Achieving Increased Uptime with Machine Intelligence · PDF fileAchieving Increased Uptime...


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Achieving Increased Uptime with Machine Intelligence

A SignifAI technical paper

SignifAI Product Management May 2017


IntroductionThese days, when a system goes down it has the potential to affect

just about every part of a business. The consequences can range from

customers being unable to purchase goods and services, to unhappy

users negatively discussing the brand on social media, to partners

being unable to collaborate, to employees failing to stay productive

because their tools are unavailable. It is therefore no surprise that

when such a high-stakes responsibility falls upon a typically small

TechOps team, the day-to-day stress for them is going very high.

In this paper we’ll explore how machine intelligence can enable

TechOps teams to increase their system uptime by identifying and

prioritizing critical issues automatically, quickly getting to the root

cause of an issue with its full context (including logs, events and

metrics), formulating accurate remediations faster and finally, surfacing

powerful correlations that can lead to deep insights about potential

issues which may threaten uptime in the future..

What is machine intelligence?Machine intelligence is a unified term between artificial

intelligence and machine learning. Artificial intelligence

(AI) is the science of getting machines to do tasks

autonomously that begins to resemble human intelligence.

While machine learning is the practical application of AI,

with the idea being that if machines are given access to

data, they can apply AI to the data sets and learn from

the subsequent computations.


Downtime, Prioritization and Manual ProcessesDespite having a variety of monitoring tools, many TechOps

teams still operate in a highly reactive mode when it comes

to downtime. This is to be expected when a team is in the

business of constantly fighting fires. There is simply no time

to implement processes and systems that will allow them to

identify issues before they cause outages. An organization

that spends more time reacting to issues versus

implementing proactive solutions will ultimately compound

their problems because when a team feels understaffed

relative to the work that needs to be done, employees

will churn. The result of cycling through staff is the loss of

institutional knowledge about how the systems work, how

issues were resolved in the past and those solutions which

might be relevant to an outage in the present. Employee

retention issues aside, a TechOps team faces very real

threats to uptime in the following ways:

Siloed and Incompatible Monitoring Data

Monitoring tools are great at capturing specific types of

data, but in doing so they make it very challenging to

then correlate the data with other potentially relevant,

but incompatible data formats across the application and

infrastructure stack. The variety of monitoring data from a

single system can include:

• Log data being captured by tools like Splunk,

Elastic or Loggly

• Events data generated by systems with a message-

driven architecture

• Metrics captured by APM tools like NewRelic,

AppDynamics or some in-house, custom


False Positives and Alert Noise Paradoxically, deploying many monitoring tools to ensure

you have enough coverage across the entire stack ends

up generating more visual, email and messaging alerts

than can be efficiently sorted through. Amongst TechOps

teams, this is commonly referred to as “Alert Noise.”

Inefficient Root Cause Analysis Even if you are able to filter “the signal from the

alert noise” to find the issues of greatest priority, the

subsequent root cause analysis can still be inefficent.

Why? Because correlating large volumes of monitoring

data of differing types in real-time makes finding the true

cause of an issue challenging even for the most skilled

engineers. When downtime happens, every second counts

and not being able to correlate all the relevant data

related to an issue may mean that whatever solution is

ultimately deployed might simply mask the underlying

problem and not get to its true remediation.

Cumbersome Knowledge Capture and Sharing Teams often struggle with how to document and share

“lessons learned” with other team members so that

applicable solutions from the past can be applied to

issues happening in the present. Sometimes the outputs

of outages and “war room” meetings are documented

in difficult to search email threads, chat logs, wikis, code

repos and spreadsheets. This leads to an organization

being highly dependent on the experience of senior

engineers who can recall solutions and their relevance to

atheparticular issue at hand. This poses an obvious risk to

the organization, especially if the engineer is not available

at the time of the outage or leaves the company.


Custom SolutionsMany TechOps teams attempt to address these challenges

through a variety of customized or point solutions which

although going a long way in alleviating a specific pain

point, do come with development and maintenance costs,

as well as functional limitations. In the next section we

examine the pros and cons of these customized solutions.

Custom Alerting Dashboards

TechOps teams often build customized dashboards using

open source tools like Grafana or Kibana. The goal of

these dashboards is to present vast amounts of data in a

visualized format for the purpose of being able to detect

patterns and draw insights. Although, custom alerting

dashboards are helpful at alleviating some of the pains

identified above, they fall short in the following ways:

• They don’t work with all data sources, doing nothing

to eliminate data silos. Kibana for example works

with log data from Elasticsearch and Grafana with

time-series databases like Graphite, InfluxDB or

OpenTSDB. These are specialized tools that create

siloed streams based on siloed data repositories.

• Despite the fact that these tools are feature rich, they

only provide data visualization. This assists in one of the

early steps of the analytical process related to getting

to an answer, but doesn’t provide a complete solution.

