A Semi-automatic Approach to Home Video Editing · Although tools exist for editing home video,...


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CHI Letters vol 2, 2 81

ABSTRACTHitchcock is a system that allows users to easily create cus-tom videos from raw video shot with a standard video cam-era. In contrast to other video editing systems, Hitchcockuses automatic analysis to determine the suitability of por-tions of the raw video. Unsuitable video typically has fast orerratic camera motion. Hitchcock first analyzes video toidentify the type and amount of camera motion: fast pan,slow zoom, etc. Based on this analysis, a numerical “unsuit-ability” score is computed for each frame of the video.Combined with standard editing rules, this score is used toidentify clips for inclusion in the final video and to selecttheir start and end points. To create a custom video, the userdrags keyframes corresponding to the desired clips into astoryboard. Users can lengthen or shorten the clip withoutspecifying the start and end frames explicitly. Clip lengthsare balanced automatically using a spring-based algorithm.

Keywords: video editing, video analysis, video exploration,automatic video clip extraction.

INTRODUCTIONVideo cameras are becoming increasingly popular for bothhome and office use. Video is commonly used to documentfamily events such as vacations, weddings, and graduationceremonies. In the office, video cameras are used to recordpresentations, user studies and field work, and are oftentaken on business trips to record people, places, and activi-ties.

Furthermore, Digital Video (DV), a digital camcorder for-mat, is becoming increasingly common. More and morepersonal computers are able to interface with DV camerasand have enough disk space to hold reasonable amounts ofvideo. We believe that the combination of high-quality digi-tal video, cheap capture cards, low cost disk space, andinterest in creating video content for the Web will increasethe demand for editors that handle non-professional videomaterial.

It is difficult, however, to use this video after it has beenrecorded. While people may view such videos once ortwice, they are typically left “in the bag,” since the interest-ing parts are intermixed with longer, less interesting

regions. Further, such video is often of poor quality result-ing from abrupt camera movement or too short or too longviews, making it uninteresting to watch while waiting forthe next interesting section. Although tools exist for editinghome video, most casual users find it difficult to use appli-cations such as Adobe Premiere [1] or Apple’s iMovie [2].

In this paper, we describe a new approach for addressing theproblems non-professionals have in using existing videoediting tools. Our approach is to provide the user with aninteractive system for composing video that does not requiremanual selection of the start and end points for each videoclip. The system analyzes the video to identify suitableclips, and a set of editing rules is applied to select the initiallength of each clip. The user can then select clips, adjusttheir lengths, and determine the order in which they will beshown.

This process may be divided into several steps: The video isfirst analyzed to determine camera motion and speed. Badvideo is typically characterized by fast or erratic cameramotion. Motion analysis is used to find segments of thevideo, or clips, that are suitable for inclusion in the finalvideo. A keyframe for each suitable clip is displayed to theuser. We provide an interface that allows the user to browsequickly through the keyframes of the entire raw video. Theuser then selects the desired keyframes and organizes themin a storyboard.

Hitchcock creates the final video automatically by concate-nating the selected clips. Editing rules are used to optimizethe length of each clip to be included. These rules representthe experience of a professional video producer and embodyheuristics about clip duration and transitions. After review-ing the automatically generated video, the user can use thestoryboard interface to lengthen or shorten the individualclips in cases where the rules yielded unwanted results.

We conducted a user study in which we gave DV cameras tothe participants to shoot some home video and had themedit the video with Hitchcock. The study was completedvery recently so that only a few preliminary results arereported in this paper.

