2016-12 December Trumpet FINAL - Trinity Episcopal...


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the the the the Trinity TrumpetTrinity TrumpetTrinity TrumpetTrinity Trumpet

Welcome to

Trinity Episcopal


Bend, OR

Trinity Hall

469 NW Wall St

St. Helens Hall

231 NW Idaho Ave


8:00 AM Sunday

Rite I or Rite II

9:15 AM Sunday

Adult Forum

in Brooks Hall

10:15 AM Sunday

Rite II

Coffee and Conversa%on

follows in Brooks Hall

12 Noon Wednesday

Rite II

Parish Office


Hours: 9-5 M-F



The weekday

entrance for Trinity Hall

is the west entrance on

St. Helens Place. Please

use this door so we are

aware of your presence in

the building. Thank you!

Trumpet Ar'cles


Winter of our DiscontentWinter of our DiscontentWinter of our DiscontentWinter of our Discontent December 2016 December 2016 December 2016 December 2016 In the Episcopal Church, clergy don’t typically give %tles for our sermons. I’m not

en%rely sure why; it’s just one of our idiosyncrasies. I don’t typically give my newsle:er

ar%cles %tles either. But I offer a %tle this month as a sugges%on for an aspect of Advent

we don’t normally emphasize — our discontent. **

I’ve o>en spoken of my love of this season of Advent for its dis%nc%ve emphasis on the

gentle focus on hope and expecta%on. In our tradi%on, Advent services tend to be

simple affairs (a reprieve from the jingle-jangle of Christmas in TV ads and shopping

centers). I’ve suggested that pregnancy is the metaphor for these weeks before

Christmas, seCng the tone of quiet, joy-filled prepara%on (not frene%c scrambling).

And in that same vein, I typically extol Mary, the Mother of our Lord, as the biblical hero

for the season. It’s not my point, but I note that the images for her are generally so>, as

well — a stereotypically feminine image bathed in glowing moonlight.

This year, it occurs to me that I should pay a:en%on to another point of emphasis for

the season. Before we get to Mary, a>er all, we’ll hear from John the Bap%st. He, too, is

a biblical hero for the season. In the biblical tradi%on of prophets, he reminds us that

this season of Advent is, at its core, announces that all is NOT right with this world.

Advent is a season of longing for all to be made right in this world. But before we can

give voice to that longing, we need to clarify our discontent.

I’m not invi%ng us to wallow in our misery, but there’s a need for us to name what’s

wrong in our world: the divisions (poli%cal, economic, racial, etc.) that separate us from

one another; the violence of war and the harm inflicted on others; the exploita%on and

degrada%on of our planet. These are the backdrop to Advent; they are the concerns

voiced by the prophets in both the Old and New Testaments (including John the Bap%st

and the Blessed Virgin Mary).

And then, painfully aware of all that is not right in our world, Advent invites us to hope

and long and pray and work for a be:er world. We look to God to enter into our fears

and brokenness. And then, before we try to fix the world, we seek to align ourselves

with God’s new inbreaking reality, to live lives that reflect the hopes and dreams God

has for us and for our world. May this be the fruit of our discontent this Advent.

__________________________________ **

The point really nothing to do with the outcome of the elec%ons. In fact, I had se:led on

offering a %tle for my newsle:er submission before the elec%on (suggested to me by a post

en%tled “I’m Angry” wri:en by my wife on her blog: h:p://www.livingviriditas.org/blog/).


One thing about Trinity that I love is the

willingness to try new ideas and change old


So did you know we just had Consecra%on

Sunday? Of course you know! Star%ng out

with the simple postcard asking you to save

the date to the posters around the church,

numerous mailings and the tes%monials during

services, culmina%ng in the wonderful catered

brunch by Bleu Bite a>er each service.

This year's stewardship appeal definitely had a

different look and a different message. I hope

you heard the message. Bishop John Thornton

concluded it well in his sermon.

There are things that need to be fine-tuned next year but current results are

encouraging for Trinity's 2017 financial picture. There have been 113 Es%mate

of Giving Cards returned by the 2nd week of November with an increase of

$32,764.00 over last year’s pledges, and $15,962.00 new pledges.