• Custom dashboards require constant maintenance to

remain functional if any of the underlying components

introduce breaking API changes or new data sources.

Custom Data Analysis

Custom data analysis is used by TechOps teams for the

purpose of attempting to address specific production

issues. This is typically a reactive process performed under

extreme time pressure. It involves making a first guess

at what the issue might be and where the relevant data

may be located. Next, the engineers will go searching for

the data and then gather it all in one place. The final step

involves analyzing the data and then drawing a conclusion

from it. This can be done manually or with a process that

formalizes each step.

“I think there is enormous upside to applying machine learning techniques to our system monitoring events. For a human, correlating different events across components and time is like a particularly tedious game of memory. We get good at it eventually, but a purpose built Machine Learning system should be able to suggest correlations out of the box. With training, I suspect it could out perform humans. The best part will be freeing our developers to focus on solutions rather than reacting to problems.”

CHRIS HAAG Dir of Engineering, Agari

Although, custom data analysis is helpful at alleviating

some of the pains (identified above), inheritsfollowing


• It is people intensive and particularly taxing for senior

engineers that have the greatest chance of being able

to “connect the dots.”

• It is manual and time consuming.

• It is prone to errors due to time pressure, stress, lack

of experience, imperfect data sets, bias, and fatigue.

• It doesn’t reliably yield results, meaning it’s not

immediate and the time it takes to get it done

depends on the resources available, the complexity of

the issue and the available data.


Manual Processes

There are also manual processes that TechOps teams can

use to address downtime. The typical five steps required

to address a production issue are:

1. Formulate a hypothesis

2. Search and gather the relevant data

3. Analyze the data and draw conclusions that may or

may not validate the initial hypothesis

4. Decide on a course of action to best address the issue

5. Verify that the issue is fixed, otherwise revisit the

above and repeat

The manual processes a TechOps team would employ to

resolve an issue will inherit all the limitations that humans

have in terms of their ability to make sense of a given

range of issues and on analyzing a large data set, over a

period of time, in a consistent way. Humans also have the

ability to get distracted, especially if they are receiving a

large quantity of noisy alerts.

Point Solutions

Point solutions are another method for TechOps teams to

employ which includes things like:

• Anomaly detection on time-series data, for example:


• Log monitoring, for example: Splunk or Sumologic

• Event aggregation, for example: BigPanda

• Network monitoring, for example: Kentik

Point solutions attempt to address the need for

visualizations on a specific part of the environment, or some

very specific type of analysis, on a set of consistent data.

Although point solutions can alleviate some very specific

pains, they fall short in that they only answer very specific

questions that don’t provide the full coverage that

encompasses the broad mission of a TechOps team, which

is to ensure customer SLAs, internal system availability

and reliability. They can be useful, but need to be

complemented with additional tooling to compensate for

each tool’s inherent limitations.


Unlocking the Power of Machine IntelligenceSignifAI is machine intelligence that helps TechOps teams

get to accurate answers faster by finding correlations in

real-time, among very large volumes of log, event and

metrics monitoring data. SignifAI makes this possible with

its Deep Knowledge™ correlations which are driven by

algorithms and the collective expertise of the TechOps

team. This enables a team to get to root causes quickly,

regardless of the seniority of the engineers currently on

shift. And because SignifAI is a machine, it never leaves the

team and therefore retains perfect memory. This means

SignifAI can match the cause and resolution of an issue

from the past, with an issue happening right now. These

powerful correlations also unlock predictive Insights &

Answers™ to issues that could threaten uptime in the

future. When TechOps teams deliver more uptime, they

finally find the time to work on more complex problems

that require creative solutions...precisely the things that

machines can’t do.

Prioritize and Take Action

SignifAI makes it easy to prioritize alerts that signal

threats to uptime or performance. This is achieved

through the automatic correlation of alerts from all of

your various monitoring systems into unified incidents

prioritized by severity. Not only does it become simple

to know where to start taking action, but SignifAI also

delivers a recommended solution with each alarm.

Fast Root Cause Analysis

Because SignifAI automatically correlates log, event

and metrics data from disparate monitoring systems, it

helps you get to the true cause of an issue faster versus

checking multiple tools or having to confer with multiple

colleagues. Full visibility and context about a problem

means the solutions you implement won’t mask more

serious underlying problems.

Get Accurate Answers Automatically

SignifAI provides relevant, uniquely tailored solutions to

any problems it detects in real-time or predictively to

those that may occur in the future. These solutions are

informed by a combination of SignifAI’s learning engine

and the TechOps team’s operational expertise.

Capture and Transfer Knowledge

SignifAI understands that a major challenge TechOps

teams struggle with is how to efficiently capture the

knowledge their collective team possesses. A subsequent

challenge is how to make that knowledge easily accessible

to junior Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) so they can

perform closer to the level of a senior engineer. This only

becomes possible if the solutions are readily available,

indexed and can be correlated accurately against issues.