In the next section, we discuss designs of video editing sys-tems that use different levels of automation. After that, wedescribe our approach for extracting clips from a video. Wethen present a user interface that supports semi-automaticvideo editing: the system offers a collection of clips that theuser can select, adjust in length, and place in a desired order.We conclude with a discussion of the use of a spring-based

A Semi-automatic Approach to Home Video EditingAndreas Girgensohn, John Boreczky, Patrick Chiu, John Doherty,

Jonathan Foote, Gene Golovchinsky, Shingo Uchihashi, and Lynn WilcoxFX Palo Alto Laboratory3400 Hillview Avenue

Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA{andreasg, johnb, chiu, doherty, foote, gene, shingo, wilcox}@pal.xerox.com

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are notmade or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bearthis notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.UIST ’00. San Diego, CA USA 2000 ACM 1-58113-212-3/00/11... $5.00

CHI Letters vol 2, 2 82

algorithm for balancing the lengths of the output videoclips.

LEVELS OF AUTOMATION FOR VIDEO EDITINGThere are aspects of the video editing process — selectingappropriate clips, for example — that are best performed byusers. Other tasks, because of their tedious nature (e.g.,selecting precise in and out points), are best done by thecomputer. Commercial and research video editing andabstracting tools, however, differ greatly in the amount andnature of the automation and manual intervention used.These systems can be classified by the amount of user inter-action required to produce a final output. There are threenatural groupings based on this measure.

Mostly ManualThere are many video editing systems that provide the userfull control over the editing process, ranging from thosemade for professional video editors to newer ones designedfor home users. None of these systems, however, performsvideo analysis to support the editing process. Most systemsoffer no assistance for selecting in and out points. Thus theuser must examine the video on a frame-by-frame basis.Some home-user systems that support DV create an initialtake list based on the camera on/off points. However, usersneed to trim undesirable material from the takes manually.

For amateurs, editing tools such as Adobe Premiere [1] orIn-Sync’s Speed Razor [11] are difficult to use, but witheffort can produce professional results. Simpler editingtools, such as Apple’s iMovie [2] and JavuNetwork [12]make it easy to select video takes and to arrange them in astoryboard. Trimming the takes, however, requires findingthe in and out points for cutting. This is difficult even withthe simpler tools because video must be examined on aframe-by-frame basis and only uniform sub-sampling isprovided. The effort required ensures that only importantvideos are worth editing.

Fully AutomaticThe other end of the spectrum removes all control from theuser. The CMU Informedia system [5, 18] creates videoskims that excerpt portions of a video based on text captionsand scene segmentation. In this system, all video is produc-tion quality. Excerpts are selected automatically by analyz-ing the associated close-caption text and finding importantpassages. He et al. [10] create summaries of on-line trainingvideo using associated presentation material (PowerPointslides), audio emphasis, and statistics from prior viewing.Pfeiffer et al. [16] find interesting locations in movies usingaudio analysis (e.g., finding gunshots). The MadCap project[17] produces summaries of videotaped Xerox PARCforums using presentation material and user indexing. All ofthese systems automatically produce a final result that is noteasily changed by the user.

Semi-AutomaticIn the middle ground are systems that automate some of theediting tasks in an attempt to make it possible to work witha larger class of video material.

The Intel home video abstracting system [15] allows a userto select an input video and a desired duration. The system

chooses a small clip from each camera take based on theaudio energy. The system then creates a four-level clustertree of the video clips based on the recorded date and time.It randomly removes subtrees at different levels to reach thedesired output video length. Based on the shooting time dif-ference between adjacent clips, different video transitionsare used. This system produces a somewhat random abstractthat provides even coverage of the source material andemphasizes clips with high audio levels. The only user inputis the total duration, and thus no control over which clipsappear in the output is possible, but may depend on thegenre of the video.

The Hitchcock system described in this paper allows a userto specify the desired total length of the output video andthe lengths of the individual clips. The system presents thevideo clips that are of sufficient quality and allows the userto choose those to be included in the output. Hitchcock ana-lyzes video to classify the frames of the video, and thendetermines video in and out points based on the suitabilityof the analyzed video material and the requested clip length.The users have as much control over the editing process asthey want, but the tedious tasks of finding usable video clipsand selecting in and out points are performed automatically.

