ADF X Implementation Matrix_gender


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  • 7/30/2019 ADF X Implementation Matrix_gender


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    A. Asian Development Fund (ADF) X Strategic Priorities1. ADF X

    programaligned withits priorities

    1.1 ADF X program emphasizesoperations' contribution to thestrategic agenda of Strategy2020: inclusive growth,environmental sustainability,and regional cooperation.

    Work program andbudget framework(WPBF)

    Third Quarter(Q3) every year

    Regionaldepartments;Strategy andPolicyDepartment(SPD) tocoordinate

    Based on the most recent WPBF, 20112013 shows 22% of planned ADF projects in20112012 have a regional component,compared with 16% in 20072009.Environmental and climate change concernswill be mainstreamed in 53% of projects, asubstantial increase from 14% in 20072009.To contribute to inclusive economic growth,11% of ADF operations in 20112012 willfocus on education, 63% will address genderissues, and 18% will promote private sector

    development.1.2 To raise impact on the

    strategic agenda, ADF Xprogram focuses its activitieson infrastructure andeducation sectors through theannual rolling countryoperations business plansexercise

    WPBFCountry partnershipstrategies (CPSs) andtheir midterm progressreview papersCountry operationsbusiness plans

    Q3 every year



    Regionaldepartments;SPD tocoordinateRegionaldepartmentsRegionaldepartments

    Of the ADF planned program for 20112012,69% supports infrastructure. The ADFprogram for education accounts for 11%. Toincrease operations in education, anoperational plan was approved in 2010, anda results delivery scheme was introduced.

    1.3 ADF X program promotesregional cooperation and

    integration in line with theregional cooperation andintegration strategy.

    2007 DevelopmentEffectiveness Review


    DEfRs for 2008 andbeyond

    ADF X midterm review(MTR) report

    Q3 2008

    Q2 2009 andbeyond

    ADF X MTR2010


    ManagingDirectorGeneral'soffice;and Office ofRegionalEconomicIntegration tocoordinate

    Facilitated by the increased ADF X earmarkfor subregional projects, 26% of ADF

    projects approved in 20092010 supportedregional cooperation and integration. As perthe 2010DEfR, increases in regionalcooperation and integration projects in 2010enabled the Asian Development Bank (ADB)average for 20082010 to surpass the ADFtarget of 15% by 4 percentage points.

    A paper on regional cooperation andintegration was prepared for the ADF XMTR


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    coordinate ADF countries.

    Guidance notes for sector risk assessments

    have been completed for electricity, urbanwater supply, education, and road transport.

    Resident missions in Bangladesh, Mongolia,and Nepal have recruited long-term nationalgovernance consultants.

    The country performance assessment (CPA)indicator on governance and public sectormanagement improved from 3.2 in 2005 to3.5 in 2010.

    1.6 ADF X program integrates

    climate changeconsiderations acrossprojects and programs.

    Climate change

    strategic prioritiespaper


    MTR report

    Q1 2010

    Q3 every year

    ADF X MTR2010


    departments;RSDDClimateChangeProgramCoordinationUnit tocoordinate

    Management approved a corporate-level

    priorities paper on ADB's climate changeprogramAddressing Climate Change in

    Asia and the Pacific: Priorities for Actiondin

    April 2010. The action plan identifies fivepriorities for ADBs support.

    A report on climate change was prepared forthe ADF X MTR.

    Each CPS for ADF countries prepared since2009 has addressed climate changeconsiderations. This represents substantive

    follow through on the 20082009 exercise toidentify priority actions for each of ADB'ssubregions, contained in the Climate ChangeImplementation Plan.

    Internal capacity continues to bestrengthened through staff training andrelated activities, and recruitment of staff withclimate change skills.

    1.7 ADF X program pays special WPBF Q3 every year Regional A paper on ADB engagement in fragile and

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    attention to weakly performingcountries (WPC) in line withthe approach to weaklyperforming countries adoptedin 2007.

    MTR report ADF X MTR2010

    departments;WPC focalpoint (PacificDepartment)to coordinate

    conflicted-affected situations (FCAS)e

    wasprepared for the ADF X MTR.

    Total approved assistance to FCAS in 2010was $492 million, of which $377 million wasin the form of grants. The largest grantrecipients were Afghanistan and SolomonIslands.

    In 2010, country initiatives included (i) apeace-building advisor at the Nepal residentmission to implement the peace filter; (ii) agovernance and political economy study tosupport implementation of the CPS forPapua New Guinea; and (iii) a development

    coordinator in Vanuatu to supportimplementation of the CPS. In addition, anin-house network and resource center havebeen established.

