A selected bibliography of typographical research relevant to the production of instructional...


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A Selected Bibliography of

Typographical Research Relevant

to the Production of Instructional

Materials I




In preparing this bibliography of research in typography relevant to the design of instructional materials we have tried to be comprehensive, but in a limited way. We have tried to make the coverage broad, but to select within differ- ent areas only those papers that have comprehensive refer- ence lists, or that have been recently published and thus are not included in other bibliographies. For a complete overview of the field, readers are especially referred to Herbert Spencer's (1969) The Visible Word which has a bibliography contain- ing over 400 entries.

In this bibliography we have divided the material as


1The authors express appreciation to friends and colleagues who com- mented on an earlier version of this bibliography, and to the Social Science Research Council who financed its preparation.

]ames Hartley is senior lecturer in psychology and Susan Fraser is research assistant in the Department of Psychology, The University of Keele, Staf- fordshire, England. Peter Burnhill is head of the Design Department, Staf- ford College of Further Education, England.

AVCR VOL. 22, No. 2, SUMMER 1974 181

AV C O M M U N I C A T I O N REVIEW 1974 S U M M E R : 182

1. Basic texts 2. General overview chapters or papers 3. Bibliographies 4. Research Issues:

a. Type-styles, faces, weights, etc. b. Typesize, line length, and interline space c. Colored papers and inks d. Unjustified composition e. Single-column versus two-, three-columns f. Organization of space g. Headings, subheadings, underlining, etc. h. The effects of questions and tests i. Illustrations j. Tables, diagrams, and graphs k. Algorithms 1. Instructional symbols m. Instructional leaflets, guides, etc. n. Computer-assisted instruction and displays o. Special needs

5. Measurement and methodological problems 6. Standards and print production

Most of these headings we think are self-explanatory, but with work of this kind, there has been a problem with papers that fit into two or more categories. Occasionally, when this has happened, we have repeated the reference.

The section on measurement and methodological problems perhaps needs further explanation. In this section, we have tried to indicate a general problem area by choosing a paper illustrating it. Thus there are problems with different kinds of measures (e.g., reader preferences, reading speed, comprehen- sion, physiological measures), their reliability and validity, and there are general problems of experimental design (e.g., see the papers by Poulton).

Finally we have concentrated on material useful for educa- tion and training: we have only indirectly touched on mate- rial relevant to manufacturing, operating, maintenance, servicing instructions, etc.







(a) Type-Styles, Faces, Weights,


Spencer, H. The Visible Word. London: Lund Humphries, 1969. Tinker, M. A. Legibility of Print. (2nd ed.) Ames: Iowa State

University Press, 1964. Zachrisson, B. Legibility of Printed Text. Stockholm: Almqvist and

Wiksell; 1965.

Foster, J. J. Legibility research-the ergonomics of print. [cographic, 1973, 6, 20-24.

Gilliland, J. Readability. London: University Press, 1972. Part 2. Poulton, E. C. How efficient is print? In I. K. Davies, & J. Hartley,

(Eds). Contributions to an Educational Technology. London: Butterworths, 1972.

Smith, K. U. & Smith, M. F. Cybernetic Principles of Learning and Educational Design. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. Chapter 13, Text book design.

Tinker, M. A. Bases for Effective Reading. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1965. Part Ill.

Cornog, D. Y. & Rose, F. C. Legibility of Alphanumeric Characters and Other Symbols, II. A Reference Handbook. U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. Miscella- neous Publication 262-2, 1967.

Foster, J. J. (Ed). Legibility Research Abstracts 1970. London: Lund Humphries, 1971.

Foster, J. J. (Ed). Legibility Research Abstracts 1971. London: Lund Humphries, 1973.

MacDonald-Ross, M. & Smith, E. B. Bibliography of textual com- munication. Monograph No. 3. Institute of Educational Tech- nology: The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K., 1973.

Parker, J. H. A Select Annotated Bibliography on Textbooks in Education. Keele University Library, Occasional Publications, No. 9. Keele, U.K., 1972.

Tinker, M. A. Experimental studies on the legibility of print--an annotated bibliography. Reading Research Quarterly, 1966, 1(4), 68-118.

Poulton, E. C. How efficient is print? In I. K. Davies & J. Hartley (Eds)., Contributions to an Educational Technology. London: Butterworths, 1972.