FINDING VIDEO CLIPSHitchcock supports the video editing process by automati-cally detecting suitable clips in the raw video material andby presenting them to the user for selection and adjustment.To do so, it uses a number of heuristic editing rules to findgood clip boundaries. These editing rules are encapsulatedin a computational model that supports shortening andlengthening of clips without requiring the user to specifyexplicit in and out points.

Editing RulesExperienced video editors have rules that reflect their edit-ing decisions. We formalized these rules based on the expe-riences of one of the authors who is a professional videoeditor. These rules not only aid in the selection of in and outpoints, but also embody contextual information. We haveidentified a number of general rules for automatic editing inHitchcock:

• A clip should be neither too long nor too short.

• Clips with too fast camera movement should not beincluded because they are difficult to watch and non-informative.

• A clip should have a minimum degree of brightness.

These rules guide our selection of appropriate algorithmsfor extracting clips from video takes. Additional or differentrules can be accommodated easily with our approach.

Unsuitability ScoreWe implemented some of the rules as a simple but stillexpandable computational model that identifies useful clipsin video takes. The model incorporates brightness and cam-era and object motion information extracted from the video,and can handle user requests to shorten or lengthen particu-lar clips without requiring the user to specify in and outpoints explicitly.

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As described above, camera motion is an important criterionfor determining clip boundaries. The camera motion needsto be determined independently for each take. Takes arebased on on-off time stamps provided by the camera; whendealing with digitized analog video, camera changes can beapproximated by comparing subsequent frames in the video.We determine camera pan by computing the direction corre-sponding to minimum RMS difference between adjacentframes. The first difference is computed based on a shift of32 pixels; the second based on 16; etc. After each step, wecontinue in the direction that had the lowest RMS error inthe pixel comparison. We found that using a sliding windowof five video frames (1/6 second) for adding the detectedmotion vectors led to the best results for classifying cameramotion into meaningful categories. We are currently work-ing on a new approach that will detect camera zooms better.

We represent camera motion as a component of a singleunsuitability score for each video frame. To determine agood mapping from the detected camera motion to a singlenumber, we examined video material from different sourcesand classified the amount of camera motion into the subjec-tive categories of good, acceptable, tolerable, or unaccept-able. Using those observations, we grouped the amount ofhorizontal and vertical pan and the amount of zoom intoseveral classes corresponding to those judgments. Verticalpan had a stronger influence than horizontal pan on the per-ceived unsuitability of a sequence of frames. We thereforeuse a weighted average of horizontal and vertical pan withmore weight for the vertical component to represent thosefactors. We set the range of the unsuitability score betweenzero and one and divide that range evenly into the four cate-gories described above. For mapping the categorized aver-ages into the corresponding unsuitability values, the squareroot function produces the best fit.

For determining unsuitability based on the brightness of avideo frame, we compute the fraction of the total pixelsabove a brightness threshold. For the videos in our library,we found that 20% of the pixels with at least 45% bright-ness is sufficient for a suitable frame. For the unsuitabilityscore, we map the range between 0% and 20% linearly to adecreasing unsuitability. We combine the two unsuitabilitymeasures by taking the maximum.

Figure 1 shows a chart of a typical unsuitability score. Inaddition to the brightness and camera motion discussed

above, other factors can contribute to the unsuitability score.This approach is not limited to the visual domain. For exam-ple, audio features could also be used to determine goodportions of a video clip. By including all these factors in asingle score, the clip segmentation and trimming can be per-formed independently of the set of features used.

Determining Clip BoundariesMost commercial systems for editing DV extract informa-tion about takes from the video and visualize each take witha keyframe. It is often beneficial to further subdivide takesinto clips based on camera motion and other factors. Forexample, a take might contain two still portions separatedby a fast pan. In such a situation, it is better to have twoclips and to trim each of them independently rather thanattempting to manipulate the whole take. For the materialshot by the participants of a recently concluded user study,our system segmented video takes into 2.8 clips on average.