    An independent evaluation in 2010 of ADBsapproach to FCAS concluded that the 2007approach was needed and has beenrelevant.


    2. Performance-basedallocation

    (PBA) systemmodified andimplemented

    2.1 Modify the PBA policy in linewith revisions agreed withdonors

    Board consideration ofthe policy paper

    Q3 2008 SPD The Board approved a revised policy inNovember 2008.


    2.2 Implement the revised PBApolicy successfully

    Annual report on CPA Q2 every year Regionaldepartments;SPD tocoordinate

    The revised policy guided the determinationof the 20092010 and the 20112012 ADFallocations, based on the most recent CPAratings.

    The annual CPA report is released in Mayevery year.

    B. Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF)

    3. More 3.1 Develop guidelines for Approved guidelines January 2009 SPD Guidelines on use of TA resources, including

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    transparentuse of TASFresources for

    ADF countries

    allocating TASF resources,covering the purposes ofallocating TASF resources to

    ADF countries, criteria for theuse of TASF resources, andthe process for providingTASF resources to technicalassistance (TA) programs in

    ADF countries.

    and criteria onallocating TASFresources to TA

    programs in ADFcountries

    TASF, were issued in December 2008.h

    3.2 Undertake a comprehensivereview of TASF operation,including the origin of theTASF, the sources offinancing, and effectiveness

    in utilizing TASF resources.

    Comprehensive reviewof TASF operations atMTR

    ADF X MTR2010

    SPD A paper entitled Review of TechnicalAssistance Special Fund OperationsMeasures for Improving Effectiveness wasprepared for the ADF X MTR.

    C. Debt Sustainability

    4. ADF granteligibilitylinkedexclusively todebt-distressstatus

    4.1 Build capacity for the debtsustainability analysis (DSA)by improving staff skills mixand institutional arrangement

    Full DSA team in place Q3 2008 SPD Full DSA team is in place.

    Four technical training workshops incollaboration with the IMF and World Bankwere held for ADB economists (March 2009and June 2010), and for developing membercountry (DMC) officials (October 2009 andNovember 2010).

    4.2 Participate in DSA with the

    International Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Bank

    Annual information

    paper to the Board oncountry allocations

    Q4 every year SPD ADB undertook 9 missions in 2009 and 6

    missions in 2010 to collaborate with the IMFand World Bank on DSAs.

    Information on debt distress classification forADF-only DMCs was provided to the Boardin December 2010.

    D. ADBs Institutional Effectiveness

    5. Managing fordevelopmentresults

    5.1 Continue implementing theMfDR Action Plan (20062008), based on the last

    2007 DEfR

    MTR report

    Q3 2008


    All;SPD tocoordinate

    ADB completed the implementation of theMfDR Action Plan (20062008), achievingmost of its objectives.

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    (MfDR)mainstreamedacross ADB

    progress report discussed bythe Development EffectivenessCommittee (December 2007).

    2010ADB developed a new action plan (see 5.4).

    5.2 Inaugurate ADBs DEfR toassess and report on ADBsperformanceincluding ADFXusing the resultsframeworkas part of ADB'scorporate-level performancemanagement system

    2007 DEfR

    DEfRs for 2008 andbeyond

    Q3 2008

    Q2 2009 andbeyond

    RSDD andSPD tocoordinateundermanagingdirectorgeneral'sguidance

    Four DEfRs have been issued. The 2010DEfRimproved the assessment process byusing ADBs refined results frameworkapproved by the Board in January 2011, andapplying an improved scorecard ratingmethodology. A seminar on the 2010 DEfRisbeing organized for the 2011 AnnualMeeting.

    Heads of departments have been meetingquarterly to assess results performance andprogress on DEfR actions.

    5.3 Improve country developmenteffectiveness briefs by linkingmore closely with ADBsresults framework and moresystematically reporting onthe contribution of projectoutputs to developmentoutcomes in individualcountries

    Country developmenteffectiveness briefs

    Ongoing Regionaldepartments;SPD tocoordinate

    Eleven country briefs were completed in2010. At least 8 more will be prepared in2011.

    5.4 Review MfDR Action Plan todefine next steps on ADBs

    MfDR agenda beyond 2008

    Final report of thereview of the MfDR

    Action Plan toManagement withrecommendations onnext steps

    Managementsdecisions on next stepson MfDR

    Q4 2008

    Q1 2009

    SPD ADB continued to implement its MfDR ActionPlan for 20092011. In 2011, ADB cascaded

    the Strategy 2020 priorities to department,division, and staff work plans to alignperformance with corporate results andstrengthen staff accountability.

