Advert Analysis



Advert Analysis

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In this advert there are many things that I like and find interesting. The first thing that I like it how the whole advert looks like a Polaroid picture as it has a white boarder around the whole picture. The next thing I like is how the picture is of the band but how is it two pictures in one of a street, this makes the picture look really interesting and quite different which really helps to pull your attention to the advert. The next thing I like is all of the colours in the advert, both in the picture, fonts and background. I like how the background is an off white, it really suits in with the genre of music and it isn't to bright and in your face. I also like how they have matched the line of writing underneath the picture to a similar colour that is in the picture as it helps to make the advert flow. The third thing I like about the colours is how the picture looks really vintage and old even though it isn't that old, this again matches the genre of music that Noah And The Whale do. The last thing I like is how they have used big bold fonts so that you know who they are and what they are trying to put across, this also helps the advert to stand out.