Accepting lectie


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  • 8/15/2019 Accepting lectie


     Weathers and seasons

    Course Focus: Inviting: Accepting and refusing, planning a holiday

      Course objectives: By the end of the course students will be able to:

    - apply comfortable giving, accepting, and refusing invitations in


    Assumed knowledge: tudents are aware of the sample dialogs, they will be

    recorded and their short movies will be uploaded on the pro!ect site.

    Possible problems: tudents may have problems inviting someone in different

    situations "formal, informal and more formal#

    aterial used: $. a large photograph of a party

    %. whiteboard&chal'board and mar'ers&chal' 

    (. $ set of flash cards, one for students to invite others in the class to

    do something "go to a movie, go out to eat ,have a picnic, go to a

     party or at a travel agency dialog etc.#

    ). $ set for students to accept or decline the invitation. *he latter set

    of cards should say +ccept&efuse+ on them so that students have

    to recall and use the lesson vocabulary.

    !et: Put a picture of a party up on the board or on the wall where students can see it.

    s' students what they see going on in the picture. *hen as' students how they

    would invite someone to a party and what they would say if they wanted to go or

    did not&could not go to the party. Write answers on the board.

    Introduction: n this theme, the teacher will teach students about ma'ing, accepting,

    declining an invitation and how to plan their holidays.

    amples of activities:

    $. Write target vocabulary on the board, section titled /*o nvite0.

    %. s' a student volunteer to come up to the front of the class. s' the student if he

    would li'e to go to a party with you using the target vocabulary. Encourage the

    student to use one of the phrases to accept the invitation that you wrote on the


  • 8/15/2019 Accepting lectie


    (. s' each student what he or she would say if an unpleasant person invited him or 

    her to go to a party or to the movies. Write answers on the board.

    ). s' a few students what their favorite ways to invite invitations are. Write answers

    on the board.

    "iving Invitations:

    • What are you doing on "day&date#1

    • Would you li'e to. . .1

    • 2ow about. . .1

    • 3o you want to. . .with me1

    • 4d li'e to invite you to. . .

    #ust a few key phrases that might be included in your lesson plan are:

    • Would you li'e to. . .1

    • re you busy "on *uesday&this wee'end&etc.#1

    • What are you doing "aturday night&tomorrow#1

    • *hat sounds li'e fun.

    • 4d love to.

    • ure5

    • 4m sorry, but "e6cuse not to attend#. . .

    • can come, but 4ll be a bit late.

    • 4m running late.

    • 4m sorry, but 4m busy "that day&7riday afternoon&etc.#.

    • have another appointment at that time.

    • What time "does it start&does it end#1

    • Where is it1

    • nviting omeone to 8ome to 9our 2ouse for 3inner "nformal#

    • nviting omeone to 8ome to 9our 2ouse for 3inner "ore formal# t.

    • ccepting an nvitation "nformal#

    • ccepting an nvitation "ore formal#

    • 3eclining an nvitation "nformal#

    • 3eclining an nvitation "ore formal#