    6. ADBresponds to

    6.1 Complete the ongoing reviewof resident mission

    Final report of thereview

    Q2 2008 SPD,BPMSD

    The review was completed in September2008 and a Board information paper was

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    clients fasterand better

    operations and developoptions for next steps

    prepared. Needed improvements arecontinually being implemented. In 2010,BPMSD introduced new institutional

    strengthening and human resources policiesfor enhancing the role of resident missionsand their staff. Additional staff positions wereallocated in 20102011 including a deputycountry director for large resident missions.In 2010, ADB reached its 2012 target oflocating 48% of regional department staff inresident missions. The share is expected toreach 52% by 2012.

    6.2 Implement streamlinedproject preparation TA

    processes proposed underthe TA management reforminitiative

    Operations Manualforthe new business

    processes for TA

    Q2 2008 All;SPD to


    The 2009 Board paper on Better and FasterLoan Delivery as part of the streamlined

    business processes simplifies the processingof project preparatory TA by integrating it intothe project concept clearance for an ensuingloan or grant.

    iThe results of streamlined

    business processes will be assessed in2011.

    6.3 Review the implementation ofstreamlined businessprocesses introduced since2006 and identify options forfurther streamlining

    Final report toManagement withrecommendations

    Q1 2009 SPD The streamlined business processes for loandelivery and country partnership strategypreparation became effective on 1 January2010.

    The 2009 business processes review

    recommended taking stock of ADBs lendinginstruments to further enhance clientresponsiveness. A review of additionalfinancing was completed by December 2010.


    Two working papers proposing theestablishment of a project design facility andenhancing policy-based lending have beendiscussed by the Board.


    6.4 Implement streamlinedconsultant selection and

    2007 DEfR Q3 2008 Regionaldepartments;

    The consultant management system, whichstreamlines TA consultant selection and

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    recruitment processes for loanand TA projects DEfRs for 2008 and

    beyondQ2 2009 andbeyond


    Office(COSO) tocoordinate

    recruitment, was launched in October 2010and compulsory use of the system for all

    ADB TAs took effect in January 2011. As of

    29 March 2011, 119 TA projects have usedor are using the system to recruitconsultants.

    COSO set up a loan consulting services unitin Q2 2010, which helps regionaldepartments and borrowers to improveefficiency in recruiting consultants for loanprojects. The unit became fully operational inQ1 2011.

    COSO has developed new project

    administration instructions on consultingservices to support the implementation of theconsultant management system and the loanconsulting services unit. The Presidentapproved the new instructions in October2010.

    7. ADB as alearningorganization

    7.1 Prioritize ADBs researchagenda with its prioritiesunder Strategy 2020


    KnowledgeManagement ActionPlan (20092011)

    Q3 every year All;RSDD tocoordinate

    Since 2008, TA Strategic Forums ensure thatADB's research and development TAresources are well targeted. The StrategicForum 2010 reaffirmed the five strategicpriorities endorsed in the first StrategicForum in 2008.

    The research program of ADBs Economicsand Research Department over the period20102012 was developed around the threemain strategic themes of Strategy 2020 and

    ADF X.

    About half of the action points in theknowledge management results frameworkhave been completed. The rest arecontinuing activities or at various stages of

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    New sector peer review procedures

    harnessing the expertise of ADB-hostedcommunities of practice (CoPs) have beenincorporated into ADBs business processesfor CPSs and lending products, optimizingthe use of staffs operations-relatedknowledge, particularly on Strategy 2020priorities.

    To strengthen internal knowledge flows, ADBhas started and continues to empower CoPs.

    8. Effective andindependent

    operationsevaluationfunction at


    8.1 Conduct a review of theOperations Evaluation

    Department to ensure itsindependence and improve itsoperations, in consultationwith the Board in defining theterms of reference andassessing the status of thereview

    Final terms ofreference for the review

    Final report of thereviewBoard consideration ofrecommendations

    Terms ofreference

    finalized in April2008

    Q4 2008

    Q4 2008


    ad hocworking group(SPD assecretariat)

    An independent review was completed inSeptember 2008. The Board approved the

    revised policy paperin December 2008 andchanges became effective in January 2009.


    The Operations Evaluation Department wasrenamed to the Independent EvaluationDepartment in January 2009.

    9. ADB partnerswith otherdevelopmentpartners moreeffectively

    9.1 Continue to implement theParis Declaration on AidEffectiveness, including the

    Accra Action Agenda to beadopted at the Third HighLevel Forum

    DevelopmentAssistance Committeeof the Organization forEconomic Co-operationand Development(OECD-DAC)monitoring surveys

    2007 DEfR

    DEfRs for 2008 andbeyond

    Q2 2008

    Q3 2008

    Q2 2009 andbeyond

    All;SPD tocoordinate

    OECD-DAC's 2008 monitoring survey resultsshowed that ADB made strongimprovements since 2005.

