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Divine Right of Kings

Kings and Queens received their power from God


When Sovereignty is embodied in the person of the ruler


A government free from external control

Enlightened Absolutism

An educated monarch, attempting to create change with absolute rule


This is rule by a person with virtually unlimited authority


20th century phenomenon that seeks to direct all facets of a state’s culture in the interest of the state

Glorious Revolution

Political revolution in Great Britain in 1688 that put William and Marry on the throne while limiting the power monarchy and making Parliament supreme. The beginning of a constitutional monarch

Bill of Rights

In 1689, no laws can be suspended by king; taxes constant; no army maintained except by parliament. Established after the Glorious Revolution.

Peace of Utrecht

Ended Louis XIV’s attempts to gain military power and land. Ended the war of Spanish Succession


Limited of government by law. Developed in time of absolutism

Petition of Rights

Limited the power of Charles 1st of England

couldn’t collect taxes

couldn’t declare war

soldiers couldn’t be housed without consent

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

An advisor to Louis XIV who proved himself a financial genius, managed entire royal administration, financial analyst to Louis XIV


Russian Dynasty, started with Michael Romanov after Time of Troubles. Lasted until 1917.

King Louis the 14 (France)

“Sun King” Palace Versailles strongest absolute ruler

Marie Theresa (Hapsburg)

Eastern Europe and enlightened absolute monarch

King Phillip the Second (Spain)

Weak Ruler, Esorlia Palace, Navy Spanish Armada

Queen Elizabeth the First (England)

Golden Age of England

Well loved by people

Fought of Spanish Armada

Catherine the Great (Russia)

Enlightened Monarch

Peter the Great (Russia)

Weak Ruler, tried to westernize Russia