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A Note from Marissa… Thank you for purchasing the Chakra Series ebook! I want you to know you are worth it and you are a shining soul in this loving Universe. You deserve to feel love, peace, and joy, and I hope this ebook helps you on your journey. We all have our ups and downs, and highs and lows with our energy levels, emotions, and well-being. We all get cranky, sluggish, depressed, and unbalanced sometimes. I want you to know that that is okay and absolutely normal. Learning about our energy centers in our bodies, or Chakras, can help us become more aware of our patterns and quirks that make us unique energy beings. We can then learn to bring balance to our energy levels in a holistic approach to bring about a more harmonious and peaceful state-of-being.

The main Chakras in our body run along our spine in accordance with our nervous system. The seven Chakras begin from our tailbone and up to the top of our head. Each Chakra rules a domain of our body including not only physical, but mental, emotional, and spiritual domains. That is why it is important to use a holistic approach to heal, balance and open our Chakras. In this ebook you will discover what Chakras are weak and/or strong in your energy body along with daily, practical ways to balance and open each one. You can go through each Chakra in order from root to crown, focusing on one Chakra per-week, or per-day. Or you can work on a Chakra that you feel drawn to the most, or better yet, a Chakra that does not appeal to you at all! Usually that means, you need to work on that one more. Most importantly though, listen to your intuition and body while working with this book; work with this book however you feel is most right for you!


And remember to always have love and compassion for yourself during this process. Do this work with great love and reverence for yourself, and have fun! Love and Blessings, Marissa Moondaughter

Be sure to check out my websites: www.moondaughter.com www.etsy.com/shop/moonlitcottage



The Root Chakra: Feeling Grounded and Secure

The Sacral Chakra: Embracing Our Emotions

The Solar Chakra: Empowering Ourselves

The Heart Chakra: Opening to Love

The Throat Chakra: Speaking Your Truth

The Third-eye Chakra: Our Inner Eye

The Crown Chakra: Connection with Divinity


The Root Chakra: Feeling Grounded and Secure

Sankrit: Muladhara, “root support”

Symbol: 4 petal square

Location: base of spine

Color: red

Association: groundedness, survival, money, family

Symptoms: constipation, weight issues, knee and foot issues

Imbalances: fear, trust issues, money issues, low body image

Achieved State: stillness, groundedness

Crystals: garnet, hematite, ruby, bloodstone

Incense: patchouli, cedar, pine

Goddesses: Gaia, Artemis, Demeter


Introduction The Root Chakra in Sanskrit is the Muladhara Chakra and is the foundation of the Chakra body. It is located at the base of the spine and it is what helps connect our body to Mother Earth. It is associated with survival, family, money/security, and the relationship we have with our own body. When our Root Chakra is balanced we feel abundant, safe, active and energetic, and feel connected to Mother Earth and all living things. We are nurturing and giving while taking care of ourselves as well. When there is an imbalance in the Root we may become depressed and lethargic, greedy, clingy, overeat or lose our appetite, have financial issues, trust issues, and/or body image issues. We could become physically ill as well. This is the our body’s way of saying, “Please, take care of me!” We owe to ourselves right?! It is so essential to healing this Chakra first before moving to higher ones. Without a strong foundation we are setting ourselves up for more obstacles ahead. So let’s get started! Meditation Let’s first look at the current state of our own Root Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your spine and settling in at the Root, the base of the spine. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Root Chakra glowing red. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra growing roots into Mother Earth. Are they strong and deep? How many are there? Does it feel barren?


An over-energized Root Chakra can have people feeling very stuck, or stagnant with rigidity. Narrow-mindedness, greed, over-indulgence and focusing only on the material world can be due to an over-active Root. If it is under-active, people can feel really spacey and usually too focused on the spiritual world to be centered and grounded. They may feel like they are just floating in no particular direction, and just feel plain lazy to do anything about it. Energy levels are lower because of inactivity. Do you feel your Root Chakra is blocked in some way? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. So what can we do about this? Movement: Any form of exercise that connects us to our physical body will help balance this Chakra. Do something you find enjoyable too! Eating more healthfully and drinking plenty of water help with energy levels for all Chakras, so keep this in mind as well.