If you have not returned your Es%mate of Giving Card, please do so soon. Our

Finance Commi:ee is working on next year's budget. If you prefer to use your

credit card this year, just contact the office.

As we celebrate Advent, I want to thank all of you at Trinity for your support

this year. Being your Senior Warden has been a privilege and an honor. My

best wishes to all of you for a blessed Holiday Season.


YEAR END CONTRIBUTIONS: Based on IRS regulations, Trinity asks that all

contributions intended for 2016 be postmarked or received at Trinity Episcopal

Church by close of business, December 30th (a Friday). The parish offices will

be closing at noon so plan to bring all last minute contributions before then.

Due to changes in distribution services by the US Postal Service, some

postmarks are 2-4 days after mailing. It has been suggested people who wait

until the last minute should get their mail hand postmarked at the local post

office to ensure the December 30th date. (Please note: In previous years the

Post Office has also shortened hours of service on New Year’s Eve Day.)

Contribu%ons for 2016 either received or postmarked a>er December 31st, will

be recorded as 2016 pledge contribu%ons but will appear on your 2017

Charitable Contribu%ons Statement. If you have ques%ons about your pledge

balance, please contact Joan Wellman, our Contribu%ons Secretary (541) 408-

5435 or jsprings@bendcable.com.

Senior Warden’s Report Senior Warden’s Report Senior Warden’s Report Senior Warden’s Report Joan Wellman Contact UsContact UsContact UsContact Us Jed Holdorph, Rector

(541) 382-5542


Your VestryYour VestryYour VestryYour Vestry Joan Wellman, Senior Warden

(541) 408-5435


Karen Hauswald, Junior Warden



James Allen

(541) 350-0218


David Carroll

(360) 708-0116


John Lawson

(541) 410-6665


Julie Lear

(541) 389-2490


Wynne Osborne

(925) 963-4798


Bill Silliman

1606 NW Overlook Dr.

Bend, OR 97703

Bill Swarts

(541) 610-3323


Arlene Ullman

(503) 200-9502


Donna Young

(541) 330-9544


Bill Brisson, Treasurer

(541) 647-9989


Judy Warren, Clerk of the Vestry

(541) 639-4111



Thank you to all of the Trinity Angels who made the Bou%que and Bake Sale a success. This all parish event will have a

posi%ve effect to the Trinity Outreach Program in Bend and beyond. Hundreds of people will benefit from your good

work and generosity.

There were so many people involved that it is impossible to thank you all individually. At the risk of missing someone

here is the list of types of help we received: cra>ers, woodworkers, s%tches, kni:ers, jewelry designers, gardeners, toy

makers, cooks and bakers, adver%sers who delivered posters and invited friends, special gi>s, the set up and clean up

teams, sales people and those behind the scenes who prayed that this event would be a success.

It is so wonderful to see Trinity folks work as a team for those less fortunate than ourselves. Thank you, thank you,

thank you!

Boutique and Bake Sale Thank YouBoutique and Bake Sale Thank YouBoutique and Bake Sale Thank YouBoutique and Bake Sale Thank You Celine Burke


Advent begins on Sunday, November 27. For many, it is a delicious season of the year. It can be delighWully counter-

cultural (an an%dote to crass commercialism elsewhere).

Lots of ac%vi%es and offerings for the season at Trinity are described in this month’s issue of the newsle:er. We hope

you’ll find something here to help you relish these deep and rich days of the season. In addi%on to parish events, there

are other ways to celebrate the season where/whenever you choose, including:

Advent Calendars

An Advent Calendar is much more than a way to count down the

shopping days ‘%l Christmas. Our church publishers offer “Slow

down. Quiet. It’s Advent!” as a gentle – and fun – way to be

reminded of the true meaning of the season.

This Advent poster, illustrated by priest/ar%st Jay Sidebotham,

offers sugges%ons for marking each day of Advent, a simple act to

do, an invita%on to read from the Bible or reflect on a poem. And

you can color in the squares day by day (and maybe return your

calendar for others to enjoy during the 12 Days of Christmas).

These calendars will be available at church on Sunday mornings or

from the church office.

#AdventWords 2016

As an alterna%ve to a physical Advent Calendar, the Society of St.

