3-25-12 Robb Ryder on Steve Call Foreclosure


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3-25-2012 Rob RyderSteve's Phone Call

Plea of the Crown Foreclosure & More

I am Rob Ryder that is what I call myself on the Internet. I am actually Robert Allen son of God my full name is Robert Allen Lynoski upper and lowercase they want you to be as in my case all upper case letters ROBERT ALLEN LYNOSKI name. Before I can talk about foreclosures just a few things need to ponder so you can understand where I come from it what I believe in the path that I have chosen to try to figure some of the stuff out. It's been a couple years so far the last two years really looking at this stuff in the first part looking at statute law, UCC and always other things, I really couldn't understand them but as I looked at definitions I would see this guy Blackstone that we keep coming up in the definitions. Blackstone said this in his commentaries or Blackstone said that. So I said who the heck is Blackstone so I goggled him one time and found out he wrote these books called Blackstone's commentaries on English law and I did a little bit more research on it and I found out they are considered to be books of authority and if brought into court and used as evidence is the law. Now I didn't know what that meant at the time but I never heard anybody else talk about this guy or his predecessors. There are numerous books of authority but his are the newest and they go back about 1000 years and they are if brought into court used as evidence are supposed below, well when these guys have to say. So that kind of started my journey and what I started to understand in what I thought was since land is earth were soil in any form whatsoever that our bodies are considered land it is an earth and vessel. And we are mortal living spirits created in the image of God. So land is earth were soil in any form whatsoever that is the definition Webster, well your body is made out of earth were soil so it is land and it was given to you as part of an inheritance from the King of Kings. He gave you an inheritance of what is called land and tenements and tenements can be everything else but the land real property and personal property. So things like offices did not exist except man made them exist they were like an incorporateal herediment it was part of your inheritance lots of things can be these things. They make up your rights basically and what they did is they took feudal law from hundreds of years ago I am not going to even put a date on it where everything was if you were not a land owner you were nobody. You had to own land to be a landlord then you had a right to be an elector for elections and you had the rights of the King basically. Well at that time they were talking about the earth around us and all they said was well there is the earth your body is land and we will call that land and we will start to register all the land both the land of the earth and the land of the body that is where the birth registration came from and when they register your body, anything that has been registered there is an agreement runs with the land and they did this to you as an infant and because you have never avoided the deed that they made you a party to the grantor as an infant then this agreement still runs in their eyes. So this is all about making you a person and so forth. So you can look at things that happen in real estate and then look at things that have happened to you in a parallel path. So first they registered your earth and vessel and then because nobody has stepped forward and acknowledge their deeds just like in real estate well there was no owner so they gave it a Guardian illeedum and it took a piece of paper and put a drop of blood on it and put this ALL


CAPITAL LETTER NAME on it and he created a landed estate for you because you were an infant and he was made your Guardian. And this landed estate had your ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME on it so it is not something to run from it is something to say no that is my property I am a man if you are bringing claim against me or my property you need to bring evidence under oath and really that is all they have gotten us away from if you think about anybody that is going to court does the plaintiff ever take an oath? I will answer the question for you, they don't. They don't take an oath therefore you are not in a court of law. In Blackstone's you will see many different things in this system of law and he points out that in law there are two ways to start a proceeding in court one is with is called an original writ and this original writ will be under the great seal from the core of Chancery and it is used so it is just a piece of paper with this seal on it but it is a we command writ so if somebody has this writ that says we command the defendant to appear it is not the same ones that we get where they have a summons like a show cause that is another kind of summons but the one with the original writ is the we command and it is a hearing that is heard in the court of common pleas and it is called by real action and real actions are for all rights title and interest to land. The other one that you can have in the court of common pleas is a commonplace and as for a plea that is case that is less than 40 shillings, I don't know how much a shilling is, somebody told me it was 12 cents a shilling one time so you know $4.80 basically. So they never get this original writ when they bring you into court. There are actually three chords going on at one time when you go into court there is the courtroom that you're in, there is a court in equity and a court in common law that all have current jurisdictions in the same manner and these are the things that they are hiding from you. So a foreclosure is one thing but this one is a little simpler to understand if you look at an indictment for somebody that has IRS issues. They are coming with this piece of paper that says you owe all this money-right and then they take you into a courtroom and you know you are having a hearing. Their constitution the Constitution of the United States of America says in the Bill of Rights article 7 if a case is cognizable ink common law and has a value greater than $20 your right to a jury is preserved. When you look at the seal that they have under document that's if they have any at all would be from a court of record and a court of record is cognizable and common law well if that is the case how can this be worth whatever they are saying it's worth when by law I can be worth more than $20 and it is because they go through this odd process through the District Court where they come in small claims first in open uppercase to get a writ of priecipe and this priecipe has no terminal value it is not worth anything but it can generate a we summons to have you come into court because somebody is putting a claim against you and we always run away from this paperwork which works into their hands. So once this case is open you will find this if you go look at your small claims and District Court rules that you can go from a small claims action and if it is before trials you can change the venue and that's what they do they take it out at small claims court into the District Court as a special proceeding and in the special proceedings they can change the amount of damages that they are looking for somewhere had no value in common law now they are saying this worth $300,000 or whatever it is and they are getting this is called a statue merchant or statute staple which is a bill inequity like a true bill and they don't have any signatures on it-right, so a true bill should only be heard in a court of equity if you've already greet you'll this money and haven't paid well then you take it to echo the court and say look the guy said he owes the this


money I got witnesses on my document where's my money. When you walk in the courtroom that has been filled out yet except that has your name on it what they are trying to get you to do is self-confessed so that they can put your name on it and have the prosecuting attorney or the attorney be a witness and have the judge be a witness and you just created these bonds that everybody keeps talking about because it is your signature that gives it the money or that creates some money if you want to call it money, really any kind of money is fiction to you because you are a mortal living soul created in the image of God and everything here is fiction-right. There is nothing here that is yours everything is the creators he just gave you exclusive rights, he gave you the exclusive use of your body everything else is public property, you can buy and sell the creators property yet that is what we try to do all the time and so they use this against you that you must be unconscious to think that you can buy and sell the creators property. So first of all we should not be doing that it should be a gift everything should be gifted but nevertheless.Host on a phone call: so this small claims court to be a state small claims court right.Rob: yes in Michigan is tied to the District Court and there is a small claims court portion and there is a general District Court portion.Host on a phone call: a District Court is federal?Rob: no this is a state district court in Michigan there is over 100 District Court's. Not every state may call the District Court in Michigan we have Michigan District Court's like the one here in Grand Rapids the 63rd District Court of Michigan or something like that.So here a few weeks ago I was listening to a video that Leroy Sweitzer had done and I had heard his name before and I knew a little bit about the Montana freemen never seen them never heard of them and that is how this video wasn't portrayed to me, there is a judge in here talking about Blackstone's and Cokes and I said oh great solace into them and in the first minute he said he was a chief justice of some court so I am listening and I am understanding everything he is saying and he said that the King's bench is a small claims court and I thought about that for a minute. In English law the King's bench would be the highest court every civil matter whatsoever can be appealed to the King's bench it doesn't matter if it happened 20 years ago or yesterday you can appeal it to the King's bench if you want to argue the law or point out a defect in the law, shouldn't say arguably never argue anything along we just point out that the defect their defect. So I looked at our small claims court and it has a caveat in there that says first of all it says you cannot charge for fraud in small claims fraud or other intentional torts, and intentional tort is a common law offense like trespass that would be a tort it says you can't however it gives two caveats and I went looked the first one didn't make a lot of sense and I looked at the second one this is taken me into the natural resources guide where it says that a land owner can charge for fraud, liable, slander all these things in small claims if the value is $250 or actual property damage whichever is greater and this is why you want to never ask for a money judgment, I don't want your money I want my property-right. So since you're ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME is the name of a landed estate that was registered also will that was probably registered in Michigan with the secretary of agriculture because in 1945 they came up with an act that said name and register your farm and if you look at the definition of farm a farm is an estate and it cost a dollar to register your farm they cost $.50 to unregistered it. But I'd always heard that that is not


how we got into the agriculture Department somehow and this is how they would do it, you registered your farm and when you register your farm instead of having rights, title and interest you have the rights and privileges. What happened to the title and interest that is what happens when you register something because to register it is to file-two file is to deposit and to deposit something with the depository gives them an equitable mortgage over the property and if they have equitable mortgage they have legal title and this is what is happening with your deeds of trust they are either called mortgages or deeds of trust-right. So I am kind of jumping around here trying to get to the foreclosure so a few months ago because I have been reading all this stuff I happened to look at a warranty deed and I could see that it hadn't been completed for a deed to be properly executed both a grantor and the grantee have to acknowledge it and if you look at a warranty deed that is on your property or grant deed or whatever it's called go get a copy you will see where the grantor gave it to you and if you look by his name it probably has in parentheses seal that is very important because in common law everything must be sealed, it does not need to be signed and there will be a acknowledgement from an notary and there'll probably be another stamp from the clerk of the registered deeds and then it is recorded and once it was recorded and so when the grantor is done it gets recorded and the reason they recorded is then the grantor can't change his mind but as the grantee you have not acknowledge the deed yet-right. So the deed has not been executed so you are not the owner is there for you to go do it anytime, go acknowledge that deed and become the owner. So the last couple months with the people out here doing this at first it was slow and spotty at first but clerk started answering questions now it is pretty straightforward to get done if you want to go acknowledge your deed I would go past them how to do it-right. Except their oath and bind them to it and remind me have a fiduciary duty and say I would like to acknowledge this deed and have it taken off the tax rolls what I need to do and see what they tell you. However if you don't want to do that you can ride up an acknowledgement that says that you are the grantee of this particular deed and put down the information where is recorded book and page that kind of stuff and see attachment A for evidence and attachment A would be a certified copy of the warranty deed. You are not trying to record the work he deed again you are just acknowledging the deed that already exists and you are just attaching it as evidence. And acknowledgement is different than an affidavit and acknowledgement is just something your free will act in deed and so you would write this piece of paper up and you put your name or seal whatever it is it would be a seal something like using your thumb print, I just use my name and put (seal ) a man seal is where he decides it is well today is my signature, what they call my signature is my seal and then you would take it to a notary and they would do in a knowledge meant certificate which basically says that you did this of your own free will act indeed that is what you've told them and they are going to witness for you because when a notary puts their seal on it it is them acting as a witness before the creator. So when you put seal behind your name is you as a witness before the creator and to really do it properly you would go to whoever the notary gets there authority from and get a certificate for the notary that says yes on this day the notary was in good standing and whatever flowery words they have on there, some even say full faith and credit but that is a whole idea when you do this using their system you end out with a public record small p public (record actor deed) a record actor judicial proceeding that has