Go for a walk, or walk barefoot in the grass and feel your connection to Mother Earth. Feel the Earth’s energy travel up from your feet and into your body.

Dance! Go to a place that is big enough to move around in or outside preferably. Put on some music that you feel connects you to the Divine and close your eyes and just dance. Let your body go and let the movement be free form. Do not judge yourself and just listen to your body. This is challenging, but so much fun!

Some good yoga postures for the Root Chakra are Child’s Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Mountain Pose, and Tree Pose. These poses help you focus on the grounding support of Mother Earth and strengthen your sense of balance. Savasana, the resting pose after asanas, is great for connecting to your Root as well.

Weekly Challenge: Go ahead and get moving! Do at least 5-10 minutes of any form of physical exercise for this week! Notice how you feel before and afterward. Try something new, enjoyable and fun! Meditation: Meditations that focus on grounding are perfect for the Root Chakra. You can start with the mediation earlier, but focus on brightening the Chakra until it is a vibrant, deep red color. If you have a hard time doing this exercise, it just means your Chakra is blocked, and it is okay! With more practice it will become easier as your Root opens more. Remember to always have compassion for yourself through this process.


Another meditation is the Tree Meditation. Go outside to a park or your yard and find a nice quiet place by a tree. Choose a tree that calls to you, or rather, let the tree choose YOU! If you choose a tree and find you cannot really connect with it that is okay too. You will know when you are with the right tree. After you find your tree, sit quietly with your back against the trunk. Close your eyes and breathe. With each deep, inhale the energy room the tree, filling you up with deep red, sparkling energy. Exhale any stress and worry and anxiety you are holding. Do this for at least ten deep breaths or however long it takes you to feel calm and centered. Now imagine roots from the base of your spine growing deep into Mother Earth. The roots weave around the roots of the tree. You can feel the energy pulsating up into your Root Chakra filling it with energy…stability…vitality. Feel this energy course through your body. You are connected to this tree. You are connected to Mother Earth. You are connected to your body. Now imagine your roots growing back up toward your spine. It is bringing all the vital energy back to your base. Slowly come back to your breath, wiggling your toes and fingers. Notice the trunk against your spine. Thank the tree for its energy and leave a small offering of nuts or flowers. After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Root Chakra imbalances stem from fear, abandonment, insecurities, and low self-worth. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference! “I am abundant in every aspect of my wonderful life.” “I am enough right here, right now.” “I am safe and loved in this benevolent universe.” “I have everything I need.” “I love and respect my body.” “My body provides boundless energy and nourishment.” Weekly Challenge: Say any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed!


Crystals: Ruby, hematite, red garnet, bloodstone, and red jasper are good stones to work with for the Root Chakra. Lay them at your base while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Root Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Root Chakra? What have you done to improve it? What has helped you the most in this process? What can you do to keep your Root Chakra balanced?

Take a deep breath…


The Sacral Chakra: Embracing Our Emotions

Sankrit: Svadhisthana, “sweetness”

Symbol: 6 petal crescent moon

Location: lower abdomen

Color: orange

Association: creativity, sexual energy, feelings, intuition

Symptoms: lower back issues, bladder issues

Imbalances: over-emotional, jealousy, possessiveness

Achieved State: depth of emotions

Crystals: moonstone, carnelian, orange calcite

Incense: rose, jasmine

Goddesses: Aphrodite, Maeve


Introduction: The Sacral Chakra in Sanskrit is the Swadhisthana Chakra and is the second energy spot of the Chakra body. It is located two inches below the belly button and it is what helps connects us to the watery realm of our emotions and creativity. It is in charge of the sexual organs, lower back, and intestines, as well as our emotions and intuition. When our Sacral Chakra is balanced we feel open to our emotions and can control our reactions in healthier ways. We also have a fulfilling sex life and can trust our intimate partners. We can fully listen and be open to our intuition to make healthy decisions and our own creative flow is rich. When there is an imbalance in the Sacral area we may become blocked from our creativity and it is hard to listen or trust our intuition. We may feel like helpless victims to our emotional whims and our libidos are non-existent. Lower back pain and sexual issues may persist as well. Meditation: Let’s first look at the current state of our own Sacral Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your spine and settling in at the Sacral, right below the belly button. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Sacral Chakra glowing orange. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra becoming a glowing bowl filled with shimmering water. Is the water clear or murky? Over-flowing or dried up? Or does it feel pretty balanced?