John the Evangelist (SSJE), an order of Episcopal monks, invites you

to join them in a daily devo%on. If you subscribe to their electronic

calendar (h:p://www.ssje.org/adventword), a new reflec%on on a

word appropriate for the season will arrive in your email inbox each

day, offering you a moment of solace and an invita%on to reflect on

the true meaning of Advent and the coming Christmas season.

Celebrate Advent with Camera Phones

In conjunc%on with “Advent Words” (see above), we’ll be invited to par%cipate in “the Anglican Communion’s Global

Advent Calendar.” Using today’s technologies, par%cipants will be encouraged to (a) reflect on the daily Advent word in

their own context, (b) take a photo with their phone or tablet to as a reflec%on on that word, and then (c) share their

photos on social media (Twi:er or Instagram or Facebook) to make our observance of Advent a global experience.

It’s a fascina%ng and innova%ve way to enlarge our experience of Advent. Many of those who tried it last year were

surprised at how profoundly moving an experience it was.

An invita'on to the observance of a holy Advent

With so much going on during the weeks leading up to Christmas, it can be hard to know where to begin or end. To

help members of Trinity come up with an inten%onal observance of the season, the following pages pull together a list

of some addi%onal ways for you to mark these days with one another here at Trinity and by giving of yourselves to

enhance the celebra%ons of others beyond our four walls.

This list is isn’t intended to be en%rely comprehensive. More informa%on will be available on Sunday mornings during

Advent. We do hope the list will help you be careful in your own celebra%on of this holy season of Advent.

Adv ent Adv ent Adv ent Adv ent ———— Ways to Re f l e c t on th e Season Ways to Re f l e c t on th e Season Ways to Re f l e c t on th e Season Ways to Re f l e c t on th e Season


First Sunday of Advent — Sunday, November 27

According to the Church calendar, Advent is the start of a new year. And to get the new year off to a good start, we’ll

have a party during our coffee hour at Trinity as we wish everyone a “Happy New Year”! If you’re feeling a li:le bit

cra>y, we’ll have something you can do “hands on”!

And we’ll bring out our “Jesse Tree” from last year. The Jesse Tree takes its name from Isaiah 11:1: “A

shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Named for the

father of King David, a Jesse Tree is decorated with ornaments that recall the people, prophesies, and

events leading up to the birth of Jesus. These ornaments tell the story of God in the Old Testament,

connec%ng the Advent season with the faithfulness of God across four thousand years of history.

An Advent Service of Lessons and Carols — Sunday, December 4, @ 10:15 AM

The origins of this service go back to English church celebrations. This service of

magnificent song and moving readings from the Holy Scripture, offered here as a

spiritual oasis in the midst of the busy holiday hubbub.

The emphasis of an Advent service of Lessons and Carols is on hope, an%cipa%on,

expecta%on, and renewal of the self in prepara%on for the celebra%on of

Christmas. Christmas carols are not typically included for this Advent service.

St. Nicholas Dinner — Wednesday, December 7, @ 4:30 PM (Dinner at 5:30 PM)

December 6 is the Feast of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (located in present-day

Turkey). This 4th century bishop is remembered across the world for his care for

children and acts of generosity. And it’s his memory that gave rise to our modern-day

Santa Claus.

At Trinity, we’ve celebrated this feast with a special evening for many, many years.

This year’s celebra%on promises to be a wonderful evening together in that same


Please sign up to a:end this year’s St. Nicholas Dinner and choose your entree. We’ll have a signup sheet in the back

of the sanctuary and in Brooks Hall before or a>er the service you a:end. If you are unable to a:end the services in

the next couple weeks you may call Jan in the church office or Julie Lear at (541) 389-2490. Please make your

reserva%on by December 4th.

We’ll gather in the downstairs classroom at Trinity for a social %me, star%ng at 4:30 PM, then dinner served at 5:30

upstairs in Brooks Hall. A lovely meal will be served to you and you only need to bring yourselves. We are planning a

lovely dinner together for one and all, young and old, to enjoy. And yes St. Nicholas, of course, will be sure to visit. And

there will be singing and much merry-making for all!!