    ADB monitors its progress towards achievingParis Declaration annually. Its latest survey(2010)

    found that ADB as a whole continued

    to meet the targets on five of the ninerelevant Paris Declaration indicators: aligningaid with national priorities, coordinating TA,using country public financial managementsystems, reducing parallel projectimplementation units, and increasing jointmissions.

    mIt also made significant progress

    in joint country analytical work. The survey

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    also highlighted areas where more efforts arerequired, e.g., use of country procurementsystems, use of program-based approaches,

    and aid predictability.

    9.2 Deepen partnerships withother partners at the countrylevel to leverage impact of

    ADF operations and ensurewell-coordinated assistancefor sectors where ADBengagement remains limited(such as health, andagriculture and naturalresources)

    CPSs and theirmidterm progressreview papers

    Country operationsbusiness plans




    This is being implemented. Collaboration atthe country level among ADB and otherpartners is worked out through the CPS. AllCPSs are accompanied by a developmentpartner coordination matrix.

    ADB also conducts periodic discussions andconsultations with its bilateral and multilateralpartnersincluding Agence Franaise deDveloppement, Australian Agency forInternational Development, JapanInternational Cooperation Agency, UnitedNations Children's Fund, and the WorldBankto discuss and agree oncomplementary work at the country level inorder to enhance aid effectiveness andprevent any duplication of interventions.

    9.3 Prepare a report on thepossibility of amending thelegal provisions to enableuniversal procurement

    Report on universalprocurement

    ADF X MTR2010

    Office of theGeneralCounsel,CentralOperations


    A report reviewing member countryprocurement eligibility restrictions wasprepared for the ADF X MTR. The paper wasalso circulated to the Board of Directors asan information paper on 5 November 2010,

    and a related informal Board seminar wasconducted by OGC and COSO on 4February 2011. Discussions continue withindividual Board members.

    10. ADB operatestransparently

    10.1 Sustain high compliance ondisclosure requirementsunder the PublicCommunications Policy(2005)

    Annual PublicCommunications Policyprogress report

    Q1 every year Department ofExternalRelations(DER)

    Public Communications Policy is beingreviewed (including an assessment of itsimplementation since 2005).

    ADB disclosed 96% of project summaries orpublic information documents on its website

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    in 2010.

    DERs Public Information and Disclosure Unit

    responded to requests in an average of 4days (1,027 requests received through theunit in 2010).

    10.2 Implement the 2007Translation Framework tomake more informationavailable to affected people ina language they understand

    Annual PublicCommunications Policyprogress report

    Q1 every year DER The volume of translations in 2010 increasedby 45 %. The number of languagestranslated increased to 24 from 22. A reviewof the Translation Framework will be initiatedin 2011 following the completion of the PublicCommunications Policy review.

    10.3 Conduct perceptions surveyof ADB every 23 years,

    following the 2006 survey

    Perceptions surveyreports

    Next survey in2012

    DER The final report of the 2009 survey wasdisseminated in May 2010. Preparations for

    the 2012 survey will begin by Q4 of 2011.11. ADB

    manages itshumanresourcesbetter

    11.1 Implement flexible recruitmentpractices, with flexibilityapplied to nationality, staffposition level, salary level,fixed-term contract other than3 years, etc.

    Guidelines on flexiblerecruitment

    Guidelinesissued in April2008



    ADB has implemented a flexible recruitmentpractice that includes the use of specialfixed-term contracts to secure skills neededfor specific areas of ADBs activities. Torecruit staff on a timely basis, the followingstrategies and approaches have beenimplemented: simultaneous consideration ofinternal and external applicants, automatedand online application system, recruitmentand outreach missions, networking or referralsystem, increased use of executive search

    firm for hard-to-fill positions, partnering withother development websites as part of therecruitment campaign and increased use ofinformation technology and communicationresources for human resource actions,including video interviews.

    11.2 Implement a moretransparent appointmentprocess for senior staff (levels9 and 10), including

    Externaladvertisements ofsenior staff vacancies

    Continuous BPMSD This is continuing.

    Managerial line positions at levels 9 and 10are advertised simultaneously internally and

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    simultaneous internal andexternal advertisement, andinterviews as required for

    short-listed internal andexternal candidates


    11.3 Undertake a comprehensivereview of the humanresources strategy inconsultation with the Boardand with the assistance ofexternal experts

    Start of the review

    Report on the review tothe Board

    Revised action planimplemented

    2007 DEfR

    DEfRs for 2008 andbeyond

    Q2 2008

    Q4 2008

    From 1Q 2009

    Q3 2008

    Q2 2009 andbeyond

    BPMSD The review has been completed. ADB'spaper on the review was circulated to theBoard in December 2008 and discussed bythe Board on 20 January 2009.