An over-energized Sacral Chakra can have people feeling so emotional and indecisive. They can be super-sensitive to the behaviors of others and it is easy for them to become victims. They may become addicted to sex as well. If it is under-active, people can feel cold and distant. They show no emotions and our completely blocked off from their creativity and intuition. It is hard for them to open up and be vulnerable to the people they care about the most. Sex may also be non-existent or hollow to them. Do you feel your Sacral Chakra is blocked in some way? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. Movement: In Yoga, hip-openers help release emotions and negative feeling we may be holding, so these types of exercises are great for this Chakra. Eating more healthfully and drinking plenty of water help with energy levels for all Chakras, so keep this in mind as well.

Swimming can help embrace your own watery realm or emotions.

The Lunar Salutation in Yoga focuses more on going inward for a restorative and relaxing sequence. Here is a website that has a great sequence: http://www.yogawisdom.co.za/chandra%20namaskara.html and also a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvMWLqGvfa0&feature=fvwrel

And here is a good hip-opener sequence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSewHKu7I1I&feature=relmfu

Weekly Challenge: Do at least one of these sequences this week. Notice how you feel before and afterward. Try something new, enjoyable and fun! Meditation: I found this meditation for the Sacral Chakra from Lisa Beachy very helpful. Check out her other meditations too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPrm9BaJsME


After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Try something creative this week! See if it is easy to access your creativity and let your intuition guide you! Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Sacral Chakra imbalances stem from over-active emotions, hormones, and insecurities. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference! “I am one with my creative flow.” “I trust my intuition.” “I release emotions that no longer serve my higher good.” “I embrace my emotions with love and compassion.” “I am open to healthy intimacy.” “My intuition guides me to positive outcomes for the higher good of all.” Weekly Challenge: Say any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed! Crystals: Orange calcite, carnelian, bloodstone, and chrysoprase are good stones to work with for the Sacral Chakra. Lay them at your belly button while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Sacral Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Sacral Chakra? What have you done to improve it?


What has helped you the most in this process? What can you do to keep your Sacral Chakra balanced?


The Solar Chakra: Empowering Ourselves

Sankrit: Manipura, “lustrous gem”

Symbol: 10 petal triangle

Location: solar plexus

Color: yellow

Association: empowerment, self-confidence, self-respect

Symptoms: ulcers, digestion issues

Imbalances: self-loathing, indifference, hot-temper

Achieved State: being

Crystals: citrine, amber, tiger’s eyes, yellow topaz

Incense: cinnamon, ginger

Goddesses: Brighid, Artemis, Sekhmet, Kali


Introduction: The Solar Chakra in Sanskrit is the Manipura Chakra, meaning “lustrous gem” because this is where our inner light shines through. It is located two-inches above the navel and it is what helps us connect to our own authentic self. It is associated with our confidence, willpower, and our “inner fire” lit from within. When our Solar Chakra is balanced we feel confident and motivated to pursue our passions, we know how to say no when we need to, and our willpower is strong, yet not dominating. We treat ourselves with respect because we acknowledge our self-worth and treat others with respect as well. When there is an imbalance we can become easily irritable, be disrespectful to ourselves and others, our confidence in ourselves wanes, and we do not have any motivation to pursue our dreams or passions. Stomach or kidney issues could arise as well. We need to be able to light our inner fire again and shine brightly once more! Meditation: Let’s first look at the current state of our own Solar Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your spine and settling in at the Solar Chakra, the navel. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Solar Chakra glowing yellow. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra burning and glowing more brightly. It is your inner fire. What does your inner fire look like? Is it big and bright? Is it smoldering with smoke like it is snuffed out? Is it small and starting to grow?


An over-energized Solar Chakra can have you feeling more important than others and possibly stuck up. We tend to be more selfish and can have a hot-temper as well. You may place unrealistic expectations or goals upon yourself and begin to resent yourself if those goals are not met. If it is under-active, you may be lacking confidence in areas of your life. You may let others keep you down and walk all over you. You do not own your self-worth and have a hard time loving yourself and letting your light shine. Do you feel your Solar Chakra is blocked in someway? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. Is it over or under-active? So what can we do about this? Movement: Any form of exercise and safe movement balances all our energies in our body. Do something you find enjoyable too! Eating more healthfully and drinking plenty of water help with energy levels for all Chakras, so keep this in mind as well.