We use the unsuitability score over the duration of a videotake to find one or more suitable clips with respect to ourcriteria. By selecting clips that fall into “valleys” betweenpeaks of the unsuitability score, we have a portion of lowunsuitability that can be expanded into the higher areas ifneeded. At the same time, these clips must meet the mini-mum length requirement. We start by setting an unsuitabil-ity threshold and then finding the peak for each part of theunsuitability curve that is completely above the threshold.Those peaks are our candidate clip boundaries. The verticaldashed lines in Figure 1 indicate those boundaries. If a clipbetween the candidate boundaries does not meet the mini-mum length requirement (e.g., three seconds), we keepmerging it with its neighbor until the minimum length isreached. The finer dashed lines in Figure 1 (e.g., at 35.2 sec-onds) represent candidate boundaries that are too close totheir left neighbors so that they are not used as clip bound-aries. Such a segmentation leads to clips with a regionbelow the unsuitability threshold in the middle section andregions above the threshold on both sides (see Figure 2).

Depending on the requested total length of the final videoand the minimum clip length requirement, a smaller orlarger portion of the middle region can be selected for inclu-sion in the video. For a given length of a clip to be selected,the clip with the minimal area under the unsuitability curveis chosen so that the total unsuitability of that clip is mini-mized. We use a default length of five seconds for videoclips but we reduce that default length gradually to three






30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55






Figure 1: Unsuitability Score with Clip Boundaries






39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Figure 2: Selected Clip Portions

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seconds for material of low quality. Requests for a largerportion can push the selected region up into the “hills” ofthe clip (see Figure 2). Instead of always using the clip withthe minimal area under the curve, we can apply the edit rulethat a clip should end with a still by pushing more into theleft hills because that reduces the unsuitability (and there-fore the camera motion) at the end.

Using the approach described here, most of the suitablematerial of a take will be included in the selected clips whilethe unsuitable material is relegated to the clip margins thatwill not be used unless the user lengthens the clip to themaximum length. A clip will contain mostly unsuitablematerial only if the take consists of unsuitable material. Wecurrently consider marking such clips in the user interfaceor suppressing them entirely. We already suppress takesshorter than the minimum clip length.

In the opposite case of a take consisting entirely of suitablematerial, it might be necessary to perform an additional seg-mentation after the determination of clip boundaries basedon peaks in the unsuitability score. For example, two stillsseparated by a very slow pan might show very differentcamera angles but would be kept together by a purely cam-

era-motion-based segmentation. For such cases, a color-his-togram-based segmentation could further subdivide a take.

Early results of a recently concluded user study indicate thatusers care more about the audio track than we expected. Inparticular, they disliked clips starting and ending in mid-sentence. We are currently integrating a silence detectionalgorithm that will influence clip segmentation and trim-ming so that clips start and end at sentence boundaries ifpossible.

USER INTERFACEOnce clips have been determined, they need to be madeavailable to the user for inspection and inclusion in the out-put window. The user interface for Hitchcock allows theuser to select the parts of the raw video to be included in thefinal edit and to specify the order of the material. The inter-face consists of two image-based displays (see Figure 3).The top display lets users select clips from the raw video.The bottom display lets the users organize the clips alongthe timeline and change the lengths of the clips.

We currently support the use of clips from several videos byspecifying a list of video files instead of just a single one.The collection of videos is treated as a single video where

Figure 3: Video Editing User Interface

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the video boundaries are considered to be camera changes.In this setup, clips from different videos might be groupedtogether in our clip selection interface described below. Asan alternative, we consider opening videos in sequence sothat the clip selection display only shows clips from a singlevideo while the output display contains clips from severalvideos.

