3951 CAE TT495



3951 CAE TT495

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The scores below should be understood with reference to the Assessment Scales at the end of this document and in the Handbook for Teachers.

No. Candidate Name Content (score out of 5)

Communicative Achievement (score out of 5)

Organisation (score out of 5)

Language (score out of 5)

1. Alexandra Tudor 4 2 2 2Well done for writing an essay in a suitable style that addressed most aspects of the question. Next steps: you selected two ways in which scientific research benefits us but you didn’t say which was more important and why. Next time, make sure that you answer the question fully.

2. Bianca Caluianu 4 2 2 2Well done for writing an essay that discussed two ways in which scientific research benefits our lives. Next steps: you didn’t say which aspect of research is more important and why, so next time, make sure that you read the instructions carefully and answer the question fully.

3. Maria Fiodor 4 2 2 2Well done for writing a relevant essay in a suitable style to be read by a tutor. Next steps: you selected two ways in which scientific research benefits us but you didn’t say which was more important and why. Next time, make sure that you answer the question fully.

4. Adelina Duinea 5 3 3 3Well done for writing an essay in a suitable style that addressed all aspects of the question. Next steps: revise the use of the present perfect so that you can use it appropriately (e.g. ‘nowadays computers have driven us apart’).

5. Denisa Dudeanu 4 3 3 2Well done for writing a relevant essay in a style suitable to be read by a tutor. Next steps: you didn’t quite answer the question fully, as you didn’t give reasons why you thought technology was more important than the environment. Next time, answer the question fully and precisely.

6. Cristina Ambrus 5 4 3 3Well done for writing an essay that answered the question fully and used an appropriate style. Next steps: sometimes your choice of vocabulary or phrasing was rather awkward, so keep working to develop your use of less common lexis.

7. Florin Ion 4 3 3 3Well done for writing a relevant essay that made good use of cohesive devices and organisational patterns. Next steps: revise the use of the present prefect tense as there were several places in your essay where this would have been the most appropriate tense to use.

Candidate Feedback - Writing Trial TestCentre Name Liceul Teoretic Callatis Exam CAEPretesting Centre No. 3951 Version TT495

Please Note:This trial test is not a live Cambridge English

examination. The scores provided may not reflect the results your students receive in a live Cambridge English


No. Candidate Name Content (score out of 5)

Communicative Achievement (score out of 5)

Organisation (score out of 5)

Language (score out of 5)

8. Bianca Cozianu 5 3 3 2Well done for writing an essay that made use of a wide range of vocabulary. Next steps: although you touched on all aspects of the question, it was sometimes difficult to determine whether or not you had addressed certain aspects, so next time make sure that you emphasise each content point clearly.

9. Antonia Restantia 5 2 2 2Well done for writing an essay that was organised in logical paragraphs. Next steps: you began your essay in the form of a letter with a greeting, but didn’t end it in a letter style. It is more conventional not to use a letter style for an essay, so this is something to remember for next time.

10. Mihai Floroiu 3 2 2 2Well done for writing a relevant essay using an appropriate style. Next steps: you didn’t follow the instructions very carefully as you wrote about more than two ways in which scientific research benefits us and didn’t say which was the most important. Next time, answer the question more precisely.

11. Andrei Diaconu 4 3 3 3Well done for writing an essay on a suitable theme that addressed most aspects of the question. Next steps: you didn’t answer the question fully as you didn’t say which of the benefits was more important and why, so next time, read the question carefully and answer with more precision.

12. Elif Soium 5 2 2 2Well done for writing a relevant essay that answered the question fully. Next steps: your essay was rather short (189 words), so next time, try to write closer to the suggested word count. This will give you more opportunity to demonstrate your language skills.

13. Diana Tene 5 2 1 2Well done for writing a relevant essay that addressed all aspects of the question. Next steps: your sentences tended to be very long, which sometimes made your meaning difficult to follow. Next time, try to vary the length and structure of your sentences and focus on clarity.

14. Darius Dobre 5 3 3 3Well done for writing an essay in a suitable style that answered the question fully. You made a particularly good argument as to why medical research was more important than research into consumer technology. Next steps: keep working to expand your vocabulary so that you can use more unusual words.

15. Adelina Colcer 5 2 2 1Well done for writing an essay in an appropriate style that answered the question fully. Next steps: you often selected a word that didn’t precisely convey the meaning that you wanted. Keep working to expand your vocabulary so that you can select words and phrases with more precision.

16. Sabina Borcea 5 2 1 2Well done for writing a relevant essay that answered the question fully. Next steps: some of your sentences are very long and this reduces the clarity of your meaning. Next time, try to use a variety of different sentence structures and make sure that your sentences are generally not over-long.

No. Candidate Name Content (score out of 5)

Communicative Achievement (score out of 5)

Organisation (score out of 5)

Language (score out of 5)

17. Irina Stan 4 3 3 2Well done for writing an essay in a suitable style and using a range of vocabulary, including some less-common lexis. Next steps: you didn’t answer the question fully as you didn’t say which benefit was more important and why. Next time, read the question carefully and answer all the parts.

Assessment Scales
