself personally! ‘” 1 Samuel 25: 32, 33



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—Sister Dorothy Brogan, CBS

God, we praise

and thank you for

the times when

our words and

actions have been

instruments of

healing through

your intervention.

Empower us all to

be sensitive and

caring in quiet,

unobtrusive ways

when faced with


situations. May

we advocate for

others in need

with Abigail as

our role model.


has always helped me first to build relationships with everyone involved; to foster trust. Then, I seek courage through my faith to act as an advocate for the patient. I rely on the knowledge that God wants me to provide encouragement in a place of discouragement and challenge.


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The book of Esther tells us about a time in ancient Persia when the life of every Jew was in danger. But, with the courage of Queen Esther, who stood up against the king for her people, this act of genocide was aborted. Her faith pushed her past her fears to advocate for the welfare of others.

This reminds me of the news story about Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Pakistani school girl who was shot by political extremists for

“Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf. ...Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”

Esther 4:16



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—Sister Bernadette Kwasna, CBS

Holy One,

you who gives

strength to each

one of us in times

of trial, we pray

for women today

who struggle

to have their

voices heard.

May we all seek

steadfast courage

to stand up for

justice, lending

our support in

defense of those

in our world who

cannot defend



speaking out about equal educational opportunities amongst girls in her country. What courage this teen demonstrates as she continues to stand up for the truth! Like Esther, she presses on in defense of the marginalized. May we be inspired by Malala and Esther to protect the rights of others so that our world will be a better place for all!


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Mary must have been so surprised when the angel, Gabriel, came to her. Yet, a deep faith enabled her to humbly respond to God’s request to be his son’s mother. However difficult it may have been, she answered, “Let it be done…as you say.”

Mary’s ‘yes’ is what I pray daily. Her response helped me when I was surprised to be elected to a leadership position and I had to leave a beloved ministry. I knew that God had a greater plan

“And the angel answered her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born

will be called the Son of God.’” Luke 1:35



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—Sister Alice Talone, CBS

Dear Mary, my

Mother and my

Sister, as you said

‘yes’ to bear the

Incarnate One,

help me to say

‘yes’ and always

be a bearer of

Jesus. As I go out

in service, may

I receive Christ

in others and

together may

we proclaim the

greatness of the



for me, even though at that time it was difficult for me to see. My prayers, filled with Mary’s example of faith and courage, guided me onto my next journey of service.

Mary’s story is our story too. We must answer God’s call to service and place our doubts in his hands. Let us pray to be a compassionate presence and proclaim ‘the Lord is with you’ to everyone we serve.


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For many years I provided medical care within Bon Secours hospitals, yet I still had a deep desire to go on a mission to care for poor, sick people who do not receive any healthcare. Receiving an opportunity to go to South Africa to care for people living with HIV/AIDS, I was very happy to be part of the pioneer team. I prayed that I could be a real help to people who are stigmatized and regarded as outcasts, very similar to the hemorrhagic woman in scripture.

“Daughter, it is your faith that has cured you. Go in peace, and be free of this illness.”

Mark 5:25-34


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—Sister Mary Leamy, CBS


God, look with

particular love on

the marginalized.

They are often

victims of injustice,

abuse and poverty.

Look also with

special love on

innocent children

who are afflicted

with illness. Open

our hearts to their

needs. Fill us with

courage as we

reach out to ease

their pain and



I have felt privileged to be part of a team caring for these very sick and marginalized people for over six years now. Often a gentle touch means so much to them, as people tend to avoid being near them in any way. I thank God for being a vehicle of his healing touch for these people.


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Dorcas was a beloved disciple of the Lord, showing compassion by reaching out to those in need. God was her companion! He literally raised her from death to new life! Her work was not done! We also, must be willing to act on our faith and show compassion so that others may find comfort and renewed joy in their lives. Selfless acts provide bountiful blessings for the giver and the receiver.

I remember a time when I felt a great sense of compassion

“Now in Joppa there was a woman…a disciple named Tabitha, meaning Dorcas or Gazelle. Her life was marked by constant

good works and acts of charity. ” Acts 9:36



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—Sister Kathleen Moroney, CBS

Good Lord, nudge

our hearts to

answer your call

to service. May we

be a source of joy

and hope to all

who are in need.