Belly Dancing! Belly Dancing hones in on our stomach, where this Chakra is located. Try a class, or DVD in the privacy of your own home, and you will be surprised how fun and sexy you feel afterward, even if the moves aren’t perfect!

Strength training. Lifting weights safely and building muscle can really build confidence and self-worth, not to mention it is healthy for both men and women. I like the website, www.fitnessmagazine.com for finding and customizing free work out plans!

The warrior poses in yoga are all about empowerment. These poses are strong and make you feel amazing while doing them. Here is a sequence of the warrior poses in a vinyasa (fluid) yoga asana: http://www.yogacards.com/yoga/flow-yoga/flow-yoga-7.html

Weekly Challenge: Go ahead and get moving! Do at least 5-10 minutes of any form of physical exercise for this week! Notice how you feel before and afterward. Try something new, enjoyable and fun! Meditation: The Inner Fire meditation


Find a quiet place to lie or sit down where you will not be disturbed. Take 10 deep breaths. Inhale for 4…. Exhale for 6 counts. Do this 10 times. Imagine a golden, shimmering light slowly going down you spine…relaxing all of your muscles and settling at your navel. Focus on your navel and imagine the golden light becoming a golden ball molding and shaping and constantly shifting. What are the images you see? What is your inner fie showing you? Watch it take shape into a fire. If it is small, what do you need to put into it to make it stronger? Do that now. Take your time as the energies present themselves to you. If it is blazing and too overwhelming to control, what do you need to put into it to bring it back down? Do that now. Take your time. After it is balanced, watch it and bask in your inner fire. Know you have the power to control it and you can feel balanced anytime you wish to. Your balanced inner fire wishes to show you something…What is the image it is showing you? Thank you inner fire and ground your energy, letting the built up energy release into Mother Earth through your hands. Wiggle your toes and hands and focus on your breath. When you are ready open your eyes. Go back to this meditation when you need to balance your inner fire or focus on the image your inner fire showed you when it was balanced. After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Solar Chakra imbalances stem from a negative self-image, insecurities, and low self-worth. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference! “I am strong and beautiful!” “My inner fire shine brightly for all to see!” “I set healthy boundaries for myself.” “I honor and respect myself and others” “I release my insecurities.” “I have boundless energy to accomplish my dreams and desires!” “I live with passion and confidence!” Weekly Challenge: Say any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed!


Crystals: Amber, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Topaz and Citrine are good stones to work with for the Solar Chakra. Lay them at your base while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Solar Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Solar Chakra? What have you done to improve it? What has helped you the most in this process? What can you do to keep your Solar Chakra balanced?


The Heart Chakra: Opening to Love

Sankrit: Anahata, “unstruck sound”

Symbol: 12 petal cross

Location: heart

Color: green, pink

Association: unconditional love, compassion, giving & receiving, forgiveness

Symptoms: heartburn, lung issues, chest pain

Imbalances: guarded, cold, trust issues, resentment

Achieved State: compassion

Crystals: rose quartz, emerald, moss agate, aventurine

Incense: rose, lavender, meadowsweet

Goddesses: Aphrodite, Kuan Yin, Radha, Oshun


Introduction: The Heart Chakra in Sanskrit is the Anahata Chakra, meaning “unstruck.” It is located at the center of our chest and is where love, forgiveness and compassion reside. When our Heart Chakra is balanced we feel unconditional love for others and ourselves. We feel safe in our relationships and have compassion and do not hold on to resentment from past hurts. When there is an imbalance we can become guarded and defensive in relationships, and not willing to risk being vulnerable and open to love in fear of getting hurt. We harbor self-loathing, resentment, and find it hard to forgive, especially ourselves. Our immunity can be low and lung and heart issues can arise. Meditation: Let’s first look at the current state of our own Heart Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your spine and settling in at the Heart Chakra, the navel. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Heart Chakra glowing green. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra shaping into a heart. What does your heart look like? Is it big and bright? Do walls protect it or is it shriveled? Is it small and starting to blossom?

