5 edited photos




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This was the original unedited photograph which I chose to edit.

For this photo I simply changed the brightness and contrast by using mode adjustments – brightness and contrast and then made the photo slightly brighter and with slightly more contrast, this got rid of some of the pixilation on the photo and made the photo look a cleaner and more sharp.

Then I went on image adjustments – exposure and put the exposure level up slightly, I then clicked on variations and give the photo a slightly darker tint, this made the photo more vibrant and interesting to look at.

I then clicked on the layers tab at the side of the screen and went through to the option luminosity which made my photo look black and white with a slightly blue tint to it.

Finally I made another copy of the photo and push it on below the original photo layer, I then went through the layer options and changed it to dissolve which made most of the background and the most of the model disappear apart from his tee shirt, then when the layers were put together it made the tee shirt look bright red with most of the picture black and white, apart from a few hints of colour in parts.

This was the original unedited photograph which I chose to edit.

For this photo I simply clicked on image adjustments, brightness and contrast and then made the photo darker by turning the brightness down and turned to contrast up. This made the photo look more appealing and got rid of some of the pixilation.

This was the original unedited photograph which I chose to edit.

In this photo I simply went on image adjustments – brightness and contrast. Although I only altered the brightness slightly by making the photo a little brighter, it was the contrast which affected the photo by being turned up greatly. This give the photo a less grainy look

Once the brightness and the contrast was turned up a bit I then went onto image adjustments – hue/saturation and turned the saturation down to -100 which made the photo black and white but still with a clear and vibrant image.

This was the original unedited photograph which I chose to edit.

Although this photo doesn’t look much different to the original unedited photo it is simply a little darker with a lot more contrast, this made the photo look clearer and more appealing.

For the final edit of this photo I went onto image adjustments , exposure and then changed the exposure just slightly and changed the gamma radiation up as this made the photo look darker and more shadowy which made the photo look better.