Robinson, D. O., Abbamonte, M. & Evans, S. H. Why serifs are important: The perception of small print. Visible Language, 1971, 5(4), 353-359.

Spencer, H., Reynolds, L. & Coe, B. A comparison of the effective- ness of selected typographic variations. Readability of Print Research Unit, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London, 1973.

Spencer, H., Reynolds, L. & Coe, B. A report on the relative legibil- ity of alternative letter faces. Readability of Print Research Unit, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London, 1973.


Tinker, M. A. Bases for Effective Reading. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1965. Pp. 136-138; 177-180.

(b) Typesize, Line Length and

Interline Space

(c) Colored Papers and Inks

(d) Unjustified Composition

(e) Single-Column Versus Two-,


Burt, C. A Psychological Study of Typography. Cambridge, U.K.: University Press, 1959.

Burt, C. The typography of children's books. Yearbook of Educa- tion, Institute of Education, London University, 1960, 242-256.

Poulton, E. C., Warren, T. R. & Bond, J. Ergonomics in journal design. Applied Ergonomics, 1970, 1(4), 207-209.

Robinson, D. O., Abbamonte, M. & Evans, S. H. Why serifs are important; the perception of small print. Visible Language, 1971, V(4), 353-359.

Tinker, M. A. Print for children's textbooks. Education, 1959, 80(1), 37-40.

Wiggins, R. H. Effects of three typographical variables on speed of reading. Journal of Typographic Research, 1967, 1, 5-18.

Dwyer, F. M. Color as an instructional variable. AV Communica- tion Review, 1971, I9(4), 399-416.

Konz, S., Chanla, S., Sathaye, S. & Shah, P. Attractiveness and legibility of various colours when printed on cardboard. Ergonomics, 1972, 15(2), 189-194.

Tinker, M. A. Bases for Effective Reading. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1965. Chapter 13, Color and surfaces of printing paper.

Carver, R. P. The effect of "chunked" typography on reading rate and comprehension. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1970, 54(3), 288-296.

Gregory, M. & Poulton, E. C. Even versus uneven right-hand margins and rate of comprehension in reading. Ergonomics, 1970, I3(4), 427-434.

Hartley, J. & Burnhill, P. Experiments with unjustified text. Visible Language, 1971, V(3), 265-278.

Hartley, J. & Mills, R. L. Unjustified experiments in typographical research and instructional design. British Journal of Educational Technology, 1973, 4(2), 120-131.

Foster, J. J. A study of the legibility of one and two-column layouts for B.P.S. publications. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 1970, 23, 113-114.

Hartley, J., Burnhill, P'. & Fraser, S. Typographical problems of journal design. Applied Ergonomics, 1974, 5(1), 15-20.

Poulton, E. C. Effects of printing types and formats on the compre- hension of scientific journals. M.R.C. Applied Psychology Unit Report No. 346. Cambridge, U.K. 1959.

Poulton, E. C., Warren, T. R. & Bond, J. Ergonomics in journal design. Applied Ergonomics, 1970, I(4), 207-209.


(f) Organization of Space

(g) Headings, Subheadings,

Underlining, etc.

(h) The Effects of Questions and


(i) Illustrations

Burnhill, P. Typographic education: Headings in text. Journal of Typographic Research, 1970, 4(4), 353-365.

Conrad, R. The design of information. Occupational Psychology, 1962, 36(3), 159-162.

Hartley, J., Burnhill, P. & Fraser, S. Typography, communication and learning. In The Visual Presentation of Technical Data, Typography Unit, University of Reading, U.K., 1973.

Horn, R. E., Nichol, E. H. & Kleiman, J. C. Information mapping for learning and reference. Electronic Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, U.S.A.F., Bedford, Massachusetts, 1969. ESD-TR-69-296.

Cashen, V. M. & Leicht, K. L. Role of the isolation effect (under- lining) in a formal setting. American Psychological Association Experimental Publication System, 1970, 7, 240-44.

Christensen, C. M. & Stordahl, K. E. The effect of organizational aids on comprehension and retention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1955, 46(2), 65-74.

Dearborn, W. F., Johnston, P. W. & Carmichael, L. Oral stress and meaning in printed material. Science, 1949, II0, 404.

Hershberger, W. A. Self-evaluational reading and typographical cueing; techniques for programming self-instructional reading materials. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1964, 55, 288- 296.