An over-energized Heart Chakra can have you feeling co-dependent on others and possibly trying to make everyone validate your self-worth. We tend to be anxious and fearful that no one loves us unless we do something that is pleasing to them. So we are continuously striving to please and nurture other people and not ourselves! It is exhausting!


If it is under-active, you may be feeling empty and hollow inside. You have high security walls over your heart and are very resistant to letting anyone in. You may come across as cold and do not show your emotions easily to anyone. It is too scary to be vulnerable and open. Do you feel your Heart Chakra is blocked in some way? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. Is it over or under-active? So what can we do about this? Movement: Any form of exercise and safe movement balances all our energies in our body. Do something you find enjoyable too! Eating more healthfully and drinking plenty of water help with energy levels for all Chakras, so keep this in mind as well.

This is a great heart-opening yoga sequence by Sadie Nardini (she is fun and spunky too!) Be gentle, and go easy with some of the poses; they really open your chest! http://blog.gaiam.com/blog/6-poses-to-open-your-heart-slideshow-instructions/

Weekly Challenge: Go ahead and get moving! Do at least 5-10 minutes of any form of physical exercise for this week! Notice how you feel before and afterward. Try something new, enjoyable and fun! Meditation: This is a great heart-opening meditation on beliefnet.com. Parts of it may be difficult, or you might feel a lot of emotions rising up, and that is okay. Let yourself feel them. http://www.beliefnet.com/Health/2000/07/Opening-The-Heart.aspx After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Heart Chakra imbalances stem from a trust issues, insecurities, fear, and lack of self-love. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference!


“I love myself!” “I welcome healthy and loving relationships in my life.” “I am open to giving and receiving love.” “I am compassionate to myself and others.” “I am open to all the love that surrounds me.” “I trust in my ability to love.” Weekly Challenge: Say or write any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed! Crystals: Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Emerald, and Moss Agate are good stones to work with for the Heart Chakra. Lay them at your base while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Heart Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Heart Chakra? What have you done to improve it? What has helped you the most in this process?


What can you do to keep your Heart Chakra balanced?

Don’t Hold Back!


The Throat Chakra: Speaking Your Truth

Sankrit: Vishuddha, “purification”

Symbol: 16 petal chalice

Location: throat

Color: blue

Association: Communication, Self-expression, creativity

Symptoms: sore/strep throat, TMJ, hearing issues, thyroid

Imbalances: shy, uncommunicative, egotistical, blocked creativity

Achieved State: connection

Crystals: sapphire, aquamarine, turquoise

Incense: benzoin, sage, frankincense

Goddesses: Athena, Saraswati, The Muses


Introduction: The Throat Chakra in Sanskrit is the Vissudha Chakra. It is located at the base of your throat and is where your truth, authenticity, and self-expression reside. When your Throat Chakra is balanced you can openly express yourself. You can communicate clearly and honestly to others and you can share your uniqueness without fear or shame. You are willing to listen to others and listen to yourself too. When there is an imbalance you can become shy and feel a lack of expression or communication. You can even become egotistical and not be willing to share or be open with others. Listening to yourself and others becomes increasingly difficult also. Ear infections, sore throats and common colds could arise as well. Meditation: Let’s first look at the current state of our own Throat Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your spine and settling in at the Throat Chakra, the base of the throat. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Throat Chakra glowing blue. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra opening like a pipe. What does your pipe look like? Is it opening and clear? Is it dark, or closed? How does it make you feel looking at it?


An over-energized Throat Chakra can have you speaking out irrationally and disrespectful to others and possibly lying and being manipulative. Listening to others may prove difficult and criticizing and judging is easier to do. You could feel self-righteous and a bit egotistical as well. If it is under-active, you may feel diminished and are afraid to speak your opinions. You are afraid of expressing yourself and let others’ walk all over you. Others’ opinions and beliefs could easily influence you so you can feel like you fit in. You are afraid to let your uniqueness shine! Do you feel your Throat Chakra is blocked in some way? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. Is it over or under-active? So what can we do about this? Movement: Any form of exercise and safe movement balances all our energies in our body. Do something you find enjoyable too! Eating more healthfully and drinking plenty of water help with energy levels for all Chakras, so keep this in mind as well.