Presenting ClipsWhen we first envisioned our video editing system, weplanned to present all identified clips to let the users chooseamong them. We did not consider, however, how many clipswe would have to show. The sample video (about 43 min-utes) shown in the top display in Figure 3 contains 225clips. If we wanted to show all clips in the same area withthe same size keyframes, it would require more than tenpages in a scrollable window. After we tried to use such aninterface for a little while, we realized that it was too diffi-cult to find the desired clips. We also noticed that several ofthe clips looked similar to each other and decided to use thatfact.

We cluster all clips by the similarity of their color histo-grams and place similar clips into the same pile. Each clip isrepresented by one keyframe in a pile and the clips arestacked in temporal order. The FotoFile system [14] uses asimilar clustering algorithm to present visually similar pho-tographs in a Hyperbolic Tree but that approach does notappear to scale up to a large number of images. The piles areshown row-by-row in the time order of the first clip in eachpile. We provide a user-selectable option to only groupneighboring clips so that the display is completely in timeorder. In this display, however, less-similar clips may begrouped together. The Intel home video abstracting system[15] clusters clips by recording time so that clips recordedon different days are more distant than those recorded dur-ing the same hour. We plan adding that and other distancemeasures as user-selectable options.

The number of piles is determined by the available windowarea. Resizing the window changes the number of piles.Because we use a hierarchical clustering method that createsa binary cluster tree, we can select exactly as many clustersas we have piles by cutting through the cluster tree at thecorresponding level. As expected, the use of a larger win-dow with room for more piles leads to more intuitive resultswhere truly similar images are grouped together. For oursample video, we had very good results with 30 piles.

When the user points at a pile with the mouse, the timelineabove the piles shows the coverage of the clips in the pile(dark area) as well as the start time of the clip (triangle)under the mouse (see Figure 4). Furthermore, the imageunder the mouse is moved to the top to reveal its content.Other images in the pile are partially visible at the bottom-right corner. This type of display is similar to the one usedin STREAMS [6], where the edges of video frames areshown over time. Because the images used in our displayare not adjacent in time, we show more than just a one-pixeledge. If there are only a few images in the pile, we use allthe available space rather than visualizing the height of thepile in perspective (the right pile in Figure 4). We also donot show more than five images in a pile. For large piles, weonly show the top images and add one or two dark rectan-gles to indicate that there are a few more or many moreimages, respectively (the left pile in Figure 4).

To see the additional images in a pile, the user can expandthe pile by clicking on it. The current display is faded outand the images of the pile are shown in an area in the middleof the faded out display (see Figure 5). By still showing themain display as a faded out background, the user is providedwith a context for the drill-down browsing. Consequently,the user is less likely to get lost in exploring a pile. Theexpanded pile is marked by a border that can be seen in thefaded out display (left margin in Figure 5). The timeline dis-plays the coverage of the expanded view in light gray andthe coverage of the pile in a darker color as before. Thisinteraction style for exploring additional detail is similar tothe one used in our manga video summarization approach[4]. The difference is that we need to provide access toevery clip in the video for our editing system whereas themanga summary only attempts to present an overview of thevideo and access points to some interesting portions.

As shown in Figure 5, the display of the expanded pilemight contain piles itself. Those piles can be expanded inturn (see Figure 6). The previously expanded display is nowfaded out; the main display is faded out even more. Taskiran

Figure 4: Flipping Through Images in a Pile

Figure 5: Expanding a Pile of Video Clips

CHI Letters vol 2, 2 86

et al. [19] describe a similar cluster-based hierarchicalbrowsing approach that supports searches in a video data-base instead of providing access to all the clips in a video,but the interface they describe makes it easy to become dis-oriented in the matrix of keyframes because it does notshow the context from which drill-down occurred, and doesnot show the relative amount of information represented byeach keyframe until that keyframe is selected.

Expanded displays can be collapsed one or more levels byclicking on the corresponding faded out area. We believethat this interaction technique is more intuitive and efficientthan, for example, the use of a close box. After an expandedpile is collapsed again, it is still marked by a border so thatusers do not lose their place in the display. The interactiontechniques described here are based on lessons learned froma user interaction study of our manga summary [4].