full faith and credit of the Constitution. Their system is to say what you did is in due form of law so don't argue with them, it is a strong they did it they are the ones that put seal on it. So that is how you would take knowledge the deed to a house. It isn't that hard. But that isn't the problem as it turns out because I deed is a deed is a deed. 1) You have a warranty deed last one kind of deed that is for the real estate then 2) you have another one called a deed of trust for a mortgage lets another deed and it is for something completely different what it is for us to steal all your stuff. (Steve the caller host said did you say steal and Rob said sure is that what they're doing stealing all your stuff, why else would you have it. You cannot buy and sell the creator's land. What is this deed of trust for? At the end of the day brother that is all they are doing. They are going to say, here is the way one of these would typically read "for a loan and money you agree to pay $300,000." How much money did they lend you? It says for a loan the money, how much money is money? It says for a loan of money you'll pay $300,000 I know I am going to pay $300,000 but how much did you loan me? It does not chase bank is your bank they loaned you any money-right. So they never lent you any money but on top of that because it is a deed and you signed this particular piece of paper for it to be valid they would have to acknowledge it also there is nobody’s trust who is living there has been a knowledge it would be against the law to do so. Because the law says as long as the grantor/trustor/mortgagor whichever one of the ors you want to use is a live I don't want to call in the beneficiary because it is the right word but let's do that the beneficiary has not take acknowledged the deed the trustor can revoke the trust. It is the New York land law. So again if you are alive and they haven't acknowledged the deed you can revoke the trust and that's where I came up at the idea that we should we should do these deeds of revocation because you can read that there is some kind of instrument you are supposed to use to do this revoke the deed well it would be a deed of revocation, we are talking about the trust deed because we're done talking about property. So I don't want to use a word trust deed, I am going to call it a deed of trust or mortgage-right, a trustee is something different. It is a deed of trust and on that deed of trust they said for a certain amount of money you are going to pay $300,000, well they never lent you any money it doesn't say how much money there was not only that they never signed it so you never had a contract but because they were going to lend you this money you agreed to give them the security and the security is all these payments you have been making every month for as long as your house and again they have never read to the contract and so as I was going through these small claims courts things look it says right here forfeiture of an executory device and when you read what that is talking about a deed in that condition is an executory device is a device waiting to be executed so it is not done as an executory like it is for a will it is a executory device and it needs to be executed to be effective and it hasn't been done yet well since they haven't lent you any money yet in Michigan it says you just send them a letter that says it may have 15 days to execute the device and they forfeit it and to return the security and who would you give it to well who on the piece of paper said they really knew the money, give it to him and if they don't answer in 15 days then you can do a summary hearing and have them come in and bringing all the books and papers and everything else and prove why they don't have to do it and they can't come into court and that condition because they would have take an oath and they are not going to take an


oath because they would be committing fraud and so if you would write these letters and send the letters to them with one more piece of paper we will talk about in the second I think they are going to send your check back, they are just send you back everything that's in that escrow account. Because anything that has your ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME on it and an account is your property, you are just letting somebody hold it for you because you let them file piece of paper and file means deposit and deposit means it's on deposit with somebody else they have an equitable mortgage and legal title but everything is registered voluntarily so you volunteer to unregister it. So let's say that Chase Bank is your bank you would just write them a letter with the information from your deed of trust and say you have 15 days to execute the deed or send back the security and the deed of trust or you could say I am going to do a small claims action or I am going to put in a cruel complaint for trespass.

Steve the call host: most of the time when you're at the closing you get a copy of the deed of trust right but is not the original, so you're asking for the original date of trust with the blue ink signature.Rob: I would call that title deed the one with the blue tank signature and because it is sitting in their drawer instead of yours they have equitable mortgage they have legal title and on that piece of paper you put the house up as collateral it doesn't matter you own it you put up as collateral.Steve call host: right for this money that you are borrowing that you never borrowed.Rob: exactly, but the way the law reads an equitable mortgage is this simple I agreed to let you deposit something for me so you say I will make this deposit or I will file this for you, you just entered a equitable mortgage with a guy that you talk to. Now he's got an equitable mortgage and legal title to the property whatever he is putting in the drawer. So I don't know if we have to go after every as signee afterwards or not to me I did make an agreement with anybody but who's on the paper-right they can go fight it out between themselves who's to pay me but that is the guy I would bring to court now on the other hand maybe I'd put all of them on their and bring them all to court but after coming across the stuff and talking about it. A guy when in last week this is what I was really looking at it of a small claims side and he talked to his district court clerk and she verified yes if you do that they are not going to come in here they are Corporation and they can't take an oath and in Michigan everything in small claims is done under oath at a cost $25 to put a case in. Well a summary hearing costs $65. I am sitting here thinking about it a man shouldn't pay for anything what can you do so that you don't have to pay for it. You can put in a criminal complaint not a civil complaint a criminal from the penal code complaint and in Michigan it is as simple as giving it to the district court clerk of your district. And when you make a criminal complaint the prosecutor is to go and do the investigation.Steve the call host: but I had a problem with something of somebody stealing my money I just notified the police, I never filed a complaint with the court. You really need to put a complaint in with the court.Rob: need to make sure that it is a criminal complaint because they are going to try and get you to take a money damage. They will say how much money are you looking for? I don't want their money I want my property-right. Money is what the devil uses man gets everything he askes for. Gold has no more value than sand does only because a man says


it does, it does. So there is no such thing as lawful money it is just fiction. A man should get it everything he asks for Andy should be able to perfect his happiness that is what the Bible says. So I was on the treasury website one time and said in their debt once that one Federal Reserve note is worth one 1/20th of a cent, it's a coupon. It doesn't matter if he has 100,000 or 5000 is worth 1/20 of a cent. I went to the grocery store bought $100 worth of groceries I just bought it for 1/20 of a cent and the only reason it cost 1/20 of a cent is because as we cost for the paper and ink. They could have just given it to me for free and it would've been little bit easier. So if I wished for them instead of using that piece of paper it doesn't make any difference. It makes all the difference to me because I don't have any of those pieces of paper. That is how they enjoy your divine energy is with them pieces of paper.

Yes we hear about these great accounts that have been set up for you through your birth certificate and so forth we are all supposed to be millionaires whatever. I don't want the numbers are but there all just ones and zeros in a computer anyway it's all fiction. So you're living in a play and you know if you do it in law man you have one kind of life and you do it in the law person and you have a different kind life. Though the Bible and put in the word person and see how many times do I have to tell you God has no respect for person and had all their statutes are written for person.

Let's get back to the foreclosure 1) so what need to do is get your deed of trust,2) you need to go find out who is on it, 3) you need to write a letter and I would write a letter and go to a notary and have her put a seal on it and 4) then I would go to the clerk of the court and find out what file you can file it in for free and in Wisconsin they have a file that is called the GF the group file it doesn't cost anything to put something in there and it is a court file it will get a court number I don't know if you need that but I'm just saying if you're really trying to scare the crap out of them and get this over quick do it that way and at the same time put in a copy of the complaint that you will enter if they don't respond in 15 days. I don't know if anybody on this call is heard me talk about the pleas of the Crown, back when they sent the Magna Charta up they split up what is called the Curia Regis the king's court basically and they said well this was easy always when the king was in town, where are the king was the court was but now it was easy when he was in town but now he's out are always crusades what about the subjects back here we've got to split this up. Well this is what they did they split it up and came up with the court of common pleas and the King's bench and a piece of paper called the pleas of the Crown which is an order of the Crown was for all criminal and mortal matters (man matters) everything else went to common pleas. So as a man you have an issue you should be using the pleas of the Crown. What they have us doing is answering their paperwork which has no value anyways. You are going to a court that you are not disputing the law, you are only arguing the facts. When what she should be doing is pointing out the defect in the law. Say well at this Brothers bring a charge against me or my ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME which is my property then he needs to take an oath and bring forth to witnesses, that is the way the law works. And so you need to take it back out of the venue it is in and


take it back into the venue of common law and you can do that with a complaint, a criminal complaint about that case say it is not in due form of law and you demand that it be looked at investigated because the plaintiff didn't put in any proof and the plaintiff isn't the attorney it is whoever the plaintiff is out there says the state of Michigan, United States of America that is the plaintiff and so one of their officers is going to have to come and put his seal on a piece of paper under penalty of perjury that I'll him anything and he is not going to do it. So this has nothing to do with their civil procedure whatsoever left and have them you need to go the criminal code go to your statutes and find a criminal code and when you start to read that you will see that there basically not how to report crime but real close to that and says you put a complaint in with the clerk of the District Court and says a complaint is writing, it doesn't say that it's a form pages says it is writing now they want under oath and I refuse to take an oath I am conscious before the creator all the time I'm full of the Holy Spirit I don't need to take an oath my word is my bond so I will do in the acknowledgement and I'm doing this of my free will act and deed or there is a word called asseveration and this is one of man calls himself in as a witness. So I have a bunch of videos out if the people on this call has seen them the ones that I have done recently are one is called indictment shakedown because I took an indictment of the put a guy in jail for years for IRS issues and then a half an hour I pointed out seven defects in the law and if you were to take us back in and argue they would overturn the case. We never point out the defect in the law we argue the facts and if you understand their system depends on controversy that is how they get us by making you argue the facts instead of rationally and reasonably. Well hey he didn't bring any proof how can this be, you didn't take it to the right door and tell them that. You just can't do it in the court jury in you can take that same piece of paper that they are charging you with go over in put in a criminal complaint to say they have put in any proof, now that's my opinion somebody yet has to try but you go read it yourself and see if it says that. To me that is what it says.Steve McCall host: do you want to give us your website or be walking go and get those videos?Rob: Steve I don't have a website first of all my e-mail is courtofrecord@aol.com and if you just put into the subject line added to e-mail list then I will send you an e-mail you will be added to the list and you will get anything I put out after this but there is a link to a WordPress site a sister set up so every time I sent out an e-mail this guy puts it on that site that is www.robcourtofrecord.WordPress.com in ID of about 40 videos on YouTube it is robbbryder all one word and the last six or seven videos I go through these books Blackstone's I going to cut and paste Blackstone's put in a word document and start searching for the definitions of the words breaking it up into pieces that I can understand and then give an analysis of what it means to me. I am not saying that it is what it says, how to why no? I'm saying that's what it says to me and I will make them rebut it and I do a lot of Skype calls with people who call me with different stories of things they have been through and so forth and I send those out also. I sent one out yesterday with the guy named John down in Virginia. He spent three hours in handcuffs because he called the judge to ask him a question but it is of the day the magistrate he saw said we can't charge him with anything he hasn't broken any laws and they were trying like act to get them to say, the things that want you to do you gather remember these things here right