Greening of the Church — Sunday, December 18

The “hanging of the greens” is an old English custom of adorning one’s home with ever-

greens and other fes%ve trappings for the holidays. A>er our Advent Lessons and Carols

service, the last of our Advent services at Trinity, we’ll do the same for our church home.

Members of the Altar Guild will direct the efforts of young and old, tall and small. Working

together, we’ll enjoy fellowship and good fun, perhaps along with music for the season and

maybe even some hot cocoa! See also page

Adv ent Adv ent Adv ent Adv ent ———— Sha r i ng “F am i l y ” Gath er i ng s w i t h i n Tr i n i t ySha r i ng “F am i l y ” Gath er i ng s w i t h i n Tr i n i t ySha r i ng “F am i l y ” Gath er i ng s w i t h i n Tr i n i t ySha r i ng “F am i l y ” Gath er i ng s w i t h i n Tr i n i t y


Christmas Tree with Christmas Wishes

Beginning on Sunday, November 20th, we’ll set up our Christmas Giving Tree. The tree will be

decorated with tags (and wish list items for children on each of the tags). These sugges%ons come

from the Salva%on Army. A>er you have purchased your gi>s they should be returned to the tree (or

the office) unwrapped. They will need to be returned by Friday, December 16th.

Let’s be sure that we respond to each tag in order to help warm the hearts of those who need the

items. Ques%ons: Julie Lear, (541) 389-2490.

Alterna've Christmas

Wondering what to give your friends and family for Christmas? Tired of the marke%ng, consumerism, fran%c shopping

and mailing? Looking for a way to celebrate Christmas in a more meaningful way? There is an alterna%ve way

to celebrate Christmas!

Come and visit the Alterna%ve Christmas Table a>er either of the morning services, star%ng on the First Sunday of

Advent, November 27th. Trinity’s Alterna%ve Christmas will benefit four of our sponsored chari%es:

• Episcopal Relief and Development provides relief and aid to vic%ms of poverty and catastrophe in the US and

interna%onally. You can choose to purchase animals, plows, trees, wells, educa%onal opportuni%es, cook stoves,

mosquito nets, medicine and micro loans. All giCs made through the end of December will be matched.

• Condega Program supports children in Condega, Nicaragua by providing upgrades to their facili%es, school

uniforms, school supplies, and some staff funding.

• COVE/COPY partners with Ascension School in Cove, Oregon and the Central Oregon Partnerships for Youth

(COPY), as well as Family Drug Court and Big Brothers/Big Sisters, to help children with an incarcerated parent or

caregiver a:end a week of camp in the summer.

• Family Kitchen serves over 5,000 free meals to our homeless and less fortunate brothers and sisters each month

right here in St. Helens Hall.

You can make a dona%on and receive a card to send to your friends and loved ones

leCng them know that you have donated in their name. What be:er way to

celebrate Christmas! Ques%ons? Marie Suhre at (541) 306-6043.

Christmas Food Baskets and GiCs for the Christ Child

Once again, Trinity will partner with the Salva%on Army to provide food baskets to

those in our area who are hungry. On November 27th, we will be handing out grocery bags with the list of groceries

needed for our families. You can get everything on the list or you can pick and choose. These are food items we can

give to help fill the clients’ pantries for Christmas dinners. Then, on December 4thand 11

th, bring back the bags as an

offering during the morning services. (Please return the food items by the 18th to the church office if you are unable to

a:end Sunday mornings.)

Alterna%vely — and/or ADDITIONALLY — you can make a cash offering that will allow us to purchase the perishable

food items needed to fill our a Christmas basket … turkeys, bread, fresh foods that cannot be acquired weeks ahead of

%me. Thank you for these generous, and much needed, cash dona%ons. Please make your check out to Trinity with

“Gi>s to the Christ Child” in the memo line.