To determine whether a clip is really suitable for the outputvideo, users can click on the corresponding keyframe toplay that video clip (see Figure 7). Only the clip is played

but the user can clear the in and out points to explore thearea around the clip. In our current implementation, we usethe infrastructure of our MBase system [8] that lets us playMPEG and RealVideo files. Our player presents the unsuit-ability score as a grayscale timeline (that looks like a barcode in Figure 7). We are considering adding a zoom optionfor that display so that one can better judge the suitability ofa short video clip.

Storyboard TimelineThe second interface display is a storyboard timeline forcomposing the output video. The user drags keyframes fromthe selection display and places them along the timeline. Toindicate that a clip has been used, it is framed by a purpleborder in the selection window (similar to a visited link in aWeb browser). The keyframes can be reordered by draggingthem to different points in the timeline. Figure 8 shows twodesigns for that timeline. The first design saves horizontalspace by staggering the images in two rows. Because of thesaved horizontal space, less scrolling is required to see thewhole timeline. The images are slightly overlapped to makethe time order more obvious. The second design places allimages in a single row. Our pilot users had strong prefer-ences for one or the other design so that we provide bothdesigns as a user-selectable option.

In both designs, the size of an image corresponds to thelength of the clip. A handle in the corner of each imageallows the user to resize the image and thereby to modifythe length of the clip. Minimum and maximum length con-straints are maintained by limiting the sizes of the key-frames. Early results of a recently concluded user studyindicate that hard lower and upper limits of three and tenseconds, respectively, are not well received. In response, weset a much smaller lower limit (0.7 seconds) and no upperlimit. The color of the resize frame turns red for clip lengthsoutside the recommended range of three to ten seconds. Themapping between image sizes and clip length becomes loga-rithmic for lengths longer than ten seconds to avoidextremely large images.

Once the representative keyframes have been selected andplaced in the correct order and size in the storyboard inter-face, Hitchcock automatically determines the appropriate in

Figure 6: Repeatedly Expanding Piles

Figure 7: Playing a Video Clip

Figure 8: Two Storyboard Designs

CHI Letters vol 2, 2 87

and out points for each clip to be included in the final cus-tomized video. The completed video can be played immedi-ately by passing an edit decision list to the MBase mediaplayer. Individual clips can be played as well by clicking onthe corresponding image. Once the user is satisfied with thegenerated output video, the system can create it as a singlevideo file.

Supported Video FormatsCurrently, we use the infrastructure of our MBase system[8] to play MPEG and RealVideo files. The RealVideo play-back could be used in cases where a user submits a rawvideo to a Web-based service bureau and then edits thevideo while looking at a streaming video proxy. The finalvideo could be downloaded by the user at the end. On theother hand, streaming video is not as well suited for explor-ing video clips because of the buffer time needed after eachskip. Video clips concatenated on-the-fly would not playwell with a streaming video approach. Here the user wouldhave to wait for the single video file to be created.

One scenario that we envision is Hitchcock for home usewith a DV camera connected to a PC. We expect DV tobecome the common format for home video. Therefore weplan to extend our infrastructure to support DV. We wantour users to be able to press one button to start the DV cap-ture and video analysis. Unfortunately, most current DVcameras only support real-time capture. Nevertheless, weexpect our system to be ready for editing immediately afterthe capture is completed.

BALANCING CLIP LENGTHSOne significant problem users encounter when trying tocompose a video of a given length is how to trade off thelengths of the various clips that make up the final result.Traditional video editing software may let the user adjustthe in and out points of each clip, but then the user mustexamine many clips to determine ones to contract or toexpand to produce the desired length.