1) They want you to say that you have a birth date. What is your date of birth? If you are an immortal living soul created in the image of God you don't have a birth date. So you tell them I don't have a birth date I am a immortal living soul created in the image of God it took care that problem. If they say what is your birth date? For the record are you saying that I am not an immortal living soul created in the image of God? And then you start giving them your questions and you make them answer them.2) The other big thing is the name; they want to give a name. Well I'm Robert Allen that is my given name from the creator is a gift from him and I will answer to no other ROBERT ALAN RELUSKI is my property would he want with my property if you were to listen to that you would see how John handle this thing and they wanted to do a mental evaluation on him, they took them down until the doctor that he told a story the same way I am a son of God and I'm not in your system. He is awful kind about it. I would tell him if you think that statutes that have been put into place that prey to an owl have anything to do with me then you are wrong. I have freedom of religion I am free of your religion, I don't need a religion I am a spur to man connected to God all the time he is in me my church and state are never separated they are always in union with each other. That is what separation of church and state is they are talking about the church the temple of God being separated from your body the state because guess what in the law of nations that definition of a sovereign nation state, a nation in any form that is self-governing and the definition of nation is to be born. To be born, self-governing makes you a sovereign nation state you are one of the Minor Outlying Islands of America that they talk about well know he got your own little island your walk around in Earth and vessel. Steve do you have any other questions.Steve: sounds good let's talk about your temple and your birth certificate in the foreclosure the dirt. Now I have a birth certificate certified one and other records that have to do with your birth and I have never seen those kinds of records, I have only seen a birth certificate.Rob: that's what we need to start there are numerous pieces of paper involved in this. You could have something from the hospital it has footprints on it, you could have something called a certificate of live birth that shows that it was received by a local registrar to three weeks after birth, you could have a certified copy of record of birth that was maybe given to you at the age of five or six.Steve: where would you get these at?Rob: I don't know I'm lucky enough to have two of them and that is what I'm working off of. But since everything happened at the county-right the land never left the county. You would go there normally on their site you go to vital statistics birth certificates, marriage license and death certificates and so on.Steve: the County of your birth.Rob: yes now some may be at a state registrar, every place is a little bit different I'm not to say that you will find it in any place the same way in Michigan is issued and go to the birth County but they want to give you the same call the vital statistics birth certificate-right. That is not what got you registered in the system is your certificate of live birth and to me what that is a sure owners copy that's shows your body has been registered. You are the registered owner there is your proof it is right there. It may be registered but you're still the owner. So who are you to tell me what to do with my stuff, I didn't have it away I am still the owner I gave you some use of


it. In common law what they did is you're an infant they make this little ponderosa or you and they go on lease it to a tenet and the tenant is close to pay you rent and he has the use of the farm and if you look at it biblically this is both go on for 40 years and then you get your inheritance because you are really not ready for that 21 you are not seasoned enough. And so they had the system set up to lease your property for two lifetimes and a lifetime is 20 years in common law they consider on a lease or deed, a deed for live to be 20 years. And so there has been a lease on your property and they have paid rent but it's in a escrow account just like your deed of trust is because you've never gotten the title deed back so there is a mortgage on it for whatever they think it is, it is all fiction anyways-right. So it's all ceremony awards but that was always my past was how to figure out how to do that and the stuff I really state I just came across as I did it. And the more I looked at this a parallel path to your body so I will pay more attention to the real estate and it will help me for grout the stuff of the body. And you find out crazy things like in Black's dictionary the definition of hell now this is in a law dictionary the definition of hell is a room underneath the office of the exchequer where all the king's debtors are And the exchequer is not the treasure but the treasurer, of the treasury is partly exchequer and so with that is where the piece of paper is that has your name on it your death certificate or something. Your soul has been locked in hell. And you are considered lost across the sea the cystic K V act 1666 you are presumed lost across the sea until you come before a magistrate and if you don't come before a magistrate every seven years to say that you are alive you are presumed dead and if you are dead and don't come forward in a certain amount of time and presumed dead than you are dead legally and they can take your inheritance. Don't make me explain it. This just didn't happen in 1933 this is been going on since time of Jesus and actually been going on before that Jesus was the latest story being told about how the system worked so Jesus walking on water was him walking on top of the holy see and not being phased by it doesn't matter how much the holy see rumbles or roles they just leaps right through it doesn't bother him. And he takes 12 men and turns them into fishers of men well what you do this for men you miss them out of the water and taken back to dry land. John: take slavery.Rob: yes right and Jesus dying on the cross is him having a civil death in this double entry bookkeeping, spilling his blood to pay off his debt he goes away for three days and when he comes back he is in the same place where he was when they crucified him and they didn't try to put it back on the cross because they couldn't see him, his followers could see him but they couldn't see him and 40 days later he ascended. And so there is this thing with 40 days that you will find in landlord tenant relationships they have a 40 day period, many bank accounts have a 40 day revolving window and bankruptcies have 40 day periods. So what does all that mean I don't know-right but their system is set up biblically? And a lot of what were going through right now is Deuteronomy. Moses told his soldiers to go and consume all their lands their kings will be delivered into your hands you will strike them down that if you being born as a baby, spanked out of your body and put on a shelf and in 40 years you could have your inheritance. You are going to wonder the desert for 40 years after that did you come out a man of peace or are you still at war. If you're still at war you stay in their system. So everybody fears the Jesuits, I don't they are the ones that are guarding the line. They don't like any religion because any religion is


false it is all spiritual. How many religions do you go to to find the truth of the Bible. They tell you what they want you to hear that they don't necessarily tell you what the law is in the Bible. This is my opinion right I didn't understand any of that until I started reading Blackstone's. And then I started saying this is what Blackstone says, that's what the Scripture says in the Bible okay now it's starting to make more sense to me. So Romans is another good one to me but of course you can find it anywhere if you listen with ears and eyes can see whatever the proper way to say that is. To some people it's just words to others it has a lot of meaning and could mean one thing to one person and something else to another and we are all interpret it our own way.If you believe you're under the Constitution-right and you're a citizen of the United States of America and if your citizens you are bound by their bylaws however if you are a sovereign nation state and not part of that system but that system says that that is the supreme law of the land will that is used because you are the land and you are the law of the land. So you don't want to have constitutional rights you want all your God-given rights, those of the rights that they have, that's the ones they have agreed to take, they took a lesser estate because anybody that takes no to a piece of paper has given up their sovereignty. You can't be United States citizen you are not in the Republic of anything, why you could be in a republic because Republic is a republic form of government is a government where all sovereigns’ nation states are self-governing so there is nothing wrong with that. To be in a nation of America is fine as far as I'm concerned because that is supposed be a republican form of government where all sovereign nation states are self-governing but it is not the United States of America is the nation of America. Somebody pointed out last week or couple weeks ago to me that union travel documents that say you are an American national and I wish I could find an e-mail now because I like to do a little more research on it is buried in all the other ones that I have.John: what is an American national? Is that a sovereign then?Rob: well it means you are an American national not a US citizen. So instead of a US citizen you are American national. It really depends on what you think the definition of national means.

Here is a important thing to understand they've never define the words-ever. They let you define them yourself and if you don't know that word has got 10 different definitions than just one that they have intended to teach you in the last 50 years like myself, are you going to get yourself in trouble. Instead of saying define the word for me or if they say it means this then I agree. So when I write a piece of paper depending on the definitions I take about a law dictionary and put them on the paper and if they don't rebut them they agree. It really hasn't changed my life and all but I'm never gotten into any trouble for it, I don't own properties are not trying to save a house, my only one goal is to get out of the system. By reading all this stuff it just seems like we are doing it wrong. If these books are supposed to be books of authority you can't get a remedy in a court of civil law then what are you doing in there. Where do you go? You're supposed to go to the King's bench. Well where is that? And then you would see that the King's bench was a court of inquiry and these other courts so people started calling the probate court and asking is this the court of inquiry. In Michigan I said yes it is, well okay or it. So people started to put in place the crown and this is been going on for a couple months and again it's been spotty. For one gentleman admitted he actually took one into the court case with him and


I don't remember what the case was but he was both be there that day with an attorney or he was going to be charged with contempt. He did not have an attorney buddy had a plea of the crown, one-piece of paper basically saying that this case that he was in was a special proceeding therefore was not a general proceeding (the general proceedings are in due form of law), that the plaintiff hadn't put any evidence in and this was an attempt to get him to acknowledge on a statute stable that he had a debt. Now he hasn't said any of this yet. He walks into court to start the case anybody listening to this listen very close and you got it used to saying this and I don't care if you have to talk to your dog I don't care you tell the judge: "I accept your oath I bind you to it I remind you that you have a fiduciary duty to me and I extend you my sovereign immunity while carrying out this King's business." That has gotten judges to jump up out of their chair like this one did and he said I'm not even supposed to be here any start walking to the door, he didn't bang the gavel and didn't call her adjournment or a recess nothing is walking towards the door he turned to the guy and said I am only here because I was told if you don't have an attorney here to be charged with contempt, he did not charge him with contempt he just made a statement and turned and started walking toward the back of the courtroom. The bailiffs of course heard the word contempt they went on alert and went toward a guy that didn't have the attorney and started putting handcuffs on him so all this is happening in 15 to 20 seconds. Well the guy says to the judge can I give this guy which is the prosecuting attorney this piece of paper. And a judge turned and said you can do whatever you want, so he did. The prosecutor looked at it for a couple seconds and he said on and for the record George has just put a pleas of the crown into the case and we are going to submit it to the clerk of the court and the judge turned and looked at the prosecutor and said you do whatever you need to do and walked out the back of the court. Nobody had told the bailiffs what to do yet so they are doing what bailiffs do when they hear contempt they are putting and cuffs on the guy and he said he guys do what you want him a man of peace, this is unlawful but I am not argue. They put handcuffs on him and said to each other: well what we do with him? The older one of the two said, will take him back to home, some room in the back. They took him back there in handcuffs and put them in a chair and they left, so Tony is his first name gets his phone out and starts making a phone call and a few minutes later the bailiffs walk back in and they said oh Tony we forgot to take those handcuffs off you forgive us. They took the handcuffs off and let Tony make his phone call. A little bit later a public defender walks in and she's trying to contract with Tony and he said look I haven't done anything unlawful, I am not contracting with you I demand my freedom. She leaves the room. A little bit later they bring him out and she's sitting at the desk, he did not contract with her but she is still at the desk and as soon as he gets to the desk she starts talking to the judge and she said couple lines of stuff basically it was he isn't supposed to be here and the judge says: Tony you're free to go and he walked out. It's as simple is accepting somebodys oath and binding them to it and telling them they have a fiduciary duty and extending their sovereign immunity and enter a pleas of the crown into the court case. Now I am not saying that's a right way to do it but I'm saying it was done that way, a prosecutor knew what was he is the one that put on a record. When you understand that nothing they bring in the court has no evidence involved all you need to do is get into a court of law instead of a civil court and point out the defect in the law and let the law do


what is going to do. It's going to neither look to the right or the left and have no respect of person.Steve Call host: what do you mean by no respect a person? What does no respect a person mean to you?Rob: it means what it says you have no respect a person. God has no respect a person, he made you a man why are you allowing someone to call you a person? I have no respect for you. You know that's a means to me.Steve: that's what means to me it just is weird. How do you find that in the Scriptures what was 2000 years ago.Rob: well you put in "no respect of person" into a King James searchable version Bible online you will find them for you and then you go to the District Court site and you will find no respect a person there. I know in Deuteronomy and in Romans both of them it says no respect a person.Steve: right so even back then he knew that a person was a fiction.Rob: yes that's correct.Steve: they have been doing this for thousands of years then.Rob: yeah the King James version is only from the 16th century right so I'm not going to pick one version of the Bible over another all I am saying is as the version they say the law comes out of for their systems sold I am going to see what it says. Anything they say the law comes out of this one a look at I don't care what the statutes or the code comes from, where does the law come from? Well it comes from the Bible in Blackstone and Coke all these guys that were sergeants of law which is a fraternal order that goes back to the Knights Templar and beyond. They became the chief justices of the King's bench, they became the Chancellor's they are the guy that whispers in the King's ear at his castle and they are telling me stories about this stuff and so there is one from the 14th century.