Gentle daily stretching of your neck will help you feel less stressed throughout your day. Before you get out of bed massage the back of your neck where it meets the base of your skull for two minutes to feel a little energy boost as you wake up! Hold your neck to your right and left shoulders for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. Then crisscross your hands placing them at the back of your neck and gently press your head down so your chin is touching your chest. Hold this for 30 seconds while breathing deeply and feel a gentle stretch down your spine. If you ever feel pain stop the stretching immediately!

Mantra is great yoga for the Throat Chakra. Yoga Journal has a great article about mantra here.

Weekly Challenge: Do these stretches every morning and evening and whenever you feel you will regret saying something throughout this week. Meditation: This is a lovely video to watch and listen to for the Throat Chakra. Relax and enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHPy2Mf2F9g&feature=related


Meditate focusing on a clear blue sky or a deep blue ocean to connect you to this Chakra and feel the calming effect it has on your thoughts and emotions. After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Throat Chakra imbalances stem from fear of self-expression, insecurities, closed-mindedness and the inability to listen others and yourself. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference! “I trust my voice.” “I speak my truth.” “I release gossip and negativity in my life.” “I lend a compassionate ear to others and myself.” “I am open to others’ opinions and beliefs.” “I allow my uniqueness and self-expression to blossom.” Weekly Challenge: Say or write any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed! Crystals: Sapphire, Sodalite, Moonstone, Aquamarine, and Turquoise are good stones to work with for the Throat Chakra. Lay them at the base of your throat while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Throat Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Throat Chakra? What have you done to improve it?


What has helped you the most in this process? What can you do to keep your Throat Chakra balanced?


The Third-eye Chakra: Our Inner Eye

Sankrit: Ajna, “perception”

Symbol: 2 petal triangle

Location: middle of forehead

Color: Violet or indigo

Association: intuition, imagination, awareness, concentration

Symptoms: headaches/migraines, eye problems, hard to concentrate

Imbalances: flighty, foggy, nightmares,

Achieved State: enlightenment

Crystals: moonstone, amethyst, indigo sapphire

Incense: mugwort, mint, jasmine

Goddesses: Hecate, Isis, Iris


Introduction: The Third-eye Chakra in Sanskrit is the Ajna Chakra and it is located at the center of your forehead. It is your inner-eye where you perceive and where your imagination resides. It is your intuition’s second home as well. When your Third-eye Chakra is balanced you have clear insight of your life’s path and where you are headed. You can make clear decisions and your imagination is active and healthy. It is also easy to listen to what your intuition, or inner wisdom, has to say. People with stronger third-eyes can easily have psychic powers. When it is unbalanced you may feel like you are walking through a fog, cognition may be slow, or it is just too easy to get stuck in your daydreams. Headaches and eye problems could arise as well. Meditation: Let’s first look at the current state of our own Third-eye Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your head and settling in at the Third-eye Chakra, the center of your brow bone. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Third-eye Chakra glowing purple. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra shaping into a Third-eye. What does your third-eye look like? Is it open and clear? Or is the lid completely closed? Is the pupil bright or foggy? Is your third-eye trying to show you something?

An over-energized Third-eye Chakra can leave you stuck in your fantasy world. It is hard to tell the difference between reality and your imagination. It is hard for you to stay grounded and make clear decisions. Vivid dreams and nightmares could also from keeping you from having a good night’s sleep as well. Your inner wisdom maybe wanting you to listen to its message, but you do not want to hear it.


If it is under-active, you may feel like you are in a heavy fog. It is hard to concentrate on anything and harder to multitask. Your imagination may be suffering as well and it is hard to listen to your inner wisdom. Do you feel your Third-eye Chakra is blocked in someway? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. Is it over or under-active? So what can we do about this? Meditation: This is a very relaxing meditation for the Third-eye Chakra from My Meditation Garden. It is a great resource guide for all kinds of meditations! http://www.mymeditationgarden.com/meditation-techniques/chakra-meditation/the-most-powerful-meditation-technique-to-open-the-third-eye-chakra/ After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Third-eye Chakra imbalances stem from closed-mindedness, insecurities, and lack of confidence in your dreams. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference! “My path reveals itself to me.” “I trust my inner-wisdom.” “I reach my highest potential with ease.” “My mind is at peace.” “I allow myself to be quiet.” “My inner wisdom knows best.” Weekly Challenge: Say or write any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed!