This situation may be characterized by appealing to the the-ory of Cognitive Dimensions [9]. Cognitive Dimensions is atheory that describes interfaces and interactions on anabstract level; it consists of about a dozen dimensions. Theclip editing operations described above may be character-ized as scoring poorly on the dimensions of “hard mentaloperations,” “role expressiveness,” “viscosity,” and “visibil-ity.” We examine each in turn below.

• Hard mental operations. The user must keep track of clipsthat may be shortened or lengthened outside the program(on paper, for example). This may be time-consuming anderror prone.

• Role expressiveness. The user may not be able to deter-mine easily the relationship between a given clip (as rep-resented by a keyframe) and the overall video.

• Viscosity. A change in the length of one clip may requirethe user to adjust the lengths of many other clips to keepthe final video within desired length constraints. Eachsuch change then requires many additional interactions toimplement and potentially to undo it.

• Visibility. The system does not provide any feedbackwhether lengthening a particular clip to increase the over-all video length will include fairly unsuitable materialwhile there are other clips with perfectly suitable unusedportions.

Our analysis and experience with this situation suggestedthat a semi-automatic way of balancing clip durations toproduce a video of desired length could improve the usabil-ity of the interface. While providing computer support forthis activity, we wanted the user to retain creative control.To that end, we use the unsuitability score as the input for aspring model in which each selected clip has an associatedspring that tries to keep it at an optimal length while dealingwith the global constraint of the desired total video length(see Figure 9). The total video length is adjusted by thestrength of the global spring. Individual clips can be short-ened or lengthened by modifying the strengths of their asso-ciated springs. The system automatically selects the in andout points for a clip based on the strength of the associatedspring.

Spring and force models have been used in several othersystems. The NeXT Interface Builder [20] allows users toplace springs around widgets that define how readily thewidget deforms when pressed or pulled by the window itoccupies. The FormsVBT dialog builder [3] employs aTEX-based boxes-and-glue model for widget layout. TheTEX [13] typesetting system uses a numerical badness scoreto represent the amount a line of text is stretched or shrunkfrom the ideal. The system attempts to minimize the bad-ness by changing the size of the glue joining the text. Thespring model has been used for two-dimensional layout ofobjects (e.g., [7]). We apply similar techniques to the sim-pler one-dimensional (timeline) case.

Determining the Function of Spring StrengthEach clip has an associated spring that expands and con-tracts based on the force provided by the spring controllingthe total length of the produced video (see Figure 9). Eachspring of a clip has the same force applied to it so that theclip length can be determined quickly. As discussed earlier,for a given clip length the portion of the clip is selected thathas the minimal area under the unsuitability curve.

The force of the spring is related to the area under theunsuitability curve. The force required to expand or to con-tract the spring is determined from a neutral point at whichthe spring is at rest. There are several possible approachesfor selecting that neutral point. One option is to set the neu-tral length to be either zero or the minimal length of a clip

Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 Clip 4

Total Length

Figure 9: Springs for Clip and Total Length

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(e.g., three seconds). In this case, springs always expandand never contract. If the neutral length is equal to the mini-mal length, that length constraint is enforced automatically.Alternatively, the neutral length can be set to the maximumlength of the clip, i.e., everything between the clip bound-aries. In that case, springs always contract and neverexpand. As a third option, the neutral length can be the“standard” clip length (e.g., five seconds). In that case, avideo without any constraints on the total length would con-sist entirely of five-second clips. That approach can be mod-ified for clips that do not have a suitable portion of thatlength in which the unsuitability score stays below a thresh-old (the area under the curve does not exceed a certainvalue).