A gentleman named John Forte cue, I think it is, and if you Google him and you'll find a link to Wikipedia and Wikipedia is a wonderful tool and he wrote a book that is in Latin I cannot remember the Latin phrase Praise to the laws of England and it is a storybook of a Chancellor talking to a young prince and telling him what it takes to be a King and he is telling where English law comes from and how it is different than civil law and it's just as plain as day and this is written in the 14th century. You would think that this would be really hard to read old English and it is easy to understand. So he says the laws of England are simply this is common law and the definition of common law small c comman law is the unwritten law of reason it is not written down it is not in a book, it is just what is reasonable between two men whatever that is, is the law for today. So it is common law and custom, so what are the customs of the realm and the customs would depend-would determine such things as inheritance so in a library as they would say the first born would get two shares and every one else would get one share in no way with her customs were. Well that's all that the laws of England are in the laws of England respect all others except similar forms of law where ever they are so because you are a sovereign nation state, you are not under laws of England as long as you go by common law the unwritten law of reason whatever your customs are you don't harm your brother then that is good enough for them. Blackstone says the only reason that the statutes were created it was put the defect in the common law because their system depends on controversy because if you guys get together and figure it out for themselves they would


not have to go to court. But how are they going to make any money if they can't get you in court. What they have to keep you from doing big ring out all you need to do is say well where is your proof? So if you're starting to get paperwork send it back to them "where is your proof?" Send them the answer quit not opening the paperwork-open it up. In a foreclosure it sounds like they, the first paper they are sending you is to let you know hey your property is available and it appears to be abandoned is it yours or not and you don't, yet so some lawyer says well I am going to go collect that abandoned property.Steve: because of the deed of trust is in somebody's drawer.Rob: exactly.Steve: and you've signed it and they haven't.Rob: so there is no meeting of the minds, all this about contracts (1) there is no meeting of the minds 2) there is no consideration traded there's been nothing)Steve: so you simply have to send him a letter saying I want to have my deed of trust back it is my property.Rob: in my opinion if I was going to do it I would do it the way it reads in Michigan "You are going to forfeit the executory devise in 15 days you're going to forfeit it so either execute it or send me back my security."Steve: and the only way they can execute it is to sign it and it is against law for them to sign it.Rob: that's exactly right they can't sign.Steve: so what happens most of the time? How many times have people done this?Rob: I don't know of anybody that's done this is relatively new stuff. I have only talked about for couple weeks. I don't have property so I can't try you know all I can do is talk about it. Who is going to the first person to write their bank to say I would like my property back and if not I'm going to put in a criminal complaint with the District Court because that is just another piece of paper and that is free. They call them motions in the United States District Court is called a motion. The key is there going to try and get you to put it in civil court but you say no this is a criminal matter this is common law Penal Code.Steve: you start off with a small claims court then is that correct?Rob: I don't know brother. I said earlier there could be three ways to do it because I don't want to give them any money; I am not using any money. Give them a complaint and say I want my property returned. You are never looking for a money judgment ever-ever-ever-ever-ever all you want is your property back. I want my trailer I will count the peaches when it gets here but I want my trailer back. I was a basket of escrow I will count would send afterwards. When you take this on escrow besides it going into your pocket instead of theirs that's what these banks call their reserve and when you reduce their reserve they got to reduce how much debt they have against it-right. They have fractionalized or whatever the words are, you know your real money that has your signature on it for 10 times or whatever the fractionalization is into Federal Reserve notes and when you pull the reserve out it has to come out of system.Steve: they should be sending you all your payments blusher down payment back?Rob: and all the gains.Steve: all the interest.Rob: yes, it was never more than just security for you to pay off the mortgage but they never lent you anything and the thing is once a mortgage always a mortgage I don't care


if it happened 20 years ago you can still get your mortgage back you just tell them I want my property back or I am going to take your butt to District Court.Steve: so basically the person you write is the original bank or any bank thereafter that may have gotten the document as a transfer.Rob: I'm not sure about that but the one that you made the contract with is the one on the deed of trust, that is who I have my contract with so I don't have anything to do with anybody else after that, I contact the first person.Steve: if it ends up with Fannie May you may need to contact may be all three or four banks or it also may end up with Fannie May or Freddie Mac.Rob: all it says in the summary proceedings book in Michigan is you need to send them a first class letter and give them 15 days to respond it does not matter if they got it, it does not matter what they say but it mail first class mail and they have 15 days to respond or you can take them to court. But we are not going into civil court we are going for criminal trespass now they are withholding your property and that is trespass.Steve: so should you do the deed first or allodial title first or does it matter?Rob: I am going to say what he means first why can't she do both of them at the same time it is one letter one place and walk in the door and send the letter for the deed of trust because until you take care of that it doesn't matter if you have allodial title or not. Put it up as collateral.Steve: right.Rob: if you have an ongoing case right now on a foreclosure if you go look at your district court document and the going to have one because there is this ongoing case and I would like this to happen I would like to have them go back and look at the defect in the law to happen. Quit arguing the facts point out the defects in the law, because equity follows law. Right now because you have not argued the law the law believes that you are guilty and now you are just arguing the facts. Instead of saying I am not guilty they did not put him in any evidence.Steve: do you want to open this up for questions and answers?Rob: yes I would rather do that now right. I know I bounced around a lot because I talked to a lot of different people about different aspects. Just give me a question and I will see if I can do it in with it.

Question & Answer

Robert James Caller: we have tried to put those acknowledgements of the grantee in the courts and the clerk has told us that the Chief Justice of South Carolina has told them not to receive anything like this period. So they did not receive that document.Steve: this is South Carolina?Robert James: they would not register that in several counties here and I have got property in several counties. But what the clerk of the court said or the register of deeds said was the Chief Justice of South Carolina told them not to register anything of this nature.Rob: okay just say sister you put that on an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury or I am going to write a criminal complaint against you for treason. You were not allowing me to have due process to law is there anything I am asking that is unlawful? If there is pointed out on an affidavit signed under penalty of perjury


or I am going to take you to the King's Bench the court of inquiry. And courts of inquiry are of military courts where they look to see if there is a reason for court-martial, they are all officers they are all in the military. I don't know what ago do but that is the answer right. To me I don't care what they said if it is not under seal it is hearsay. When we first started this I know of man in South Carolina Tom Chapman they got mad at him and said look it you've got to quit bringing these people in we can't tax them anymore. They put a man so now how could they change their mind? Just tell the clerk I told you to record it-right. I am the king of my sovereign nation state and unless you give me a lawful reason why you can't other than somebody I don't know told you that I can then I am afraid you're going to have to do it or I am going to have to take it to the King's bench to have them decide if you are correct or not. So there's a guy in Georgia Jason is his name that help this guy with the plea of the Crown that it took into court. He had been in Georgia helping people save their houses and he was trying one in a county of Georgia and the clerk said she was not going to do it and now he had this as a public record and before I tell the story let's talk bout this real quick, any time you do and acknowledgement which is your free will act and deed no coercion no diress you decide to write this it's just your free will and you go and have a notary but a certificate of acknowledgement of their she is just witnessing you told her you did this of your free will and then you go get her authority which in Michigan would be under the seal of the court of records-record of the county where the notary is at-- that makes it a public record small p public with full faith and credit of the Constitution. Well he had one of those she tore it up so he put any pleas of the Crown well through probate at the time they said they were the court of inquiry. He went and said he had a complaint against this lady, they took his complaint.Steve: which is a criminal complaint?Rob: he did a plea of the Crown again not knowing what all these words were at the time other than a plea of the Crown was used for all criminal or mortal matters. Where you take it well he went into probate court asked if this was the court of inquiry. The clerk picked up the phone and call somebody in the back and said I have a customer asking about and he finally said excuse me I am not a customer I am a king and I asked if this is the court of inquiry. She hurried up and finished her phone call and said following me and took him in the back where he sat with the clerk of probate and told her what's going on and she said well what he wanted to do? I want when a plea of the Crown. She said well okay. I don't know what the outcome of that was but you know they did take it. All I can say is you know there is nothing unlawful about doing it and if they choose not to follow that is their free will but they now they have to deal with the creator, you have to accept their oath and bind them to it so that now they are in front of the creator also and can't act like they are unconscious. Everybody is conscious before the creator and who has fraud in their deeds and I'm the lead the creator figures it out. Brother that is not what is going to keep your house from being taken you need to get the deed of trust taken care of because the houses on there as collateral, so you tell them they have 15 days to execute the deed or they forfeit the executory devise and you put that in your court case in now if they don't send your escrow back your security then you put a criminal complaint in, it is not a civil complaint or it is not a money judgment it is a criminal complaint I just want my property back I want my premise back (they like to use the word premise a lot) you look up what premise is, it has a lot of different things it could be.