We really need assistance with the packing of the boxes and the deliveries. We will be bringing the Christmas boxes

to 25 families this year. We will be sor%ng and packing the boxes on December 19th, at 11 am. Delivery of the boxes

will be on December 22nd and 23

rd!!! The sign-up sheets will be available in the church star%ng on November 27

th. For

more informa%on or to sign up, please call Barb Lowery at (541) 593-6614 or you can email her at


Adv ent Adv ent Adv ent Adv ent ———— Sha r i ng J oy & Bl e s s i ng s w i th Other sSha r i ng J oy & Bl e s s i ng s w i th Other sSha r i ng J oy & Bl e s s i ng s w i th Other sSha r i ng J oy & Bl e s s i ng s w i th Other s


1 Peter Carlson 10 Ellen Waterston 21 Roberta Berry 28 Anita Walker

4 Judi Inglis 13 Diane Boehm 21 Steve Welbourn 28 Priscilla Hoover

5 Gaye Lawson 15 Faye Sharpe 23 Michelle Daugherty 29 Willie Hoffer

5 Zoe Aus%n 17 John Mayo 26 Bonnie McNeil 29 Jan Moore

7 John Speckmann 18 Chris Bell 27 Kristen Jones 31 Robert Strong

9 Aiden Barclay 19 Linda Greenough 28 Kathy Drew

December BirthdaysDecember BirthdaysDecember BirthdaysDecember Birthdays

December ScheduleDecember ScheduleDecember ScheduleDecember Schedule Thank you for par%cipa%ng in our worship services. Please no%fy the office if you trade dates.

The asterisk (*) indicates the second chalice bearer. 10:15 AM Service Only

Date Time Eucharistic

Minister Reader

Prayers of the People

Acolyte Ushers Communion


Children’s Chapel

Healing Prayer


8AM Kim McClain Judy


Bob and Deanna Burpee

Jerry and Julie Lear

10:15 Lee McGee Barb Morris Loretta

Slepikas Henry

Liesching The Bell Family


8AM Mark Lane Linda Phillips

Pieter Van Zandt

Pat Croll

Karen Hauswald

10:15 Dave Carroll Cody English Jan

Schweizer* Cody English

Lee McGee Jennifer



8AM Kim McClain Bob Hann Jerry Bass

Milree Latimer

Duane Blackwelder

10:15 Connie

McCracken Terry

Rahmsdorff* Judy Warren Abby Smith

Mark and Deby Welch


4PM Kim McClain Barb Morris* Gail McGuire

7:30 PM

Joan Wellman

Barb Mayo Ann Havill* Cody English

10PM Cathy

Douglass Connie

McCracken* Jim Allen Brent Walters

12/25 10 AM Peggy Ziegler

Barb Morris John and Carol



8AM Mark Lane Jim Allen Tom and Barb


Peggy Ziegler

10:15 Ann Havill Gail McGuire* Bill Silliman Henry

Liesching Rick and Sandy



December 2016December 2016December 2016December 2016 Please see the church calendar on our web site for more detailed informa%on on these mee%ngs and events.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 4 pm Ministry Leaders

7 pm Taizé Vespers

2 9:30 am EfM Class

3 9 am Altar Guild

4 8 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Adult Forum 10:15 am Holy Eucharist 11:30 am Coffee Hour


6 6 pm

Education for

Ministry (EfM)

7 9 am Sermon Reflection Noon - Eucharist 4 pm

Centering Prayer 5:30 pm St. Nicholas Dinner 6:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal

8 12 noon Circle of Love (COL)

9 9:30 am EfM Class

10 9 am Altar Guild

11 8 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Adult Forum 10:15 am Holy Eucharist 11:30 am Coffee Hour

11:30 am Peace and Social


13 6:30 pm

Vestry Meeting

14 9 am Sermon Reflection Noon - Eucharist 4 pm

Centering Prayer 6:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal

15 5 pm Hunger Prevention

16 9:30 am EfM Class

17 9 am Altar Guild

18 8 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Adult Forum

9:15 & 11:30 am Blood Pressure 10:15 am Holy Eucharist 11:30 am Coffee Hour

11:30 am

Greening the Church


20 12 noon Dystonia Support

21 9 am Sermon Reflection Noon - Eucharist 4 pm

Centering Prayer 6:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal


23 9:30 am EfM Class

24 9 am Altar Guild 4 pm

Christmas Eve


7:30 pm

Christmas Eve


10 pm

Christmas Eve


25 CHRISTMAS DAY 10 am Holy Eucharist


27 1:30 pm

Pastoral Care

28 9 am Sermon Reflection Noon - Eucharist 4pm

Centering Prayer 6:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal


30 9:30 am EfM Class


8:30 am

Men’s Group


9 am Altar Guild


���� A place of quiet, a refuge — Sunday mornings at 8 and 10:15 AM

Since well before Thanksgiving, the stores have been full of glittering lights and sparkling jingles. Our Sunday

morning services offer a refuge from the hubbub of commercial Christmas. And though we love our Christmas

carols as much as anybody, we’ll hold off for awhile here. Advent has its own beauty.