Hershberger, W. A. Typographical cueing in conventional and programmed texts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1965, 49(1), 55-60.

Wendt, D. & Werckerle, H. On effects of indentation and under- lining in reference work. Visible Language, 1972, V/(2), 167-71.

Bull, S. The role of questions in maintaining attention to textual material. Review of Educational Research, 1973, 43(1), 83-87.

Glaser, R. & Resnick, L. B. Instructional psychology. Annual Re- view of Psychology, 1972, 23, 207-276.

Hartley, J. The effect of pre-testing on post-test performance. Instructional Science, 1973, 2, 193-214.

Ladas, H. The mathemagenic effects of factual review questions on the learning of incidental information: A critical review. Review of Educational Research, 1973, 43(1), 71-82.

Morasky, R. M. Eyemovements as a function of adjunct question placement. American Educational Research Journal, 1972, 9, 251-261.

Dwyer, F. M. A Guide for Improving Visualized Instruction. Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA: Learning Services, 1972.

Dwyer, F. M. Exploratory studies in the effectiveness of visual illustrations. AV Communication Review, 1970, 18(3), 235-240.


Fleming, M. L. Perceptual principles for the design of instructional materials. Viewpoints, Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana University, 46, No. 4, 69-200.

Fleming, M. L. Classification and analysis of instructional illustra- tions. A V Communication Review, 1967, 15, 246-256.

Gropper, G. L. The design of stimulus materials in response- oriented programs. AV Communication Review, 1970, 18(2), 129-159.

Holliday, W. Critical analysis of pictorial research related to science education. Science Education, 1973, 57(2), 201-214.

Koenke, K. & Otto, W. Contribution of pictures to children's com- prehension of the main idea in reading. Psychology in the Schools, 1969, 6(3), 298-302.

Levie, W. H. & Dickie, K. E. The analysis and application of media. In R. M. W. Travers (Ed.), Second Handbook of Research on Teaching. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1973.

Myrick, R. D., Anthony, J. T. & Haldin, W. The student handbook as an aid in orientation: A comparative study. The School Counsellor, 1970, I8(1), 61-65.

Smith, J. & Watkins, H. An Investigation into Some Aspects of the Illustration of Primary School Textbooks. Typography Unit, University of Reading, U.K., 1972.

Smith, K. U. The scientific principles of textbook design and illus- tration. AV Communication Review, 1960, 8, 31-46.

Strang, H. Pictorial and verbal media in self-instructional procedural skills. A V Communication Review, 1973, 21,225-232.

Travers, R. M. W. & Alvarado, V. The design of pictures for teach- ing children in elementary school. AV Communication Review, 1970, 18(1), 47-64.

Vernon, M. D. The instruction of children by pictorial illustration. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1954, 24, 171-179.

(j) Tables, Diagrams and


Carter, L. F. An experiment on the design of tables and graphs used for presenting numerical data. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1947, 31, 640-650.

Culbertson, H. M. & Powers, R. D. A study of graph comprehen- sion difficulties. AV Communication Review, 1959, 7, 97-110.

Feliciano, G. D., Powers, R. D. & Kearl, B. E. The presentation of statistical information. AV Communication Review, 1963, II(3), 32-39.

Frase, L. T. Tabular and diagrammatic presentation of verbal materials. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1969, 29, 320-322.

Lockwood, A. Diagrams. London: Studio Vista, 1969. Martuza, V. R. & Wolfe, M. L. Effects of the amount of informa-

tion, organization of information and study time on the proc- essing of quantitative information presented in graphical form. Available from the authors. College of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. 1973.


(k) Algorithms

(l) Instructional Symbols

Peterson, L. V. & Schramm, W. How accurately are different kinds of graphs read? AV Communication Review, 1955, 2(2), 178- 189.

Schutz, H. G. An evaluation of formats for graphic trend displays- Experiment II. Human Factors, 1961, 99-107.

Schutz, H. G. An evaluation of methods for presentation of graphic multiple trends-Experiment III. Human Factors, 1961, 108- 119.

Tinker, M. A. Legibility of mathematical tables. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1960, 44, 83-87.

Vernon, M. D. Presenting information in diagrams. AV Communi- cation Review, 1953, 1,147-158.

Washburne, J. N. An experimental study of various graphic, tabu- lar, and textural methods of presenting quantitative material. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1927, 18, 361-376, 465- 476.