    The President approved the HumanResources Action Plan in March 2009 forimplementation (11.3a).

    11.3a Implementation of the variousactions contained in theHuman Resources ActionPlan towards more effectivemanagement of humanresources. It is recognizedthat the action plan is intendedto be a "living document"; thecontent and timelines will beupdated, as may be

    necessary, in consultation withManagement and the Boardthrough regular reports.

    Outcomes and/orindicators are specifiedin the action plan forthe various actions.

    Timeframeand/or frequencyare specified inthe action planfor the variousactions

    Starting in 2009and ongoingimplementation

    Workinggroup oneffectivemanagementof humanresources(BPMSD assecretariat)

    Various actions in the Human ResourcesAction Plan are ongoing and/or completed(see below). The updated action plan wasincorporated into the Human ResourcesFunction Strategic Framework and ActionPlan that superseded the earlier HumanResources Action Plan.

    Highlights of the HumanResources Action Plan include: Development of a people

    strategy and humanresources function strategy

    Improve workforce planningto ensure skills mix

    Our People Strategy was launched by thePresident on 2 February 2010. The Presidentapproved the Human Resources FunctionStrategic Framework on 15 April 2010.

    Improved workforce planning wasimplemented in the WPBF, 20102012 and

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    alignment to Strategy 2020 Build capacity of managers

    to effectively support the

    implementation of humanresources programs andmanage staff

    Enhance existing humanresources programs toincrease employeeengagement

    Strengthen the role of thehuman resources function insupporting the userdepartments and/ormanagers and delivering

    efficient and effectiveservice to its clients

    continued in the WPBF, 20112013.

    A number of measures were undertaken to

    increase the capacity of managers includingmanagers learning lunches; publication ofthe Managers and Supervisors Guidebookon Position Assignment, Recruitment andCareer Progression; and assessment anddevelopment centers to develop managerialtalent.

    The comprehensive review of compensationwas completed in Q4 2010 and the benefitsreview is expected to be completed by mid2011.

    The updated competency framework (basedon the competencies shown in Our PeopleStrategy) was approved and published in Q4,2010. Rollout activities are occurring in Q1Q2 2011.

    Worklife balance provisions have beenenhanced.

    11.4 Conduct staff engagementsurveys every 23 years

    Staff engagementsurvey reports

    Next survey 2012 BPMSD Survey was conducted in May 2010 andsummary results were communicated in July2010.

    Departmental and divisional results andfollow-up activities started in August, andproposed department and ADB-specificactions were submitted to BPMSD by Q42010.

    Each department head prioritizes their topthree proposed department-specific actionsto be reflected in their 2011 work program

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    during Q1 2011 and implementation tocontinue throughout the year.

    a Papers prepared for the ADF X midterm review can be found at ADB. 2010. Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming Categories of ADB. Manila.c

    Based on GACAP II Progress Report for April-September 2010.d

    ADB. 2010.Addressing Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific: Priorities for Action. Manila.

    e The FCAS steering committee, chaired by the director general of the Strategy and Policy Department and composed of ADB's heads of departments, agreed in June 2008 to replace theterm weakly performing countries by fragile and conflict-affected situations, in line with usage at the Organisation for Economic Co -operation and Development and the World Bankand in line with the multilateral development bank (MDB) working group's 2007 recommendation endorsed during a meeting of the heads of MDBs.

    fADB. 2010. Special Evaluation Study:Asian Development Bank's Support to Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations. Manila.

    g ADB. 2008. Refining the Performance-Based Allocation of Asian Development Fund Resources. Manila.h

    ADB. 2008. Increasing the Impact of the Asian Development Banks Technical Assistance ProgramImplementation Arrangements. Manila.i

    ADB. 2009. Better and Faster Loan Delivery. Manila.j ADB. 2010. Additional Financing: Enhancing Development Effectiveness. Manila.k ADB. 2010. Establishing the Project Design Facility. Manila; ADB. 2010. Review of ADBs Policy-Based Lending. Manila.l

    ADB. 2008. Review of the Independence and Effectiveness of the Operations Evaluation Department. Manila.m

    ADB. 2010.Asian Development BanksProgress on Aid Effectiveness: 2010 Update. Manila.n ADB. 2008. Comprehensive Review of the Human Resources Strategy (2005-2007). Manila.