Robert James: I yield

Larry in New York: we are working on this for long time and I can see these new theories that you have. I can see where they hold some weight here's my problem I have been listening to you, I am going to have to go back and listen to the call and probably put the stuff together in some sort of methodical method so that it is point by point by point and I was wondering if a there is something like you have done already like written it so if we were to do some of the things you're talking about or do this process you're talking about that we do it correctly. Some of things I have never heard about like taking it to the King's bench and stuff and I will take your word for it that is real. And you say this deed and trust and telling them to execute it are you telling them to send you something they have created or are you talking about the deed to your property like they are talking about in the land patent?Rob: I'm not brother I'm not talking about the land of talk about the rez, I am talking about the money the thing that you're making payments on that is going into an escrow account. That is a separate deed it could be called a mortgage or a security agreement or whatever they call it wherever you are or deed of trust-right.Larry: that's where I was kind of confused.Rob: go look at yours, go get a copy on your property file and look at it. They have not signed the agreement so how could they have lent you anything.Larry: well here's a great thing here in New York, they were using the mers system the mortgage electronic recording service and mostly original documents were shredded or burned or whatever and electronically recorded. They have all ruled here in New York that without the wedding signatures on these agreements they don't have anything anyway. Some of these loans have been sold off and transferred so many times that is why they were using the mers system so that these different lenders can access the murder system to get the copies of these original documents.Rob: well see the thing is that this particular piece of paper is tied to a escrow account-right. If you go look at something on your paperwork is could have an escrow account number on it someplace that is where all this stuff is going to, they may be trading the escrow account but the escrow account didn't change it's the same escrow account. I had saw somebody that loss there property and they did some research and I don't know if they got a forensic audit which you can see where it had been traded from within the bank from one account to another and it says right in there for $10 and hand paid. So basically one part of the bank bought up the other part of the bank for $10 because it cannot have a value more than $20 or if you were in court you'd have to have a jury. So they'd never lent you any money that's why they don't have to have this court they don't have to have a jury because they never loaned you any money.Steve: so what I think he is saying if you write this bank would like my document returned, the problem is nobody has document.Rob: I'm not so interested as to getting it back they forfeited it if they don't need knowledge it they forfeited it, therefore the security.Larry: that's my point Steve and I got off point maybe a little bit-that is it now you are just looking for them to forfeit giving him 15 days or 30 days.


Rob: In the proceedings and Michigan it says 15 days-right so I'm going by what it says in a summary proceeding using forfieture of an executory device as a reason for the proceeding and you give him 15 days they either execute the deed or they may send you back your property. If they do neither you take them to court for a criminal matter of trust pass because now they are trespassing. That account is your property it is under your All YOUR CAPITAL NAME, it is an account in your ponderosa.Steve: let's assume that nobody has the document it has been shredded or lost or whatever, you send them this letter and nobody response to you the next step is criminal complaint. It'll be a criminal complaint against the bank the bank officers in my opinion you don't put the plaintiff as the bank-right because that's who's on your paperwork. It has officers and now the officers are on the hook, they can go forgot where do I get my money from or my escrow account. Like I said I don't think that number changes they sell between each other but the account number never changes-the number it's always the same thing they can find that.Steve: they know where the money is.Rob: they just don't know where these paper is.Larry: they just reassign the mortgage and they keep reassigning the mortgage to others because they make a lot of money from it, like you're saying that $10 a solo from one part of bank to the other part of the bank.Rob: what they were doing here is a were taking it from one account and putting it in another account so they could bundle it and sell it as a mortgage backed security but for whatever reason I don't know why they had to transfer it but it went from one account in the bank to a different account and be counted when you do is used for bundling mortgage backed securities but when you read the document is still had the homeowners information on it and the account number.Larry: what if by chance they do send you this deed of trust or mortgage or whatever do they send you everything which includes the securities and the deed of trust.Rob: user they have to execute the deed of trust or send you back your stuff-right. So they actually have to sign the document and they can't do that as long as you are alive because the deed of trust is done under a thing call the statute of uses something they put together back in the 1600s or 1700s call the statute of uses and came up with ways that they could do this and the caveats of what had happened and as long as the trustor is alive and the lender or the guy that he gave it to-I would rather say grantor and grantee but those aren't the words they use. If the grantee has not acknowledged the deed of trust as long as the grantor is alive he can revoke the deed it says that in your state the New York State laws, I did a video on it is one of the 40 videos I remember which one.Larry: what I think you are doing is brilliant but like I said in order for common people who don't have the background that you have to execute this process properly what we do we try here in New York and we are doing this with the other states that's what this remedy call is all about is to put together something that the common person can perform and do it correctly without getting themselves in a lot of trouble. It sounds like when you're going back and forth one court to another making claims and accusations and at times almost like a threat like make a criminal complaint you want to do this stuff correctly and you have this down in most of us have just started hearing about this.Rob: well look at it brother the hardest thing for me to do for anybody is to take something I've hundred years old and find out how it applies today. The probate court


admits they are the court of inquiry but when you go there is no sign of court of inquiry it just says probate. So what are you going to do? In Michigan in 1846 A.D. have a core of Chancery but it was absorbed into the circuit court and kind of disappeared. Now I have a pretty good understanding of what is supposed to happen so now where does it say it in our laws and I watched that video with Mr. Sweitzer on it and he mentioned small claims court because he said in small claims court that it is for money or actual property damage so I went and looked at ours and that's what it said so I'm not after the money I am after the property and I claim my name is my property and anything under my name is mine unless you can prove you have title to it so bring your title to court because I can walk it with my birth certificate and say I am the owner.Larry: in your telling them they can do that in a foreclosure court which they won't do because they can't.Rob: well everybody is in different places in what they are doing right if you are in foreclosure you I get it out of a civil court and back into law right. If you are not in foreclosure easiest thing to do is write a letter to the lender and say you have 15 days to execute the deed and if not you've forfeit it. I don't care if you have paid the mortgage off is still mortgage and the only reason they are holding your security in escrow is because you haven't satisfied the mortgage so you tell him well you have never executed at the end you have 15 days to executed or send back my security.Steve: that's interesting even though you paid off all mortgage they still have the trust deed they still own.Rob: absolutely or you never claimed it so that it has been claimed as abandoned property but you can always step forward and claim your property.Larry: so the mortgage that they send you is just something an instrument that tells other lenders that you have paid them off on the public side.Rob: let me see so they send you something that you have paid them off the mortgage and they give you some kind of satisfaction statement. So if you have sit satisfied the mortgage you should get your security back the security was not for them the only reason the security was there was to make sure that you paid the mortgage. While the mortgage has been satisfied so give me back my security, the security is all your payments. Go to Bouvier's I did a really nice video on it and I took the definition of mortgage from Bouvier's and I broke it down with what it says and it says was a mortgage always a mortgage, the security was not the mortgage the security was to make sure that you paid the mortgage off. It was not theirs it was there to make sure that you paid off the mortgage. But at the end of the day they never lent you any money and they have not acknowledged the deed so you do not have an agreement with them anyway, so either they give you your property back or you charge them with trespass.Larry: so what they have done is just an immense fraud.Rob: I talked to a lady that was in a foreclosure thing about month ago and was a story or ones when she was fighting them she was just frustrated and said this is just freaking fraud and the judge looked at her and said if you think it's fraud. And the judge told her if you think it's fraud go put a complaint in, he did not lie to her he told her what to do-go complain that it is fraud, go put in a criminal complaint that you believe fraud has happened. I would like you to investigate and that is what they do.Larry: do you think the judges are sick of this also?


Rob: I know they are. From the stories I have heard other people have done this. Will the judge will say where he be heard this when I have been reading Blackstone and he chuckled and said there is make lawyer in this building does who Blackstone is. They know where the law comes from they know the law comes out of the Bible-right that nobody's things. The problem is we are not pointing out a defect in the law we are arguing the facts, we are arguing instead of saying they didn't put any evidence where is there proof.

Jacob new caller: Jason has been fighting traffic courts for a long time in traffic damage and right to travel in these interested in finding out about contesting a ticket do you find it in their court or doing a Google complaint?Rob: first of all they are charging you for some kind of ordinance or statute or something else those are all bylaws of the society and if you say that you do not belong to that society you don't have to. So you don't go into court arguing that you're going 75 miles an hour because that would be arguing the facts the point is it does not matter I am not in your society, your people can drive that's their limit my limit is drive safe in not hit anybody.Jacob: that actually makes sense because I was in a jury trial for a traffic case and the prosecutor mentioned he pointed it means that the defendant did not deny being a member of the body politic.Rob: yes exactly that's all you have got to do. So there was a guy trying to get his deed registered and he was actually doing his parents they gave him a power of attorney I think it was in Connecticut and he took it in there and they said this is not right by the statutes you'll need a mother witness. He said no I don't this is fine I am going to use. So they went to get the boss and she came out and said what I can come back to my office and so he did and he said for the record I accept your oath and bind you to it and I remind you that you have a fiduciary duty to me and you have my sovereign immunity while I carry out my Kings business. And the lady said I have been waiting for years for somebody to accept my oath. She said what's the problem and they tell me I have to have another witness she said just turn the paper sideways and put on their this law does not apply sign your name and seal it and give it back to him you have just told him it does not apply to you. And this comes out of Romans 2: 14 where some of the Gentiles and the Jews right are the Gentiles saved well yes the Gentiles do not need to be under the law when they are talking about the law they are talking about the Jewish law as long as they follow the precepts of the law and liberty in their heart they are a law unto themselves. So if you are not a Jew then you are a Gentile-right. They can have all the written laws they want but the only laws of matter to Moses where the 10 that were written in stone, if they are not cast in stone they have nothing to do with you unless you agree you know unless you consent. That's why when they ask you where your residence is well if you knew that your residence would make you a minister of a ecclesiastical society-right. That's why they want to know where your residence is? When they say Mr. that could make you a member of the military because Mr.'s are used in the military, it is a military term like Gen. Sgt. and Mr.Today I am writing my own complaints and I'm going to send them to the District Court I had a child-support issue and to make a long story short everything was paid for like $25 and they put a ward out here for me recently for 25 bucks, well I know they will come


and pick me up and put me in jail because last time I was there for this I was in jail with the guy that they put in jail for not paying a $12 booking fee, they gave him eight days in jail for 12 bucks. But I am looking at the document and when you look at the one that I did in the video indictment shakedown when you look at it the thing does not have a seal from the judge it does mean you have the judge's signature on it is charging me all capital letter name well it's not me that's my property so I'm going to do a criminal complaint to the District Court against the plaintiffs which was the state of Michigan, the eighth judicial circuit in the county of Matcome all uppercase and say that this was not a due form of law I wanted investigated for fraud and see what they say.Jacob: yes go after the plaintiff is when I showed them their oath to the Constitution the judges in Utah are not required to be educated in law at the justice court level so they generally just refuse, one judge ruled against his oath to the Constitution and the other one said you're not allowed to mention the Constitution my courtroom and they entered pleas on our behalf without information or indictment and without us waving our rights to a signing the information by promise to appear and I tried to sue the judge and they said you can't sue the judge because she is immune the federal court threw it out so you're thinking I should after the plaintiff and file a criminal complaint against prosecutor.Rob: not the prosecutor, the prosecutor did not bring the charge somebody brought to him is the representative. Who is plaintiff? Jacob: The officer is a witness on the information and the city as a plaintiff.Rob: even the officer isn't the plaintiff, the city is plaintiff. Well have a mayor come down with his seal and say that you have harmed him or his property. Unless somebody puts evidence under oath against you then there is no charge lawfully. Now they have to get you to consent to their jurisdiction. And like I said you never disputed being in the body politic. Instead of saying you are under the Constitution say your Constitution says I have freedom of religion well I am free of your religion and my church and state are never separated so I can't be in your society so these laws don't apply. Jacob: rightRob: and if you decided to plead not guilty what you could do is just plead not guilty and wait till goes to a jury trial and then bring it up. But make sure that you are pointing out the law. The plaintiff did not bring any evidence, the plaintiff has not appeared in proper person or provide any evidence under penalty of perjury to substantiate his claim. This is an unlawful proceeding. So when you look at definitions used for a foreclosure in these indictments they are called special proceedings. Well they have what is called a general proceeding and a general proceeding is a proceeding that is done in due form of law, it is lawful and a special isn't. They are not hiding what they're doing.Jacob: right. I just have one more comment to make here in Utah for instance they lie to you they tell you that you can't get a jury in a local court they don't exist you are not allowed to have one there but they actually hide it in the rules of criminal procedure for instance rule 17 D. you have to demand it in writing or they don't have to give the one. By looking up most states most states are the same way they tell you can't have a cheer in the local courts but it is actually alive you just have got to file the demand in writing.Rob: I would agree with that in no but it's just as easy to tell them they don't have any evidence, where is the evidence? Jacob: Where is the cause of action?