���� Other restful reprieves — Wednesdays at Noon and 4 PM

During the middle of the week, we have other options for those seeking a bit of perspective. Every Wednesday, at

noon, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist in the Chapel at Trinity. It’s a simple service, only 30 minutes long.

And if quiet contemplation is your cup of tea, join us for Centering Prayer every Wednesday at 4 pm in the Chapel.

���� Christmas Tree/Tags

At the start of Advent, we’ll put up a Christmas Tree. In Brooks Hall. We invite members to take a “Christmas Wish”

tag from the tree and purchase a suggested gift. Working with the Salvation Army, we can make a local child’s

Christmas happier. (See page 6 for more information.)

���� Alternative Christmas

Our Alternative Christmas is an opportunity to balance the materialism of Christmas shopping craziness. We offer

Trinity members a way to make gifts to Episcopal Relief and Development, Family Kitchen, Cove/COPY, or Condega,

providing cards to give to friends and family about a gift made in their honor. (See p. 6 for more information.)

���� Christmas Baskets and Gifts for the Christ Child

There are a couple of ways you can help provide local families with a much-appreciated

Christmas dinner. Take home a grocery bag and fill it with non-perishable food items. Or you

can provide funds that will allow for the purchase of the perishable items needed to fill our a

Christmas basket with fresh foods and turkeys. (See page 6 for more information.)

���� An Advent Service of Lessons and Carols — Sunday, December 4

The origins of this service go back to English church celebrations. With hymns and anthems appropriate to the

season of Advent, along with ancient biblical stories, our 10:15 service will prepare our hearts for the Christmas

celebrations to come. Note: there will not be a celebration of the Eucharist or a sermon offered at this service.

���� St. Nicholas Dinner — Wednesday, December 7 (to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra)

This special evening has been a tradi<on at Trinity for many years. We are planning a candlelight dinner with

everyone, young and old, joining the fun. St. Nicholas will be sure to visit and there will be singing.

Please sign up to a=end the St. Nicholas Dinner (and choose your entrée). We ask those planning to a=end to

make a reserva<on no later than December 4th.

���� Greening of the Church — Sunday, December 18

The “hanging of the greens” is an old English custom of adorning one’s home with evergreens and other festive

trappings for the holidays. After the last of our Advent services, we’ll follow the custom and do the same for our

church home. (See pages 5 & 10 for more information)

Adv ent Opportun i t i e sAdv ent Opportun i t i e sAdv ent Opportun i t i e sAdv ent Opportun i t i e s at a Glance (see previous pages)at a Glance (see previous pages)at a Glance (see previous pages)at a Glance (see previous pages)


⇒ Can you fluff a green garland that has been stuffed into a box for months?

⇒ Can you hand things to people on ladders?

⇒ Can you eat Christmas cookies?

⇒ Can you marvel at the transforma%on of the church?

⇒ Can you drink Hot Chocolate?

⇒ Can you help prepare for His coming?

⇒ Can you eat more Christmas cookies?

If you answered yes to any one of the above – please join in the Greening

of the Church

ONE DAY ONLY – Sunday December 18th

– 11:30 AM in Brooks Hall

NO EXPERIENCE necessary – there will be leaders for each sec%on to point

you in the right direc%on, no ma:er what size the task, every task is

integral in our prepara%on. Pictures and instruc%ons are provided for each area.

We will have Garlands to hang, wreaths & candles at the windows, swags, flowers…. and so much more! Plus there will

be holiday refreshments for everyone!

If you would like to join in the fun, please give me a call or email, helen@billbrisson.com, (541) 647-9115.

Mark your 2017 calendar for the Epiphany potluck which will be held in Brooks Hall on January 6th at 5:30 PM. Come

and discover your own star and your word for the new year. Come and celebrate the season when we expect God to

show up in our midst! Watch the bulle%ns for more details.