Renew in their

lives a sense of

freedom and love

which surpasses all

understanding. Let

your healing give

comfort through

me. I trust that

you will always be

with us.


and God’s presence during my hospice ministry. I was with a family trying to help them reconcile their differences at their father’s bedside. In praying with them as they let go of their prejudices, I felt the Holy Spirit at work as each person was liberated with a sense of peace before their loved one departed this life. I am so grateful to have been part of this healing.


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The Early Years

About the Sisters

When we began

ministering to

the desperately

ill in France in 1821, our

elected leader


Potel, was

only 22

years old.

Fearless in

her devotion

to God

and to our

healing mission, once the

sisters made final vows in

1824, she rented a house

and incorporated a chapel

for them to pray and attend

daily mass. There, she

welcomed new members to

the community. When she

unexpectedly became gravely

ill in 1826, she chose 33-year-

old Alexis Angélique Geay

as her successor. Angélique

made her profession the day

before Mother Potel’s death.


Mission Statement:

We, Women of Healing, commit ourselves to defend and care for all of creation; to cry out with others against injustice and all that diminishes life on Earth.

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Under Mère




our sisters



into the

homes of the

sick, both rich and poor alike.

During the revolution of 1848,

we cared for the wounded

in the streets of Paris and

in the former palace of the

exiled king which had been

transformed into a hospital

to avoid destruction by

revolutionaries. We nursed

and prayed with the wounded

and arranged for priests to be

with the dying. After Mère

Gèay’s passing in 1860, our

mission continued to grow.

During the Franco-Prussian

War of 1870, sisters served

on the battlefields and in

temporary hospitals, even

taking the wounded into their


Foundations outside of France

began in Dublin, Ireland in

1861 and then in England

in 1870. In later years a

foundation was established in


About the Sisters

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It all began

when then



Gibbons of


Maryland was advised of the

work of our Sisters in France.

Encouraged by what he heard

and anxious to start home

healthcare in the United

States, he stopped to visit

them at their motherhouse

in Paris on his way to a

scheduled visit with the Pope

in Rome. On October 21, 1880

Archbishop Gibbons wrote to

Mother St. Fulgence in France

with news of an offer, “I have

the pleasure of informing

you that everything is ready

to receive your Sisters”. Very

soon thereafter three sisters

sailed to America.

Our beloved

sisters of the

past, who


compassion, healing and

liberation to patients and

their families, while enduring

desperate circumstances

are the inspiration for our

forward-thinking sisters of


As the demands to assist the

underserved in our global

world continually evolve, our

mission today has spread to



About the Sisters


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About the Sisters

eight countries and grown to

include our involvement far

beyond the walls of tradition

in implementing far reaching

healthcare, human service,

education and pastoral

programs; community

outreach that includes walk-

in centers for women and

children; education of youth

and adults and social justice

efforts to advocate for those

without a voice. To all these

needs and more the Sisters

of Bon Secours continue to

provide good help®!


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commitment to God and a shared response shape our lives as we publicly witness to the Gospel message. Our diversity of talents enables creative responses to the needs of the world today. We are energized by the Spirit and find God in all people and creation. We are looking for women who feel called to share our life.

Consecrated Sisters of Bon Secours

Sisters are single, Catholic, consecrated women religious who answer God’s call to live a vowed life by following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. A sister makes public vows and lives a life in community and service. A shared call and

We are People of Compassion

Every day we say YES to God. Every day we answer the call to be more, to serve those in need. All of us are called to a way of life through which we live… some to marriage, some to single life and some as consecrated sisters, brothers or priests. God also calls all people to use their gifts and talents to serve their neighbor – be it family, friends, co-workers, or a stranger. We invite you to consider your vocation anew … perhaps you are called to one of these four vocations.

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Bon Secours Associates

Associates are lay people of all walks of life, married or single as well as ordained and other consecrated religious men and women of all faiths. They collaborate in a mutual relationship with the Sisters of Bon Secours in their prayer, spirituality, mission and ministry in the world, and commit to extend the Bon Secours mission in their own lives. We are looking for individuals called to mission through prayer and service in their own lives.