Rob: Where is the cause of action? Correct. Where is the evidence under seal? Have I broken any law? And you would do that as a motion or you know the easy way to get these answers I am only guessing because I haven't done any myself right but what we found is you just go ask the clerk. Some of them are better be hardheaded and not tell anything but if you get one or two angels that will tell somebody something and we share that information then we will all know what to do.Jacob: yes my teacher we state the judge at the District Court and she said when you file your motion to dismiss file a sworn affidavit notarized with a memorandum of fact explaining the facts and that should help you in the appeal process. Rob: right, right well and the facts are. The facts you're going to point out 1) That they didn't file a due form of law 2) The fact is the plaintiff didn't put in an affidavit under penalty of perjury, 3) The fact is the copy of the record gave me is not a complete copy of which you have therefore it is unlawful, 4) The fact is it doesn't have any seals on it therefore it's unlawful, 5) The fact is the side they put the file stamp on by definition is they endorse it with the file number will endorse means on the back to the darn thing over and what's on the back-- it's blank therefore it's unlawful.

The side that says true bill the word true bill will be endorsed on the document and endorsed means to back if you see the word true bill you are looking at the back of the document. What's on the other side? The other side it's blank so either there is no charge or I do not have a complete copy of the record either way it's unlawful.

The next caller Chester: bravo is listening to you tonight and he said he had a e-mail address but do you have a course that you teach that gets into Blackstone and how to research this and do this all on your own.Rob: in my opinion that's what the videos are because all I am doing is taking chapters of Blackstone founded online version of Blackstone and it was easy to copy and paste and put it into a Word document because back in those days they did not use any periods and the writing goes on forever is like there are no commas or no periods so it's very hard to read. I broken into pieces and every word I did not know I'd go find a definition for it and I would put it down and give my analysis. That is how I did it. That is why I try to point out in these videos but if you want to get an idea what is happening in court you want to go to Blackstone's book 3 and it starts at about chapter 16 and he talks about the court proceedings and he goes through the eight or nine steps there are to a court case and how it should be done and how they are doing it.Chester: I don't have a court case yet but the IRS will probably try to put me in jail. The videos that you are talking about are they the ones on YouTube. They are on YouTube under RobbbRyder. You have to understand I'm not an expert at this so I may have just read this stuff two weeks ago for the first time and I have read it a few more times and went and looked at definitions. I put those out there hoping other people would look at the same thing and say well I agree with you here with this art may be wrong. This may be all right or this is all screwed up. What I wanted is that nobody could say it doesn't say that well sure it does it's right here in the video, that is what the book says. We can argue


with what the interpretation is but I'm just taking out of the book and reading and the guys book.Chester: all right sir I thank you. I was hoping you may have a study course or something like that.Rob: well it depends on what you're looking for if you're looking for a packet of stuff no I don't have that. I just share everything I come across and then as people do things and give me calls and I share those in and that seems to work out very well for people but there really isn't a study course. If you can understand that your body is land and has been registered, that is where all your problems are because they registered your body.Chester: I got a system and became a sovereign, Steve knows me I joined the Republic also. Also you were talking about the funds that the bank likes in the escrow account. In my research what they do is they hold it in escrow account and when your payment is in full what they do is they send a note to the IRS that like Chester William has abandoned his funds can we have it. The IRS sends back well sure if it is abandoned you can have it, that is where your money goes.Rob: all they are doing is claiming abandoned property.Chester: we were told we could use a form 1090 OID but they have now cut that off completely and they are trying to prosecute people that put those in.Rob: I'll give you two real quick IRS stories 1) I talk to a guy about three days ago early into whatever he is into and the IRS calls because he owes them $12,000 he said well I'd love to pay it as long as you send me a verified statement account under penalty of perjury of how much I owe and the lady said well you just mean a printout. Well know that wouldn't quite be good enough it needs to be a verified statement of account under penalty of perjury and she got really flustered and said I'm going to have to call you back next week and she hung up. So we will see what next week brings and that is this coming week.2) Another guy here in Michigan he had done a 706 or 709 stuff wherever that was the IRS came to his house at gunpoint and took him to court he went into court and all they really did was set another date for him to be in court again and the judge said I really want to thank you for the way you handle yourself in my courtroom today in a peaceful and not arguetive. I don't owe you anything I am not in your society nevertheless he's got another court date. He goes into court so they sent his date for the court date somebody sent him a template for a true bill so he filled it out and send it in a couple weeks later he gets it back and it has court seals on it, they accepted it. So he took that the day he went to court and put it in the court file. Now the judge has not seen this yet because he put in there the day he went into court. He goes into court and they start to court case and there's only the prosecutor, the IRS guy, him and the judge in the courtroom. And as they start to case he stands up and stated on it for the record honorable magistrate I accept your oath I bind you to it I remind you that you have a fiduciary duty to me and I asked any of my sovereign immunity while you carry out this king's business. As he said that he could see the prosecutor put his head in his hands and the judges jaw dropped and the IRS guy with a stupid look on his face because he doesn't know what's going on these of third-party debt collector, he is as dumb as a sheep. And the judge finally says thank you very much why don't you go have a seat in that room over there and we


will have this IRS guy come in and see if we can take care of this problem. So Doug goes and sits in the room and a few minutes later the IRS guy comes in and he says "What did you do out there?" Brother I can make this go way all you need to do is write me a letter and so they worked out what the letter would say and they went back in the courtroom. Did you guys work it out, yes we did your honor. Well then I am going to dismiss this case than. Then he said to Doug "Is there any reason I need to see you back?" Doug didn't know what he meant at the time, he said no I guess were done here and he left he was just glad to go home-right. So this is when he calls me after all this is happened. Do you think he will me to go in the back and collect on the true bill? I said absolutely not think that is why he wanted you back there. Therefore what you write him a letter ask him. Doug wrote the letter of the IRS wanted and the IRS sent him a letter back saying they were no longer pursuing these cases. He went from under gunpoint to getting a letter no longer pursuing these cases. You need to understand these judges oaths are written as common-law deeds and it is him to grantor giving it to the public the grantee but unless you acknowledge the deed there is no contract.Steve: could you explain what penalty of perjury means? Rob: Well I don't know that's their term. Perjury is actually a ecclesiastical thing, it is bearing false witness.Steve: I heard it was originally meant was penalty under of purgatory.Rob: I would not disagree with that because brother it is ecclesiastic thing. And they say on those IRS forms that when you fill it out and sign it you agreed under penalty of perjury, well the only way that can happen is if you have taken an oath. Did anybody administer you an oath? No, therefore it cannot be penalty of perjury because you were not under oath when you signed it. Just like an affidavit, just because it says it is an affidavit it is not an affidavit unless somebody was given an oath when they did the affidavit. But an affidavit is an oath rendered to paper. So you need to put on paper and you need to go to a notary and the number he has to read the oath to you and you have to say I do or I swear or what ever the words are you are going to say and then she signs it, then it is an affidavit otherwise it is just words on paper that happen to use the word affidavit.Steve: so what oath does she say to you? What is the oath?Rob: there is no specific oath I don't think right but go look at a notary handbook the point is they never do it. The other point is you never want to do an affidavit-that is what a person does. The reason you need to take an oath as a person is that is the only time that your conscious for the creator as far as they are concerned just long enough to confess against yourself. We live in a world that is considered unconscious we don't have our conscience with us that is why we have limited liability we are incompetent. Well to be competent is to know that you are full of the Holy Spirit you are a man full of God I don't need to take an oath, I talked to God all the time. He is a witness to all my deeds and all my deeds are good deeds they don't have any fraud in the contract. So you can do an acknowledgement, this is my free will act and deed and then you get the notary's certificate and certificate of Authority and this acknowledgement is not just for deed. Your free will act and deed is whatever you put on paper whatever you call it at the top is up to you but that makes today common law deed and that will make it a bona fide whatever it is.


Months ago I did at the time I call the NOTICE OF JUDGEMENT and I was saying that I am Robert Allen and immoral living spirit created in the image of God here as one of his people and that I am a lawful owner of the landed estate known as ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME ROBERT ALLEN RYLEWSKY is my property I claim superior rights title and interest a couple of pages worth of stuff that I did as an acknowledgment this is my free will act and deed I got a notary certificate of Authority on it and I got a court of record certificate of Authority or that notary that says it is in due form of law and I took it and recorded at the register of deeds office just not knowing what to do with it next. I would like to get it in the public record and that is what I thought was a place to put it. Some months later another guy here in Michigan did it the same thing and it took him his certificate of live birth the one that says it is from the local registrar and he went into the register of deeds and said I would like to record these documents and so she sets the certificate of live birth aside and she starts to read the other one and inerrancy as I accept the oath's of all public officers and bind them to it remind them of their fiduciary duty and so on and she got done and said well where do you want me to record these and he said the right thing "Where should they be recorded"? And she picked up the thing I call the notice of judgment and she said this is a bona fide judgment and bona fide means good faith in Bouvier's Law dictionary he does not define good but he defines God and says God is good anything with is-is one is the other, so God is good it is a God faith judgment and then she held up the certificate of live birth and said this is a death certificate and we've been trying to figure out what that means ever since. My only thing is that she said that that judgment because it was under the seal of court of record was a bona fide judgment and because it was done as an anknowledgement it could be used in any court as full proof evidence it needs nothing else to say what it is. Like section 902 as to what could be considered as evidence and that is one of them and a certified copy of a public record or an acknowledgement or some other things that were listed in there. So it has the full faith and credit of the Constitution but you need to know that if you're going to bring it into court because they are going to test you. Do you really know what this is? Well brother isn't it true that if you don't follow that you would be committing treason. Didn't you take an oath to the Constitution? The Constitution says that has full faith and credit and it says you don't have any jurisdiction over me your court has already put their seal on it and agreed with it. I really don't know why I'm here except to make sure that justice is done.Chester: when you first started off you said it was a verified statement and something else under penalty of perjury.Rob: he said I need to have a verified statement of account because they are asking him to pay off some account-right. You owe us some money it was the IRS he said I need a verified statement of account and verified means somebody has put their seal on to say yes this what you owe and they have applied their seal which means they have done it under penalty of perjury.Chester: so it is a debt collector he is asking to verify the debt, is that correct?Rob: he just told her if you want me to pay the bill give me some evidence under penalty of perjury, he calls it a verified statement of account. I guess I don't care what you call it.Chester: that's good I like those words and I have got one that's pending so that is how I will send it back to them on that.