In selecting good clips, areas with low unsuitability scoresshould be kept whereas areas with high unsuitability scoresshould be given up easily. The force of a spring needs to beconsistent with that requirement. That means that for anexpanding spring, a small additional area under the curve(low unsuitability) should generate a small force (easy topull out the spring) to get into that portion easily, whereas alarge additional area under the curve (high unsuitability)should generate a large force. For a contracting spring, theopposite is true. A small area under the curve should gener-ate a large force (difficult to push the spring in) whereas alarge area should generate a small force. In the former case,the force is proportional to the area below the curve,whereas in the latter case, the force is proportional to thearea above the curve (see Figure 10). In both cases, chang-ing the length of the spring is supposed to change its forceeven if the area under/above the curve does not change (ascan happen with an unsuitability score of zero or one). Toaddress this concern, a constant is added to the unsuitabilityscore that provides a linear component for the spring forcefunction (see the area below zero in Figure 10).

For a given force, the length of the spring is determined viatable lookup. During the setup phase, the system loopsthrough all possible lengths for each clip and determines thein and out points for the clip with the smallest area under thecurve. The complexity of this algorithm is O(n2) where n isthe length of the clip in units (e.g., frames). For specifying afixed total length (instead of modifying the strength of theglobal spring), the system can iteratively decrease orincrease the force until the proper length is found. It mightnot be possible to satisfy such a request because of the min-

imum or maximum clip lengths. In such a case, decreasingor increasing the force will not change the total length past acertain point.

Adjusting Spring StrengthsUsers can modify the strength of the spring associated withthe total length of the produced video so that all individualclips are shortened or lengthened accordingly. If users wantto emphasize or de-emphasize individual clips, they canmanipulate the strengths of their associated springs. Theeffect of changing the spring strength for a clip depends onthe unsuitability score curve of that clip. For a constantunsuitability score over the whole length of the clip, dou-bling the strength of the spring will double the length of theclip.

Integrating the Spring ModelResults of a survey conducted as part of a recently con-cluded user study seem to indicate that balancing cliplengths might not be that important to users. Having a videoof a given total length does not seem to be a common need.We conclude from this observation that a spring modelimplementation should stay in the background rather thanbeing shown explicitly. A text entry field for the total videolength should be the only visible control. Using that totallength, the system can iteratively modify the tension in thecollection of springs until the requested length is reached.Rather than letting users modify the strengths of springsassociated with individual clips, the clip length users selectby resizing the image associated with the clip can be con-verted to the corresponding spring strength that would pro-duce a clip of that length. With this approach, the springmodel remains invisible to the user but still provides themeans to balance clip lengths for a requested total videolength while still allowing for adjustments of individualclips.

SummaryThe spring model is a promising approach for supportingusers in modifying the total output video length withouthaving to perform many adjustments of individual cliplengths. The spring model has been added to our system butit has not been used in a recently concluded user study.

CONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we have described a novel approach for thesupport of home video editing. We use automatic videoanalysis to identify suitable clips in the raw video material.We provide a user interface that lets users explore and selectthose clips easily. Rather than having to determine in andout points for the clips, users can just drag keyframes repre-senting the clips into a storyboard timeline and change theorder and lengths of the clips. For a given length of a clip,Hitchcock automatically determines the appropriate in andout points.

We also proposed an approach for helping users balance cliplength of the edited video without having to adjust thelengths of many individual clips. We represent the length ofeach clip as a spring that contracts and expands as needed toaccommodate change requests for the length of the outputvideo. The force function of each spring is determined by







44.5 45.0 45.5 46.0 46.5 47.0 47.5

Neutral Length

Figure 10: Determining the Spring Force

CHI Letters vol 2, 2 89

the underlying suitability of portions of a video clip so thatmore suitable video material is preferred for inclusion in theoutput video.

The system described in this paper will overcome someimportant obstacles people currently have with editing theirhome video. This is important as more and more peopleown DV cameras and want to use PCs to create interestingvideo presentations from their raw video material. Earlyresults of a user study show that users find it easy to interactwith the system and to edit their own home video. At thesame time, the study uncovered several conceptual andusability issues that we are currently addressing. For exam-ple, audio will play a significant role in determining clipboundaries. We also work on new modes of navigationamong clips.

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