Crystals: Amethyst, Moonstone, and Indigo Sapphire, are good stones to work with for the Third-eye Chakra. Lay them between your eyes while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Third-eye Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Third-eye Chakra? What have you done to improve it? What has helped you the most in this process? What can you do to keep your Third-eye Chakra balanced?


The Crown Chakra: Connection with Divinity

Sankrit: Sahasrara, “thousandfold”

Symbol: 1000 petal Lotus flower

Location: top of head

Color: Violet or White

Association: spirituality, wisdom, surrender, faith

Symptoms: depression, low energy, headaches/migraines

Imbalances: confusion, closed-minded, anti-social

Achieved State: enlightenment

Crystals: diamonds, amethyst, clear quartz

Incense: lotus

Goddesses: Inanna, Nuit, all-encompassing Divine Feminine


Introduction: The Crown Chakra in Sanskrit is the Sahasrara Chakra. It is located at the top of your head and is where your connection to the Divine and your higher-self dwells. When your Crown Chakra is balanced you feel open and connected to the Divine in a joyful and peaceful way. You feel your purpose in life and can see all the wonders in the Universe. You feel connected to everything and everyone. When there is an imbalance you can become confused about your life’s direction, depressed and anti-social. You can become closed-minded and feel it is hard to have faith. It is easy to become trapped in negative thinking. Low immunity, headaches/migraines and psychological disorders could arise as well. Meditation: Let’s first look at the current state of our own Crown Chakra to see what we can do to heal and grow. Trust your body and intuition with this analysis! Simply observe; your body will tell you what you need to know. After the meditation, write your observations and reflections in the spaces below. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you won’t be disturbed. Take five, slow, deep breathes. Inhale for four…exhale for five. Imagine a pure white light shimmering down your spine and settling in at the Crown Chakra, the top of your head. Know that you are safe and protected. Imagine your Throat Chakra glowing white. Is it vibrant or dull? Is it spinning or stationary? In what direction is it spinning? Now imagine your Chakra opening up to the Heavens. Is it bright and vibrant? Does it open easily, or is it struggling to stay open? Is it closed off with no activity? How does it make you feel looking at it?


An over-energized Crown Chakra can have you feeling like you do not live on this earthly-plane. You may feel over-zealous of your religious beliefs and you may feel it is hard to connect with others, or that you are better than them. Or you could feel you are always getting messages from the Divine and it is hard to stay grounded. If it is under-active, you may feel completely closed off and disconnected from the Divine. You cannot put your faith in something unless you can logically explain it or it is tangible in the physical world. You may be too closed-minded and too fearful to put your trust in something other-worldly. Do you feel your Crown Chakra is blocked in someway? Describe the blocks or obstacles you feel. Is it over or under-active? So what can we do about this? Sacred Space: Creating a place you can connect with the Divine daily is very important to your spiritual growth as well as balancing your Crown Chakra. It does not have to be any place elaborate. It could be your church or temple you already attend, your yoga studio, or a place out in nature where you feel at peace. Whatever helps you connect to your Divinity or Higher-self is perfect. Here are some things you can try to help you stay connected:

Create an altar: Find a place in your home where you can set up place for you to go pray or meditate each day. It can include a candle, some incense, and some pretty stones. It can be simple for you or very elaborate, whatever makes you feel good. You could include a statue of a deity you worship, or leaves or anything from nature you love. Have fun and be creative! Making an altar you love to look at will make you want to go back to it each day; it is a wonderful way to connect to the Divine.

Keep a gratitude journal: Writing down a couple things you are grateful for each night before you go to bed will help you find the wondrous, beautiful, magical moments in daily life. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude is a beautiful practice and will keep your connection to the Divine lit!

Lighting a candle or incense before your yoga practice or meditation practice will help you feel connected to the Divine as well. It will be easier to get into that state of mind.

Weekly Challenge: Try one of these practices for the next week and see how more connected you feel. Find what works for you! Remember it should be fun!