Greening of the Church, Sunday, December 18th Greening of the Church, Sunday, December 18th Greening of the Church, Sunday, December 18th Greening of the Church, Sunday, December 18th Helen Brisson

Save the Date Save the Date Save the Date Save the Date ———— Epiphany Potluck, January 6thEpiphany Potluck, January 6thEpiphany Potluck, January 6thEpiphany Potluck, January 6th Julie Lear


The Trinity Women’s Collec%ve is hos%ng a labyrinth morning on Saturday, January 21, 2017, from 9 – 11:30. Trinity’s

beau%ful labyrinth will be set up in St. Helen’s Hall. We will offer an introduc%on and some background about

labyrinths, followed by ample %me to walk. This event is coordinated by Donna Young, with help from Jan Moore,

Karen Cox, and Barb Morris. Mark your calendar!

The Trinity Women’s Collec%ve meets monthly at events organized by different women every month. Our goals are to

grow spiritually, build community, and have fun. All women are invited! Announcements of upcoming events are

posted in the Trumpet and Sunday bulle%ns. If you’d like to be on the e-mail list, please contact Barb Morris

(barb@barbmorris.com) to receive the most up-to-date TWC news.

Sandy and I are about to make our reserva%ons for another

trip to Condega, Nicaragua. We will leave on Friday,

February 10, 2017.

Anyone choosing to join us will have a couple op%ons for

returning. Leave on Saturday, February 18th, upon the

group’s return to Managua or go with Sandy and me to the

Pacific coast town of San Juan del Sur for a few days of


As of today a round trip %cket from Portland to Managua

costs about $840.00. If staying for just the experience of

visi%ng Condega, the total cost for the trip should be about

$1,500. The extended trip will cost more as staying at the

coast will be a li:le more expensive.

A mee%ng to discuss this year’s trip is scheduled for December 4th. If you think you might want to go to Condega next

February, come to this mee%ng and get your ques%ons answered. If you have ques%ons, please call Rick Negus, (541)


Coming Soon: our 2017 Trinity’s Women’s Retreat, February 17 -19 at Powell Bu:e Retreat Center.

The center is twenty miles and a world away from Bend, with a lovely chapel, gorgeous mountain views, and plenty of

open space. If you’d like to help shape this offering, we’d love your energy and ideas. We’re hard at work fleshing out

the theme and program and will be recrui%ng helpers very soon. We hope you’ll say “Yes!”

Please contact Barb Morris, barb@barbmorris.com or (541) 306-2030, for mee%ng details and Milree La%mer,

milree@me.com or (541) 923-5398, for ques%ons about the retreat.

Going to Nicaragua Going to Nicaragua Going to Nicaragua Going to Nicaragua ———— Want to Go?Want to Go?Want to Go?Want to Go? Rick Negus

2017 Trinity Women’s Retreat, February 172017 Trinity Women’s Retreat, February 172017 Trinity Women’s Retreat, February 172017 Trinity Women’s Retreat, February 17----19191919 Barb Morris

Labyrinth Morning Labyrinth Morning Labyrinth Morning Labyrinth Morning ———— January 21st, 9January 21st, 9January 21st, 9January 21st, 9----11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am Barb Morris


Pilgrims have had some interes%ng hikes recently: to Fort

Rock where we hike in the inside of the Rock forma%on,

and then took an exploratory hike to the outside of the

Rock to search for owl pellets and cri:er bones. There

were plenty and one of the group filled a plas%c baggie

with pellets to share with the grandkids.

The hike November 10th, was to the Badlands, an eight mile

loop past Badlands Rock, Castle Rock and up Fla%ron Rock. We

were blessed with the song of a canyon wren and surprised by

the presence of a horse and cowboy on the trail.

Look for future ou%ngs near and far depending on weather and

condi%ons. We will plan some new hikes and revisit those that

we have enjoyed so much in the past. We hope to get on

snowshoes and cross country skis this winter.

Our next hike will be a>er Thanksgiving in early December to Smith Rocks and the Burma Trail. Watch your email for

details. Contact Lore:a Slepikas for further details or to be added to the mailing list: lore:aslepikas@gmail.com.