Rob: what you want to do now is send your letter back to them do it as an acknowledgement this is your free will act indeed that they either supply this to you or they acknowledge that there is no debt and they have 15 days to respond and then you take it down and have a notary put a notary certificate of Authority on there and get her certificate of Authority for the notary now you have a public record and it says that public record you gave him 15 days to give you a verified statement of account or they agree that there is no charge and if you go to court and show that to a judge. He is going to look at it and say well which do with this gives them. Did you supply a verified statement of account? See because now you have put in evidence and because you did as a public record it is like for like evidence. They have to come back with evidence as strong as yours. You have full proof evidence which means they have to have full proof evidence which basically means under their seal.

Ed Hayes from Utah: let me ask you a question what we have learned is that there is a difference between a standard normal warranty deed and the special ones where someone purchased foreclosed property on a foreclosed property that it is not a clean piece of property they do not hold a clean title.Rob: they have a clouded title on it right.Ed: that is exactly right. Those people that have purchased foreclosed property is there anything we can do with them since they because whoever the original owner was since that property has to follow due course is there anything that can be done with them those that have purchased foreclosed properties, because it becomes a different animal.Rob: well as far as making sure they have clear title to it do you mean?Ed: yes somewhere to the warranty deed where you go and accept it.Rob: even a warranty deed is color of title-right.Ed: correct.Rob: I get asked this question all the time. This is the easiest answer. Everything in every state was originally given away on some kind of land grant. They put a bunch of lines and stakes out and said go pick your piece and get a land grant. Well how did they do it the first time go do it again because no one has ever acknowledged the deed, all property is abandoned even the guy that did the original land patent did not acknowledge the deed. So you want a clean land patent and you would do that however they did it in the first place. Which is going to be doing some kind of application that says if no other man has a superior claim to mine I claim this property? I think I really have a followed that closely because I'm trying to get out of system I am looking more at my body than this. Doesn't that make sense? How did they do it the first time?Ed: well if nobody else claims it I guess you can step in and do it right?Rob: I get a call with some guys from Hawaii maybe six weeks ago and I talked about this before that and so they went looked and said sure to back in 1888 or whatever was when they did this that is when they split up in Hawaii they set up a special court and they said if you get a land patent within two years need to come to court and acknowledge the deed and after two years the court was closed. They went and looked at the records nobody came and acknowledge the deed and unless the grantee acknowledges the deed the deed has not been executed and therefore there is no owner.


Ed: it is abandoned property.Rob: everything is abandoned property-right. Now about the tax thing so people have acknowledged their war to deed and they haven't gotten off the tax rolls. Some people seem to have and others haven't gotten off the tax rolls. I would go after the tax man. What somebody was told you could have residential or agricultural or industrial in their state they also have private. If your house is down as residential then it is going to get taxed you need to get off whatever the checkmark is that made it residential or agricultural or industrial, it is just got the wrong check mark by it. In my opinion it shouldn't be agricultural, industrial or residential. This one man I talked to in his state when he talked they had one choice that was marked private well go check the one for private. Again the people that know this are officers of the counties so go accept their oath and bind them to it and have them tell you and if they refuse to then take them to the court of inquiry. They have a fiduciary duty to you I am not looking for legal advice I am looking for lawful counsel that is why you have that office. That is my opinion, for myself I am not ever going to be controversial with them, they may think I am controversial but I'm not going to argue with them. I am going to say this is what the law says you're either going to do it or I am going to have to take you to the court of inquiry because you are committing Misprision and in the definition of Misprision it says for a good citizen and again good is not defined God is so as a God citizen if you believe Misprison has happened and you don't reported you are guilty of a Misprison. And you think that fraud is happen and you don't go putting a cruel complaint for fraud you are guilty and you get the crap that you're living with now. You are supposed to fear God not the devil.

Next caller Carla in Arizona: I have a couple of questions in Arizona one is only traffic stuff. In Arizona like the other states they issue for traffic and misdemeanors the air is on traffic in ticket complaints and all the other information in different boxes. I am pretty familiar with the court system here and how they will react. I believe they would react to a criminal complaint with me basically stating that they didn't put in any evidence and they would come back and say that is why you go to trial will have the opportunity to present your evidence and they will have an opportunity to present there evidence. How do you get around that, what are you exactly are you suggesting to file a cruel complaint?Rob: well in Michigan you take a criminal complaint to the clerk of the District Court and a complaint is writing period-right. So you write a complaint and give it to the clerk of the district court and you put the information from the ticket and say this ticket is not in due form of law I wish it to be investigated I believe it could be Misprison.Carla: not in true form?Rob: as far as I am concerned we are not going to know what they're going to do until they respond. In my opinion you are doing nothing to lawful, in fact you are following the law. The reason we are in this trouble nobody ever points out the defect in the law.Carla: I actually have his law is a major substance is there that is how they respond.Rob: well good is put that on affidavit under penalty of perjury and I will believe you otherwise it is hearsay. I think that you are trying to get me to commit perjury I would have to put in a cruel complaint that.Carla: okay.


Rob: I am going to complain about everything unlawful now this is me personally, I am going to complain about everything that I think is Misprison because I read the definition and if I don't I am guilty of it. I know it is unlawful it has nothing to do with me. It is not in due form of law. The plaintiff must the plaintiff must show up in proper person and provide evidence under seal or under penalty of perjury whatever word you want to use or there is no charge.Carla: what would your response be if they say like the officer he doesn't have to come this is only an arraignment?Rob: all each reasons you are saying is why I am going to put in a criminal complaint and say they are not following the law, this is not due form of law. I am being denied due process because the plaintiff has not provided any evidence under penalty of perjury on affidavit or under seal see in common law the only law that really exists as any force and effect is common law and they know that everything else takes your consent right selling common law everything must be sealed it doesn't need to be signed but it must be sealed that is why we look at your warranty deed if you look behind where the grantor gave it to you is going to have parentheses SEAL they are saying when you put your name down there it is a seal that is what that signifies you may have thought it was your signature but in that particular case it was your seal. Nobody has taken an oath.Carla: the seal would be what exactly?Rob: a seal is anything a man says it is. I write my name and put seal in parentheses (SEAL) behind it. A lot of documents I've seen for especially for deeds of trusts I have a witness up there and his witnesses is supposed to be a notary they don't have their seal and it doesn't say seal and it just has a name that is not a witness because a witness has to be under seal.Carla: I have made those arguments before in open court and they say he got his oath but he became an officer. I have actually pulled over the last six or seven years for 100 different oaths from judges and cops and even the former governor not one of them have had a valid oath, the seal is missing the date is missing they are not a statutory compliant yet to be a valid oath and the judges that I am up against have no oath that all.Rob: yes they do their old design file with the court of Chancery over with the Bishop because they are a priest that is where their oaths are over in the court of Chancery at whatever the Bishop is.Carla: I'm going to look into that.Rob: a guy was in New Mexico on vacation Santa Fe I think it was he said this a real nice town everybody is friendly and he was looking to answer questions he went into the local County building and talk to the clerk of the court he accepted her oath and bound her to get and reminded her that she had a fiduciary duty and extended his sovereign immunity and started asking questions. He said I believe your oath is on file with the Bishop and she said yes it is. Who would have thought that their oath would be on file with the Bishop?Carla: so find the Catholic Church and find it that way?Rob: it doesn't mess early to be a Catholic church. The Church of England or any of them they are all part of the same system they have just got different names. But again if you want to know for sure go to the District court clerk and ask the clerk. This ticket is not in the due form of law and I like put in a complaint maybe she will help you or she will tell you something then you can share because if we get 10 people to go ask a question we


can't move the pieces ahead because right now are only guessing because nobody is putting paper in to find out what they say.Carla: all right I will do that and let you know what happens. The last time I asked some questions they arrested me about three weeks ago.Rob: our day one more thing if they ever arrest you its false imprisonment put in a terminal complaint.

Next caller is Monty: one of the guys that he knows had a problem with the warranty deed filing at first told him that they were going accept it took his money and then they called them and said that there send his money back and turn it over to the attorney general to get his review and even to this day there has been no kind of correspondence or any kind of acts about what they have done and that is happening to everybody that goes down to do the warranty deed part of this. Rob over here in Arizona if we are not the most corrupt state we are in the top two and I have witnessed our governor in front of a judge and when he comes at them from a sovereign standpoint if you will they just ignore him at this point and went directly to the opposing counsel and continued to ignore our governor. Anyway it's so much fraud and so much corruption here in the Arizona courts that it's in your face and they don't care. Now the point that I would like to move forward with you in respect of time here for everybody else. I am a free man on the land I have done the Tim Turner docs, we've done the A4Vs, we have done the EFTs in the most recent thing we are working on Rob is called the land patent procedure and I am wondering if you are familiar with this we are intention is to file this land patent in the Bureau of Republic records and I am just wondering Sir I know you don't have a globe in front of you or a glass ball excuse the expression that you can predict the future but I am just wondering with all the fraud is going on all the corruption. I see a light at the end of the tunnel as far as all the bankers that are under duress and CEOs that are stepping down across the world, the rats are leaving the ship but as far as the land patent goes and filing in the Republic Bureau of records you think we would have any success in the courtroom with such a thing.Rob: that's why my suggestion is that you need to go find the original land-grant act for your state and do whatever it says and then used their courts. You need to use their system and make it into form of law for their system so that they can't argue with you.Monty: we have actually gone down town to file the land patent and we got to the Bureau of land management and we did all the background at all research everything according to their game if you will. Follow these rules and we went down to file the land patent and again the clerk of the court gave us a rebuttal and said no we can't file ever been at the center to the Atty. Gen. to get his review on that stuff and again we challenged him and so we ended up going out to a mother County to file this document. It's so in-your-face though over here and I will move to another question. Is there any way to challenge these courts perhaps from a class action lawsuit with a couple of hundred people involved in these things? You'd think we would have a better chance in a class action suit.Rob: the only time that you're going to have any luck at all is when you are pointing out defect in law and not arguing the facts. Now there is a guy in California, Tom Murphy I don't know if you have heard him before but he is big in the Clean Water Act he had a system that would have worked really well in the clean water act when it was passed and they have never followed the Clean Water Act he has been after them for 20 years to the