Wright, P. Using tabulated information. Ergonomics, 1968, 11(4), 331-343.

Wright, P. & Fox, K. Presenting information in tables. Applied Ergonomics, 1970, I(4), 234-242.

Wright, P. & Fox, K. Explicit and implicit tabulation formats. Ergonomics, 1972, 15(2), 175-187.

Davies, I. K. Competency Based Learning. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1972. Ch. 9.

Gane, C. D., Horabin, I. S. & Lewis, B. N. The simplification and avoidance of instruction. In I. K. Davies & J. Hartley, (Eds). Contributions to an Educational Technology. London: Butter- worths, 1972.

Jones, S. Design of Instruction. London: H.M.S.O. Training Infor- mation Paper No. 1, 1968.

Lewis, B. N. & Woolfenden, P. J. Algorithms and Logical Trees: A Self-lnstructional Course. Cambridge U.K.: Algorithms Press, 1969.

Wheatley, D. M. & Unwin, A. W. The Algorithm Writer's Guide. London: Longmans, 1972.

Wright, P. & Reid, F. Some alternatives to prose for expressing the outcomes of complex contingencies. Journal of Applied Psy- chology, 1973, 57(2), 160-166.

Easterby, R. S. The grammar of symbols. Print, 1969, 13, 6. Easterby, R. S. The perception of symbols for machine displays.

Ergonomics, 1970, 13(1), 149-158. Lees, J. & Farman, M. An investigation of the design and per-

formance of traffic control devices. Journal of Typographic Research, 1970, 4(1), 7-38.

Tomlinson, N. & Stevens, J. Reflections on the process of visual design. Instructional Science, 1972, 1(1), 89-120.


(m) Instructional Leaflets, Guides,


(n) Computer- Assisted

Instruction and Displays

(o) Special Needs



Walker, R. E., Nicholay, R. C. & Stearns, C. R. Comparative ac- curacy of recognizing American and international road signs. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1965, 49, 322-325.

Konz, S. A. & Dickey, G. L. Manufacturing assembly instructions: A summary. Ergonomics, 1969, 12(3), 369-382.

Poulton, E. C. Skimming lists of food ingredients printed in differ- ent sizes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1969, 53, 55-58.

Poulton, E. C. Skimming lists of food ingredients printed in differ- ent brightness contrasts. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1969, 53, 498-500.

Poulton, E. C. Size, style, and vertical spacing on the legibility of small typefaces. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972, 56, 156-161.

Singleton, W. T. Display design: Principles and procedures. Ergonomics, 1969, I2(4), 519-531.

Spencer, H., Reynolds, L. & Coe, B. The relative effectiveness of ten alternative systems of typographic coding in bibliographic material. Readability of Print Research Unit, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London, 1973.

Baker, C. A. & Grether, W. A. Visual presentation of information. W.A.D.C. Technical Report 54-160. Wright Air Development Center, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, August, 1954.

Cranch, O. A report on a system of computer generated alpha- numeric characters. Readability of Print Research Unit, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London, 1973.

Lewis, R. A. Legibility of capital and lower-case printout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1972, 56, 280-281.

Poulton, E, C. & Brown, C. H. Rate of comprehension of an exist- ing teleprinter output and of possible alternatives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1968, 52(1), 16-21.

Poulton, E. C. Asymmetrical transfer in reading texts produced by teleprinter and by typewriter. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1969, 53(3), 244-249.

Rolfe, J. M. Numerical display problems. Applied Ergonomics, 1971, 2(1), 7-11.

Singleton, W. T. The ergonomics of information presentation. Applied Ergonomics, 2(4), 213-220.

(See also Human Factors, 3(2), 1961.)

Prince, J. H. Printing for the visually handicapped. Journal of Typographic Research, 1967, I(1), 31-47.

Becket, D., Heinrich, J., yon Sichowsky, R. & Wendt, D. Reader preferences for type-face and leading. Journal of Typographic Research, 1970, 4(1), 61-66.

Burnhill, P. & Hartley, J. Psychology and text book design: A research critique. In Aspects of Educational Technology VIII, London: Pitman, 1974 in press.


Carlson, T. R. The relationship between speed and accuracy of comprehension. Journal of Educational Research, 1949, 42, 500-512.

