606. Topic Wolf




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  • Submitted To Dr.khurram Ashfaq Topic Wolf

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    Name Sajida Noreen Redg. # 2008-ag-2814 Semester 6th (D.V.M) Section A

  • WOLF

  • Wolf Genetic studies reaffirm that the gray wolf is the ancestor of thedomestic dog

    Gray wolves have very dense and fluffy winter fur, with short underfur and long, coarseguard hairs.

    The longest hairs occur on the back, particularly on the front quarters and neck. Especially long hairs are found on the shoulders, and almost form a crest on the upper part of the neck.

  • Their sense of smell is relatively weakly developed when compared to that of somehunting dogbreeds, being able to detect carrion upwind no farther than 23km.

    Theirauditory perceptionis very sharp, being able to hear up to a frequency of 26kHz and is greater than that of foxes.

    Theirnight visionis the most advanced of theCanidae.

  • Their hearing is sharp enough to register the fall of leaves in the autumn period.

    Female wolves tend to have smoother furred limbs than males, and generally develop the smoothest overall coats as they age.

  • Classificationkingdom - Animalia Phylum - chordate Subphylum - Vertebrata Class - Mammalia subclass - Eutheria Order - Carnivora Family - Canidae Genus - Canis

  • species Grey Wolf - Canis Lupus Red Wolf - Canis Rufus

  • Distribution Distribution of the wolf throughout the world.

    Originally, the Grey Wolf was the world's most widely distributed mammal.

    It has become extinct in much of Western Europe, in Mexico and much of the USA, and their present distribution is more restricted; wolves occur primarily in wilderness and remote areas.

  • Silent features The wolf is the largest in the wild canine family. The coyote evolved separately from the wolf over 500,000 years ago.The wolf has rounded ears.The wolf has 42 teeth.

  • The wolf has a broad heavy muzzleThe wolf has extremely powerful jaws capable of generating 1,500 psi pressureThe wolf lives in a pack, family oriented social structure .Mortality rates for wolf pups can be as high as 50%

  • Predation is not violence, it is the act of obtaining food for survival.The wolf is an ultimate predator at the top of the food chain. The wolf is designed for running, catching and killing large animals.The wolf primarily travels at a 5 mile per hour trot

  • The wolf can kill healthy animals but naturally seeks out the sick, the weak, crippled, old and young animals.

    Wolves are often confused with Indian dogs, huskies, malemutes and German Shepherd Dogs

  • Status in PakistanIndian wolfandIranian Wolfare two common names forCanis lupus pallipes, asubspeciesofgrey wolfwhich inhabits westernIndia,Pakistan,Iran,Turkey, Saudi Arabiaand southernIsrae. The biological description of this wolf of Pakistan is that its furs are basically thick and grayish in color.

  • In Pakistan two types of grey foxes are found,

    Tibetan wolf Indian wolf.

    The Tibetan wolves inhabit the rocky valleys of Gilgit, Baltistan, Chitral, Hunza, Khunjerub National Park and the Upper Swat.

  • The Indian wolf shelters the southern parts of Pakistan that is the deserts of Cholistan and Thar. It is also found in the Baluchistan areas and in the north west Frontier Province. The males are generally heavier than the females. The grey foxes are the greatest carnivorous animals among the Pakistan wolf.

  • They mainly inhabit with their families and preys on small animals, garbage, carrion and livestock.

  • Types of wolfGrey wolf

    Red wlof

  • 1. Types of grey wolfArctic Wolf (Canis lupus arctos )

    Tundra Wolf (Canis lupus albus)

    Arabian Wolf (canis lupus arabs)

    Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

    Russian Wolf (Canis lupus communis)

  • Italian Wolf (Canis lupus italicus)

    Eqyptian Wolf (Canis lupus lupaster)

    Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus)

    Eastern Wolf (Canis lupus lycaonorCanis lycaon)

  • Great Plains Wolf (Canis lupus nubilus )

    Northwestern Wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis)

    Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) orCanis indica Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)

    Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis)

  • 2. Red Wolf Species (Canis rufus)

    The red wolf is not the same species as the gray wolf, although there is speculation that they are a naturally occurring hybridization of grey wolves and coyotes.

    The Red Wolf is smaller than the grey with longer ears and shorter fur which is displayed in various reddish colors.

  • Gray Wolf

  • Arctic Wolf

  • Tundra Wolf

  • Arabian Wolf

  • Mexican Wolf

  • Russian Wolf

  • Italian Wolf

  • Egyptian Wolf

  • Eurasian Wolf

  • Eastern Wolf

  • Great Plains Wolf

  • Northwestern Wolf

  • Indian Wolf

  • Iberian Wolf

  • Ethiopian Wolf

  • Red Wolf Species (Canis rufus)

  • Nutrition Wild dogs do not eat regular meals. Raw bones with meat are a major part of their diet. In the winter they dig up and eat frozen food. They eat offal such as liver and heart.They eat raw eggs They may eat once a day or five or six times a day, depending on the season and what sort of food is available

  • They may eat once a day or five or six times a day, depending on the season and what sort of food is available Every meal they eat is totally raw.They eat vegetables including herbs, from the gut of their prey. This vegetable material is raw, totally crushed and partly digested. They eat feces. A wolf's diet contain almost no grains.

  • Physiological parameterPulse rate 20-175 beats/mintTemperature 98.6-100.6Respiration rate 12 beats/mint

  • Respiration by age Average Respiratory Rates By Age:Newborns: 30-40 breaths per minuteLess Than 1 Year: 30-40 breaths per minute1-3 Years: 23-35 breaths per minute3-6 Years: 20-30 breaths per minute6-12 Years: 18-26 breaths per minute12-17 Years: 12-20 breaths per minuteAdults Over 18: 1220 breaths per minute

  • Breeding seasonEstrus typically occurs in late winter

    Wolf pups are born in April and May

  • Wolf weight Wolf weight varies geographically; on average, European wolves may weigh 38.5kilograms North American wolves 36kilograms Indian and Arabian wolves 25kilograms North African wolves 13kilograms.

  • Female weightFemales about fifteen pounds less.

    Male weight

    Adult male wolves average ninety-five to one hundred pounds

  • Gestation periodAverage is 63 days

    Range is 62 75 day

  • Other parametersMature age 9-12 months

    Pup weight 300-500 g

    Eyes open 9-12 days

    Solid food 3-4 weeks

  • Litter size Litter size for the wolf is 4 to 7 pups

    Litter size for the wolf depends on nutrition factors as well as fitness of the female

  • References

  • Mech, L.D. & Boitani, L.(2008).Canis lupus. In:IUCN2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 22 March 2009. Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern.Macdonald, David; Claudio Sillero-Zubiri (2004).The Biology and Conservation of Wild Canids. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.4546.ISBN0198515561.

  • ^abZimen 1981, p .9

    abObsorn, Dale. J.; Helmy, Ibrahim (1980).The contemporary land mammals of Egypt (including Sinai) www.caninest.com/types-of-wolf/ ^Roosevelt 1909, pp.18586^Mech & Boitani 2003, p.306


  • ^abcdHeptner & Naumov 1998, p.243 wiki.answers.com ... MammalsLand MammalsWild Dogs