point that they were after him now and they had these federal counts against him and all sorts of things. I said Tom you have public record of the act so if you submitted as evidence that it is the evidence but you have to submitted as evidence and now you have these hundred and 10 points where you know they are breaking the law well that is evidence to so why don't you do a plea of the Crown with your evidence and submitted to court. He did that and the sheriff was still coming after him because he was after per much everybody in this county in California and so he took it to the federal building to a US Marshal sat at his desk gave it to him the guy looked at it and call the sheriff and said aint no buddy getting arrested today we have an investigation to do I don't know if you can use that are not but that's how you got the local sheriff to leave him alone they were coming to arrest him.Monty: it is interesting that you brought that up and that may be an avenue that we may pursue, in fact our governor that I was talking about earlier did the warranty deed and the land patent in all its stuff, they just team role is in court. He just did a plea of the Crown if anybody could have done as much as one person could do to keep his roof over his home there is nobody better at this than Hal Halverson but they are still after him. Unless the de facto corporation falls I don't see any remedy of what we were going through.brother if you're telling me that the clerk of the court said that and she didn't put it under her sale that I am taking her butt to the court of inquiry. I don't care it under oath or it doesn't matter and I'm going to do the one thing that I can I am going to put in a criminal complaint and if nothing happens then-then nothing happens but until you put one in don't say anything. Monty: Court of inquiry is that what you called it?Rob: well the court of inquiry when you read old English law there was a Kings bench, there was a court of inquiry, the court of common pleas in oh there were all these different things these courts. Well where they today the court of inquiry in Michigan is in the probate court apparently. So they say that the plea the crown is used for criminal and moral matters that is what Lord Coke said back in the 16th century. At the end of the 17th century Blackstone says the plea the crown is a complaint upon which the king as the plaintiff right well Coke said criminal matters and Blackstone said it was a complaint so that makes it a criminal complaint. Where do you take criminal complaints? You take them to in Michigan the District Court and give it to the clerk that is what it says in the criminal code and if you haven't done that yet then don't say it won't work. After you have even say well it didn't work but at least you did what the law said to do.Monty: he has filed a suit against them.Rob: he put in a civil court brother, he did not file a criminal complaint. He did a suit. You need to do a criminal complaint a cruel complaint means somebody broke the law, I am not arguing the facts I am pointing out defect in the law. If they have a public act and they are not following it and you get a copy of it under seal you say I want a certified copy of the act and you submit it as evidence was now it is the evidence. We never submit any evidence we don't put anything under seal so it is all hearsay so we are just arguing facts and nobody has defined what words are. So go look in the dictionary to find out how many meanings a word has and which one are we using. Willingly uses one I like this so I am going to pull it out and put it on my paper, here is my definition. If they don't rebut it then that is the definition. What you need to do is establish the facts just like the lady said earlier the judge said establish the facts. What are the facts? The facts are


they have no evidence. The facts are this public act says they are going to do this and they are not therefore they are committing fraud I wish you to investigate. Whether they do or not does not reflect bad on you it reflects bad on them. So every man has free will they can choose to follow their oath or they can choose not to but unless you accept it and they are bound by it they don't have to follow it, they have no contract with you. Once you do and they don't follow it now it is between them and the creator.Monty: my wife and I have a statement a piece of paper on a letterhead from Deutsche Banc they sent us a letter we did a qualified written request they sent us a letter they had no knowledge of who we are or the property or anything and that kind of stuff. And it turned out we window courtroom with the tobacco attorneys over there opposing counsel and he comes in and says he is stating a claim on behalf of Deutsche Bank. We filed our paper to the judge and the council said he is there on behalf of Deutsche Bank and as lawful as that piece of paper is with the QWR the judge again just roll right over us like we were even in the room. This is so corrupt over here brother it is incredible.Rob: is because you are submitting a port into a court that doesn't give crap about the law, they are just there to argue the facts-right. You got to take it in the other door where the law is. In law whoever is bringing the charge has to do so under oath. He is trying to claim it as abandoned property right now it is considered as abandoned property. He is saying that he has superior rights title and interest to this property and when he is saying that he is talking about the deed of trust if he gets the deed of trust is the house anyway plus he gets to the rez he gets the account. He is not after the warranty deed is after the trust because that is the thing that says you put the house up. Now if you go look at an abstract for your property you will see all these other files attached to it that aren't in that record. A record and a file are not the same thing a file is a deposit. And you go find somewhere in that court the file it has to do with all the assignments and I read this in the statutes in Michigan I just don't know how to do it yet because I don't have any property. But if you went and got that file out and you showed it to the clerk who is actually a magistrate they have never acknowledge the deed this is my property what do I need to do to claim it maybe she will tell you. I don't know if that will work in Arizona where all this corruption is but if somebody else did someplace else than we would know. You know there are always files against your property somewhere in those buildings and anything that is file is deposited and it has your LETTER name on it is your property. Tell them you want to take it out of the deposit. They are not going to like any of this I am telling you right but it doesn't mean that it's not lawful to do.

Steve: we didn't have anyone else in the que so we've been at this long enough I cut it off. Thank you for being on the call Rob. Rob's number is 616-225-1431. I try to take anybody's phone call I may not get back to you until later because I am on the phone all the time. I learned as much talking to people on the phone as I do any other way and when somebody shares a nugget with me I try to share with everybody else and all I am saying is that I am not promoting doing anything that is unlawful. I am not asking for any money I just want my property back, I just want my trailer and I will count the apples when I get back the trailer is the escrow account. It is your property your ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME is a landed estate and you are the owner, you may have a tenant that these people aren't your tenant because your tenant was a government they have already paid your electric bill they have paid for every thing. It is a prepaid system everything is


paid for these are just pirate to pirate your stuff and so you just need to tell them it is really clear in this one in Michigan simply put on their that there is no tendency between the parties that makes it trespass and let the law handle it and I will find out myself this is so new I haven't done it I sent a lot of paper out for a lot of different reasons. I just set when out Friday I shot the shorts off the state court administrators office because they were supposed to send me a special form they use or a special instruction sheet for this particular thing they use in small claims and they keep telling me well it's already in the form and I said no it's not in the form because it would be a special instruction sheet and I'm not looking for the form. So I sent them a plea of the Crown Friday and said look either your going to answer my question I said before I would've been happy to have you answered my question but now you got fill one out and send it to me as if the corporation was the defendant and if you don't I will take you on a cruel complaint for treason. They haven't done it I am writing one right now and I'm going to send it to District Court one day investigation for Misprison of treason however I had only sent it to them by e-mail I had not mail it to them yet so I'm going to mail it tomorrow so I may not do this until Thursday but I still haven't heard from them. I need it investigated. I am not playing with these people anymore I am going to do what the law says if you believe that Misprison has happened you'd better reported or you are guilty. I am going to leave it at that. I don't believe it's controversial think it is the right thing to do.Steve: what is the definition of Misprison?Rob: pretty much anything say back in the day they didn't have a penal code originally in common law about the only thing you could do wrong was trespass on another man's property. That would not be trading your brother like yourself and all they have done is they have massaged the system so that they get you to argue the facts instead of waiting out the defects in the law and always blame the other guy look in a mirror and say what's problem? It is me not telling somebody that they have done it wrong. Now we yell and scream spin in the courtroom but we have been doing that for years and it hasn't seemed to do any good. You would think people would say maybe this isn't quite right when are we supposed to be doing? All we are supposed to be doing is going to a different door with our stuff there is more than one court like I said you know it doesn't say the court of inquiry at the probate court but they say they are. Well that court you're walking into how many courts could that be.Steve: so the probate court could be the probate court or could be a dozen other courts than.Rob: right who knows what it is. I did a call with a guy named John and I sent it out as an e-mail yesterday he spent three hours in handcuffs for asking to talk to a judge at the end of the day they had to let him go they couldn't charge them within anything the magistrate said he has broken no law there is nothing I can do. So they said they wanted to send in for a psych evaluation and I should let you know that in the penal code is unlawful challenge somebody's competency. That is fraud! It is a felony. So if they are her say they want to challenge my competency they better have a complaint form because I need a cruel complaint form because it is a felony to challenge my competence.Steve: is that federal or just the state?Rob: I'm just looking at the state one right now and I just are looking at this about 3 or 4 days ago so I am just reading as I go through it well this is wrong and this is wrong


anything that is color of law is fraud period, it is either lawful or is fraud that is all there is and all they do is color of law so it is fraud so fill out a criminal complaint and give it to the right person and then apparently I know every state has to have a criminal code, it can't be that hard to find. Find your kernel code and your statutes and read it. You don't need to read the whole thing you need to read the part about preventing a crime or whatever the words are. I haven't had a chance yet to put out a video on this stuff but that's what I do I look at things for her to three weeks and say okay I got enough I'll put a video out of what I think the stuff says. I have not had a chance to do that yet because I'm still studying it but I'm telling you where to go look and you'll find the penal code in the statutes but it will be some kind of act like ours is the penal code I can't member the act number of 1927 I had to go look up the act of 1927 and then it showed me the penal code and its like 250 pages long and it is not that hard to read it is not written like a statue where you have to jump around from one place to the other. First just go through all the things that are unlawful and it says in their that everything else is by common law is not repugnant of the Constitution well there is nothing, law that is repugnant against the Constitution and common law is simply the unwritten law of reason. You make the law by speaking it and telling them I am not in your society you don't have any jurisdiction I am a son of God unless you are going to rebut that you have no jurisdiction and if you're going to say that I am not a son of God and I am not a immortal living spirit created in the image of God will then your society that makes you a heretic. And I will let the Jesuits handle it they don't seem to like them very much.Just one last thing really quick about the Jesuits I don't want to beat this too hard but somebody had a problem getting their work it be done also same kind of things these other people were saying and so they sent a copy to the Vicar General and they were called the next day and told the come down and get their copy. I don't know why but in that particular case that is what got his stuff recorded.Steve: well Larry from New York that she talked to earlier had a problem for several years and they were on him and he didn't notice to the vicar general in New York and the stuff got dropped like a hot potato.Rob: imagine that