What is Deep Knowledge™?SignifAI’s term for knowledge represented

in SignifAI whether from implicit decisions

and user actions or explicit decisions.

What are Insights and Answers™?These are the outputs SignifAI produces.

SignifAI generates insights that are

unique to an environment, plus provides

diagnostics and recommendations that

informs potential answers into the root

cause of an issue.


How does SignifAI work?SignifAI is machine intelligence delivered as-a-service, so

there is no software to download or install. Getting started

is simple and integrating with the monitoring tools you

already use is quick. The typical time to the first predictive

insight is less than 20 minutes.

Collecting Data with Sensors

SignifiAI supports over 60 integrations straight-out-of-

the-box including applications, infrastructure, networking,

notification, messaging, deployment and collaboration

tools. Integrations include popular tools like NewRelic,

Splunk, AppDynamics, Slack, AWS, Nagios and more.

These integrations are easily enabled using SignifAI’s

Active Inspector™ sensor, which actively collects

information using a platform specific API or via the Web

Collector sensor which “listens” for data over a webhook.

What is Active Inspector™?An open source, API-based agent that

analyzes data automatically and proactively.

What is the Web Collector?SignifAI’s alternative method for capturing

and analyzing monitoring data. In this case

SignifAI “listens” on a specific URL for data.


Responding to Alerts and Performing Root Cause Analysis in the Control Center SignifAI’s Control Center is where a feed of alerts are

automatically correlated and prioritized so it becomes a

simple task to know which issues are the most important

to work on at the moment. Each “issue card” contains all

the relevant data you need at a glance to start triaging,


1. A description of the alert in a natural language format

2. Its criticality and portions of the application stack


3. Monitoring tools whose alerts are correlated with the


4. Notifications and the current status of the issue

Events Log

When drilling into an “issue card” you get all the relevant

data that applies to the issue whether it be log, event or

metric data. This makes it much easier to ge the full-

context surrounding an issue, making root cause analysis

much faster and accurate.


Accessing Predictive Insights and Answers™ in the Control Center Along with prioritized issues appearing in the Control

Center feed, SignifAI automatically populates it with

Insights and Answers™ to issues happening in real-time,

as well as predictively on daily, weekly and monthly

schedules. The insights that SignifAI generates are unique

to your environment, not generic algorithms applied

to a static set of data. Accompanying every insight are

diagnostics and recommendations that inform potential

solutions to the issues that have been detected.

Accessing Captured Knowledge in Decisions

In the Decisions tab of SignifAI, users can access the

conditions and sets of logic explicitly made by the team,

plus the implicit conditions and logic made by SignifAI.

What is SAM?SAM stands for SRE Augmented Member


My Decisions

This section catalogs all the logic, conditions, past

knowledge and experience that were explicitly set by the

TechOps team. These cards provide an “at-a-glance” view

of the high-level information pertaining to the type of

issue and the logic SignifAI will constantly execute in real-

time, based on the human expert knowledge.

SAMs Decisions

Like “My Decisions,” the “SAMs Decisions” section

catalogs all the logic, conditions and knowledge that were

implicitly pre-set by SignifAI. These cards provide an “at-

a-glance” view of the high-level information pertaining to

the type of issue, the logic SignifAI applied based on real

experts, industry best practices, the DevOps community

and additional learning the system has adapted over time.

Decision Info Along with an “in plain English” description of the issue,

the “Decision Info” section contains the “Event Log” data

associated with the issue. This allows a user to quickly drill

down into all the relevant log, event and metric data.

Decision Syntax This section is where scripts and syntax logic that was

applied to an issue or should be applied to future issues

with similar characteristics are documented.


ConclusionIn this paper we looked at the pros and cons of varying

custom solutions, as well as, the application of machine

intelligence to the major challenges facing TechOps

teams today. Machine intelligence has the benefit of

having a perfect memory of past issues and solutions,

being “on call” 24/7 with the capacity to correlate large

volumes of data in real-time,. When applied correctly,

machine intelligence can help a TechOps team increase

their system uptime by identifying and prioritizing

critical issues automatically, quickly getting to the root

cause of issue with its full context, formulating accurate

remediations faster and leveraging powerful correlations

to unlock deep insights to potential threats that may

threaten uptime in the future.

Next Steps• Sign up for a FREE trial of SignifAI

• Watch the product demo

• Download the SignifAI datasheet

• Learn about SignifAI the company

About SignifaiSignifAI was founded by a team of TechOps engineers

who faced the challenge of delivering uptime at scale for

years. Frustrated by available solutions, they decided to

take a new approach with machine intelligence. SignifAI

is a cloud-based machine intelligence platform that

makes use of a TechOps team’s operational expertise,

artificial intelligence and their existing monitoring tools to

automate the identification, prevention and remediation

of production problems. SignifAI is backed by Highland

Capital Partners and headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA,

with offices in Tel Aviv.

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