Affect society in different ways. Participatory democracy tends to advocate more involved forms of...


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Affect society in different ways

Defining participatory democracy

Participatory democracy tends to advocate more involved forms of citizen participation than traditional representative democracy.

Participatory democracy strives to create opportunities for all members of a population to make meaningful contributions to decision making, and seeks to broaden the range of people who have access to such opportunities.

Your words affect the decision

When people in the surroundings does something that affects the decision process(protest, talking with the involved people etc.) it will change the outcome.

OutcomeDecision process

The effects of the surroundings

In addition to voting

A participatory democrazy is not only when you vote. You must do other things to show your opinion for example:

Sign up for a political party(by doing so you can affect the decisions made by the government)

Arrange protests Boycott products

From local to global level It is not only your country’s government

that is being chosen by you. You can also affect how your kids’ kindergarten should use their money or what the local politicians should fund. You can even affect what the EU parliamentarian should focus on.
