9 frame analysis


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This close up shot that is being used in the opening scene to the movie of ‘Se7en’ captures the shot of a book turning pages, in which uses a title sequence to inform the audience of who the producers are within this particular film, in this case, the producers of Se7en are New Line Cinema.

The next scene shows a close up of hands, in which the composition of one side of the shot is darkened, unlike the opposite side of the shot which is a lot lighter, this makes the shot looked shadowed in particular areas. Shadows are what give a thriller the enigma and mystery for the audience and are a common piece of iconography associated with the thriller genre because they build fear within the audience. From the titles being used within this shot also, the audience can identify the director of the film, in which is David Fincher.

In this part of the opening sequence, we see an extreme close up shot being used, which captures the shot of fingertips and razor blades, in which he is removing his fingerprints. The iconography of razor blades being used within this sequence, are a typical symbol along with knifes, that are associated with the thriller genre as they have connotations of blood, death and pain.

This shot uses an extreme close up, which shows a hand and a writing pen, in which this scene uses continuity editing when the character is writing on the paper in this shot. From this particular shot we know that the main character could be very intelligent by his writing, and by previous scenes when they capture the shots of iconography such as books.

This shot uses a close up which captures the shot of a faded face. The composition used through this shot, shows darkened/shadowed areas of the characters outline of the face, which makes the audience focus on this particular part of this shot. The red background, which is also used in this scene, has connotations of blood and death, which creates suspense and fear within the audience.

This shot again uses an extreme close up of a hand, which is looking through old photographs. The reason why the extreme close up has been used within this particular scene of the opening sequence is to get the audience to focus on what is going on in this shot and gives the viewers also a clue of what to expect further along into the film. By using mise-en scene, through using old photographs in this shot, this gives the idea that the character might be looking back or reminiscing the past.

This part in the opening sequence, is using a close up shot of a photograph, from this photograph we know that it is olden/dated, in which the main character again might be trying to solve a mystery or reminiscing back to the older times. The composition, which is used within this, shot, blocks out the rest of the shot by darkening the background area’s, but puts a spotlight on the photograph in which this makes you focus on the picture. Also in this part of the scene, it uses title sequences, in order to tell us the casting of this film; in this case the casting was by Billy Hopkins, Suzanne Smith and Kerry Borden in ‘Se7en’.

In this screen shot of the opening sequence, it uses a close up of a hand holding a photograph, in which the photograph looks blurred to give it a dated look. The composition of the red in the background links to the thriller genre as it has connotations of blood, which is a common symbol of thriller films.

This is the last shot used in the opening sequence of ‘Se7en’ which is a title sequence that tells us the director of the film, in this case the director of this specific film is David Fincher.