Meditation: I really liked this meditation from Karen Kallie for the Crown Chakra, it is very relaxing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlzvF_LODSc After your meditations, it is best to journal about your experience while it is fresh in your mind. Make sure to bring a journal with you. Affirmations: Affirmations are a great way to help re-establish positive thought and behavior patterns in your everyday life. Crown Chakra imbalances stem from fear of trusting the Universe, negative self-talk, closed-mindedness and the inability to connect with others and yourself. Writing these daily and saying these affirmations out loud, while truly believing you can make positive change in your life can make such a difference! “I trust in the Divine.” “My life has meaning.” “I am wrapped in God/dess’ loving arms.” “I am joyful and at peace.” “I am open to what life has to offer me.” “I live in a safe and loving Universe.” “I see beautiful blessings all around me!” Weekly Challenge: Say or write any one of these, or all of them, daily in the morning and before you go to bed! Crystals: Amethyst, clear Quartz, and Diamond are good stones to work with for the Crown Chakra. Lay them by or on your head while you meditate or carry them around in your pocket. At the end of the week write your reflections about your Crown Chakra here: What have you learned about your own Crown Chakra? What have you done to improve it?


What has helped you the most in this process? What can you do to keep your Crown Chakra balanced?

Write down everything you are grateful for!


Overall Reflection Page Write down your insights, significant finds, Ah-ha moments, images, anything that has

resonated with you on your journey


Chakra References! Here are some resources for the Chakras that I have found helpful!

Books: Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith http://www.amazon.com/Wheels-Life-Chakra-System-Llewellyns/dp/0875423205/ref=cm_lmf_tit_4/190-2544456-4069767 This is my go-to reference book for the Chakras! On the web: www.chakra-colors.com A great breakdown of each Chakra www.yogajournal.com This website shows every yoga move ever! You can create your own asanas and more! www.fitnessmagazine.com A great fitness and well-being website with a lot of customizable workouts! Asanas (Sequences): The Sacral Lunar Salutations Sequence: http://www.yogawisdom.co.za/chandra%20namaskara.html Sacral Hip-opener Sequence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSewHKu7I1I&feature=relmfu Solar Warrior Poses Sequence: http://www.yogacards.com/yoga/flow-yoga/flow-yoga-7.html Heart-opening Sequence: http://blog.gaiam.com/blog/6-poses-to-open-your-heart-slideshow-instructions/ Meditations: Goddess Leonie’s Chakra Healing Goddess Meditation http://www.goddessguidebook.com/shop/meditations/chakra-healing-goddess-meditation/ Goddess Leonie basically ROCKS! Her meditation is so peaceful and relaxing, you are guaranteed to feel uber refreshed afterward! Sacral Meditation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPrm9BaJsME


Heart Meditation: http://www.beliefnet.com/Health/2000/07/Opening-The-Heart.aspx Mantra: http://www.yogajournal.com/lifestyle/2594 Throat Meditation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHPy2Mf2F9g&feature=related Third-eye Meditation: http://www.mymeditationgarden.com/meditation-techniques/chakra-meditation/the-most-powerful-meditation-technique-to-open-the-third-eye-chakra/ Crown Meditation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlzvF_LODSc Kits: Chakra Balancing Kit by Anodea Judith http://www.amazon.com/Chakra-Balancing-Judith-Anodea/dp/1591790883 Great meditations! The only thing this kit is missing are crystals.



The Root Chakra: Feeling Grounded and Secure

The Sacral Chakra: Embracing Our Emotions

The Solar Chakra: Empowering Ourselves

The Heart Chakra: Opening to Love

The Throat Chakra: Speaking Your Truth

The Third-eye Chakra: Our Inner Eye

The Crown Chakra: Connection with Divinity


I poured my heart and soul and more into this book. Use this book often, or when you just need a refresher. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you might have. I hope this helps you on your sacred journey and I honor and love you.

Marissa Moondaughter is a daughter of the Moon and wants to help all women love and empower themselves! She loves to read, write, create, crochet, and love every day. She lives with her love under the sun in Southern California.

Please visit: www.moondaughter.com www.moonlitcottage.etsy.com

All rights reserved, Marissa Moondaughter 2012 Please remember this series does not in any way replace therapy or healthcare. This series is to complement your healing journey. I do not claim to be an expert so please seek professional help if needed.