At the very beginning of 2016, the Vestry discussed offering classes in

CPR for anyone interested. As Vestry representa%ve I suggested at the

January Family Kitchen Board mee%ng that we may want to consider the

purchase of an AED for the space we rent in SHH.

The en%re Board agreed that the age and health of many of our diners

would indicate that it would be a wise decision on our part -- and that

we should work thru Trinity Episcopal Church to purchase the same

brand of equipment we were trained on in the Red Cross class. I worked

with Jan Stalker to get a new quote on the equipment, and at the May

Board mee%ng, I presented the nego%ated proposal.

A>er clarifica%on of some personal liability issues of using the

equipment, the Board approved the expenditure at our June mee%ng.

Moun%ng the AED took longer than expected since we had to move the three red cabinets to hang it in a very visible

and accessible spot.

Family Kitchen just wants Trinity members to know it is available should an emergency arise while they are in St.

Helens Hall for any reason.

Trinity Pilgrims HikesTrinity Pilgrims HikesTrinity Pilgrims HikesTrinity Pilgrims Hikes LoreJa Slepikas

AED Installed at St. HelensAED Installed at St. HelensAED Installed at St. HelensAED Installed at St. Helens Lee McGee


This month we focus on the Ministries and people who create the Administra%ve founda%on of Trinity and serve us all

in so many ways. Please pass along special thanks to these folks this month.

If you have ques%ons about any of these ministries or are interested in helping, please contact the person listed below,

the church office or Genie at (541) 317-8664, genie@bendcable.com.

• Building and Grounds CommiJee: assists the Junior Warden with opera%on and maintenance of Trinity’s

buildings and grounds

Tom Baxter (406) 490-0014 binkygt@yahoo.com

• Contribu'ons and Pledges: records and maintains records of pledges and giving

Joan Wellman (541) 408-5435 seniorwarden@trinitybend.org

• Disaster Preparedness CommiJee: Plans and coordinates parish response in the event of a disaster or


Holly Hendricks (503) 292-0133 doubleheche@gmail.com

• Finance CommiJee: reviews church finances and develops budgets and recommenda%ons for Vestry

Bill Brisson (541) 647-9989 billbriss70@icloud.com

• Founda'on: provides financial support for the long-term opera%ons and ministry of the church

David Carroll (360) 708-0116 david_l_carroll@msn.com

• Trinity Library: makes books available for check-out for reference, pleasure and growth

Kathleen Mar%n (541) 410-1505 ktmar%n@bendbroadband.com

• Trumpet: coordinates, edits, lays out and publishes the monthly newsle:er

Judy Warren (541) 639-4111 trumpet@trinitybend.org to submit ar%cles

• Trumpet Mailing: assembles the monthly newsle:er mailing

Carol Moore (541) 382-7728 cjmoore@bendbroadband.com

• Parish Administrator

Jan Stalker (541) 382-5542 jstalker@trinitybend.org

• Sexton

Mark Schlerf (541) 382-5542 marks@trinitybend.org

Trinity Ministry Focus for December Trinity Ministry Focus for December Trinity Ministry Focus for December Trinity Ministry Focus for December ———— AdministrationAdministrationAdministrationAdministration Genie McBurneJ

In MemoriamIn MemoriamIn MemoriamIn Memoriam

Leora “Lee” Fay Burr

November 6, 1928—September 28, 2016

Rest eternal grant to her, O Lord;

And let light perpetual shine upon her.

May her souls, and the souls of all the departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


Trinity Episcopal Church

469 NW Wall Street

Bend, Oregon 97701

Return Service Requested

December 24 Christmas Eve Services � 4 PM Family Service, the first “Mass” of Christ-mass

featuring a children’s procession to the crèche

� 7:30 PM Christmas Eve (and candlelight singing of “Silent Night”)

carols begin 30 minutes before this later service

� 10 PM Traditional “Midnight Mass” (and candlelight singing of “Silent Night”)

carols begin 30 minutes before this later service

December 25 Christmas Day Service � 10 AM Christmas Day Eucharist, with simple music

and a story for Christmas

Special Services

Special Services

Special Services

Special Services

for the Season

for the Season

for the Season

for the Season