Bon Secours Ministry Volunteers

Ministry Volunteers offer Christian women and men, single or married, an opportunity to participate in the mission of the Sisters of Bon Secours as lay volunteers who compassionately serve people in need. Ministry Volunteers

live in community with other volunteers for one year, choosing a simpler lifestyle while receiving a stipend. We are looking for individuals called to give a year of their life in service.

Bon Secours Co-Workers

Co-workers participate fully with the Sisters of Bon Secours in carrying out the legacy of Bon Secours in the mission to provide compassion, healing and liberation to those in need, especially the sick, the dying and people made poor. Co-workers are “called to action” by their dedication, relationship building and commitment to Bon Secours values. We are looking for co-workers to continue to deepen their commitment to Bon Secours and ask that they invite others to service as well.

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When I think of Mary I often think of Ruth in the Old

Testament who also had great faith and followed a path that

took deep courage and perseverance. I acted on my faith

when I became a sister and that faith often bravely led me in

my ministry. Now, after more than 55 years as a Sister of Bon

Secours, I still have dreams to follow in how I help others.

—Sister Jean Aulenback, CBS

Loving and generous God, help us to discover our hidden

gifts. We recognize that you reveal these gifts throughout

our lives. Encourage us to be open to these discoveries

in all circumstances. Give us the humility to listen to how

you invite us to use these precious gifts to help others.


Sister Jean continues to be

open to God’s calling to help

others. She still follows that

path he has set for her, now

in new ways. Sr. Jean uses

her discovered gifts through

a phone ministry, by praying

for others in need and also

by encouraging others to

pray for peace, vocations

and those who are ill. Like

Sr. Jean, let us always keep

each other in prayer. Visit

our prayer page on Facebook

at: www.facebook.com/



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To Learn More About UsPlease visit our website at www.BonSecoursVocations.org for general information about vocations and our community. Visit our new website too at: www.LifeAsASister.org. This innovative site shows women, who might consider religious life, what it is like to be a sister. Watch videos as our sisters share their passion for ministry and stories of being called. Then, explore ministry possibilities. Another section explains how you can hear God’s calling in your life and become a sister. If you or anyone you know is considering religious life or wishes to explore options as an associate, ministry volunteer, or working in ministry with us, call our Vocation Director at: 877-742-0277.

To contact our Bon Secours family call, email, or visit these websites:

Hidden Gifts is dedicated to all who share their gifts in service to others and the world. Contributors: Sr. Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS, Sr. Pat Dowling, CBS, Sr. Mary Regina Flatley, CBS, Sr. Chris Webb, CBS, Sr. Dorothy Brogan, CBS, Sr. Bernadette Kwasna, CBS, Sr. Alice Talone, CBS, Sr. Mary Leamy, CBS, Sr. Kathleen Moroney, CBS, Sr. Jean Aulenback, CBSDesign and layout: Lisa Fiedler Jaworski, FiedlerDesignhaus.comEditorial Staff: Sr. Pat Dowling, CBS, Sue Donovan, Jennifer MurphyPhotos: Sr. Pat Dowling, CBS, Jennifer Murphy, Sunshine Monk, Diana Stager Cover Artwork: “Hidden Gifts” © Doris Klein, CSA, used with permission

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from Sisters of Bon Secours. © Jan. 2014

Sisters of Bon Secours USA www.BonSecours.org/US 410-442-1333

Sisters of Bon Secours Vocations www.BonSecoursVocations.org CBSVocations@bshsi.org 410-442-3172

Sisters of Bon Secours International Offices www.BonSecours.org

Bon Secours Associates www.BonSecoursAssociates.org associates_bonsecours@bshsi.org 410-442-3131

Bon Secours Ministry Volunteers www.BonSecours.org/bsvm volunteer@bshsi.org 410-442-3161

Retreat and Conference Center at Bon Secours www.RCCBonSecours.com info@rccbonsecours.com 410-442-3120

Bon Secours Health System www.bshsi.org 410-442-5511

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“Hidden Gifts” © Doris Klein, CSA, used with permission“Hid



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