Gilliland, J. Readability. London: University Press, 1972. Part 3. Hartley, J. Burnhill, P. & Fraser, S. Typography, communication

and learning. In The Visual Presentation of Technical Data. Typography Unit, University of Reading, U.K., 1973.

Hartley, J. & Mills, R. L. Unjustified experiments in typographical research and instructional design. British Journal of Educa- tional Technology, 1973, 4(2), 120-131.

Klare, G. R., Mabry, J. E. & Gustafson, L. M. The relationship of style and difficulty to immediate retention and to acceptability of technical material. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1955, 46, 287-295.

Klare, G. R., Sinaiko, H. W. & Stolurow, L. M. The cloze proce- dure: A convenient readability test for training materials and translations. International Review of Applied Psychology, 1972, 21(2), 77-105.

Kolers, P. A. Experiments in reading. Scientific American, 1972, 227(1), 84-91.

Letson, C. T. Speed and comprehension in reading. Journal of Educational Research, 1958, 52(2), 49-53.

Letson, C. T. The relative influence of material and purpose on reading rates. Journal of Educational Research, 1959, 52(6), 238-240.

Llewellyn-Thomas, E. Eye-movements in speed reading. In Speed Reading Practices and Procedures, 10, Reading Study Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Del., 1962.

Mackworth, N. The wide angle reflective eye camera for visual choice and pupil size. Perception and Psychophysics, 1968, 3, 32-34.

Maxwell, M. J. Skimming and scanning improvement: The needs, assumptions and knowledge base. Journal of Reading Behavior, 1972, 5(1), 49-59.

Moore, J. E. Sex differences in speed of reading. Journal of Experi- mental Education, 1939, 8, 110-4,245.

Morse, W. C. A comparison of t t-' eye-movements of average fifth and seventh grade pupils reading materials of corresponding difficulty. In W. C. Morst ~. A. Ballantine, & W. R. Dixon, Studies in the Psychology of Reading. New York: Greenwood Press, 1968.

Poulton, E. C. Peripheral vision, refractions and eye movements in fast oral reading. British Journal of Psychology, 1962, 53, 409- 419.

Poulton, E. C. Unwanted asymmetrical transfer effects with balanced experimental designs. Psychological Bulletin, 1966, 66{1), 1-8.

Poulton, E. C. Skimming (scanning) news items printed in 8-point and 9-point letters. Ergonomics, 1967, I0(6), 713-716.




Poulton, E. C. Unwanted range effects from using within-subject experimental designs. Psychological Bulletin, 1973, 80(2), 113- 121.

Price, J. R., Martuza, V. R. & Crouse, J. H. Construct validity of test items measuring acquisition of information from line graphs. Available from the authors: College of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 1973.

Shaw, A. Some methodological problems in legibility research. In The Visual Presentation of Technical Data, Typography Unit, University of Reading, U.K. 1973.

Smith, H. K. The responses of good and poor readers when asked to read for different purposes. Reading Research Quarterly, 1967, 3(1), 53-83.

Tuinman, J. J. The removal of information procedure. (RIP), ]ournal of Reading Behavior, 1970, 3(2), 44-50.

Carter, H. Optical scale in typefounding. Typography, 4, 1937. Froshaug, A. Typographic Norms, The Kynoch Press/DADA,

Birmingham/London, 1964. Goldring, M. Rational typographic design. Advances in computer

typesetting: Proceedings of the 1966 International Computer Typesetting Conference, The Institute of Printing, London,

Goldring, M. & Hackelsberger, A. A standard specification system for print production. The Penrose Annual, 1973.

Goldring, M. & Hoch, E. Type size: A system of dimensional references. Typographica 13, 1966.

Hoch, E. International unification of typographic measurements. The Penrose Annual, 1967.

The Working Party on Typographic Teaching: Interim Report, Society of Industrial Artists and Designers, U.K., 1968.

British Standards: B.S. 1219:1958, Proof correction and copy preparation. B.S. 2961:1967, Typeface nomenclature and classification. B.S. 4149:1967, Glossary of paper/ink terms for letterpress print-

ing. B.S. 4189:1967, Conventional typographic character for legibility

tests. B.S. 4000:1968, Sizes of papers and boards. B.S. 4277:1968, Glossary of terms used in offset lithographic

printing. B.S. 4786:1972, Specification for metric typographic measurement.
